The Anvil (The Dragon Guardian)

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The Anvil (The Dragon Guardian) Page 5

by I Heaton

  Suddenly they heard a rough voice saying “Well now, how about you give us anything of value and we'll be on our way.” The three spun around and saw a group of armed bandits, about fifteen in all. They carried a variety of weapons ranging from clubs with nails to swords to crossbows. Tom stepped towards them and said “Or you could leave now with your lives and freedom, your choice.”

  The bandits laughed and one said in a mocking tone “Oh, we are so scared of three little kids.” Dejoni landed behind the three and the boys grabbed their weapons, Madison grabbed a crossbow and leveled it. The bandits stood for a moment then the man who was obviously the leader yelled and ran at them.

  Tom motioned with his arm and a large rock hit him in the head. The bandits wavered but kept coming, Madison fired the crossbow then put it down. A man fell clutching his leg. She started fighting with magic and Dejoni launched himself into the air and spat acid on the attackers.

  Soon the attack was finished and as the four stood around panting one of the men melted into the ground leaving behind a pile of dirt, the rest soon doing the same. Tom looked up and saw Alex walking into the camp.

  Chapter 10

  Alex looked at the group and smiled. He said “Tom you need to work on using your advantages, like your ability to fly.” Tom nodded and asked “Why isn't John here?” Alex answered “He had a mission.” Soon they were all sitting around the fire talking and eating. Then he stood up and said “Tom and I are going flying, you can join us if you wish.” Tom looked at Alex confused “We are?” he asked. Alex looked at him and said “Yes we are. I am your master and I get to tell you what to do.” Alex smiled and laughed.

  Zack called Dejoni over and Zack and Madison got on. Tom and Alex spread their wings and all of them took off flying. The flight wasn't long and in the middle of it Alex turned and said “Get back to your camp. My visit is over.” Alex swerved towards Hilltop Lake and the others turned to their camp. When they landed in the camp, Zack and Madison slid off Dejoni and Tom's wings disappeared.

  They all went to sleep, in the morning Tom woke up first, so he made breakfast. About halfway through making breakfast Madison woke up and came to help. Zack woke up and, as was the job of the last person awake, checked the traps. They sat around the fire eating.

  Tom stood up after finishing his food and idly hit his head against the main hut wall, a habit he did when he was thinking or bored. He turned back to Zack and Madison and said “So, we have five more days until Zack and my wilderness survival ends. Madison how much longer do you have?” Madison swallowed and answered “I have about three days left. Then I go back to the forest closer to Hilltop Lake.” They made plans to meet at the village and also what to do for the last few days they had in the camp.

  They had to use the food they had stored, dismantle all the traps, undo most the defenses and restore the camp to what it looked like before. They decided to dismantle the traps that day and undo some of the defenses. They went flying after that. As they sat in a field eating lunch they saw a cranto slither near.

  They stared at it but it didn't notice them. As they flew back to camp they saw a wild forest wyvern. They landed in camp and spent the day relaxing.

  They spent the following days about the same. But three days after that the boys flew Madison back to where she was supposed to meet Jessica. They said farewell then flew back.

  The boys took down almost everything, leaving just the main hut. It was big enough for Tom, Zack and Dejoni to fit in there if needed. They spent the next two days relaxing and preparing to leave. They woke the last day, ate the last of the food and destroyed the remaining hut.

  They waited until Alex and John flew into what was their camp. As they flew back to Hilltop Lake, Alex asked them “Where is that girl that was with you? Madison or something like that” Tom answered “She left two days before us.” they flew the rest of the way in silence.

  Soon they were resuming the old schedule, almost exactly the same. They woke up, ate breakfast then ran a few miles. They flew back. Tom flew and Zack rode Dejoni. They practiced combat, in the air and on the ground. They practiced magic, then learned about geography and other subjects like that.

  Saturday the boys after doing the short Saturday training, went to the village to meet Madison. They had planned to meet at the docks. They reached the docks and tied up the canoes, they got out and saw Madison walking towards them. They spent a few hours wandering around town then went swimming.

  Once they got out of the crowded and cramped town Dejoni joined them. They saw the sun setting after a couple of hours then the boys flew Madison back to her house. The boys got back to their cabin and ate dinner. Right after they ate they went to sleep.

  Soon they followed that schedule every week, Monday through Friday train, Saturday do something with Madison. Sundays they had completely free. Then one Monday, Alex came up to Tom and said “This week you can visit your family, because it’s your birthday and John and I have a mission. You leave later today.” Zack and Madison decided to come with him, Madison wanted to see some of her old friends and Jessica was willing to let her go for the week.

  Soon the four, were on the road, or more correctly in the air. Within the hour they landed just outside Pine Grove.

  As they walked down the street many people looked out of doors and windows, wondering what was making such a loud noise soon finding out it was Dejoni. Suddenly they heard someone yell “Tom!” they turned and saw Mykala running towards them and Tom walked forward. Mykala asked “How have you been? I haven't seen you for so long.” then she recognized Zack and said “Hi Zack! Is that your wyvern?” finally she saw Madison and gasped “Madison! It's been so long! How have you been?” soon all of Mykala's questions were answered and they resumed walking into town.

  When they entered the town Madison turned away from the other three and said “Bye, my parent's house is this way. See you later.” As the boys and Dejoni kept walking the houses became too close together for Dejoni so he flew above them. Soon Tom and Zack got annoyed of all the people coming out of their houses and asking them questions, so Tom flew Zack up to Dejoni and they flew the rest of the way to Tom's house.

  They landed in the back yard and Tom's family came into the backyard. Soon all the greetings were done and everyone went inside to eat, Dejoni flew off to find a food in the woods.

  The rest of the day Tom and Zack spent with Tom's family. The next day Tom and Zack spent with and some friends. Suddenly around lunch, they heard a bell ringing. Everyone in the village knew what that bell meant. Someone was attacking.

  Chapter 11

  It hadn't been rung for almost a year. Tom bolted up and yelled to Zack “Come on!” they ran to Tom's house and got their gear. They ran towards the bell and Dejoni flew down to them when there was enough room. Madison had also gone to the bell.

  Town guards were flooding to the bell. Tom looked around and saw that the commander of the guard wasn't there. He ran up to the raised platform and yelled “Everyone follow me!” surprisingly everyone followed him without hesitation, responding to the tone of authority in his voice.

  As they ran out to the fields Tom saw that the attackers were mounted and lightly armed. Obviously they wanted to get in, take some things and get out. Arrows flew over Tom's and the guards' heads. Dejoni and Zack flew over them and Madison was preparing to cast spells. Some of the raiders fell to the arrows but most survived. As Tom hit the first raider he jumped and tackled the man from his horse. He swung his axe in a controlled rage.

  How dare these people attack his home! he thought as he saw Dejoni and Zack struggling to fight off a large group of the raiders. He led some of the guards towards them and helped them.

  Tom heard Zack yell at him “Look out!” Tom ducked and Zack slashed the man behind Tom. All around him men from both sides were falling. Tom looked over and saw a smaller group of raiders riding down towards the battle.

  He turned to Zack and yelled “Get on Dejoni! We have to stop those raid
ers!” Zack quickly ran to Dejoni and jumped on. Dejoni swung his tail hitting many raiders then took off.

  Tom's wings came out and he jumped and kicked a raider's head. Dejoni landed in the middle of the attackers crushing some. Dejoni swung his tail, snapped his jaws and clawed the raiders. Zack fought from his back, mostly using magic. Tom landed on a raider and knocked him from his saddle, then landed on the horse.

  He fought from it's back until he saw the man who obviously was leading this smaller band and he crouched in his saddle as they rode towards each other.

  He launched himself into the man and they both went tumbling to the ground. They both quickly got off the ground and ran at each other. Tom swung his axe at the man's head but the man blocked the blow with his shield. The man swung his sword at Tom's neck, but Tom deflected the shot with his shield.

  Tom rammed the man with his shield and swung his axe with all his strength into the staggering man's head. Tom felt the metal and bone give way under the blow. Tom flung himself back into the mindless fighting around him, some of the guards had followed the boys to this battle.

  Minutes later Tom smashed his axe into the last man and he looked around him. The battle at lasted only minutes, but the ground was covered in bodies and blood. He stood there panting until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back and saw a girl from the village, about his age handing him some water. He drank his fill then started to help clean up. He looked into the face of the guard he was carrying and recognized him, his name was Fredric, he had a wife and two small children. He put down the body and he felt another hand on his shoulder.

  This time it was a man and he simply said “Go home, you've done enough.” as Tom walked back to his house everything was silent, but the cries and moans of those wounded or that had lost family. Tom simply thought This is what he would be doing for the rest of his life. He went up stairs to his room and took off his armor, set it in a corner along with his bloody axe and shield. He looked at himself in the mirror then tried to sleep.

  For what seemed like hours he lay awake and listened to the weeping and cries. Finally he fell asleep, he woke in the middle of the night. He must have been asleep for awhile because when he was going to sleep it was still a few hours till sunset. He stood up careful not to wake Zack, who was sharing his room. He quietly crept downstairs and out the front door. He walked down the street, bathed in light from the full moon. He wandered around the village aimlessly. Suddenly he heard a soft voice say “Hello?” he turned quickly pulling out his dagger as he turned.

  The dagger was nearly out of it's sheath when he saw the speaker, it was the girl who had given him the water earlier, she had brown hair and brown eyes she was also kind of tall. Tom quickly said “Sorry, you scared me. I guess I am just on edge after that battle. Thanks for the water earlier. I'm Tom.” the girl laughed saying “I scared you? You scared me, with that dagger. My name is Bryn. Mind if I join you on your walk?” Tom shook his head “No I don't mind, but what are you doing out at night?” Bryn smiled then answered “I was going to ask you the same thing. I just couldn't sleep.” Tom started walking “You too then. You cold?” he asked when he saw she was shivering a little.

  Bryn nodded “Just a little, why do you have some magical fire power or something?” they both laughed “No, don't know fire magic yet, but I do have a jacket. Want to use it?” Bryn answered “Sure, but won’t you be cold?” Tom took off his jacket and handed it to her. “No, but I hadn't seen you around here before I left for my training.”

  As he spoke his wings came out and he wrapped them around him. Bryn shook her head “You wouldn't have, I moved here a few months ago. What are you training for?” Tom said “I bet you can guess what I am training for.” Bryn looked at his wings and said, with a small smile “Um, maybe becoming a Dragon Guardian, no that doesn't make sense. You fight in battles, know magic and have great weapons. Definitely not a Guardian.” They both laughed “You’re right. What are you doing with your life?”

  Bryn shrugged “In a week I am leaving to train as a sentinel.” The sentinels were a group that serves as elite scouts for the kingdom in times of war and as law enforcers in times of peace. Their weapons were long range, a bow or crossbow and a throwing weapon along with a short sword. Tom said “Cool, I hear the training is hard.”

  They walked down to the fields and sat on a bench Tom had made. They sat and talked overlooking the glistening fields and farms.

  Suddenly they heard what sounded like beating wings behind them and a voice that sounded like a growl say “Tom, why are you out in the middle of night, isn't that odd behavior for humans?” Tom spun and leaped to his feet and pulled out his dagger, again.

  He recognized Dejoni and he sighed “Dejoni? You can talk?” The wyvern nodded “I've been able to speak for a long time. I just never felt the need to say anything.” Bryn was still sitting shocked “Tom, do you know a Wyvern Rider or something?” Tom nodded and smiled “Ya, in fact I know two. This is Dejoni, my best friend's wyvern. Dejoni this is Bryn, I just met her tonight. I couldn't sleep, so I went on a walk and met her.”

  Dejoni dipped his head in Bryn's direction then asked Tom “Why didn't you fly? I find it much more refreshing.” Tom replied “Sometimes I walk instead of fly because it makes me feel normal.” Bryn watched the two in amazement.

  She turned to Tom and said “You can fly?” Tom nodded saying “Ya what do you think I do with these.” and he spread his wings. “I just didn't completely connect that, I guess I am little slow and tired right now. It just doesn't seem like someone my age could fly.” Tom nodded “It was weird for me for a while when I first was able. Even I didn't believe it.” Bryn looked at the moon and said “I should get home, I need to sleep.”

  She stood up and Tom said “Want me to fly you home?” Bryn looked at him and said “Sure, that might be fun.” Tom stood up and spread his wings “Sorry if I drop you, this is my first time carrying someone while flying.” they both laughed and Tom picked her up.

  Tom flew up careful not to drop her. He asked “Which way?” she pointed and he started flying, Dejoni behind him. As they flew Bryn gave him directions. Tom landed in the middle of the street then set Bryn down. “Good thing I didn't drop you, I'm surprised I didn't.” they laughed and Bryn went into her house. Tom spread his wings again and Dejoni and he flew together for a while, then they turned towards Tom's house. They landed in the backyard and Tom went inside. He crept back to his room.

  Zack was still asleep and Tom went back to sleep. He woke with the sun shining in his face. Zack was still sleeping, so he decided to let him sleep. He got dressed then went downstairs. He went to the kitchen and his mom was making breakfast. He went over and started helping. A few minutes later he sat at the table and started eating. He was eating his bacon when Zack finally came down. Once Zack was done with his food they went out back and got their practice weapons. Zack got on Dejoni and Tom spread his wings.

  They both launched into the air at the same time. As they practiced aerial combat over the fields, Zack noticed Tom was distracted. They landed panting. And Zack asked “What are you thinking about?” Tom looked at him “What do you mean?” Dejoni replied for Zack “We both know you're thinking about something, we've been with you almost all the time for months.” Tom told Zack that he was thinking about the night before, how they both would be fighting for the rest of their careers.

  The boys looked over and saw Madison walking over to them. “I saw you training and was bored so I came over here.” she explained. “Why do you guys practice aerial combat anyway? Only people I know who can fly are either Dragon Guardians or Wyvern Riders.” The boys looked at each other for a second and thought. “Because things like vampires, wild wyverns or dragons, other nations and” Tom paused for a moment “it's fun.” Tom finished and all of them laughed. Suddenly he heard someone say “Hello Tom.” he turned ready to swing his axe. He sighed and laughed “Bryn, I thought you would know not to sneak up behind me. I nearly cut you in
half.” Madison and Zack looked confused, Zack asked Bryn “Hi, what is your name? I'm Zack, this is Dejoni and Madison.” Bryn nodded “I've met Dejoni. My name is Bryn. What are you guys doing?” Tom answered “Zack and me were training, Madison just got here. What are you doing?” Bryn untied something from her waist. “I was just returning your jacket, you forgot it.” Bryn said, she handed Tom the jacket.

  Tom laughed “I knew I forgot something, thanks. Why don't we all go to the lake?” all the others nodded and agreed. They all went to change and met just outside of the village. Bryn and Madison got on Dejoni with Zack. Tom spread his wings and they took off. They landed at the lake a few minutes later Tom got rid of his wings as the girls and Zack got off Dejoni. Dejoni panted and said “That made me tired, I rarely carry two almost never three. Good night.” he walked off to the shade of some trees and laid down.

  The rest of them stood there a moment in silence then Zack started laughing and the rest soon were too. Tom suddenly made water launch from the lake and soak the rest of them. This time he started the laughing. They started swimming and messing around. Eventually Dejoni joined them. About an hour later they went back to the beach. They dried off and started to leave. Dejoni looked at them all “I am not carrying three people again. That is too much.” so they decided Tom would carry Bryn, because he knew her best.

  They followed the road mostly on the way back. Suddenly Madison pointed to the road. “Bandits! Let's go!” she yelled. They flew down and Tom put Bryn off the the side of the road. Dejoni and the rest landed right in front of the bandits, who were approaching a ornate carriage. Tom landed beside them and said “Leave or be punished!” the bandits wavered for a moment, they had seen Tom fly and saw Dejoni along with the weapons they boys carried. Some of the bandits ran but about twenty stayed.


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