The Anvil (The Dragon Guardian)

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The Anvil (The Dragon Guardian) Page 8

by I Heaton

  Chapter 16

  He landed on the dragon then changed the soldiers' commands. He hacked at the dragon a few times then jumped off once again, this time all the warriors and archers following him. He flew towards a thick section of the forest away from Bryn. He looked behind him and saw the dragon roaring and breathing fire chasing them and knew his plan was working.

  He slowed slightly almost letting the dragon catch them then entered the trees, the soldiers and he easily dodging the trees. Too late the dragon realized it's mistake.

  It smashed into the trees with full force, too big the avoid the densely packed trees. Tom heard sickening cracking sounds as trees and the dragon's bones broke. The dragon continued dropping until it came to a stop after sliding several feet on the ground.

  Tom quickly landed in front of it along with his warriors and he pulled out his dagger. He walked to the dragon and raised the dagger, then he drove the dagger into the dragon's eye finally killing the dragon. Tom looked over as Alex, Bryn and a lady Tom didn't recognize walked towards him. Alex started clapping, in a good job kind of way.

  Tom magically made four chairs out of wood and motioned for them all to sit as he collapsed on his chair. The lady looked at him and said “That was impressive, not many people would think of that. I'm Samantha, Bryn's master.” she had long blond hair, tanned skin and blue eyes.

  Tom bowed his head slightly “Hello, I'm Tom, Alex's apprentice. And Bryn did as much as me to kill that dragon.” he said. After what seemed like forever, but was only one hour, of questions they all went back to Hilltop Lake.

  After dropping Samantha and Bryn off in town Alex and Tom landed outside of the cabin. They went in and ate lunch, Tom eating a large amount happy to eat something other than berries, deer, or other forest food.

  After lunch Alex made sure Tom had not forgotten anything and as the sun went down he and Tom went to the beach. They got there and Alex said “Before we leave for Blangto, I am going to teach you another step in transforming into a dragon. I will teach you how to get the scales of a dragon.” Tom could barely wait as Alex told him how to do it then quickly tried.

  He looked down at his hands and saw black scales glistening in the fading light. He looked in the lake and saw instead of his usual tan skin the same black scales. He turned to Alex and changed back. “Go tell your family and friends we're going to Blangto, be back here in ten days, we leave in eleven days.” Alex told him. Then John and Zack walked out of the cabin. Tom practiced the new spell until dinner, which Zack and John had cooked.

  The next day he said bye to all his friends in Hilltop Lake. That night he and Alex made dinner, ate it then Tom packed, planning to leave the next day. John was letting Zack come with him, so Zack packed too.

  Early the next morning Tom, Zack and Dejoni said bye to Alex, John and Masdifi. Tom spread his wings as Zack got on Dejoni and they launched into the air towards Pine Grove. The trip to Pine Grove went quickly. A little while later they landed in Tom's backyard. Zack got off Dejoni's back and the boys walked in.

  Tom motioned for Zack to stop when he saw Caleb and used the dragon scale spell. He crept in the shadows until he was just behind Caleb, who was in the kitchen making a sandwich. Tom stepped out of the shadows and put his hand over Caleb's mouth and pulled him back. Caleb tried to yell but Tom's hand covered his mouth, so he tried to get away until he heard Tom's laughter.

  Tom let go and Caleb said “I thought you were going to kill me or something.” soon after Tom's various family members arrived home. Tom and Zack spent the rest of the day with Tom's family, and spent about six days with his friends and family.

  But before Tom went to sleep one day he flew around for a while over the forest like he did every night.

  Suddenly he saw a campfire and he turned himself black. He landed at the edge of the light and watched as two women talked one with their back to him the other across.

  The one he could see looked familiar but he couldn't remember who it was. Both women sat with bows near them and Tom could see odd shapes that were probably more weapons. Two small tents had been pitched near the fire.

  The wind suddenly changed directions, carrying their voices over to Tom. He recognized one immediately. He stepped into the light and both quickly spun around one with a bow drawn, the other with a short sword in her hand.

  Tom put his hands up jokingly and the two lowered their weapons. “Hello Samantha, hello Bryn.” he said. Bryn put her sword in it's sheath “Hi Tom, what are you doing here?” she said. “I'm visiting home for a while and decided to go flying for a while. What are you doing?” he asked. “We are trying to find a group of robbers. Would you like to help?” Samantha answered this time.

  Tom nodded “Sure, should I just meet you here tomorrow morning and is it Okay if I bring one of my friends? He is an apprentice Wyvern Rider.” he asked. Samantha nodded “Okay and be here by sunrise.” after that they said farewells and Tom flew back to Pine Grove.

  Zack was in the backyard with Dejoni when Tom got back. Zack turned as Tom landed on the grass. “Do you want to come find some robbers with me, Bryn and her master tomorrow?” Tom asked. “Sure, we better get to sleep then.” Zack replied. They went to bed and the next morning they left a note telling where they were, ate some breakfast then left.

  They landed in the camp just as Samantha was coming out of her tent. The boys waited while Samantha and Bryn ate, then they all set off. The search went quickly with Tom, Zack and Dejoni in the air. Bryn and Samantha stayed on the ground to give the group more perspectives.

  There were about twenty robbers in the group. Tom flew down into the trees and found the two others and they made a plan. Dejoni and Zack would stay in the air, Samantha and Bryn would get on either side of the camp and Tom would sneak into the camp.

  As Tom neared the camp he concentrated and a small wind blew from the fires towards the tents, sending a trail of sparks. The sparks landed on the tents and Tom made them catch fire. Soon the whole camp was trying to put out the fire and Tom sneaked into the camp.

  He made a sudden strong gust of wind as the signal he was in position. The robbers got the fires out as Tom slipped into a tent. He looked around and saw a cloak on a box, so he put it on. He heard people shouting then Samantha's voice, which he couldn't understand.

  He walked out of the tent into the middle of the group. Tom made the wind carry Samantha's voice better and he heard her tell the robbers who she was. Bryn stepped out of the trees on the other side of the clearing.

  Tom looked over as Dejoni and Zack landed in the edge of the clearing. Many of the group looked nervous. Tom took off the hood and said “And I am Tom, apprentice to Dragon Guardian Alex.” the leader of the robbers turned toward him. “You are Thomas Welton? Do you know what you have done to my family? First you got one of my brothers arrested, killed my other brother and my sister's husband. I will kill you!” the man said then raised his sword above his head and charged, a mad look in his eyes. Tom stepped to the side as the man swung his sword down.

  Tom swung his axe at the man's hands but missed. Tom and the other man didn't notice as a few of the robbers surrendered, but most decided to fight. Soon all around Tom and the robber leader was chaos, but neither noticed as they fought some of the robbers stood and watched as the two fought with both magic and weapons. Suddenly the man rammed the hilt of his sword into Tom's shield Tom stumbled and fell.

  The man grinned, with such hate you could barely describe it as a grin, as he walked over to where Tom lay. Tom tried to get up but the man had the air holding him down. The man put the tip of his sword onto Tom's neck, the man laughed and Tom had an idea.

  He closed his eyes and suddenly the man stopped laughing. The man dropped his sword grabbing at his own face. Tom watched as the man fell and died. His spell had removed the air around the man's head, all but the gasses Tom had learned were toxic to humans.

  Tom stood up and swung his axe at the nearest robber. The remaining robbers were quickly d
efeated and of the twenty about eight had surrendered and were quickly chained. Tom looked at the sun and saw it was touching the horizon as it went down.

  He turned to Samantha “What are we going to do with those guys?” he asked. “We are going to take them to Pine Grove, but right now we are going to set up camp.” she answered. Setting up camp went quickly because some tents were already there. The prisoners got one of the large tents. The four human friends sat around the campfire with Dejoni laying behind Zack “Anyone have a good story?” Tom suddenly said.

  Dejoni moved his head into the circle “I have one. It is the story of the Council of the Phoenix.” he said. “In the beginning the human race lived on an island chain. Two powerful empires began to expand, conquering almost all the other nations until only the other empire and one city on Phoenix Island. The empire of the east had great magic and the west had an explosive powder they had developed.

  “The phoenix islanders had come from all over, seeking a peaceful live. But the two empires desired to rule all the islands. They both decided to attack Phoenix island. The western empire send a fleet of ships armed with cannons, metal tubes that shot large iron balls. The western empire send hundreds of small canoes and dozens of small boats. The Phoenix people prepared their defenses. Leading them was a small group of five people. The island was covered with the great city, the massive walls surrounding the entire island. Thoma was the leader of the entire island. He was a mighty man who had tamed a phoenix. He was a powerful magician and fighter. He began organizing the defenses, setting dozens of cannons on the walls and having mages prepare magical defenses.

  “As the two armies approached the island Thoma and his small group went to the Phoenix Cave. With the help of the magical phoenix they created a last resort spell. No one knew what the spell did but them. The first army to reach the island was the western empire. Thoma stood on the walls with the archers and engineers who controlled the cannons. No one spoke as the fleet of ships got closer to the island. As the first cannon fired and Thoma saw they had no choice but to fight, he sent a single arrow at the ship in front.

  “The arrow hit the ship and then a spire of fire descended from the sky and hit the ship, lighting the explosives and destroying it and two ships next to it. The cannons and archers began shooting and a small group went out in boats to attack. Even as they began fighting on the western side of the island, the eastern empire got to the island.

  “Now the island was under attack from two directions, the western defenses led by Thoma and the eastern by his best friend Zato, another mighty fighter. Eventually the walls were breached on each side and the Phoenix islanders tried to hold back the two armies. Thoma and Zato fought fiercely, each inspiring their warriors to fight. Helping each of them were their wives. The fighting was all over the island until each attacking army began rushing up the main street to the island’s center. The islanders were pushed back until they had reached the entrance of the Phoenix Cave. Thoma and Zato stood side by side as the attacking armies began their final rush.

  “The two friends leaped into battle and fought like no man ever has. But the pair’s skill wasn’t enough. The two friends soon found themselves with only their wives and Thoma’s brother. All the other islanders had been killed. They looked over the once beautiful city, the once graceful white stone buildings lay in ruins and the streets littered with wreckage. They nodded and quickly blasted the attacking armies back a little with a large number of rocks then turned and went into the cave.

  “Thoma’s phoenix landed on his shoulder as the five friends took the spell from its place. The phoenixs around them cried and sung their songs as the five cast the spell. The armies rushed forward as they finished. There was a burst of light then all the people of the two nations found themselves on separate continents with no memory of the islands. But on Phoenix island the five survivors made a deal to watch over the two nations forever. The spell they had cast had caused the two nations to move and also they had become immortal like a phoenix. When they died they would be reborn, but they would only regain their memories if they went to the Phoenix Cave.” Dejoni finished. They continued telling stories such as epic battles among other things.

  Eventually they all went to sleep except Tom who had the first watch. Over the night the prisoners tried to escape only once and silently followed as they walked back to Pine Grove. A few hours later they walked into Pine Grove and went to the jail and handed over the prisoners.

  After that Tom and Zack went back to Tom's house for lunch. Tom's mom was sitting at the kitchen table obviously worried, which confused Tom. The two boys walked in and Tom's mom looked up, her face washed over with relief. She got up and hugged Tom, who was caught by surprise. “I can't believe you just left a note when you went to fight those robbers! Do you know how dangerous that was even with the others? I can't believe you!” she yelled, tom just stood confused for a moment “Sorry, I guess I am just used to doing that kind of stuff. I didn't realize it was such a big deal.” he said, he really hadn't realized his mom would make such a big deal.

  Finally his mother released him and they ate lunch. After finishing lunch Tom asked his mom if he could invite Samantha and Bryn to dinner, she said okay, then Tom and Zack went to train and find them. Later that day as they all ate dinner they heard a knock on the door and Tom went to answer it.

  On the doorstep stood a man who was panting, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter then handed it to Tom. Tom opened the letter and read it

  “Tom, Zack and Dejoni, come back to Hilltop Lake as soon as possible. War has broken out with the Ilemart Empire from the south. Tell anyone who will need to know in your town then come. From, Alex and John.”

  Chapter 17

  Tom looked up from the letter at the messenger, who just nodded. Tom ran into the kitchen “Zack get your stuff and Dejoni, we need to go back to Hilltop Lake as soon as possible. Someone go get the village leaders. War has broken out with the Ilemart Empire.” he said.

  Caleb got up and ran to get the town's leaders. Bryn and Samantha left to prepare. The messenger left to give the news to nearby towns and villages. The town's leaders got to the house as Zack saddled Dejoni and Tom adjusted the straps on his pack. The men entered the backyard and Tom looked up “War has broken out with the Ilemites, get the town ready.” he quickly explained.

  A minute later the three launched into the air and flew as fast as possible to Hilltop Lake. They landed on the island out of breath and cold. Alex and John came out of the cabin and Tom looked at them with an obvious question on his face, Alex nodded “Yes, it is true we are at war. Come inside and we will go over what you need know.” he said. They walked into the cabin and sat at the table. “The Ilemart Empire is one of the greatest empires ever, they have many different technologies, weapons and fighting races from where they have conquered. But the two things that make them so powerful is their numbers and fear. Many nations have been flooded with their armies and been outnumbered at least six to one.

  “They use fear as a weapon also, from the many lands they have conquered they have taken many strange beasts and races. They have chained up many intelligent races to help them fight and treat them as we would animals. But what they don't know is their tricks will not work on us because we see just as scary creatures in Arstan. The main difference is we treat races fairly and don't chain them.” he explained, Tom and Zack listened closely as he described the armies they were going to fight. “But before we go off to war, we as Dragon Guardian, Wyvern Rider and you as our apprentices need to get the fief ready to march.” Alex finished. So for the next few weeks they went to different places throughout the fief getting the army ready to march.

  As they finished they flew to Grinto, the capital of the fief, to finalize plans with the baron and various lords. Tom looked around at the snow and realized it was winter, he had seen the snow at Hilltop Lake and Pine Grove but not really noticed it. He created a small mobile fire to warm himself when they landed

  A few days later Tom stood outside Castle Ironwood, named such because of it's massive gates that were hard as iron and as it was the ruling castle the fief was named after it. He was outside because he was angry with some of the lords, they kept going through documents fighting over how many troops this lord needs to send, how much supplies that one needs to send.

  Tom was sick of listening to the bickering and felt uncomfortable with such high born people, although the baron was a very kind man and tried to make Tom feel comfortable Tom still felt very small and unimportant.

  He looked up and saw a horseman riding up to the castle. He stood, brushed the snow off his pants and walked over to the gate. Tom got to the gate just after the horseman did and looked at him. The man was very lanky with light brown hair and green eyes.

  He was panting as the guards questioned him. The tall man looked at him and started to reach into his pocket, the guards lowered their spears but Tom motioned for them to stop.

  Tom reached out as the man handed him a piece of paper. Tom unfolded it and read it

  “The Ilemart have already taken four cities and many towns and villages. The king requests that you send troops and supplies to the south as soon as possible we fear that the army there can't hold them back for much longer.”

  Tom looked up from the letter and turned to the guards. “Let him in.” he said and the guards moved aside and muttered “Yes, sir.” the tall man tapped Tom on the shoulder and said “I went through your old town Pine Grove. I have this note from your mother.” and he pulled out a smaller paper.

  “Tom, Caleb is gone. We don't know if he has run away or has been kidnapped. If you could help find him please do.” it said, Tom read it and led the tall man into the castle and handed him back the first note.


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