The Pack (Book 1)

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The Pack (Book 1) Page 5

by Smith, I. J.

  “That is disgusting!” Emily spoke out.

  Abigail smiled, “Yeah, not like the movies is it. No magical fairytale or love story.”

  “So, ladies no falling in love with the vamps, not when you have Rico here!” Rico joked.

  As the room laughed, Damian shouted out, “Good joke, because very soon most of you will be dead!”

  The room once again fell into silence.

  “If we’re going to die, then we need to laugh now!” Kate spoke up.

  Damian stepped forward, “Go ahead and laugh, you’re just proving my point that you’re all fucking idiots!”

  Kate was about to face Damian when Tate stepped in her way. “You think we’re idiots? Then what does that make you, for choosing us to fight your war?”

  “I never wanted you!” Damian replied going nose to nose with Tate.

  Abigail rushed in and placed a hand on each man’s chest trying to push them apart. “Calm down! Both of you!” She demanded.

  Tate sneered as he locked eyes with Damian, telling him, “Come on tough guy!”

  Moving away, Damian walked over the large training mat; that sat near the window. “Come on then!” Damian taunted Tate.

  “NO!” Abigail screamed.

  Tate was quick to move over and face his opponent.

  Rico, Emily, Kate and Ambrose rushed over to watch, leaving Abigail standing alone.

  Standing opposite each other, both men moved in. Damian threw a punch! Tate ducked and stepped to one side and landed one punch to Damian’s jaw, knocking him down. Tate taunted his opponent. “If you have any sense, stay down!”

  The audience cheered as Abigail rushed from the room.

  Sitting on the floor Damian laughed; as he touched his bleeding lip. Starting to stand up he spoke, “You are a strong one. One punch, damn!”

  Back on his feet Damian waved at Tate to continue. With a smile, he threw a second punch, but this time it was not so easy. Damian slid to the side and moved away from Tate’s flying fist.

  “No, no. Not going to fall for that one again!” Damian said.

  Rushing at Damian, Tate was met with a kick to his stomach, quickly followed by a knee to the face. Dropping to one knee, he could feel the blood rushing from his nose and dripping on the mat.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart, had enough already?” Damian taunted Tate.

  Tate glared at Damian. He jumped to his feet, grabbing Damian by the throat. Struggling to break free, Damian punched Tate in the throat forcing him to release his grip. Tate felt the sudden impact of a foot kicking him in the face. Tate stumbled back, but stayed on his feet. With his anger growing to erupting levels, he once again launched himself at Damian.

  Holding a tight grip, he smashed Damian into the wall, a large hole and cracks appeared in the wooden cladding. Damian repeatedly punched Tate in the side of the head. Falling backwards to the floor, both men started to battle like it was a street fight.

  As the onlookers cheered, the door swung open.

  “STOP!” Frank shouted as he rushed to break up the fight between them.

  Frank pulled Tate away, while Abigail held Damian back. “My god, you’re acting like fucking children.” Frank screamed looking at the bloodied men. “We have a real enemy out there waiting to kill us, so stop fucking helping them!”

  With the room silent, only the heavy breathing of the fighters could be heard.

  An hour later both men sat in the medical room. Abigail was tending to Tate’s cut above his eyebrow. “You’re going to need stitches.” He simply nodded in reply.

  In the chair on the other side of the room, sat Damian; his face had already been treated, small white strips of stitches run along his cheek. He held an ice pack to his lip. He glanced over at Tate.

  Abigail was upset, “I can’t believe this, never before!”

  “Leave us alone!” Damian interrupted.

  Starting at him, Abigail replied, “Not a chance in hell.”

  Damian stood up, “Please, we need to talk!”

  She looked at Tate who nodded for her to leave. “I am going to be right outside.” Abigail replied.

  As she left the room; Damian pulled his chair towards Tate, sitting down he began to talk. “I don’t like you!” Tate sneered at him and was about to stand up, when Damian raised his hand to stop him. “Just listen, please!” Tate sat back down.

  “I doubt you like me either, nothing wrong with us not liking each other.” Damian smiled. “But it looks like we do need to work together. I know you were wronged and imprisoned. I know you killed two men for raping a mentally ill patient.”

  Tate sighed, “Is this going somewhere?”

  “See that is what worries me, your short fuse. You’re dangerous and uncontrollable, that is deadly. It will get people killed!” Damian told him firmly.

  Tate frowned knowing he was right, since his incarceration he had changed. No longer was he the happy go lucky young man, now he was damaged. “I can’t control it. People can only take so much before they break and I took more than anyone ever should!” He said emotionally.

  For the first time Damian could see the vulnerability in Tate.

  “I can’t imagine what you have gone through.” Damian replied.

  Both sat in silence for a moment.

  “Tell you one thing, that is one mean right hook you have!” Damian joked as he touched his jaw.

  With a smirk Tate replied, “Didn’t do me much good, did it?”

  “Well I have years of training and fighting vamps, remember. So, you did good for your first time.” He stared at Tate for a moment. “Listen, you are one of the strongest people I have ever met. Now imagine with training and discipline, what you could truly be capable of.”

  “You’re willing to teach me?” Tate asked.

  “I’m not going to lie, we may not like each other. But I learned something about you today.”

  Looking confused Tate asked, “What?”

  “The new team needs a leader and that’s you. You stepped in when me and Kate argued. You’re a protector.”

  Damian held his hand out, “How about it? Give me the month. Give me your full attention and I will teach you the skills.”

  Tate gave a hint of a smile and shook Damian’s hand. At that moment, the door opened. Abigail looked in, “Everything OK in here?”

  Standing up Tate replied, “Perfect!”



  For almost a month, Abigail had seen her team develop their skills, but something also troubled her. She had taken notice that the team was not bonding. They spent little time together outside of training. This worried her deeply; to Abigail the team is a family and must connect like one to be effective.

  It was late into the night, as Abigail walked along the hallways of the Order. She headed towards the communal room, a place where all new recruits could relax and bond. She could hear the television playing as she approached. Tate appeared from the communal room with a bowl of soup, he headed towards his room.


  Turning to face Abigail he replied, “Yeah?”

  “Can you join us please?” Abigail asked.

  Giving out a sigh, he looked at his soup, “Can I eat this first?”

  “You can eat it in here, this is important.”

  Abigail walked into the room and joined the others; Tate shook his head and followed her.

  Clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention; “OK! I want everyone around the table.” Rico who was sat watching the television, grumbled as he stood up. “And turn that T.V off please!”

  “I’m off to bed!” Kate told everyone as she walked towards the door in just a pair of night shorts and a t-shirt. Abigail stepped in her way, blocking her path, “take a seat!” Kate rolled her eyes as she turned back towards the table.

  Emily dragged her feet along the carpet, wearing pink floppy pajamas and bunny slippers. She sat next to Kate and slumped on the table. Rico flexed his muscles as h
e sat opposite Kate, smiling wearing only a vest and jeans. Tate sat at the end of the table and began to eat his soup. “Do you mind if I sit here?” A voice asked.

  Tate looked up to see Ambrose, “I don’t own the table!” Taking another look at Ambrose, Tate noticed that the wooly jumper he was wearing; had Father Christmas on it. “Nice jumper.”

  “I’m short on clothes.” Ambrose replied.

  Abigail slammed the door shut and joined them. She sat at the head of the table looking at everyone. “OK! You’re doing well with your training, but there is something I am worried about.”

  Kate, slumped her head onto the table, “What?” she moaned.

  For the first time Abigail showed anger, “None of you are connecting! You’re supposed to be a team, but right now you’re showing nothing but your own self-preservation.”

  Rico shrugged in response, catching Abigail’s eye. “Go ahead shrug it off, but very soon you will be reliant on the person next to you.” She paused. “I will be reliant on you. As a Keeper, it’s my job to guide you, but I need your help.”

  Emily raised her hand.

  “You don’t need to raise your hand, it’s not school,” Abigail told her.

  Sheepishly lowering her hand, she spoke, “You’re going to be in charge?”

  “Yes!” Abigail replied sharply.

  “Then maybe, you should think about bonding with us. I mean none of us know anything about you. It’s only fair!” Emily replied.

  Kate raised her head suddenly, “The Barbie girl makes a good point!”

  “Thank you,” Emily said and smiled.

  Kate shook her head in disbelief.

  “You’re right,” Abigail replied. “I think it would be fair for everyone to share. All of us want to know, why we chose to be here.” She paused for a moment. Looking around the table she began to tell them her story.

  “I was born into the Order, my father, grandfather and ancestors dating back centuries have all served. I never had the traditional upbringing. For me it was about vampires, how to kill them, how to track them.”

  “So, you did more than seven years?” Ambrose asked.

  With a smile, Abigail replied, “Yes! I am here for life, no matter how long or short!”

  “You ever kill one?” Kate asked.

  “Only in training,” Abigail answered.

  Rico chuckled, “Great the rookies are being led by a rookie!”

  Abigail stared at Rico, and replied, “I am your Keeper, not your leader; that will fall to one of you.”

  “Who?” Emily quickly asked.

  “That will be up to you! We find that leaders usually reveal themselves; when they are needed,” Abigail replied, as she quickly glanced at Tate.

  Kate shook her head, “Is that it? Is that your way of sharing, giving us the speech on your service?”

  “No, I chose to be here. I have seen so many good people fight and die in this thankless war!” Abigail paused for a second. “In the end, there are no medals. No ceremonies and your names go in a book that is placed on a shelf; never to be read. I am here to fight with you, to make sure you do not die for nothing.”

  The room went quiet.

  No one talked. No one was willing to speak next. Tate took the last spoonful of his soup. He glanced at Abigail, who waited for someone to join in.

  “I’m here because my father, mother and sisters were ripped apart. They think I butchered them, and threw me in a secure hospital for eight years. They gave me electric shock treatment and pumped me full of drugs.” Tate smiled. “In the end, I killed two guards for raping a young woman…so here I am.”

  Abigail could not help but grin.

  “Fuck! So, you’re crazy?” Kate asked.

  “I’m here aren’t I,” Tate replied. After a few moments, everyone laughed.

  Tate laughed with them, “So, what about you fuckers?”

  Emily was quick to say her piece. “Hi,” she said, while waving. “I’m an orphan, never knew my parents. I grew up in foster care mostly, where a lot of people like to touch, if you know what I mean.”

  “Bastards!” Rico said loudly.

  Emily still smiled, “Not just the men either. When I was fifteen I ran away. I spent the last few years stripping and going from one bad place to another. So, when Abigail approached me, I jumped at the offer.” As her smiled disappeared, she looked around to see everyone paying attention to her. “I know what people think; ‘She is just a dumb whore with no self-respect!’.” She stopped, her eyes filling with tears. “But I’m not!”

  Out of character, Kate placed her arm around Emily.

  With the mood lowering, Rico quickly spoke up. “I’m just here because I want the money!” The smiles began to reappear.

  “Truth is, I was heading for a bad place; an early grave with no meaning. This seemed like the best way to escape that!” He added.

  Ambrose removed his glasses to clean them, and told them, “I was, an I.T. Analyst, paid lots of money and drove a sports car.”

  Tate and Rico frowned as they glanced at each other. “Well that sucks!” Kate replied.

  “Yeah, I had it all. I also, liked to drink and gamble. One night after a heavy drinking session, I stupidly drove home.” He paused as he placed his glasses back on. “I thought I was fine to drive. I was five minutes from my house when I ran a red light.” He paused again, struggling to get the words out, “I killed a ten-year-old girl.”

  The sounds of the others being shocked echoed around the room.

  “That was two years ago now, but it feels so fresh in my mind. They didn’t even send me to prison for it, a fucking suspended sentence for killing a child!” He removed his glasses and wiped a tear from his eye. “Four times I tried to kill myself and every time I failed. The last time, I was in the hospital when Abigail appeared and made me the offer. I figure, maybe I can do some good or die in the process.”

  The room once again went quiet, the sour atmosphere making it uncomfortable.

  Tate was the one to finally break the silence. “We all have demons; we’re all here for a reason. None of us have the right to judge.”

  “Damn right!” Rico replied.

  “I killed my boyfriend!” A sudden voice spoke out. Everyone turned their attention to Kate.

  “Why?” Emily asked.

  Kate smiled. “He was an asshole!” After a short silence, everyone burst into laughter.

  “So, what the hell? Prison or here! Seven years is better than twenty.”

  “Here! Here!” Tate cheered.

  As the talking and laughter continued, Rico rushed to the large fridge and gathered bottles of beer for everyone. Abigail sat with a smile, seeing her team finally open up to each other.


  Frank was sitting in his office with Damian going through the training schedule, when suddenly his office door flew open. In walked a tall man with a large pointed chin.

  “Come in Casey, no need to knock!” Frank said with heavy sarcasm.

  As Casey raced across the room towards Frank, he spoke, “Sorry Frank, but this is important. I just got word!” He stopped talking until he reached the desk; where Frank and Damian were sitting. “Unit 271 is walking into a hostile situation and is need of back-up!”

  Damian stood up, “Unit 271 are on observation only.”

  “They were. They have identified at least a dozen, pure bloods in the nightclub.”

  Frank jumped from his seat. “What?”

  “What about the humans?” Damian asked.

  Casey looked down, “They are also in the club, and the Pure-Bloods have not attacked yet. But it does not look good. Unit 271 is waiting to move in.”

  “One unit, is up against a dozen Pure-Bloods? They don’t stand a chance!” Damian told Frank.

  Deep in thought Frank spoke, “We have no other Units in the area. It would take hours to get someone else there.”

  “What about the new team?” Casey asked.

  Before Frank could respond, D
amian shouted out. “NO!”

  Frank looked at Damian, “We don’t have a choice!”

  “Sir, they only have basic weapons training. The only one in the group who might stand a chance is Tate.”

  Frank licked his lips and replied, “They will only be there for back-up, not combat!”

  “Sir…” Damian began to speak.

  “It’s decided!” Frank snapped; stopping him from talking. “Go get them ready!” Frank ordered.



  A large grey truck travelled down the quiet road, in the late night.

  Inside, Rico sat on a steel chair with a miserable look upon his face.

  He closed his eyes tightly and winced from the pain. “Is it over?”

  The sudden sniggering of a woman, made Rico open one eye, while keeping the other firmly squeezed shut. He looked at his outstretched arm. “It’s bleeding!” Rico whined.

  Abigail placed a small circular plaster on his arm. “There all done.” She said with a smile.

  Kate continued to snigger.

  “Don’t like blood tests then?” Emily asked, before she broke into laughter.

  “It’s a genuine fear!” Rico snapped back.

  The laughter continued as Abigail placed the vile of blood with the others, in a cooler bag. She locked the bag into a small metal locker; that was bolted to the table.

  “OK, I need to ask. Why do you need blood?” Kate asked.

  Turning around in her swivel chair to answer, Abigail smiled, “We take it before and after, and it is the best way to prevent infection.”

  Rico suddenly looked around, worried, “Infection?”

  “Don’t worry, it nearly never happens!” Abigail replied.

  “What never happens?” Rico asked.

  Emily replied, “She is on about getting bitten.” Kate giggled to herself.


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