Shadow's Pen [Rescue for Hire 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Shadow's Pen [Rescue for Hire 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Bellann Summer

  Pen released Shadow’s ball and centered his attention on the long, wide cock brushing against his cheek. Pen turned his head and, with his tongue, traced a line over the thick veins up to the bulbous, round head whose size had Pen’s hole clenching in protest.

  Part of Pen was glad he was giving Shadow a blowjob and they weren’t fucking. He wasn’t sure he could take a cock that size without a lot of prep and vast amounts of lube. He guessed, since this was just a one-off, he didn’t have to worry about that. Then he wondered why that thought made his chest ache.

  Pen had always enjoyed the soft skin of a large cockhead, and Shadow didn’t disappoint. The gorgeous appendage stuffed Pen’s mouth full and stretched his lips wide. He loved it, and when it started leaking, Pen savored the sweetness coating his tongue.

  The hand in his hair held Pen immobile as Shadow began to slide in and out of his straining mouth. Pen had conquered his gag reflex long ago, and when Shadow’s invading flesh bumped against the back of his throat, he easily swallowed.

  Shadow’s low murmur broke through their cocoon of privacy. “Just like that, baby, take me deep.”

  At that moment Pen remembered they were in public and could get caught at any moment. Excitement escalated, and a pulse of pre-cum escaped inside Pen’s jeans. The bigger man began pumping his hips, and Pen relaxed his throat, letting his muscles massage Shadow’s length.

  Muffled laughter from the dance floor and their panting breaths inside the restroom were the only sounds Pen heard. Shadow’s cock widened, and the man’s fierce rhythm stuttered. Pen recognized the signs of Shadow’s approaching orgasm. Reaching up, Pen rubbed Shadow’s perineum, needing the man’s cum he was so ready to taste.

  Shadow groaned, and Pen’s body reacted. As jets of cum burst down Pen’s throat, shivers raced up his spine, and it was all he could do not to follow Shadow down the path to orgasmic bliss. Wearing white pants didn’t make that an option. He continued to swallow until Shadow had no more to give, and the hard muscle in his mouth began to soften. Pen released Shadow’s cock and gave it a kiss before smiling up at the bigger man. Elation filled him.

  “Put me away,” Shadow ordered.

  Pen frowned. There was no return smile or warmth on Shadow’s face. He made quick work of putting Shadow’s cock back in his pants and buttoning him back up. Pen started to rise, wondering what was going to happen now. He didn’t expect the hand around his neck pulling him to his feet and into a hot, wet, and deep kiss. It was like drowning in a sea of passion.

  The kiss ended with Pen plastered against Shadow, wrapped totally in the big man’s arms. Tipping his head up, Pen looked at Shadow with heavy-lidded eyes.

  A fingertip traced a line from the corner of Pen’s mouth to his cheekbone. “I didn’t expect you.”

  “Is that good or bad?” Pen was having a hard time reading the man. That was a hard pill to swallow. In his line of work, he used his instincts to weed out the truth from all the crap people spouted.

  “Let’s go spend some time in your bed.” Shadow carded his fingers through Pen’s hair. His brown-eyed gaze was so intense Pen’s breath caught. Or it could have lodged in his throat because Shadow was tall, muscled, and had an aura that screamed danger.

  Pen bit his lip, not knowing what to say. His dick jerked in his pants at the thought of Shadow’s big body naked in his bed. But was it safe? In the past he’d always thought he could handle anything. His brother’s disappearance and death proved the world was full of bad guys, and even being aware they were there didn’t mean you automatically could handle them.

  “I’m not sure what to say,” Pen confessed. He hated his indecisiveness. What if he was screwing up and taking a chance on losing someone who could be very important in his life? “Taking strangers home isn’t always a good idea.”

  Shadow let go of Pen and turned away. Disappointment and a cold blanket of emptiness surrounded Pen’s heart, and he knew he had just made a mistake. Before he could stop Shadow, the big man grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the cubicle.

  “Let’s go find Cade. He can vouch that I only kill monsters.” Shadow flashed a brief smile over his shoulder, but for some reason, Pen didn’t think he was kidding. Later he would find out that smile was a rare event.

  “Wait, wait.” Pen pulled on Shadow’s hand.

  In front of the door leading out to the hallway, Shadow stopped, looked down at Pen, and waited.

  Pen acknowledged that, when Shadow touched him, the constant aching emptiness went away, and for the first time since learning of his brother’s death, Pen felt whole. For better or worse, there was only one decision. “Let’s go to my place.”

  Chapter Two

  Cade Miller relaxed back in his chair and glanced at the group of men currently gathered around his office. His gaze first landed on his brother before he scanned the faces of his Rescue for Hire team. Lastly he looked at his good friend, Granite County sheriff, Steve Titan.It was unusual for Cade to call a meeting this late in the night, but updates needed to be made, and decisions needed to be enforced. Seeing Shadow with Pen earlier in the evening had brought home the complexity of the situation and appealed to his twisted sense of humor.

  From somewhere in the back of the house he heard his and Bret’s newest foster care arrival crying. The tiny newborn was having a hard time dealing with the effects from the drugs her addicted mother had taken while pregnant. His team medic, Gabriel, was staying with them so he could help Brian with the baby’s care at this crucial time.

  “So, are you going to hire him, boss?” Treb, Cade’s weapons expert, asked. “I worked with him over in sand country, and his kill ratio makes mine look like child’s play.”

  “I’ll make the final decision tomorrow during my meeting with Shadow.” As Cade shifted in his chair, the deep ache from an old leg injury was letting him know rain was coming. His gaze met Steve’s. In his friend’s eyes, he saw his own determination to end this crazy reign of terror that had fallen on the Midwest. After a moment, he turned his attention back to his team. “I want to thank you all for willingly stepping out of the realm of our usual rescues and helping Sheriff Titan with the Gregslist kidnapping case.”

  “It sucked not getting to the perp fast enough to stop him from kidnapping and killing all those other men,” Damian, Cade’s pilot and Treb’s lover, stated.

  “That’s true,” Cade admitted. “But we found Tolliver Holiday before he was tortured to death. My good friend is now safe and very happy out in Nevada at Rescue for Hire West.”

  “Yeah, but the house was empty when we found Tolliver,” Boone grumbled.

  “Yes, it was.” Cade nodded at his bomb and tech specialist. “But the fact that we did find Tolliver proved we were heading in the right direction, and eventually we took out his torturer.”

  Shane, Cade’s brother and team leader, spoke up. “You mean one of them.”

  Cade observed the reactions to Shane’s statement. Most expressions reflected surprise. Tony and Boone were exchanging looks of understanding. Their computer skills were one of the main reasons this case had come as far as it had. Shane’s and Steve’s faces were stoic until one looked closer and recognized the gleam of anticipation in their eyes. Now they were getting to the heart of the reason Cade had called this meeting at ten o’clock at night.

  Granite County’s sheriff stood and addressed the men. “Frankly, even with the feds’ involvement in this case, my department wouldn’t have gotten to where we are now without all of your hard work. Unfortunately with the death of John Doe, the disappearances haven’t ended.” Steve ran a hand through his short hair. “Tony and Boone are working with my department and the feds’ computer people, and are starting to put together more clues that indicate this case is even bigger than we thought.”

  “Can you be more specific?” Alex asked.

  The tangled web of the case had grown so big that Cade had called in his former tracker to help Jack, Cade’s former medic, with the huge secret hidden
at Jack’s house. Jack wasn’t present so that Alex could be. For now, one of them had to be at Jack’s house at all times.

  Steve’s jaw tightened, and lines of stress fanned out at the corners of his eyes. “We have centered our investigation on missing persons reports that contain two key factors. Firstly, they have to be male. This kidnapper or kidnappers seem only interested in men. The other key component is that the person had to have answered a Gregslist advertisement in the days prior to their disappearance.” Steve glanced around the room. His blue eyes were stormy with emotion. “Frankly, the numbers aren’t adding up. So far our investigations have revealed many more reports of men who are missing than have been found dead or alive. Unless there are mass graves somewhere, these people are still out there.”

  “Wait a minute,” Rock, Cade’s newest tracker, interrupted. “Tolliver was tortured to the point of death. If we hadn’t found him, he’d have died within hours. The bodies and the few people that were alive were found in the same condition as Tolliver. What are you saying? These poor souls are being stockpiled somewhere until there’s time to play with them? Or is this something else?”

  “No.” Tony shook his head, but there was a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. “From what we have been able to figure out from the information we’ve gathered, each victim that has been found was taken within two weeks of their discovery. The victims that were able to give statements have indicated that the tortures started almost immediately after they were kidnapped. We really feel something else is happening to the others.”

  “And you mentioned there may be more than one sadistic bastard,” Gabriel pointed out.

  “I’m not going to get into particulars, but we think there is more than one person torturing the victims,” Steve said. “At this point, that’s all I can say.”

  “How does Shadow fit into this?” Treb asked.

  Cade made certain his face didn’t give anything away to his observant team when he said, “One of the victims has a brother who is now digging into the case. I’m sure he’s looking for answers that will help him understand his brother’s death. The problem with him sticking his nose into the case is twofold. One, the public doesn’t know the case isn’t over. And two, he is putting himself in danger.” Cade saw the frowns on the men’s faces and answered the unasked question. “The people behind the crimes seem to have inside information. That’s why, by the time we get there, the perps are long gone. Digging around the way he is could make him a target.”

  “So Shadow’s going to do what?” Ruger, Cade’s newest team member, asked. Cade was surprised and pleased Ruger had spoken up. He usually didn’t say much. “Protect him and stop him from nosing around? Or is he going to let him continue digging so we can nab the perps when they go after him?”

  Cade stilled for a moment. Ruger’s ability to maneuver through puzzling situations was impressive. He and Steve both felt bringing someone in under the radar was the only way to stop this heinous crime spree. They felt if Steve went by the book and officially brought the brother into his office to tell him to back off, there was a good chance the man would disappear within days.

  “First and foremost, Shadow will be a full-fledged member of the team and go out on rescues with us. Part of his first assignment will be keeping an eye on the brother. He has major skills at blending into the woodwork that I hope the rest of us can learn.” Cade trusted every man in the room with his life. It twisted his guts to have to say what he was about to. “Once you leave this room, there will be no discussions on anything mentioned in this meeting. If you have an observation, concern, or speculation, you speak of it in this room only. The no-disclosure rule includes partners, family, and friends. If it gets back to me that someone has opened their mouth, that person will immediately be let go from Rescue for Hire.”

  “What the hell, boss?” Somehow Cade knew Treb would be the only one ballsy enough to question him.

  “There was an incident in Nevada concerning Tolliver because one of the county deputies here made an off-the-wall comment in a bar. The situation didn’t turn fatal, but could have.” The faces of his crew went from scowls to looks of understanding. “FYI. In the coming weeks, I’ve arranged for us to perform practice drills in a couple of empty farmhouses. If Shadow decides not to join the team, I will still ask him if he would consider giving us pointers in silent building invasion.”

  “Are you anticipating the need, boss?” Treb gave Cade a cocky smile.

  “I am,” Cade admitted. “One more thing. If I call a rescue and use the code word, snowball, the rescue will require full arsenal and head-to-toe black cover, including skin paint.”

  Shane cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention. “Just so that you know. If things look as if they’re coming to head with this case, and this is as large as we think it is, Cade and I have decided to call in Rescue for Hire West to give us a hand.”

  * * * *

  Shadow followed Pen up a creaking flight of stairs to the second floor of one of the old brick buildings lining Granite City’s Main Street. He would have pegged the sexy man as a modern apartment dweller, not living above a pet store in a building that had seen over a hundred years pass by.

  The ass flexing beneath those painted-on white pants as Pen climbed the stairs set Shadow’s hunting instincts humming. He worked to keep a tight rein on the urge to push the man down onto the steps, pull out his knife, and cut a hole big enough for him to sink his dick in Pen’s paradise.

  On the landing, Pen produced a set of keys and unlocked a thick wooden door with a gold-plated number two nailed to it. After shoving it open, Pen stepped inside and flipped on a light. “Come on in.”

  Shadow walked into a spacious kitchen that included a breakfast nook and had a connecting dining room. In a glance, he took in the high ceilings and cheap white linoleum. Since they had left the hotel bathroom, Shadow hadn’t said a word. He had been busy working through the surprise of not wanting his time with Pen to end with a one-off in the john and keeping his rising desires at bay.

  Across the room Pen was looking at him with a deer-in-the-headlights expression. Shadow thought maybe he should have given in to his needs and ravished the man in every doorway from the hotel to the apartment. It might have settled Pen down.

  Shadow stepped toward Pen. The smaller man reacted with a nervous jerk before taking a step back and ended up bumping into a kitchen cupboard. No, now that wouldn’t do. Pen didn’t realize it, but he was one of the safest persons in the world right now. Shadow wouldn’t let anything hurt him, and he was skilled enough to back up that promise.

  Shadow went over and braced his hands against the counter on either side of Pen’s stiff body. He brushed his lips against the sexy man’s ear, enjoying Pen’s fresh, clean scent and the shudder that rippled through him. “Are you afraid of me, my Pen?”

  “Should I be?” Pen’s voice might have trembled, but he tipped his head to the side, giving Shadow greater access to his delectable neck.

  “I am Shadow. I am just a man, although some think I’m a chameleon, an animal, or a ghost.” Shadow nipped before sucking up a mark on Pen’s neck. “You, on the other hand, will know me as your lover. The man who demands that your body give me everything until it can’t give any more.”

  Pen lowered his eyelids, sneaking a peek at Shadow while keeping his neck exposed. Shadow rewarded him by sucking up another mark. Pen shivered so sweetly.

  “One night does not make a lover.” Pen grabbed onto Shadow’s shirt and leaned his neck harder against Shadow’s lips.

  “We will start with one long night and go from there.” Shadow caught Pen’s hands in his. In one maneuver Shadow easily twisted Pen until the smaller man’s back was now against his front and Shadow was the one leaning against the counter. “Show me your bedroom.”

  Pen turned his head and looked over his shoulder. Shadow covered the man’s lips with his. The kiss became a wet tangle of tongues and the clash of teeth. Shadow wanted more. Holding Pe
n around the waist with one hand, Shadow shoved the tank top up, wanting it off. Pen lifted his arms. Shadow broke the kiss, and the tank top sailed through the air.

  The smile Pen turned on Shadow was nasty, mixed with a hint of vulnerable. Shadow’s blood ignited into a slow burn. Pen took Shadow’s hand and led him to the bedroom adjacent to the living room. Along the way, one-handed Shadow tore off the T-shirt that was stifling his body. By the time they stood next to the bed, Shadow’s jeans were open.

  That hint of vulnerability came out again, and Pen avoided looking at Shadow. He tried to let Shadow’s hand go, but Shadow wasn’t having any of that. He held on until Pen’s light gray eyes looked up at him. “We need supplies, lots of them.”

  “I have some in the drawer next to the bed.” Pen lifted up on his toes and kissed the corner of Shadow’s mouth.

  Shadow frowned. He felt a weird warming inside his gut when Pen had kissed him. Shadow’s world didn’t include sweet gestures.

  Pen walked around the bed to a small dresser with Shadow following close behind. He opened the top drawer, revealing a box of condoms and a bottle of lube. Lying on the bottom of the drawer, next to the box, were two condom packages. Pen picked up the bottle and two packages. Shadow reached around Pen and pulled a strip of condoms out of the box. With a smile, which no doubt looked evil as hell, Shadow handed Pen the strip.

  “This might be enough,” Shadow stated. He loved how Pen’s light gray eyes widened. The man would learn soon enough that Shadow rarely said something he didn’t mean.

  Leaning down, Shadow kissed Pen. Sliding his tongue between those plush lips, Shadow enjoyed the stroke of flesh on flesh. Soon it wouldn’t be just their tongues rubbing together.

  With a twist of his wrist, Shadow had Pen’s jeans open. The two men continued to kiss as Pen pushed his own pants down to his upper thighs while Shadow cupped the sexy man’s package. Shadow wasn’t surprised Pen wasn’t wearing any underwear. After all, he’d been staring at that ass all night.


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