
Home > Paranormal > Keeper > Page 5
Keeper Page 5

by Viola Grace

  She gave him a dark look over her shoulder. “Thanks. That is guaranteed to relax me.”

  He laughed and hugged her, wrapping his arms across her chest and pulling her back against him. “It will be fine. Wovian insisted that you were following your job description in detail and you have gotten the last two years of back pay for your duty, plus a hazard bonus.”

  Aggie could feel his lips at her temple and she smiled. “Well, that is one thing.”

  “If you are worried about him, he is happy. He had the time that he needed to decide what was right for him, and he made it into adulthood before Zenfar moved in.”

  She shuddered with relief and a little bit more as the bar of his erection pushed at her spine.

  With his body behind her, she could simply lean against him and relax. She wasn’t going to, but she could.

  Ikvaro pressed his lips to her cheek and worked his way down her jaw. His motions were slow as if he had all the time in the world.

  “So, we are doing this now?” She bit her lip, but it was all she could think of to break the intensity.

  “I went through eighteen months believing that you were captured or dead. Now is definitely the right time.”

  His hands moved on her carefully as if memorizing her contours. She tried to turn in his grip, but he kept her facing away from him.

  “Now is the right time, but there is no need to rush. I have dreamed of this for a while and have no urge to hurry the experience.” His hand splayed on her belly and pressed her back against him.

  She squirmed. “What am I supposed to do here?”

  “Tell me if you don’t like something or are unsure.”

  “I am unsure right now.” Honesty was the best policy.

  “Do you trust me?”

  Those words hung in the air between them.

  She inhaled and put her hands on his thighs. “I trust you with my life, but I think my dignity is about to die a messy death.”

  “Dignity is overrated.” He gently bit the join between her neck and shoulder and she shivered.

  Her nipples hardened at the light bite, and she wrinkled her nose at that little tidbit of information about her own body. Her sexual partners prior to this moment could be counted on three fingers and she was one of them. Biting her own neck had never been an option.

  He cupped her breasts and teased her nipples before applying deliberate pressure.

  Squirming in her current position was difficult, but the water did slosh violently around them as she twisted. She didn’t know if she liked it or not, but her body did. In the heated water, she could feel her own liquid reaction.

  She hoped that he would attribute the colour moving from her cheeks through her skin and across her chest to the heat in the bath.

  He stroked his hand down her belly and explored her sex with light caresses.

  She bit her lip and shivered when he touched her clit. When he pressed on that tiny and sensitive spot, she thrashed violently.

  He was nibbling at her neck, and she felt his lips curve against her skin. She dug her nails into his thighs and he grunted, nipping her sharply before he sighed and said, “I think the hot soak has outlived its usefulness.”

  She sighed. “I thought it was just getting interesting.”

  “Physically it is, but my species needs pheromones to truly enjoy ourselves, and the scented water is getting in the way.” He stood up and water whooshed off him. His grip on her took her with him, and when he placed her on her feet, she took the wrap, with a bit of amusement, that he handed her.

  “You seem to be constantly wrapping me up when I get wet.”

  He grinned and quickly ran a towel over his body. “Perhaps you simply end up wet while in my vicinity.”

  She covered her eyes. “I refuse to answer that comment.”

  He tossed his towel aside and placed his hands on her waist. “I like the scent of your heat. It wakes things within me that I thought long gone.”

  She didn’t know how to answer that, so she went up on her toes and kissed him, light brushes of her lips that grew more passionate as she flicked her tongue out to taste him.

  Aggie stroked her tongue across the seam of Ikvaro’s lips and he slowly parted them to let her in.

  She dropped her wrap and grabbed his hair; he tasted like sex. The taste of him reminded her of every arousal in her life and the musky scent of her partner’s heat. It was sweet, spicy, hot and intriguing, and she didn’t know if she would ever get used to it. She hoped not.

  When he slid his tongue along hers and engaged in a slow thrust and retreat, she shivered against him.

  He lifted his head and smiled. “That is more of what I am looking for.”

  He backed up and kept her tightly pressed to his body. With measured steps, he reversed until they were in the bedroom, and then, he coaxed her to the bed. “Dignity is for when you are in uniform. Remember that.”

  She wondered at the warning when he tipped her to her back and he adjusted her until she was splayed sideways across the bed with her legs wide.

  Ikvaro covered her without touching; he inhaled deeply and smiled, working his way down her body.

  The silver gleam in his eyes was bright, but she wasn’t able to enjoy it long. His earrings winked in the dim light of the bedroom and she silently bemoaned the lack of light.

  To her embarrassment, her skin began to glow.

  Ikvaro lifted his head. “What is this?”

  “I was wishing for more light and Ylor gave it to me. He is very curious as to what happens next.”

  He was bathed in a golden glow coming from every inch of her. His grin was delighted as he lowered his head to kiss her.

  The heat from his body radiated and sank into her skin. She let her arms float up so that she could stroke his ribs and make her way to the muscles of his back. Aggie could feel the scars and damage that could easily have been eradicated by surgeons. Ikvaro had kept them and she would eventually ask him why. For now, she was busy.

  He lowered his body until it was just above hers but not touching. When she arched, he moved and she bit his lip in frustration. He laughed in a low, hot tone. “Taking our time, remember?”

  She hissed and twisted, trying to pull him down. He easily kept that bit of air between them.

  “You may not be in a hurry, but I have missed two years of my life. I am behind on all things relating to living beings.” Aggie stroked his back and he shuddered.

  “Fine, but you owe me a slow day.” He lowered himself to her and undulated the hard board of his skin and muscle against her.

  Aggie groaned at the feel of him and her senses purred happily. That was what she had wanted.

  Ikvaro began to move over her with intent. He rocked his body over hers and she moaned. She could feel the slick moisture that was being produced in anticipation, as well as smell her own heat. Aggie’s skin warmed with a blush, but she focussed on the mantra that dignity was best left out of the bedroom.

  Her mind went blank when he began a slow descent down her body, licking his way down her neck, over her collarbone and across her breasts. Aggie alternately held her breath and exhaled suddenly when his teeth came into play unexpectedly. She yelped, pulled at his hair and ended up with her hands pinned to the bed for her trouble. He continued to shift down until he was facing her from between her splayed thighs.

  He maintained eye contact with her as he flicked his tongue out. She was able to watch as he slowly flicked her clit until her breath came in short pants and she let out a long, low moan to announce her orgasm.

  Surprised, he eased a finger into her, and she could feel the clasp of her body around his digit. “You reach crisis very easily.”

  Her body was still pulsing as he slid another finger into her.

  Aggie whimpered and pressed her head back against the sheets. Between clenched teeth, she muttered, “It has been a while.”

  He grinned and lowered his mouth
to her opening. His tongue felt longer than his fingers and she raised her hips as he curled his appendage and stroked her inner walls.

  Aggie had the flickering thought that she needed to do more research on Selnas, but her body burst into a thin coating of sweat as the tension built under his attentive motions.

  She twisted against him, and a low whimper came from her throat. She was getting dangerously close to going off again, and as he removed his mouth and replaced it with his fingers, she bit her lip and tried to think calm thoughts.

  “Let it go, Agatha.”

  She scowled and opened her mouth to say that she didn’t like being called Agatha, when he flicked her clit with his thumb and bit down on her inner thigh.

  Sparks blasted behind her eyes and she gasped before a low rattling moan broke from her. Distraction in the bedroom was a very bad thing.

  Aggie opened her eyes enough to see an intent Ikvaro moving up her body, dragging his torso across her skin.

  She felt his cock prodding at her, and it stroked itself into her with alarming dexterity. “How are you doing that?”

  “My father was Wyoran. He passed that particular characteristic along.” Ikvaro grinned as he lodged inside her and worked forward with small pulses of his hips.

  Aggie reached up to grip his shoulders as he worked within her and began to undulate. Her body rioted; it had no idea what was going on and not a clue as to what would happen next.

  She stared up into his silver gaze as he thrust and retreated while keeping his focus on her. His attention to her was intense and more intimate than the rocking of his hips and the internal stroking that was picking up in pitch and frequency.

  She mewled and pulled him to her with her hands clawing at his back as she welcomed the waves of fire that he was generating. Each inward thrust scorched her nerves and coaxed her into thrusting back.

  They worked together in concert until he picked up speed and his smile became a grimace exposing the sharp edges of his teeth. She winced as he bit down and thrust in with his hips, pinning her at neck and sex.

  His scent overwhelmed her, and pleasure, heat and being surrounded by Ikvaro on all sides swamped her. Her scream filled the air, and she clawed at his back while a third orgasm burned through her.

  He shuddered and his hips welded to hers as he released his grip on her and grunted.

  It was the most basic noise in the world and Aggie grinned. Finally.

  Ylor healed the puncture and complimented her on her stamina. His creatures didn’t have that sort of addiction to pleasure. He thought it was a sound way to make sure that a species kept going.

  Ikvaro licked her shoulder and blinked. “You are healed.”

  When she spoke, her voice was hoarse. “Ylor doesn’t like me to have holes in need of healing. He wants to keep me intact.”

  “I want that as well.” He levered up on his arms and kissed her slowly while his cock twisted to life inside her.

  She blinked. “That soon?”

  “Selna have a quick recovery time. As differing species, you and I are very close on the sensual side.” He smiled and slid a hand under her, turning until he was on his back and she was above him.

  Her skin was still glowing gold and it cast soft shadows across his features. She sat up straight, pressing onto him completely and lifted the weight of her hair off her back and shoulders.

  Something about the moment brought out her sensuality and stripped away her modesty. She cupped her breasts and rocked her hips until she caught on to a rhythm that they both enjoyed.

  There was something to be said for enjoying herself with someone she trusted. When she flung her head back and groaned, she drew her hands down his abdomen and scratched at the dark velvet of his skin. Her mind was exhausted but her body was delighted when the slick erection it was embracing pulsed inside her once again.

  She slowly collapsed on his chest and gasped for oxygen. The scent and flavour of sex filled the air.

  Before he could rise to the occasion once again, she moved her hips and freed herself from him, rivers of cum snaking down her thighs. Groaning, she got to her feet and swayed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “The lav for a quick solar. I hate being sticky.” She smiled bashfully.

  “I will come with you. You look a little stiff.”

  She snorted and continued her slow waddle toward the lav. There was no way to hide that she had been riding another bipedal being after being ridden in turn.

  He came up behind her and lifted her off her feet. They were in the solar shower and taking turns being exposed to light in moments.

  She yawned and pressed her forehead against his chest. Ikvaro chuckled and stroked her spine. “You will feel more like yourself after natural sleep.”

  “I hope so. Currently, I feel like a Terran with a cold planet in my head.”

  “Ah, that. Well, I am guessing that Ylor will allow you some normal rest.”

  “Maybe. He can be a little unpredictable.” She yawned again.

  He carried her back to the bedroom, stripped off the sweat-stained sheet and tucked her onto the bed, finding a clean blanket for her from another cupboard. He crawled into the bed with her and spooned against her body, sighing happily.

  “I have hoped for this day, Aggie.”

  “It is here, Ikvaro. Now, I have to wonder what tomorrow is going to bring.” She sighed and closed her eyes as he pressed a kiss to her temple.

  Ylor sent her a calming wave. Whatever happens, you are not alone, and no, I don’t mean me. Ikvaro is devoted to you, his mind glows every time he looks at you.

  Her lips curled in a smile and she slept.

  Chapter Eight

  Clothing had seemed so easy, but without her access to the Grey Talon, she was stuck wearing the bland, baggy medical suit. “I need something to wear.”

  Ikvaro was braiding his hair into two braids at his temples with the rest flowing down his back. “That is being taken care of. You are an Avatar now and that brings a certain social standing with it.”

  “Even if the world is cold and dark with no mineral value?” Sorry, Ylor.

  Not an issue. My surface is encrusted with minerals, gems, you name it, I have it. I just wish that I could be shifted to a more hospitable environment.

  Perhaps I can make that a project. I can seek out a planet mover. There has to be something like that in existence, somewhere.

  I would enjoy that. Thank you for thinking of it, Aggie.

  You are part of me now. If you are happy, I am happy. Literally.

  She listened to the amusement of a dormant world rippling through her thoughts.

  Ikvaro got to his feet, his black uniform made him look terribly large and official.

  She brushed her hair behind her and knotted it into a sloppy ponytail.

  Ikvaro looked at her and shook his head. “We are going to have to discuss your hairstyle choices. For today, leave it straight.”

  She made a face and flipped her hair loose. “Better?”

  “Much. There is a seamstress on the station and she will sort you out with some official gowns.”

  “Gowns? I am not very girly.”

  He grinned and pulled her to him, belly to belly. “I beg to differ.”

  “Ylor doesn’t care what I wear.” That was a blatant lie. Ylor had been trying to convince her to go naked this entire conversation. She refused.

  “Well, he must care a little. He has tinted you gold.”

  She blinked and examined her hand carefully. “What the hell?”

  Gold is one of my most plentiful minerals. I thought it would suit you. Your eyes are now emerald and sapphire as well, though I have not altered your features.

  You son-of-a-bitch. I never said you could make changes. I have a twin. We look the same. We have always looked the same.

  You are no longer the same. You are an Avatar now and you will look the part, Aggie. There was a
dark and serious note to his thoughts. He was grim and she would be his voice in the Alliance and elsewhere. She had a responsibility to him.

  He had saved her life and she would be his voice and physical representative. That was the deal they had struck and she was going to live with it.

  “Right. I am not Aggie Keller anymore.”

  Ikvaro nodded. “You will become more as you proceed through your career. You are simply beginning again. It happens to us all.”

  “This is a very big beginning.” She couldn’t explain it to him so instead she said, “You mentioned clothing?”

  He nodded and kissed her quickly. “Right. We can discuss this later.”

  She grinned weakly. “Sure. We have all the time in the world.”

  They headed out of the hospitality centre and down to the small marketplace. He steered her into the clothing shop and took over. She was up on a pedestal, measured and swathed in cloth for hours. Her stomach had gone beyond grumbling and was roaring for food by the time she stepped down from her perch wearing a white gown with flounces and matching high-heeled boots. The idea was that she was to present a complete contrast to Ikvaro.

  On their way to a meal with the rest of the fitted clothing heading to their room, she hissed, “I have never dressed to match a man in my life.”

  “I can’t help it if the seamstress was infatuated with me.” He shrugged. “You have other gowns that are not white. I think it looks very fetching with your new colouring.”

  She made a face and he kissed her quickly. It was impossible to hold a grimace when he kissed her.

  “I hate changes like this. I feel like the core of me has been attacked.”

  “You are more than your appearance, more than your colouring and more than your species.”

  Her stomach roared again.

  “You are hungry. Let’s deal with that.”

  She nodded and they made for the commissary. After the meal, he cleared his throat. “Two things.”

  She scowled. “What?”

  “One, you need to go to medical to have final scans done.”

  “What is the second thing?”


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