My One and Only

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My One and Only Page 6

by Alanea Alder

  "That they are, despite their rough start in life. You have no idea how much it means to me to see them so happy." Serenity felt like calling the Magical Academy gloating that the three of them found a place where they belonged, even with low test scores.

  Vivi opened the door and walked in the same way that Adriel had. "You don't knock?" she asked.

  Vivi shrugged. "We're kinda beyond knocking at this point. Why pull Sebastian away from whatever he's doing?"

  "I appreciate that more that you know," Sebastian said walking in from the dining room wiping his hands on a towel.

  "We're about to check on Magnus," Vivi said.

  Vivi looked around. "Where's Meryn?"

  Sebastian chuckled then coughed into his hand to hide his mirth. "Since the twins had to report to Kendrick in the lab, Master Pip decided to go visit Master Avery in the office. That left Meryn alone to keep Magnus company."

  "Oh gods," Vivi whispered, then began walking down the hall.

  Serenity and Micah followed. As they approached they noticed the door to the master suite was open and they could hear loud hissing and thrashing.

  "Go ahead and try to bite me one more time Hissy. Remember Beth likes you, I have no problems punching you in the balls to get you to simmer down." Meryn's voice was clearly audible. Vivi covered her face with her palm.

  Surprisingly enough the hissing softened. "There. Now Rheia says I have to have eight hours of quiet time or she'll shove a feeding tube down my nose. So, I am going to share one of my favorite relaxing TV shows with you. Okay Ryuu, press play."

  "Of course, denka," Ryuu replied.

  A soft soothing voice started speaking. Serenity frowned. "Are they watching Bob Ross?" she whispered.

  "Happy little stormtroopers," Meryn said.

  Micah nodded. "Yup."

  Vivi walked through the doorway and they followed. Sure enough. Meryn had propped the prince of the vampires up in bed and was lying down beside him while Bob Ross played in the background. When Magnus saw them, he sat up and bared his fangs. Meryn raised a hand over his crotch and Magnus laid back down growling lowly.

  Sebastian watched the entire scene looking like a proud father. "Only Meryn has been able to handle him."

  Vivi shook her head. "I wonder why." She turned to her. "Do you need to touch him for this to work?"

  Serenity shook her head. "No, I just need to see him."

  "Do I need to get up?" Meryn asked plaintively.

  "No Meryn, you're fine. Just try not to move around."

  "Okie dokie," Meryn yawned and closed her eyes.

  Serenity took a deep breath and called on her magic. Instantly her eyes were drawn up to the brain. Flashes of purple ignited in clusters. His testosterone levels were off the charts. She had never in her entire career seen anyone with levels that high and she had treated unit warriors after battle.

  "Vivi, what exactly was in the treatment you gave him. The exact components," Serenity asked, keeping her eyes focused on Magnus.

  "We used an older vampire's blood then mixed it with Caspian's to ensure compatibility and to prevent any type of bonding," Vivi explained.

  "You're telling me the only thing he received was two strains of vampire blood?" Serenity asked.


  "Who was the other donor?"

  Vivi hesitated.

  Serenity could understand the reluctance to share names, but in order to help Magnus she needed to know. "I'm not asking to be nosy and I am bound like any other physician to confidentiality. What you tell me, stays with me," she promised.

  "You might as well tell her," Sebastian said. "It is bound to come up in conversation later anyway."

  "It was Gavriel's blood," Vivi answered.

  "Hmmm." Serenity continued to watch the lights flash in his brain. To her it looked like the Fourth of July. No wonder he was restless. His brain was sending mixed signals to his body.

  "Hmmm? What?" Vivi asked.

  "You said older vampire, right? Magnus is pretty old, can I assume Gavriel donated because he's older?"

  "Yes, much older. In fact, he's probably twice Magnus' age."

  Serenity blinked and turned away from Magnus to look at Vivi. "Really?"

  Vivi nodded. "Gavriel is our Dark Prince, the son of one of our Originators. He's over ten thousand years old. We thought his blood was the answer, but then this happened," she pointed to the restraints.

  Serenity looked around the room. "Does anyone have a walkie-talkie?"

  Meryn pointed to Ryuu. "He has mine." Ryuu held it up.

  "Could you call Gavriel down here please?"

  "Of course," he said and lifted the walkie-talkie. "Gavriel could you report to the Rioux quarters please."

  Meryn scowled. "You never use the call signs," she muttered. Ryuu winked at his charge.

  "On my way," Gavriel replied.

  Meryn giggled. "I bet he thinks it's Beth. He'll be here in two seconds flat."

  "You would be right," a deep voice said from behind them.

  Serenity stared. "How fast are you?" Her eyes narrowed. "Or were you just close by?"

  Gavriel raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you called me down to ask me?"

  "No. I'm trying to help Magnus. I was told you donated the blood for his treatment."

  He inclined his head. "I did."

  "Are you helping uncle?" Beth asked, walking into the room. Immediately Gavriel pulled her close to his body. She gave Serenity a lop-sided smile. "I didn't mean to interrupt but I heard Gavriel getting paged and came down." Serenity could see the wealth of love Beth had for her uncle. It had nothing to do with him being a prince. From the way she smoothed her hand over the sheets Serenity could tell that Prince Magnus was adored by his niece.

  "You're not interrupting at all, I'm just assembling some facts so I can try to help." She turned back to Gavriel. "I know this can be a personal question for vampires, but I assure you, it is relevant. Have you recently gone through transition?"

  Gavriel blinked. "As a matter of fact I have." He tilted his head. "How could you possibly know that?"

  Serenity smiled as the final pieces of the puzzle fell into place. "I think I know what's wrong with him."

  "You do?" multiple voices asked incredulously.

  "It's an educated guess mind you, but..." Serenity walked over to the bed. "Meryn, could you pop up for a minute?" she asked reaching down to help the pregnant human stand. Meryn waddled over to her squire.

  Immediately Magnus began to thrash about and hiss up at her. She ignored him and placed a hand on his forehead. She slowly sent her magic into his body. As she worked he became less agitated. She took her time making sure everything that could be returned to normal levels was. Once his chemistry was balanced she withdrew her magic and stepped back. Micah placed a hand on the small of her back and she could feel his magic seeping into her. He replenished what she expended, alleviating some of the fatigue. She looked up at him gratefully and he kissed her nose again. The man seemed obsessed with her nose.

  When she looked around the room everyone was staring at Magnus who was sleeping peacefully a faint smile on his lips.

  Beth turned to her, hope a living thing in her eyes. "What did you do? Is he okay?"

  "I'm sure Vivi would have caught it eventually, but you all have been stretched so thin with the virus."

  "Caught what?" Vivi asked.

  "His testosterone levels were out of control," she pointed to Gavriel. "I think it's because he was reacting to Gavriel's blood which was still amped up from transition. Something in the virus reacted to those transition markers triggering aggression."

  Sebastian gasped. "He was not feral, he was going through a transition?"

  Serenity nodded. "Gavriel's blood triggered one. His body was caught in a loop. His transition was stuck due to the 'fight or flight' mode his body was in from the aggression triggers from the virus. Once I toned down the testosterone levels his transition ended."

  "What about the virus?
" Beth asked anxiously.

  Serenity grinned. "Completely burned off."

  Beth burst into tears at the news causing her mate to cuddle her closer. Sebastian was dabbing at his eyes with his tea towel as he walked over to Serenity. Without warning he pulled her into a warm hug. "Thank you!" he whispered, emotion making his voice harsh. He stepped back then hurried over to comfort Beth.

  Serenity shrugged. "I feel like I'm getting all the credit when I just helped with the final steps. Vivi is the real hero."

  Sebastian shook his head. "You brought him back to us, thank you," he repeated.

  Meryn looked down at Magnus nervously. "Do y'all remember stuff from when you're raging from transition?"

  Gavriel eyed her closely. "Why?"

  Meryn was instantly a figure of innocence. "No reason."

  Serenity looked over at the prince. "I'd leave him strapped down just in case, but he should wake up completely himself." She looked over to Sebastian. "He will need a lot of fresh blood, his body is nearly depleted."

  Sebastian nodded. "Of course. It was just so hard trying to get him to feed when he was being..."

  "Hissy," Meryn volunteered.

  Sebastian winked at her. "Yes, hissy." He headed toward the door. "I'll get a feast ready for tonight's dinner in your honor and to celebrate Magnus returning to us! Hal! Oh Hal! I need help in the kitchen!" Sebastian called down the hallway.

  Gavriel eased Beth into the chair by Magnus' bed. She was wiping her eyes. "Stupid pregnancy hormones," she complained.

  Serenity looked down at Beth's belly. "Your daughter is sleeping at the moment, so you can't blame her."

  Gavriel looked up at her then down to stare at Beth's nearly flat stomach. When he looked back up he had tears streaming down his cheeks. "We have a daughter?"

  Serenity nodded. "I checked earlier when going over her curse. She is doing just fine, perfectly healthy."

  Gavriel wrapped his arms around his mate and buried his face in her shoulder. Beth held him close. When she looked up at them she was smiling broadly. "Thank you for this day."

  Meryn sniffled. "Okay, so not Jack." She tapped her lips with her finger. "What about Jackie or Jacquelyn?"

  Beth shook her head laughing. "No Meryn."

  Meryn shrugged and turned to Serenity pointing down at her belly. "Do me."

  Serenity shook her head. "I've been trying, but your baby is turned in such a way I can't tell. But I can tell you this, they are very happy. I've never seen a baby radiate such happiness. They know they are loved."

  Meryn blushed and stared down at the floor. "It's probably the Magic Pudding," she said quietly.

  Ryuu placed his hands on her shoulders. "Come along denka, you still need your quiet time, especially if you wanted to be rested for tonight's feast."

  Meryn brightened. "Oh yeah! Tons of squire food."

  Ryuu rolled his eyes as he steered her out of the room. "Yes, because you're so deprived of squire food," he teased.

  Serenity took Micah's hand. "We'll give you some privacy." They were about to turn toward the door when she found herself in Gavriel's arms. When he stepped back his eyes were still bright but the tears had been wiped away. "Thank you," he said simply.

  "It's why I'm here," she answered.

  She walked hand in hand out of the room with her mate leaving Gavriel and Beth alone to discuss their daughter.


  Once outside by the transport tunnel Micah turned to her. "Where to next boss?"

  Serenity pulled out her phone from her pocket and checked the time. "When will dinner be?"

  "Usually we meet up for drinks in the antechamber around six, then dinner is at seven. We go around the table and everyone reports in. We get our medical updates from the doctors. Unit updates from Adriel and Aiden. City updates from Gavriel, Kari and Beth. And the rest of us just fill in anything pertinent."

  "So, we have a couple hours then." She put her phone away. "How about we check on the children?" she suggested.

  Micah smiled. "You're on a roll. It wouldn't surprise me if you cure everyone by dinnertime."

  She blushed. "If they are cured any time soon it will be because of the tireless efforts of Rheia, Vivi and Ellie. Those three are truly miracle workers. Working with so little they've managed to not only treat a growing patient load, but also figure out a partial cure. They've used human ingenuity and science, which to me is amazing. I feel like I fall back on to my magic too quickly. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can from them while I'm here. I bet Laelia and Radclyffe will feel the same way."

  "I'm just teasing. Trust me, I know how much these ladies have done. But you really should get used to the gratitude and the compliments, if Magnus is able to join us tonight everyone will be singing your praises," he said as they stepped into the tunnel.

  "Why?" she asked feeling confused. She really hadn't done much, just lower his testosterone levels and end his stalled transition.

  When they stepped onto Level Six he placed a hand on each shoulder and turn her to face him. "Because you didn't have to come. In fact, coming here could cost you your position. But that didn't stop you. You may feel like you've only done small things, but those small things are tipping the odds in our favor. Even if what you do gives us a slight edge, that tiny advantage could mean the difference between celebratory dinners and another tragic funeral."

  "Well said Micah," a male voice commented.

  They turned to see Adriel beaming at them. He walked up to Serenity and hugged her. When he stepped back his mate took his place giving her another embrace.

  Eva's smile was contagious. "Meryn texted us what happened. We understand a general announcement can't go out yet, but those of us who have been living out of Level One and fighting this day in and day out know what you've done. Everyone who received an update is walking around grinning like an idiot."

  Serenity smiled feeling a bit like a fraud. "I keep telling Micah I didn't do much."

  "And as my wise unit brother already told you, what you have done, no matter how small, has giant ramifications," Adriel reminded her.

  Serenity threw up her hands. "Fine! You're welcome," she said laughing.

  Eva bumped hips with her. "That's the spirit."

  Adriel turned to Micah. "Have you considered my offer?"

  Micah nodded then pointed to her. "I have, but need to run it by my mate before I can give you a final answer."

  Adriel smiled. "As you should." He turned to Serenity. "Are you checking on the children?"

  "Yes, and my dedicates. They have a tendency to go overboard with their magic if I don't keep them in line."

  Eva turned to look back at the hospital. "Those two have worked miracles today. I haven't seen the children feeling so good since that first infusion of warrior blood."

  Serenity couldn't help feeling proud. She knew how hard both Laelia and Radclyffe studied so that they would be able to help others. "They are two of the most selfless people I know."

  "We will not keep you from them any longer." Adriel said looping his arm around his mate. "Do not forget to speak with Serenity about my offer."

  Micah nodded. "See you at dinner." Adriel and Eva waved then dropped out of sight.

  Serenity turned to Micah. "Should I be worried?"

  He gave her a boyish grin. "Nope, it's actually a really cool offer. One I don't think we'll turn down. But we can discuss it later when we're alone."


  When they entered the hospital Serenity found Laelia and Radclyffe each visiting different children. The girl Laelia was with was showing her a stuffed animal that looked like a weird chicken and Radclyffe was reading a story to an enthralled audience. Serenity shook her head at his antics. He was completely going overboard using his magic to do sound effects, but she supposed the result was worth it. He was entertaining everyone around him.

  She decided to let them continue their visits as she walked to the center of the floor. She sent her magic out to everyone in the r
oom. She didn't limit herself to just the patients, she also reached out to the parents, the warriors, the helpers, to Ellie and Anne and especially to her two best friends.

  She reduced anxiety, upped endorphins and serotonin levels, eased pain, and generally sent out waves of happiness and love. When she opened her eyes, everyone was staring at her, soft smiles on their faces. "There, I think I earned an extra helping of dessert tonight," she said, winking at the children. They laughed, and their parents laughed with them. She concentrated most of her efforts on the exhausted figures watching over their children. When she walked in the mothers and fathers looked worn down, scared, and hopeless. She knew that children, especially, picked up on ambient moods. She hoped by giving the caretakers a pick-me-up it would in turn help the children relax for the evening.

  Laelia walked over and kissed her cheek. "We're still learning from you. Thanks for noticing what we missed."

  Serenity kissed her friend's cheek in return. "I was only able to help because you and Radclyffe did such an amazing job with the children. I had to find something to do," she teased.

  Radclyffe waved to the kids he had been reading to and jogged over. "Marjoram said we could stay with her on this level instead of on Level One. We'll be closer to the children and it will be easier to do rounds."

  Marjoram, Ellie and Anne joined their group. "I'll be grateful for the company. Ellie, Grant and Benji moved in with his unit on Level One."

  Serenity looked at Micah. "Is it normal for warriors to live on the royal level?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "That was the decision I was going to talk to you about later."

  Serenity looked from Laelia to Radclyffe. "What about your things?"

  Marjoram smiled. "I already used that handy walkie-talkie the warriors carry. Sebastian sent their things up earlier."

  Marjoram leaned down and kissed Serenity on the cheek. "I heard what you were able to do. Thank you. Looks like both you and Meryn will be getting extra cookies."

  Micah leaned forward. "Cookies?"

  Marjoram pointed to Serenity. "See if your mate is willing to share."


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