Deadly Betrayal

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Deadly Betrayal Page 14

by Maria Hammarblad

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Blake and Ima arrived within minutes.

  Both looked much better. Not their usual confident selves, but clean and relaxed.


  It hadn’t been anywhere near ninety minutes, but John came in too and sat down next to me. Sitting between him and Adam was a little strange, because the human and the android were so much alike. It made me feel safe, but confused.

  John said, “Anyone want a drink?”

  Blake looked like he barely resisted rolling his eyes. “I want my ship back. I want the Confederacy back. I want my people back.”

  “And how do you propose we do that?”

  Ima patted Blake’s leg. It did not calm him down. He almost shouted, “We find the ship and we take it back.”

  John leaned his elbows on his knees. “Look, you opened the Bell to welcome both Alex and me. You didn’t have to do that and we are grateful. You and Ima can stay here as long as you need. That does not mean we’re launching an attack on the Confederacy flagship.”

  I admired his calm, but it didn’t help me keep my mouth shut. “You know people on the Bell are changed, and I’m sure you’re aware of the dangers there. You won’t get her back just by going there and asking, and we don’t have the strength to take her. We need a better plan.”

  John said, “I’m not sure there is one.”

  Ima bared her fangs just a little. “There has to be.”

  “We might be willing to help you, but it would require a plan that doesn’t include a suicide mission where we attack one of the best armed ships in the galaxy.”

  Blake was clearly in an emotional place, not the cool captain’s role. I’d never seen him like this before. He huffed, “Very well. You give me no choice but to commandeer…”

  John interrupted him. “No. This is my ship.” He slammed an arm around my shoulders. “Our ship. There will be no commandeering. If you wish to leave we have one of the Bell’s shuttles in storage.”

  Blake thundered, “Commander, get your family in line.”

  Adam said, “No.”

  “What?” Blake clearly wasn’t used to people opposing him, especially not one of his officers.

  Adam was the epitome of patience. “This is an old freight ship. She’s fast and she’s strong, but she’s built to haul cargo. My wife and my father are brave and smart, but they’re not soldiers, and they have no allegiance to the Confederacy. Right now, you are two outlaws broken out of a prison colony by three of the Confederacy’s most wanted fugitives.”

  Blake’s shoulders slumped.

  “I will do what I can to help you, but any involvement of my family must be voluntary. And as they pointed out, we need to come up with a plan that has a chance to succeed.” Adam’s voice left no room for debate. I hadn’t expected him to side with us, not really.

  I put my hand on his and squeezed his fingers, making him smile. We didn’t fight often, didn’t even disagree often, and when it happened, it hurt. Especially now, after his long absence.

  Adam freed his hand from my grip and patted John’s arm around my shoulders. “I want my wife.”

  “Alright.” John removed his arm and Adam grabbed me instead. This was one of the moments I could see how our little family unit could appear peculiar to outsiders.

  John said, “I want to leave this planet before a Confederacy vessel shows up and spots us. Does anyone have a valid objection to that?”

  Ima blinked several times. “Where are we going?”

  John shrugged and headed for the door. “Anywhere that’s out of the way.”

  Adam pulled me close and I was more than happy to snuggle up to him. I pulled my feet up in the sofa and he kissed the side of my head.

  Ima yawned and stretched. “Damn I’m tired. We need a lab, and an infected person for a trial.”

  Blake rubbed her back. “We have neither. We might be able to lure someone with the shuttle, but we don’t have a facility.”

  I sat up, or tried to; Adam pulled me back against him.

  He said, “You two have had many hard months. Go to bed. All these problems will still be here tomorrow.”


  I sat up again as soon as Blake and Ima left, making Adam lift an eyebrow. He looked like he wanted to cuddle more and I did too, but I needed to see his face.

  “What about the bunker?”

  “I guess that could work. The equipment there isn’t meant for use on humans, but it’s more than we have here.”

  “It’s just so effing creepy.”

  He pulled me close again and I was more than happy to let him.

  “You wouldn’t have to go down there. If they can retrieve a test subject I’ll meet them on the surface. You and John can stay on the ship.”

  “That doesn’t seem fair. You shouldn’t have to deal with it alone.”

  John returned and reclaimed the seat next to me. “We’re in hyperspace, should be safe for now. Are you two talking about the bunker?”

  Adam gave a slight shrug. “Well, if Ima and Blake could take the shuttle and retrieve a test subject, we could meet them there. It’s better than bringing a possible contamination here.”

  John shook his head. “No, if things keep going the way they’re going we’ll need that place. I have a better idea. We’re heading there now.”

  “What is it?” He held so many cards up his sleeve.

  He didn’t answer at once. He leaned back and put his feet on the table. “I haven’t been there for a long time. It might not even be there anymore.”

  I waited, but when he didn’t say anything more I had to ask, “And, what is it?”

  “It’s an abandoned science station. Cheryl and I lived there before moving to the bunker. I’ve used it for storage, but I haven’t been there for a couple of years.”

  “Someone else might have found it.” Adam’s words made sense, but John didn’t seem too concerned. He just shrugged.

  “I’m not worried about that unless someone stumbled over it, you know how secretive your mother was. Other things might have gone wrong. Asteroids, power failure, whatever…”

  He shifted his weight. “The equipment was top of the line at the time, but that has to be twenty years ago. You’ll think it’s antique.”

  “Doesn’t matter if it works.”

  As interesting as this new place was, something John said earlier finally connected with my mind. “What do you mean we might need the bunker?”

  He sighed. “If this nanite crap continues to spread, traveling like we’ve been doing will be very dangerous. We could get to a point where every station, every populated world, and every ship we meet belongs to them to some extent.”

  It couldn’t be that bad, could it? “You’re exaggerating, right?”

  “No. It would take time, but everyone in a society is dependent on each other. All they have to do is lace a few food shipments and it will spread like wildfire.”

  Suddenly, the idea of eating or drinking something, anything, was less appealing than usual. Our food might not be crawling with microscopic robots, but the thought still grossed me out.

  Maybe the bunker would become less creepy if I could keep a scientific approach. “When we were there you mentioned several storage levels below. What’s down there?”

  John shrugged. “It’s been so long since I lived there. It could be anything.”

  Adam said, “In my time, supplies, weapons, parts, failed experiments, the power source…”

  Were we really considering this? The place would be less disturbing without the decapitated body in the master bedroom, but anyway.

  We’d all been in such a hurry to leave, determined to never return, and now we considered living there.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I fell asleep in Adam’s arms, expecting a peaceful night, but woke from someone shaking me. Gently, but still not the type of wake-up call I was used to.

  My body insisted it must be around three in the morning. There was a tim
e and place for everything, and this wasn’t it. I rolled over on the side and pulled the sheet up higher.

  “I like to sleep too, but right now is a good time to be awake.”

  Dammit. He wasn’t going to leave me alone.

  I opened one eye and saw a stubbly chin hover over me. “John? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Adam is heading over to the science station. He thought you’d want to know.”

  In the middle of the night?

  That didn’t mean much to him, of course. He probably heard the ship leave hyperspace, it was one of his super powers.

  “And he couldn’t tell me himself?”

  John grinned. “I’m pretty sure he knew you’d either insist on going with him, or try to prevent him from going at all.”

  True. He did dangerous things all the time when we lived on the Bell and it didn’t bother me, because he seemed indestructible. Now I knew he wasn’t.

  On the other hand, he had been overprotective since the day we met, so I didn’t have a bad conscience.

  “Let me guess. He woke you up to wake me up.”

  “He asked for directions first.”

  This wasn’t as funny as John seemed to think.

  He grabbed my robe from a chair and dropped it on the bed. “I’m assuming you want to come to the bridge?”

  “You’re assuming right.” I stifled a yawn.

  “He just wants to make sure it’s safe. For us.”

  “I know, but anyway.”

  When we reached the door, John said, “Ssch, let’s not wake up Blake and Ima.”

  Good point. I wasn’t used to having other people on the ship.


  As soon as we reached the bridge, John flipped a couple of switches and turned a monitor on.

  “That dot is our shuttle. He’s almost there.”

  He reached for the radio. “We’re here, son.”

  “Good. I’ll dock in a few minutes.”

  I pulled the robe tighter around me. Not because I was cold, but out of an instinct to protect myself.

  “And here I was, thinking you were right next to me, going through your databases while I slept.”

  “Sorry about that.” He didn’t sound sorry. “I heard the ship enter normal space and it seemed worthy of investigation.”

  I didn’t have anything to say and the radio was quiet for several long seconds.

  Adam’s voice finally broke the silence. “The code worked. I’m entering the docking bay.”

  I sat down and pulled my feet up under me. How could just waiting be so excruciating? Several long minutes passed and I was afraid to break the silence. I probably could talk to him, but I didn’t want to distract him, or give him away in case there were intruders in the lab.

  John smiled and winked at me. It made me feel a little better.

  Adam’s voice finally returned. “This place is perfect.”

  “Should we hand it over to them?” John sounded like he talked about the remote control to the TV.

  “I think so. Should be enough provisions here to tide them over, and they need the place more than we do.”

  “Did you get my goods?”

  “About to stow it now. Alex, you can come over if you want to. It’s safe. You’d probably find it creepy and a little cold, but it’s safe.”

  He clearly knew I was upset with him leaving me behind, but I didn’t really want to trot around a creepy station that had been abandoned for years in a nightie and robe.

  “I’m good. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  “Okay.” He sounded amused.

  As soon as the dot started to move towards us, John said, “I’ll follow you down to meet him.”

  “Thank you.”

  I knew the ship well, but in the middle of the night there was a good chance I’d take a wrong turn. Not to mention how creepy the corridors would have seemed as soon as I was alone.


  We didn’t have to wait long before the shuttle returned to the bay.

  As soon as the door to the shuttle slid open and Adam stepped out, John yawned. “You two have fun. I’m going back to bed.”

  He left and I stared into Adam’s eyes. “I’m sorry you feel you have to sneak away from me.”

  He would probably never stop doing dangerous things, but I could still hope.

  “I should have told you. I just wanted to do this before Blake and Ima woke up, and sending John to tell you seemed… faster.”

  It was a valid point. He might be lying since he apparently did that nowadays, but no harm in trying to believe him.

  “I know you used to do dangerous things all the time, but on the Bell you had backup. And, if I seem like a mother hen it’s just because… well, you died.”

  He draped an arm around my shoulders and headed for the door, tugging me along. “I know. It’s flattering that you care.”

  There was a part of self-preservation in it too. Last time Adam died, John kept me alive. He might not be up to doing it again.

  Adam said, “You should go back to bed. I’ll watch the ship.”

  “Does it need watching?”

  “Probably not, but I don’t want anyone to sneak up on us.”

  Good point, but I would still prefer to sleep with my head resting on him.

  He made an abrupt stop, grabbed me, and tossed me over his shoulder, making me yelp.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trying something new. Hush, don’t wake Blake and Ima.”

  Their door slid open anyway when we passed and Blake peeked out, looking sleepy with his hair tousled. I waved, and Adam said, “Can’t talk now, kind of busy.”

  Blake shook his head and returned to their room. I heard him say, “Crazy. All three of them are crazy.”

  Adam dumped me on the bed and managed to untie my robe when he dropped me.

  “I thought you were going to watch the ship.”

  “I changed my mind. The ship will be fine. And you would be better without all these clothes on.”

  “Interesting. What are you going to do about it?”

  His smile was a bit too content. “Take them off, of course.”

  I loved falling asleep close to him, not to mention waking with his powerful arms surrounding me. It had been a novelty on the Bell since he usually worked nights. Even if he didn’t have a night shift, he still left most nights to go potter about with whatever androids liked to do when everyone else slept.

  This time he stayed through the night. I woke from him caressing my arm, and he held me tighter as soon as my eyes fluttered open.

  He murmured, “I love you”

  There could be no sweeter way to start a day.


  I sat in the lounge, on Adam’s lap, sipping coffee when Blake and Ima came in, followed by John who nodded towards the pantry. “Help yourselves.”

  Adam rested his head against mine and watched our friends. Once they came over and sat down, Blake asked, “Do you people always run around this much at night?”

  John and I said, “No” and Adam said, “Yes.”

  Blake smirked. “Just what I thought. Where are we?”

  John took a seat. “You said yesterday you might be able to retrieve a… test subject.”

  Blake nodded. “Shouldn’t be too hard. We can listen to Confederacy transmissions with Shuttle Twelve. Once they seek out a station or a planet we should be able to separate one of them. Getting away would be worse, we can’t outrun the Bell, but with some planning…”

  Ima interrupted him. “It doesn’t matter, because we don’t have a lab.”

  John lifted his mug and took a long, slow sip. He met my eyes over the rim and winked. “I don’t even have bourbon in it. Just coffee.”

  Ima looked frustrated. I assumed it was because of the change in subject, but she hissed, “How many times have I told you to stop drinking? You are shortening your life span.”

  “Well then, wouldn’t the fact that this is just coffee be a good t
hing?” He never spoke this slowly, and he seemed about to burst into laughter. I didn’t find it that funny, but he clearly brought it up just to mess with her.

  Adam looked like he struggled not to laugh. “Maybe you should just tell her the good news.”

  “Fine. I have a science station. The equipment is old, but everything you need should be there. I will donate it to your cause on one condition.”

  Blake looked suspicious and John smiled. “It’s really not that big a deal. I’m assuming you will succeed with your quest, and I want all charges against me and my family dropped. I don’t want to be chased by the Confederacy again, especially not for breaking you out of prison.”

  “That seems more than fair.”

  Ima stared at John as if he’d sprouted antennae. “You have a lab. You have a lab.”

  “Not much longer. It’s about to be yours.”

  Blake fixed his eyes on Adam. “Setting all this up will take a while. I’m guessing you won’t be willing to stay here with us and help?”

  I was sure Adam would say yes, so sure I almost heard the word. He had only been back for a few days, but he wouldn’t be able to turn down a daring challenge with the fate of the world at stake. He would stay with his captain and John and I would have to face the world on our own.

  The words, “Please don’t leave me” left my lips of their own accord. An expression of surprise flew over Adam’s face and his grip on me tightened.

  “Of course I won’t.” He met Blake’s gaze. “My family needs me, and there’s something we have to do. Check in with me when you have a plan and a time schedule.”

  “You two have to know you’re welcome to stay with us. You don’t have to do this.” John’s voice was serious.

  Up until now, I’d remained silent, listening to the others, but the words wouldn’t stay inside anymore.

  “If you do this, please be careful. They’re sneaky, they’re fast, and they have no qualms. We have lost so many, I don’t want to lose you too.”


  It could be difficult to say what Ima liked or didn’t like. After visiting the station her tail gave her away. She definitely approved, to the point where I became curious to see it myself. Blake might have a hard time getting her back on the Bell even if their plans succeeded.


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