Retribution of Sins

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Retribution of Sins Page 23

by J. L. McCoy

“You don’t want to stay for Stanus’s trial tomorrow? It’s going to be a real showstopper,” he said, smiling sinisterly.

  Suppressing a shudder, I declined. “I am sorry to say I cannot.”

  “Suit yourself,” he said with a dismissive flick of his wrist as he turned his back on me and walked over to Stanus. “Guards. Escort the Day Walker out.”

  “Until next time, my sweet,” Corvus said with a wink and a wave. “Oh, and by the way, you can keep the gun.”

  “I’d planned on it,” I said over my shoulder as I turned and followed the two guards out.

  Once back at the checkpoint, I grabbed my dagger and gun and was escorted back up to the parking garage. I was pleased to find the limo waiting for me, and it drove me back to JFK and Archer’s awaiting plane.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Once Hagan and I were in the air, I fully relaxed back in my seat and looked over at him. He was reading a Dan Brown novel, and I found myself chuckling softly.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “I didn’t know you liked to read.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he said, looking up from his page.

  “Like what?” I asked. “I know your favorite color is black, your preferred blood type is B positive, your last name is Hyland, and you’re nine hundred years old, give or take.”

  “Yes. And?”

  “And I know that you love your job, you’re an awesome fighter, you’re tough as nails, but a secret softy.”

  “Go on,” he said, cocking a brow at me in amusement.

  “And now I know you like to read,” I stated, reaching the end of my knowledge of him. That disturbed me, and my brow furrowed as I tried to find more things.

  Hagan closed his book and leveled a gaze at me. “I guess we’ve never really discussed me too much.”

  “No, and for that I’m sorry,” I admitted, truly meaning it. For all the things Hagan had done for me, you’d think I would have asked about him more, but I didn’t. I felt very selfish then and hated the feeling.

  “Do you want to get to know me?” he asked carefully as he stared at me, his face blank and no-nonsense per usual.

  “More than anything, sir.”

  “Okay, I’ll answer your questions if I can ask you some in turn.”

  “Of course.” I smiled, delighted at the idea of getting to know my trainer better.

  “You can go first.”

  Thinking fast, I asked an easy one. “Do you like living in Austin?”

  “The summer is terrible, but yes, I enjoy my time in Austin.” He appraised me then as he thought of his own question. “Have you dreamed of Amun lately?”

  “Yes,” I admitted honestly. “Why do you think I’ve avoided sleep as much as I have? He’s always there.”

  “That worries me,” he said, brow furrowing hard.

  “Me too, sir. Me too.”

  “You look so tired. You’ve been working two jobs and going nonstop for over a month. I’m starting to worry about you. You can’t keep up this pace.”

  “I haven’t really had a choice, have I? Nikki was kidnapped, and I had to cover her shifts. I couldn’t have her losing her job on top of everything else. I mean, they kidnapped her because of me. I promise to sleep proper once I get Dean’s girls back for him. But I have to do that first.”

  “Just make sure you do. You’re burning your candle at both ends. Eventually you’re going to run out of wick.”

  I nodded in agreeance and thought of my next question. I crossed my legs and got more comfortable in my seat before asking, “What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working at the club, training me, or playing poker with the guys at home?”

  “I go for long runs in the hills. You should join me sometime.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Good. Next question. When your home is rebuilt, will you move back in or continue living at the lake house?”

  That was a hard question. Archer and I had not discussed it and our relationship was so new I had no idea how he felt about me possibly living with him or moving out. “I don’t know,” I answered, shaking my head. “Archer and I haven’t talked about it.”

  “It’s your turn to ask me a question,” he said, breaking me out of my deep thoughts.

  “Um, okay... Do you like training me? I mean, the job was kind of forced on you back when Amun was hunting the family. I don’t imagine you got much of a say.”

  “It was odd at first, training a human,” he admitted, then winked. “But you kind of grew on me. I actually look forward to working with you every day. You are a challenge, that’s for sure.”

  “I’m going to best you one of these days, sir,” I said, laughing. “Okay, your turn.”

  “Do I push you too hard sometimes?”

  Shaking my head, my brow furrowed hard. “No, sir. You kick my ever-loving ass, and I enjoy it immensely,” I answered honestly. “Why would you ever think you push me too hard?”

  “It’s just a question, Morrison.”

  “Oh. Okay, well, my turn. Do you have a middle name?”

  He shook his head then asked his next question. “One day I will return to Ireland and my brothers. Would you ever consider joining An Dílis for a time?”

  That was a really hard question, and I blinked up at him. My heartbeat sped up at the thought of him one day leaving me, and I frowned. “I don’t want you to go back, sir.”

  “But I have to. I’m not saying it’ll happen tomorrow, or even next year, but one day I will have to rejoin my brothers in arms.”

  I swallowed hard and looked down at my clasped hands. Hagan had become a central part of my life, especially after this trip. I just couldn’t imagine my life without him in it. “If you wanted me to train with The Faithful for a time, I would consider it if that was something you really wanted me to do.”

  “Don’t look so sad, Morrison.”

  “I can’t help it, sir. You are a part of my life. You’ve given me and taught me more than anyone ever has. The fighting knowledge I now hold is all because of you. I don’t take that lightly. It meant the world to me.” I swallowed thickly, shrugged my shoulders, and then looked up into his eyes as I admitted, “You mean the world to me, Hagan.”

  “The feeling is mutual, kid,” he said, a slow, crooked smile spreading across his face.

  Breaking standard trainer-trainee protocol, I asked him my next question. “Can I hug you, sir?”

  Hagan’s eyes widened minutely before he quickly hid it. He stood up, walked over to my chair, took my hand, and pulled me into a big bear hug.

  “Thank you... for everything. Thank you for coming with me to find Stanus and for having my back in that gunfight. I’m so grateful to you.”

  “You’re getting soft on me,” he rumbled into my hair as he squeezed me a little tighter, and I just smiled.

  Three hours later, we landed at ABIA in Austin, and I was never so glad to be home. To my immense surprise and delight, Archer was waiting for us at his hanger, and I squealed as I ran off the plane and jumped into his arms. “A luaidh,” he whispered as he held me tightly and buried his face in my hair. “How I have missed you so.”

  “I was going to call you once we landed. How did you know we’d be here?” I asked, pulling back from him a little so I could look at his handsome face.

  “The pilot called me as I instructed him to do when he was about an hour out. I wanted to see you as soon as possible. I just couldn’t wait,” he said, then his head descended as he delivered a devastating, toe-curling kiss.

  “I missed you so much,” I murmured against his lips between kisses.

  A throat cleared behind us, and we both remembered our company. “Hagan,” Archer greeted as I slid down his body to stand on the ground. Archer went over and shook his hand. “It’s good seeing you again. Thank you for taking care of our girl here.”

  “Of course, sir.” He shook Archer’s hand.

  “Did Jameson get a chance to see Ni
kki?” I asked when they separated.

  “Yes,” Archer answered. “He healed her yesterday. From what I could gather, she was pretty banged up. I hate to say this but a werewolf pack is no place for a human. She could have died.”

  “But she didn’t,” I said, trying to remain neutral. Truth was, I was kind of thinking the same thing but wouldn’t dare tell my best friend that. Other than Roxy attacking her, she seemed to be doing exceptionally well, given her recent circumstances.

  “No, she didn’t,” he acquiesced, slinging his arm around my neck and pulling me up against him. “Are you ready to go see her? I hear she’s dying to see you again.”

  My heart practically sung at the news, and I was reminded again of the special friendship Nikki and I shared. Yes, we’d very recently fought, but that was all water under the bridge now it seemed, and for that I was glad. I’d missed her terribly and couldn’t wait to see her.

  “Yes, please,” I answered, already finding myself heading toward Archer’s black Escalade.

  “I’ll take a cab home from here,” Hagan said, and I stopped in my tracks to turn back and look at him.

  “What? Why?” I asked. I hadn’t been away from Hagan’s side in sixteen days and found the thought of it foreign to me all of the sudden.

  “We’ve been gone for two weeks, and I have some errands to run in town. I’ll catch up with you two back at the house.” Taking in the look of uncertainty on my face, his softened. “I’ll see you soon, I promise.”

  “Okay.” I gave him a small smile before turning around and walking to the SUV.

  Archer opened the front passenger door for me, and soon we were off to Tricky Dic’s.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Borrowing Archer’s phone, I called Dean on my way to his shop and told him we’d be there within thirty minutes. He told me he had everyone ready and waiting to go, and we ended the call.

  “I like this new look you’re sporting,” Archer said, looking over at me from the driver’s seat.

  I glanced down at my holsters and leather pants and smirked. “It’s kind of grown on me too.” I pulled the Hellfire 3 out of my boot and showed Archer my new gun. “I even have a new accessory.”

  His eyes appraised it briefly before returning back to the road and he smiled widely. “Nice piece.”

  “Thanks,” I said, storing it back in my boot and mentally reminding myself to get a holster for it before we left to find Dean’s friends. “Corvus gave it to me, not that he had much choice. I kind of fell in love with this thing. It’s compact and cute, but man... with some RIP rounds in mag, it’s deadly as hell. I got to play with it in Finland when we found Stanus.”

  “I hate that I couldn’t be there with you,” he stated as he maneuvered the vehicle through downtown Austin.

  “You were with me in spirit, babe. You were never far from my thoughts, that I promise you.”

  “Same here, a luaidh,” he said, taking my hand and kissing the inside of my wrist.

  “So how’s things going over at Nikki’s? Did they get the land cleared?”

  “Yes. And they’ve already started on the framework. It’s really coming along nicely.”

  “Oh good!” I exclaimed, excited beyond words. “Thank you so much for doing that, Archer. I can’t wait to show her when it’s all done.”

  Soon we tuned onto South Congress and arrived at Tricky Dic’s. The parking lot was absolutely packed with vehicles, and we couldn’t find a place to park at first. Thankfully we found a spot down the block at an upholstery shop and walked the rest of the way.

  Opening the front door, I was shocked at the amount of wolves packed inside the place. Archer immediately entered protective mode and grabbed my hand as he entered first.

  I scanned the sea of faces now looking at Archer and me. Finding the only friendly face in the crowd, I walked over to Zephyr.

  “Hey, Zee,” I greeted, shaking his proffered hand. “How’s everyone holding up?”

  “Primo is devastated,” he said tiredly, running his hands through his long brown hair. “It’s been a fucked up few days, that’s for sure.”

  “We’ll get them back,” I said, squeezing his shoulder in solidarity. “That I promise you.”

  “Hey stranger” called a voice from behind me, and I turned to find my neighbor Gavin.

  “Hey there. How’ve you been?” I asked, as he stepped up beside me.

  “Pretty decent,” he said, shaking my hand, and that’s when I caught his new scent. Gavin was a werewolf, but the scent was fresh and minimal, like he hadn’t been a were for long.

  “You’re a werewolf?” I asked, still not believing my nose. He’d been wholly human the last time I saw him.

  “That’s the plan come the next full moon,” he said, lifting his shirt to show the nastiest red bite mark I’d ever seen. “I hear it took, so I’m pretty excited.”

  “Oh, it took,” I said with a small chuckle. “You smell like a wolf.”

  “Gnarly,” he exclaimed. “So I understand you’re a vampire. Dean told us yesterday you would be helping us find DeeDee, Holly, and Jojo.”

  “That I am. Speaking of Dean, where is he and Nikki? I’m dying to see her.”

  “They’re back in his office guarding Primo,” he whispered a bit sadly. “Primo’s dating Jojo, and he’s having one hell of a time right now.”

  “I can imagine,” I said gently, my voice and heart full of sympathy for him. “I’m going to go talk to Dean, but it was great seeing you. I’m sure we’ll talk again soon.”

  “You take care, okay? I wish I was going with you guys.”

  Archer slung his arm around my neck and escorted me through the sea of wolves to the back of the building where Dean’s office was. Not bothering to knock, I opened the door and walked in.

  Dean’s eyes lit up when he saw me, and Nikki launched herself across the room and gave me the hardest, longest hug we’ve ever shared.

  “God, I’ve missed you, cupcake,” she said with tearstained eyes as she pulled back from me to scan my face.

  I eagerly drank hers in as well and pulled her back into another hug. “I’ve missed you too.” I sniffled, squeezing her. “Let’s go get your girls.”

  To Be Continued...

  About the Author

  J. L. McCoy has always been a passionate reader and enjoys watching movies, traveling, listening to heavy metal/classic rock/80s music, getting mani/pedis with her girls, and singing karaoke. She loves body art and is hopelessly addicted to Sonic’s ice and Route 44 un-sweet raspberry iced tea.

  If you’d like more information about her or her upcoming books, please visit her Facebook page at: http:/




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