by Howard Blum
Fuchs (“Rest”) and, 198, 175, 231–32
Gold and, 241–42
KGB cable on Los Alamos scientists and, 121–22, 128
KGB steals secrets on, 61–66, 121–23, 128–31, 135
Nazi Germany and, 61
Soviet detonated, 167–71
Soviet project to build, 64, 78
Zelman report on, 63
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 173, 182–85, 190
B-29 radar bombsight, 154
Babylonian texts, 80–81
Balkanabteilung (German cryptographic unit), 99–100
Barr, Joel (Meter), 152–63, 278, 279–80
BBC World News Service, 5
Bek. See Kurnakov, Sergei
Belmont, Al, 2, 146, 206, 233, 238, 267, 269, 271, 273
Bentley, Elizabeth “Red Queen,” 53–57, 84, 93–94, 215
Beria, Lavrenti, 62, 64, 122
Bethe, Hans, 121
Birmingham, Alabama, 19–20, 23
Black, Thomas, 240
Blue Problem, 27, 37–38, 47, 79–81, 83–86, 100–109. See also Russian codes and ciphers
Bohr, Niels, 121
Born, Max, 186, 190
Brennan, Richard, 227–30
Britain (United Kingdom), 62–63, 78, 174–76, 289
Fuchs arrest in, 193–94, 198–200
British Embassy (Washington, D.C.), 195
British scientists, 185–92
British Section (KGB), 5, 254
British State Commission for Atomic Energy, 198–99
Brothman, Abe, 215–16, 230, 232, 240
Budkov, Fyodor, 70–71
Bumblebee. See Greenglass, David
Bureau of Standards, 133
Cambridge University, 63
Camp No. 2. See Los Alamos
Camp X (Canada), 53
Canada, 53
Carlson, Pasvo, 32–34, 41
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 90–91, 109, 156, 169, 279, 288
Chaliapin, Mikhail, 93
Cheltenham codebreaking facility (Britain), 289
chemical extraction, 172
Chemurgy Design Corporation, 215–16
Chicago, 191
Chicago field office (FBI), 248
Chicago Tenants Action Council, 248
Chinatown, 23–26, 49, 223
Chinese Merchants Association, 24
Churchill, Winston, 128
Cimperman, John, 216–17, 223–24, 226
City College of New York (CCNY), 133, 135, 143, 147, 153–54, 163, 214
Clarke, Carter W., 38, 40–41, 47, 109
Clegg, Hugh “Trout Mouth,” 206–8, 217–19, 226, 233
Cold War, 199
Columbia University, 63, 121, 186
Comintern, 89–90
Communist Party, 16, 54–56, 63, 133, 147, 153–55, 162, 190, 193
Cooper Union, 154
Coordinating Committee for Radio Technology, 149
Corby Affair, 51–53
Cornelius, Norman, 263
Cornell University, 156
Coyne, Pat, 109–11
Crawford, D.M., 39
cryptanalysts (wranglers), 34–35, 79–80, 83–86, 101. See also Army Security Agency; Gardner, Meredith; Russian code and cipher system
Defense Department, 156
Dillinger, John, 12, 16
Domestic Intelligence Division (FBI), 2, 267
East Germany, 196–97
“Effects of Fluctuations in the Flow of N2” (Fuchs), 184–85
Eisler, Gerhart, 89–90
electromagnetic separation, 172, 243
Elitcher, Helene, 164–65
Elitcher, Max, 133–34, 137, 143–48, 152–54, 156, 163–66, 173, 275–76, 278
Emerson Radio, 272
Enormoz, Operation, 59, 61–63, 65, 67, 77–79, 122
British scientist and, 187–91
Meredith and Bob discover, 130–31, 135, 151, 242, 243–44
Soviet atom bomb detonation and, 170–72
“Espionage R,” 247
Espionage Section (FBI), 89, 109–10, 170
Farr, Tommy, 178
fascism, 16, 54. See also Nazi Germany
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 1. See also Lamphere, Robert; and specific divisions and individuals
anonymous letter on Soviet spies and, 49–51, 57
ASA team formed with, 122
Barr search and, 153
Bentley defection and, 56–58, 93
black bag jobs and, 90, 94, 119, 216
Bob’s early career in, 11–12, 15–26
bureaucratic fiefdoms, 112
Enormoz discovery and, 131
Elitcher investigation and, 146–47, 164–66
Fuchs arrest and, 201–2, 217–26
headquarters, 89–94
Liberal/Antenna search and, 145–46
manual, 1
Meredith’s report on Soviet cover names and, 109
Soviet atom bomb detonation and, 170–71
three worlds in, 89
training for, 16–17
Feklisov, Alexander “Sasha”
arrest of Gold and Fuchs and, 254–55
background of, 67–72, 157
Barr and Sarant as spies for, 157–59
brush pass and, 149
dispatches stolen documents to Moscow, 122–23
Enormoz and, 67, 77
Fuchs arrest and reposting to Moscow, 195–96, 199–201
Gold arrest and, 235–37, 240
Greenglass (Kalibre) and, 255–56
London assignment to handle Fuchs (Rest) and, 174–81
New York assignment and, 70–77
ordered to go to ground, 60–61
reassigned to U.S. in 1960, 289
Rosenberg (Liberal/Libi, Antenna) and, 5–7, 137–45, 255–56, 283–84, 287–90
Senya (Sobell) and, 149–50
SE squad and, 75–76
visits Rosenberg grave, 289–90
Feklisov, Zina, 5
Fermi, Enrico, 121
Finland, 40, 96–98, 156
First Chief Directorate (KGB), 5, 59, 97
American Section, 68, 74
British section in Moscow, 235
KOD 14 codebook, 100
Fitin, Pavel (Viktor), 58–60, 68, 71, 78, 132–33, 159
“Fluctuations and the Efficiency of a Diffusion Plant (Manhattan project report), 183–84
Foocase (code name for Fuchs investigation), 194, 206, 208, 211
Foreign Intelligence Division or Directorate Service (KGB), 50, 58, 133
Frutkin, Leo, 262–63
Fuchs, Klaus “Karl” (Rest), 172–81 184, 189–202, 216, 246, 257, 279
arrest and confession of, 197–201, 210, 233–34
Bob interviews, in London, 202, 205–11, 217–26, 229, 232–33
Bob hunts for, 184–87
Gold (Raymond) and, 201–2, 214, 216, 229, 231–33, 236
identified, 192–96
KGB cables on, 205, 209–10
Meredith finds clues on, 186–87, 191–92
MI5 and, 193–99
Rosenberg learns of arrest of, 254
trial of, 200
G-2 strategists, 49, 84, 109
Gardner, Ann, 4
Gardner, Arthur, 3–5
Gardner, Blanche Hatfield (Meredith’s second wife), 3, 35–38, 288, 290
Gardner, Corrine, 29
Gardner, Daniel, 29
Gardner, Geraldine Elder “Geri” (Meredith’s first wife), 20–22, 87, 88
Gardner, Meredith
background of, 27–31
Blue Problem and, 27, 37–38, 86
Bob begins work with, 114–19
Bob’s relationship with, 239
Bob’s reunion with, 290--91
bookbreaking and, 101–4
breaks into KGB espionage traffic, 106–9
breaks KGB code with plaintext cables, 119–23
breaks spell code for English words, 104–
British embassy spy and, 195
completion of hunt for spy network, 281–82
early code-breaking for ASA, 32–37
Enormoz and, 130–31, 242
Ethel Rosenberg and, 160–61, 270–72, 274
Fuchs (Rest) arrest and, 202, 205, 209–11
Fuchs (Rest) gaseous diffusion cable and, 172–73
Fuchs (Rest) hunt and, 181–82, 186–87, 191–92
Gold (Raymond, Gus/Goose) hunt and, 212–13, 226
KGB codebook recreation and, 127–31
KGB code report to FBI, 109–11
KOD 14 (Petsamo codebook) and, 96, 100
language facility of, 29–31, 35
later career of, 289
marriage of, 86
Rosenberg (Liberal,Antenna) discovered by, 132–34, 135, 145, 148, 150–57, 160–61, 278, 281
Rosenberg execution and, 3–5, 284–89
second Los Alamos spy and, 242–44, 246, 250, 257
Soviet atom bomb detonation and, 167–71
gaseous diffusion, 172–73, 183–84, 186, 216, 243
General Electric, 147
German Army (Wehrmacht), 82–83, 98–99
Seventh Panzer Division, 83
Sixth Army, 41
German codes and ciphers, 34, 38, 42, 79, 80, 98
Germany. See East Germany; Nazi Germany
Gestapo, 190
Glassman, Vivian, 163
Gnome. See Perl, William
Gold, Harry (Dave, Gus/Goose, Raymond), 20a-2, 205, 208–16, 221–24, 227–34, 236, 238–42, 246, 250–51, 254, 256–63
confession of, 229–33, 236
Fuchs (Rest) and, 221–26, 229, 231–34, 240–42
Greenglass (Kalibre) and, 250, 256–58, 262–64, 266, 279
Rosenberg execution and, 284
Goldfarb, Elaine, 163
Golos, Jacob, 54–55, 215
Goose/Gus. See also Gold, Harry
Gouzenko, Igor, 51–53, 56–57, 190
Grabeel, Gene, 41, 46–47, 79
Greenglass, David (Bumblebee, Kalibre), 244–64, 258–70, 282
arrest of, 280–81, 283
confession of, 264–72, 275, 276
Gold and, 256, 266
Rosenberg and, 268–69, 284
Yatskov and, 256
Greenglass, Ruth (Wasp, Osa), 244, 252–53, 258–59, 261–62, 265, 268, 270–72, 274, 282–84
GRU (Soviet military intelligence), 190–91
Gusdorf, Gerson, 211
Gymnast (Young Communist League member), 243
Hall, Joan, 247
Hall, Theodore (Mlad), 243–51, 280–81
Hallock, Richard, 80–81
Halperin, Israel, 190–91
Harrington, John, 267–68
Harvey, Bill, 50–51, 89–91, 94
Harvey, Libby, 91
Harwell Atomic Research Station (Britain), 175, 178–79, 194, 196–200
Hayes, Harold, 109, 122
Heineman, Kristel Fuchs, 194, 212–13, 216, 220–21, 224–25, 230, 232
Heineman, Robert, 194, 212–14, 216, 224, 230, 232
Heisenberg, Werner, 189
Henry (KGB handler), 136–37, 139
Henry Street Settlement House, 222
high-explosive lens device, 255
Hip Sing Tong, 24
Hiroshima, 169
Hiskey, Clarence, 63
Hitler, Adolf, 40, 41
Homer. See Maclean, Donald
Hoover, J. Edgar, 1–2, 11, 16–17, 19, 22, 49, 56, 58–59, 90–92, 94, 156, 206–7, 219, 226, 232–33, 267
Horace, 30
Hughes. See Sarant, Alfred
Huntsville defense plant, 20
hydrogen bomb (Super), 173, 188, 196–97, 246
infrared ray technology, 149
Inspection Division (FBI), 206
Intelligence Division (FBI), 1
Italian Library of Information, 54
Italy, 54
Jack. See Katz, Joseph,
JADE cable circuit, 105
Japan, atomic bombing of, 169, 256
Japanese codes and ciphers, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 79, 80, 84, 113
Japanese General Staff, 40, 46
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 182
Justice Department, 90, 182, 269
Criminal Division, 269
Kalibre. See Greenglass, David
Katz, Joseph (Jack), 93–94
Kaufman, Irving, 2, 284–85
Kazakhstan test site, 169
Kellex Corporation, 186
KGB, 5–7, 42–46, 50. See also Moscow Center; Soviet Union; and specific cables; code names; divisions; and individuals
anonymous letter to FBI on, 50–51
atomic bomb secrets and, 61, 64–65, 122–23
Canadian network, 53
FBI’s approach to, 91
Fuchs and, 191
Gold arrest and, 236–37
Petsamo codebook, 96–104 (see also Russian code and cipher system)
Rosenberg (Liberal) recruited by, 135–37
U.S. network, 50, 54–56, 93
KGB cables
code names tracked down, 271
FBI black-bag job and copies of, 94–95, 118–19
Hallock analyzes, 81–82
Meredith finds clues to spies in, 100–8
plaintext, 43, 46, 118–23
sorted by Blue Problem force, 79–80
KGB cables by date
1944, 118–19
February 9, 1944 (on Goose and Rest), 209, 212
June 15, 1944 (on Rest Report), 183
July 26, 1944 (on atom spy), 132–33
September 14, 1944, 278
November 1944 (on second Los Alamos spy), 242–44
November 16, 1944 (on Rest at Los Alamos), 191
November 27, 1944, 108, 160–61
December 1944, 121
December 5, 1944 (on Meter and Hughes), 155
January 8, 1945, 244
February 1945 (on Rest), 191
May 1945, 243–44
December 1945, 59–60
Klarin, Pavel, 74–75
Korean War, 274, 285
Kurchatov, Igor, 64–65, 78, 123
Kurnakov, Sergei (Bek), 243
Kvasnikov, Leonid, 62–67, 77–78, 122, 136, 139, 144, 175, 254
atomic bomb memo, 63–64
Laboratory Number 2, (Soviet facility), 64–65, 77, 122–23, 180
Laboratory V (U.S. facility), 78
Labor Day Rally, 136
Ladd, Mickey, 246, 267, 269–70, 288
Lamphere, Arthur “Art”, 23
Lamphere, George, 145–146
Lamphere, Joe, 12–15, 188
Lamphere, Lilly, 12–14
Lamphere, Martha (Bob’s fourth wife), 290–91
Lamphere, Robert “Bob”
ASA rules on deciphered cables (Venona) and, 113–14
assigned to Espionage Section at headquarters, 89–95
assigned to SE squad, 26–27, 48–49
assigned to work with Meredith on KGB cables, 114–20
atomic secrets and, 172–73
background of, 11–15, 28
Barr (Meter) and Sarant (Hughes) hunt and, 155–57, 161, 279–80
Bentley information on KGB and, 56–57, 84, 93
Chinatown incident and, 11, 23–26, 49
Corby Affair and, 53
early FBI career of, 15–24
Eisler trial and, 89–90
Elitcher hunt and, 147–48, 164–65
Enormoz discovery and, 130–31
Ethel Rosenberg and, 162–63, 270–71, 273–74
Fuchs (Rest) arrest and Raymond (Gold) hunt, 201–2, 205–26, 229, 233–34, 238
Fuchs (Rest) hunt and, 172–73, 181–92, 194–95
Gold (Raymond) confession and, 233–34, 239–42
Greenglass (Kalibre) hunt and, 242–47, 250–52, 257–58, 260–66, 270, 272–73
Hall (Mlad) and Sax (Star) hunt and, 247, 250–51
br /> “Jack” trailed by, 93–94
KGB codebook recreation and, 127–31
later career of, 288–89
marriage to Geri Elder, 21–22, 87–88
marriage to Sarah Hosch, 87–89, 92, 95, 110–11, 205
Meredith report on KGB cover names and, 110–13
plaintext cables found by, 119–23
reunion with Meredith, 290–91
Robbins and, 212–15
Rosenberg (Liberal, Antenna) hunt and, 132–35, 145–57
Rosenberg (Liberal) interrogation and, 265–67, 269–74
Rosenberg trial and execution and, 1–2, 282–88
second Los Alamos spy and, 242–46
son born, 145–46
Soviet atom bomb detonation and, 167–70
Soviet code room break in and photos, 94–95
spy hunt post-Rosenberg arrest, 275–82
Lamphere, Sarah Hosch (Bob’s second wife), 87–89, 92, 110, 146, 205
Laurence, William, 61
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 249
Lend-Lease Act (1941), 39, 85–86
Leningrad, siege of, 64
Lewis, John, 262
Liberal. See Rosenberg, Julius
London, 174–77, 198–202, 205–9, 216–18, 222, 232–33
London rezidentura, 62, 177
Los Alamos atomic research facility (Camp No. 2), 121, 175, 186, 190–92, 238, 243
David Greenglass (Kalibre) and, 243–46, 253, 263, 266, 270
Experimental Physics Division, 249
Fuchs (Rest) and, 191, 198, 210, 225, 231–32, 240, 243–46
furlough records, 257
Gold (Raymond) and, 266
Mlad (Hall) and, 243–46
Rosenberg (Liberal) and, 270
Ruth Greenglass (Wasp) and, 244–45
second Soviet spy at, 242–45
Lucretius, 28
Maclean, Donald (Homer), 195
Manhattan Project, 121, 172, 183, 243. See also Los Alamos atomic research facility; and specific individuals
British scientists and, 185–86
Margaret, Queen of Scotland, 29
Martin. See Slack, Alfred Dean
McCarthy, Joseph, 188
McCarthy, William, 165
McInerney, Jim, 269, 270, 273
Meter. See Barr, Joel
MI5 (British intelligence), 186, 194–95, 197–98, 200–201, 208, 217–18, 238, 281
Microbe Hunters (de Kruif), 230
Military Intelligence Service, 38, 109, 190
Miller, Scotty, 227–30, 232, 239, 250
missile guidance technology, 149
Mississippi College for Women, 79
Mlad. See Hall, Theodore
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 64–66, 71–72
Morse code, 46
Moscow, siege of, 82–83
Moscow Center (KGB headquarters), 5, 7, 44, 46, 50, 53, 55–56, 58–59, 69, 157
Enormoz and, 61–62, 130, 133
Fuchs (Rest) and, 195–96
Gold arrest and, 236–37
key page change and, 84–85
New York radio connection and, 74–75