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Mistress to the Mediterranean Male (Mills & Boon By Request)

Page 39

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘I see …’ Charlie watched him across the table and saw the flicker of darkness in his expression. Betrayal was something he couldn’t handle. The realisation flashed in her mind and suddenly she understood Marco’s wariness where commitment was concerned. Obviously watching his parents tearing each other apart had made him cautious and then Maria had reinforced that.

  This was why he was so determined not to get emotionally involved.

  Unexpectedly the insight lit a small ray of hope inside her. Maybe if Marco found someone he could trust he would allow himself to fall in love and he would start to change his views about emotional commitment. Maybe he would start to believe in its power for the good. The thought brushed through Charlie’s mind. Maybe he just hadn’t found the right person. She liked the idea … but then again, she would, she thought drily. She was a romantic.

  ‘Now … do you think we could leave the past alone?’ He reached across and took hold of her hand. ‘Because I’ve got other more pressing interests right now, and I’m not talking about work either.’

  The touch of his hand on hers sent little darts of desire racing through her from nowhere. But for once she didn’t feel the need to pull away from him. In fact she actually felt a tentative need to respond to him. Like her, Marco had been hurt, and maybe if she could prove to him that he could rely on her and trust her then maybe one day he might open up to her the way she had to him.

  She knew it was a risky strategy. Marco didn’t allow himself to get involved with anyone for long. But by virtue of working with him, she was closer to him than anyone had been in a while. Maybe it would give her a slight edge.

  ‘Do you know what I would like right at this moment?’ he murmured huskily.

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘I’d like to take you home … undress you very, very slowly and then kiss you all over …’ As he was speaking his thumb traced little circles over the inside curve of her arm. It was a deliciously erotic feeling.

  The last of her reservations fell away.

  ‘I think I’d like that too,’ she admitted softly.

  When Charlie woke the next morning she was curled up in the protective warmth of Marco’s arms. The sun was slanting in through the open curtains and the only sound was the sweet trill of birdsong in the morning air.

  She smiled and buried herself deeper into Marco’s arms. She loved being here with him like this. Languid memories of their lovemaking flicked through her mind. They had barely made it home from the restaurant before they had started to tear each other’s clothes off. If she looked up from the pillow she knew she would see a trail of clothing leading from the door.

  Their lovemaking had been intensely passionate and unlike anything Charlie had ever experienced in her marriage. Marco could arouse her with such ease.

  The first night she had tried to tell herself that the intensity of pleasure she had experienced was because she hadn’t made love for so long. But now she knew that this was just the way Marco was able to make her feel. It was incredible and addictive and the more she thought about it … the more she wanted him all over again.

  She tilted her head and studied him as he slept, her eyes moving over the aristocratically handsome face and taking in every detail.

  Even in sleep he looked powerful … like a sleeping tiger. But she knew the truth, she thought with a zing of pleasure. Marco wasn’t as cool and composed as he liked to pretend. He had a vulnerable edge. Like her, he had just built up his own set of defences to hide the fact. How to find a way around those defences was the question that was occupying her this morning.

  He opened his eyes suddenly and caught her watching him. She noticed the golden flecks in their dark depths.

  ‘Buon giorno.’ She whispered the words softly, her voice shy.

  He smiled sleepily and, brushing a hand through her long hair he reached and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

  Her naked body was crushed against his and she could feel his arousal. He rolled her over, pressing her down against the softness of the mattress as he kissed the side of her face, her neck, before his lips moved lower …

  Her hands raked through the darkness of his hair. And she closed her eyes on a wave of pleasure as once more he made love to her with a thorough passion that made her dizzy and made her gasp his name …

  As always Marco was totally in control, steadying her, soothing her, kissing her senseless until she was almost begging for release. He smiled as he took her to climax … raking hungry, possessive hands over her body, claiming her and making her totally his.

  Then as she collapsed weakly against him, clinging to him, her body damp, her senses swimming, he suddenly pulled away and looked at the clock on the bedside table.

  ‘Is that the correct time?’

  Charlie could hardly think coherently, never mind look at the time. She glanced blearily at her watch. ‘I think it’s eight-thirty.’

  ‘Damn! I’d better get moving.’ He threw the covers back and got out of bed. ‘I’ve got to be at the TV station for my interview in less than an hour!’

  She snuggled back down against the pillows, watching as he threw a robe around his shoulders.

  ‘Hey, don’t get too comfortable!’ He threw her a smile. ‘I want you to come with me.’

  Charlie groaned. ‘I feel like staying in bed. You’ve worn me out.’

  He laughed. ‘Sorry, but we’ve got a plane to catch … and we’ll have to leave straight from the TV station.’

  Back to reality … The unwelcome thought crept in. What was going to happen when they got home? Would she be able to hold on to this tentatively wonderful feeling that was spiralling between them?

  He sat down on the side of the bed suddenly and looked at her. ‘By the way,’ he drawled lazily, ‘just in case I forget to tell you, I’ve enjoyed every minute of this weekend with you.’ He punctuated the sentence with a lingering softly sensual kiss.

  ‘I’ve enjoyed it too.’ She felt her heart thumping loudly against her chest. There were no sentimental words of love and she didn’t for one moment expect that. But telling her how much he enjoyed every minute was the next best thing … wasn’t it? At least he was honest and she respected him for that.

  She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Maybe she could handle this situation. She’d have to do a great job of acting when she got home … pretend that she wasn’t head-over-heels in love and that she was in tune with his thinking on romance. It would be worth it though, she thought dreamily … if Marco opened up to her and allowed her into his life.

  He pulled away from her. ‘Right, come on …’ He tugged the sheet. ‘My public awaits …’

  She laughed breathlessly. ‘If they could see you now!’

  ‘It might do wonders for my profile,’ he teased as he went through towards the dressing room and the en suite bathroom. ‘It would certainly please Sarah … which reminds me, I promised to phone her this morning.’

  The very name of Sarah Heart encroaching in on the day was enough to send shadows over it.

  She heard Marco turning on the shower in the next room and at the same time the phone beside the bed rang.

  ‘I bet that’s her!’ Marco shouted. ‘Answer it, will you, Charlie? Tell her I’m in the shower and I’ll phone her back later.’

  Pulling a face, she rolled over and lifted the receiver.

  Marco was right; it was Sarah, and her breathy, cheerful voice was just as grating as ever. ‘Hi, Marco; how’s it going?’ she gushed. ‘Hope everything is on track for a really great interview this morning.’

  ‘Actually, Sarah, it’s Charlie,’ she answered. ‘Marco’s in the shower, can he ring you back?’

  There was a slight pause before Sarah continued in the same cheerful tone. ‘Oh, hello, Charlie. How is your weekend going?’

  ‘It’s going fine, thank you.’ Charlie frowned. It was unlike Sarah to try and make polite conversation.

  ‘Having a nice romantic time?’

as it her imagination or was there a definite sarcastic edge to Sarah’s voice now?

  ‘Well, we’ve been working … but we are both having a wonderful time,’ she answered coolly.

  ‘Well, you certainly look like a real couple … and as I said to Marco, that’s what really counts. It’s all about getting the right spin on a situation, and he’s certainly doing that with lots of hand-holding and smouldering glances … great.’

  A cold feeling was starting to churn inside Charlie now. ‘What on earth are you talking about?’

  ‘Sorry, Charlie, I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’m looking at the photograph of you and Marco strolling hand in hand through the streets of Florence. It’s in the morning papers. And I’m just so pleased. It’s great publicity.’

  ‘Well, I’m so glad you’re pleased.’ Charlie tried to keep her voice on an even keel but her brain was racing frantically and anger was starting to rise. Words like spin and great publicity were whirring around like instruments of torture. ‘But I can assure you we were just enjoying ourselves.’

  ‘Well, that’s a relief, because when I set up the photo and suggested this I was a bit hesitant. I mean, you never really know how these things will work out, do you? And Marco was very reluctant to follow my ideas at first … well, you know what he’s like, so stubborn … and didn’t like the idea of getting tied into a romantic involvement even as a publicity stunt.’

  Charlie felt her heart go into freefall. ‘Yes, I know what he’s like,’ she said numbly. Had Marco known the photographers were going to snap them yesterday? Had he got her to Italy on false pretences? Seduced her and used her as some kind of publicity stunt to promote his book?

  ‘Anyway, I just knew that you would be the perfect foil for him,’ Sarah continued merrily. ‘Especially when he mentioned that he felt comfortable around you and that you were on a similar wavelength, that’s why we decided that a short weekend in Italy would be a good starting point for you both—you know, just to test the waters.’

  We decided? The words ricocheted through Charlie. Marco had discussed her with Sarah … had invited her here on Sarah’s suggestion?

  ‘Has he asked you to go to America with him yet?’ Sarah asked suddenly. ‘Seeing it’s going so well, I’m sure he will. And that would be brilliant, Charlie … it will really help having you in the background just to overset these awkward questions about his personal life.’

  Charlie felt sick. Where the hell had her brain been these last few days? All these years of playing things safe and now it looked as if she had walked straight into a damn set-up … she had allowed herself to be used. She had fallen in love with a man who thought nothing of her … a man who had discussed her and probably laughed about her behind her back.

  ‘Charlie, are you still there?’ Sarah asked with a smile in her voice. ‘You’ve gone awfully quiet.’

  Fury was starting to take over from heartache. She had always known that Sarah Heart was a complete bitch—she was enjoying this! She was also probably totally eaten up with jealousy, Charlie reminded herself. Maybe this wasn’t even true. Maybe Marco knew nothing about Sarah’s plans for the photographers to catch them!

  ‘Yes … I’m here … to be honest with you I’m falling asleep.’ Charlie managed to fake a yawn, a yawn that felt achingly as if it wanted to turn into tears. ‘Marco and I have been enjoying a weekend of wild passion … in fact things have progressed out of all control between us. It’s been absolutely fantastic.’

  ‘That’s great.’

  Charlie felt a little better as she heard Sarah’s voice drop a decibel of cheer.

  ‘Yes, it has been great … so if you’ve suggested this then thank you so much from both of us. Anyway, better go now. Marco needs me…. He’ll phone you if he gets time.’

  She slammed down the phone and just lay there, her heart thundering with fury and hurt.

  What was the truth behind this situation? Was Sarah making things up?

  Marco had told her up front about Sarah’s publicity ideas for his book. What was it he had said that day in the car? ‘Having a suitable partner around at the moment wouldn’t go amiss.’ He’d even gone so far as to tell her that as his book tour started in five weeks, he probably wouldn’t be able to find a suitable candidate in time.

  And what had she had said? ‘Oh, I’m sure you will be able to dig up someone acceptable very quickly.’

  Charlie cringed. God, it looked as though Sarah was telling the truth … and she had walked right into it with her lies about being on his wavelength!

  She remembered her first instinct regarding involvement with Marco had been wariness. She had known it would suit his purposes to have someone like her around, but somewhere along the line she had let go of those concerns and she had honestly thought that he’d invited her here just in her capacity as PA. And that night when he’d made dinner for her and they had relaxed together she had imagined that there was a genuine connection between them.

  But now little things that he had said to her over the last few weeks started to trickle with chilling emphasis through her mind.

  When he had taken her out for lunch on that first day, he’d said, ‘Where you and I are concerned, business and pleasure could fit together very nicely.’

  And yesterday when he’d mentioned her joining him in America he’d looked implacable, as if the trip was all-important. What was it he had said? ‘Our working arrangements are going very well, I think.’

  And to think that deep down she had imagined he really was attracted to her! How stupid was she? The truth had been staring her in the face and she hadn’t chosen to see it … why hadn’t she chosen to ask herself why someone like Marco would suddenly want to spend time with her?

  Instead she had naïvely been fooling herself into thinking a relationship with him might stand a chance!

  As Marco returned to the room Charlie snatched up her dressing gown and wrapped it around her body with shaking fingers.

  He was wearing a dark suit that sat perfectly on his broad-shouldered frame, making him look dangerously attractive and powerfully compelling. She felt her stomach flip over.

  Marco could have his pick of the most glamorous and beautiful women but he had chosen her because he deemed her safe and comfortable. He thought she was Ms Practicality, who wouldn’t get carried away by emotion or expect more from him than he wanted to give.

  ‘Was that Sarah on the phone?’ he asked as he strolled across to the wardrobe to flick through a rack of ties.

  ‘Yes; I said you’d ring her back.’

  ‘Thanks.’ He selected a silver tie and started to put it on. ‘Hurry up, Charlie.’ He slanted a wry look over as she made no attempt to leave the room. ‘You haven’t got long to get ready!’

  ‘I’m aware of that.’ Her voice wasn’t entirely steady. ‘Marco, did you know those photographers were going to be around yesterday?’ She had to hear the truth from him so she could know for sure if what Sarah had told her was correct.

  He didn’t appear to miss a beat, just continued to fasten his tie. ‘Why are you asking me that now? I told you … they are always around these days.’

  ‘Yes, but did you specifically arrange with Sarah for that photograph to be taken yesterday?’

  Marco looked at her now. ‘She did mention something about it …’ His voice was casually indifferent. ‘But I told you, didn’t I, that she wants to spice up my profile romantically?’

  Fury lashed through her at that casual admission. ‘Yes, you did. I just didn’t realise that I was the spice in question.’ Her voice was laced with sarcasm.

  To her annoyance Marco merely looked amused by the accusation. He met her clear green gaze and then shook his head. ‘I thought you didn’t mind about the photographs? When I asked, you said it didn’t matter.’

  ‘It didn’t matter when it was an unforeseen incident … it matters a hell of a lot more when you deliberately set me up for it!’ Her eyes were blazing into his now.

  ‘I didn’t
set you up for it!’ he said calmly.

  ‘Oh, sorry … let’s get this right. Both of you set me up for it. In fact … you only asked me to come to Italy with you in the first place to test the waters … ready for the big PR exercise in America.’

  A sudden look of anger passed over Marco’s dark features. ‘Did Sarah say that?’

  ‘Yes, she damn well did!’ Charlie wished that her voice hadn’t faltered at that moment. ‘Not that I care or anything.’ She lifted her chin defiantly. ‘But you should have been more honest with me …’

  ‘Charlie, I was honest with you … you are being silly.’ Marco walked towards her and she backed away. She couldn’t bear for him to touch her now. It was too raw … too painful to bear. ‘Sarah had no right to say those things.’

  ‘Has she spoilt your fun?’ She flung the words at him bitterly.

  ‘Charlie, stop it!’ He reached out and caught her arm as she made to swing away from him.

  ‘She had no right to say those things because they are not true.’ He pulled her around and put a hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. ‘I asked you to come to Italy with me because I needed your help in the office and I also thought we could have fun together. I wanted to spend time with you. I’ll be honest that I was aware that the timing was convenient as far as a PR exercise is concerned … but that was just a bonus.’

  Her heart was thundering painfully against her chest now and as he pulled her even closer she felt sure he would be able to feel it.

  The words seemed to mock her … have fun … convenient timing … PR bonus.

  ‘Just let me go, Marco …’

  He ignored her. ‘And we have had fun … haven’t we?’ His eyes were on her lips now.

  Her heart twisted with painful need. And she hated herself for it.

  With a supreme effort of will she wrenched herself away from him. ‘Yes, it’s been fun, Marco … but this is where it ends. From now on you’ll have to find some other PR puppet to play games with.’


  THEY were sitting side-by-side thirty-five thousand miles up in the air and they weren’t talking.


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