The Star Cross: The Forever War

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The Star Cross: The Forever War Page 7

by Raymond L. Weil

  “My fleet officers and I have been discussing battle strategy. We have several attack variations we want to try the next time we encounter the Vorn. It should allow us to evaluate the most effective way to engage the Vorn with the increased power of our weapons and energy shields.”

  “Our ship’s AI can run some battle simulations to determine the most effective attack method,” commented Aubree. “I will have that done later today and will notify you of the results.”

  “I would appreciate that,” replied Commodore Dreen. He hadn’t got to meet one of the AIs, although he had heard a lot about them.

  Captain Waelt led them to a small conference room where they all sat. “The Vorn are still harvesting worlds along the galaxy’s periphery,” Dreen said. “Their fleets are spread out over a large region of stars, so it’s nearly impossible to locate them until the damage has been done. They seem to be hitting worlds indiscriminately, making it difficult to predict their next target. Stars and civilized worlds are few and far between in those regions, which adds to our problem in locating the Vorn fleets.”

  “They are harvesting the weaker worlds,” Captain Waelt said with a deep sigh. “For the time being they seem to be avoiding a major fleet action.”

  “I have discussed this with my own people as well as several of our allied Protector Worlds,” Dreen said. “Fleet Leader Arlak Moor has suggested we do nothing to defend those outlying systems. He believes it may be necessary to sacrifice those civilizations while we build up our own forces and update our warships. If we attack too soon, we could lose everything. I have mixed feeling about sacrificing those worlds without at least trying to resist the Vorn.”


  Captain Waelt let out a deep sigh. “We came here to fight the Vorn. Unfortunately we don’t have the resources to defend the entire galaxy.” Waelt looked at Aubree and Minth. All three knew sufficient ships were at the Glaymon Dyson Sphere to do just that. Unfortunately the other Glaymons didn’t believe now was the time to deal with the Vorn. They had a long-range plan, but it would be several million years yet before that could be implemented.

  Captain Waelt shifted his gaze to Fleet Commodore Dreen. “What offensive plans have you and your people come up with? No doubt the Vorn will shortly return and probably in greater numbers than before.”

  Commodore Dreen nodded in agreement. “Yes, that is our view as well. We are currently setting up three main offensive response fleets as well as one grand fleet. The three offensive fleets will be commanded by Captain Callast, Captain Veen, and Captain Swiffe and will consist primarily of Lakiam vessels with some ship units from our allies. Our grand fleet will be commanded by me, with Lakiam as its homeport. We will use the grand fleet to oppose any incursion by a Vorn fleet too large for our other three fleets to handle. In addition, the Andocks are organizing the same number of fleets. Once again, a number of our Alliance Protector Worlds will be adding ships. That will give us eight major fleets to oppose the Vorn. I would like you to assign ten of your disk ships to the six smaller fleets and twenty to each of the two grand fleets if you are willing to.”

  Captain Waelt considered the suggestion. “Where will the six smaller fleets be located?” He had one hundred ships available to him, and he could call for more if needed. At the moment all the others were with the two colony ships, helping in the construction of a new habitat the Glaymons would soon call home as they could never return to the Dyson Sphere.

  “With the addition of the Protector Worlds which have agreed to join the Alliance, we will position them so they can reach any Protector World or Enlightened World the Alliance is responsible for. All the Protector Worlds have agreed to provide fleets that will respond immediately to any attack. However, it will take time for the newer members of the Alliance to update their ships. Eventually I hope to have twelve quick response fleets plus an additional grand fleet.”

  Captain Waelt nodded approvingly. “I would suggest we make available the designs for the improved antimatter chambers to all members of the Alliance as quickly as possible. That will give their ships a fighting chance against the Vorn and the ability to slow their advance until our fleets can reach the besieged system. If necessary we can send work robots to help in the conversions.”


  Fleet Commodore Dreen sucked in a deep breath and then asked his next question. “You brought nearly one thousand of your disk ships to the battle here in our system. If you could commit another one hundred, it would greatly augment the strength of our warfleets.” Dreen hoped Fleet Captain Waelt would agree to this. If the Alliance lost ships too quickly, it could easily fall apart. The presence of more Glaymon disk ships would ensure that didn’t happen.

  “I will speak to our leaders,” Waelt replied.

  “That’s all I’m asking,” Commodore Dreen replied. “This is a battle for our galaxy. Either we win or the Vorn will harvest every inhabited planet.”

  “We may have another option as well,” said Aubree, glancing at Fleet Captain Waelt, who gave him a nod. “From the information our scientists have gleaned from the encrypted files on the captured Vorn mothership, we know where their staging area is. If we strike it, we might set back their attacks on this galaxy by several years.”

  Commodore Dreen had been informed about the staging area system shortly after the mothership had been captured. His mind raced as he considered Waelt’s and Aubree’s suggestion to attack it.

  “An attack on their staging system will not be easy,” Waelt continued. “It will be heavily defended, and many of their warships will be present. However, if we can destroy a large number of their motherships, Collector ships, and intergalactic transports, we can seriously hamper their harvesting of this galaxy, at least for a while.”

  Commodore Dreen pondered Waelt’s words for several long moments and then replied. “I don’t believe we can launch such an attack immediately. We need to scout the system to see what we would be facing. I assume this system is in intergalactic space?”

  “Yes,” Aubree answered. “It would take your ships over three months to reach it.”

  Commodore Dreen winced at hearing that. It would mean whatever ships he committed to battle in the staging area would be gone for at least six months. It would be dangerous to send a large fleet that distance for such a length of time. If he sent too many warships, the Vorn could cause a lot of damage to this galaxy, even in the regions controlled by the Alliance.

  “Can you send one of your ships to this system to see what we would be up against?” Dreen wasn’t sure an attack on the Vorn staging system would even be practical.

  Waelt thought for a moment and then replied, “I will have our leaders speak to the Humans. They are better suited for such a mission.”

  Fleet Commodore Dreen nodded. It still amazed him at the trust the Glaymons had in the Humans, particularly in Fleet Admiral Vickers. “I will speak to some others about what you have told me concerning this staging system. I will work on a plan to send a fleet, if the scouting mission shows we can successfully attack the system.”

  “We understand,” Fleet Captain Waelt answered. “While our ships are very powerful, you have far more experience in conducting fleet battles than we do. We will adhere to your superior knowledge in what needs to be done about the staging system. We will also furnish you any information on the staging area if Fleet Admiral Vickers agrees to carry out the mission.”


  After more discussion about fleet logistics and strategies, Fleet Commodore Dreen returned to his flagship, leaving the three Glaymons alone in the small briefing room.

  “You did not mention to him that other information of the Vorns’ home system was also in the encrypted files,” commented Minth.

  “No, I didn’t,” Waelt replied evenly. “The staging system by itself will be difficult enough to destroy. I did not want to overwhelm the fleet commodore with what is in the Vorns’ home system. At the moment, that system is out of Commodore Dreen’s reach as well as the other
worlds of his fledgling Alliance. It would take a fleet with Zero-Point Energy drives to reach it. Only we and the Humans have such ships at the moment. We also have no idea how many warships the Vorn may have stored in their habitation spheres in that system. It could very easily be hundreds of thousands.”

  “No power in this galaxy can stand up to what’s in that system,” said Aubree, shaking his head in despair.

  “I disagree,” replied Waelt, frowning. “There is one, but I fear they would never consider such an attack. We were fortunate they allowed us to leave.”

  Aubree blinked and then realized Waelt referred to the massive fleet of disk ships in the Glaymons’ hidden Dyson Sphere. It was disheartening to know there was a power that could possibly defeat the Vorn permanently, but it would never be used, at least not for a few million years until the Glaymons in the Dyson Sphere were willing to enact their final solution. They would send the Vorn back to the universe they had fled from, allowing those who had defeated the Vorn in the distant past to destroy them once and for all.

  “What if they commit all those ships to harvesting this galaxy?”

  “We will deal with that threat when it occurs. Personally I can’t see them leaving their home system defenseless.” Of course this was the Vorn they were talking about; a species which saw all others only as a source of food. Captain Waelt wasn’t sure the Vorn could be expected to act as other races would. They were from another universe, and their thought processes were far different.


  Prince Brollen was in the Royal Court of Queen Alithe, who was the ruling Queen of all the Vorn. They were in the Conclave Habitat, a huge artificial structure over ten thousand kilometers in diameter. There were 116 of these massive habitats which held the Vorn race in orbit around the dim red star of this system.

  The average Vorn stood upright, having a basic humanoid form with two legs and two arms. That was where the resemblance ended. The Vorn looked like a cross between a humanoid and a wasp. The triangular-shaped head was covered with very short hair and topped with two antennae. Its eyes were multifaceted and could see in several different light wavelengths. They had small wasplike wings, normally folded on their backs. Their hands consisted of seven thin digits with which to manipulate equipment. But the most shocking aspect of the Vorn race was that they were telepathic. They could sense each other’s thoughts over short distances.

  During the past few months Prince Brollen had repeatedly mated with Alithe, ensuring his progeny would play a major role in the future of the Vorn. He had also used these months to carefully ensure his rise to power. He had secretly orchestrated the deletion of a number of Vorn in the Military Caste and even the ruling Royal Caste. Many had just vanished with no explanation, and others had been deleted due to failure to perform adequately in the planned harvesting of Galaxy X241.

  Now that the mating period was over, Prince Brollen would resume his duties as war leader of the Vorn. No one dared to question his orders for fear of being deleted. Rumors had spread throughout the Royal Court that it was suicidal to oppose the prince. If Queen Alithe was aware of this, she never mentioned it. Her only desire was to produce new offspring and to ensure a sufficient food supply for the trillions of Vorn living inside the habitats.

  We will shortly return to Galaxy X241 and resume the harvest in full, Brollen announced telepathically for all in the massive chamber containing the Royal Court.

  Telepathy in the habitats was strictly controlled as too many thoughts could easily overwhelm a Vorn. Short-range telepathy between high-ranking Vorn was permitted and only by the Royal Caste and a few select military leaders. The rest of the Military Caste and the Working Caste were not allowed to use telepathy inside the star system.

  In our last battle in Galaxy X241, our fleets were attacked by what we believe to be an ancient race who has remained hidden from our harvesting fleets for millions of years.

  Brollen noticed this announcement caused looks of concern and fear on many of the faces of his fellow Vorn. No doubt they were thinking of the ancient enemy who had driven them from their home universe over twenty-two million years in the past. The Vorn had nearly been exterminated before escaping through a wormhole in the heart of an all-consuming black hole.

  Where has this race been hiding? asked one of the military leaders who had voiced his support of Prince Brollen numerous times in the past few months.

  We do not know, Brollen replied. When we return to Galaxy X241 to renew the harvest in earnest, we will send exploration ships to seek out this new and dangerous enemy. It is our belief they have only a small fleet, committed in the battle in food species 236’s home system. If they had more, they would have sent them.

  Prince Brollen has my full support, announced Queen Alithe from the egg chamber she was currently inspecting. He advised that we only harvest food worlds on the periphery of Galaxy X241 so we could continue to feed our people. As a result of that decision, wide-scale deletions of our military and working class have been avoided.

  Every Vorn in the Royal Court looked concerned at the mention of massive deletions to the Vorn population.

  We have done everything we can to strengthen our warships, continued Prince Brollen. We have even added extra armor to our motherships to ensure their survival against this dangerous new enemy. In addition our shipyards have been working nonstop, building new and more powerful battleships to ensure the harvest can continue. Galaxy X241 has enough food species to provide a stable supply for all Vorn for several centuries.

  Then let us begin the harvest, sent several Vorn military officers telepathically. Our harvesting fleets are ready, and our cargo holds are empty.

  Be patient, replied Prince Brollen, his twin antenna standing high above his triangular-shaped head. Our fleets are nearly ready, and, when we return to Galaxy X241, we will return in such numbers that the Protector Worlds—which stand between us and the food worlds—will be swept away by the unrelenting power of our fleets.

  Brollen noted the rapid acceptance of his plan by all the members of the Royal Court. Those who would have objected had long since been singled out and deleted. He had also gone to great lengths to ensure all Vorn who knew of the capture of the Scythe—and possibly of Prince Lantoll, who was aboard—had also been eliminated. No Vorn could know a Protector World had one of the Vorns’ motherships in its possession. If this fact was uncovered, then Prince Brollen himself would be in danger of deletion, particularly if the enemy found the location of the Vorn staging system or the Vorn home system. So far he knew of no indications of that having occurred. No unknown ships had been detected in or around either system. Prince Brollen was convinced the enemy couldn’t decipher the highly encrypted files in the mothership’s computer which held that valuable information.

  In the coming few weeks Brollen would select a new military commander for his flagship, the Reaper, in preparation to return to Galaxy X241 to continue the harvest. When he did, he would take with him the largest Vorn fleet ever to harvest a single galaxy. He would become the greatest war leader the Vorn had ever known. If things worked out as he hoped, someday it would be he who ruled all the Vorn. The Queens would be put in their proper place to serve only as breeders for the Vorn. It was only right that a prince with military experience be the leader. Prince Brollen fully expected to be that Vorn.

  Chapter Five

  Fleet Admiral Kurt Vickers breathed out a sigh of relief as the Star Cross, the Tarawa, and their escort of heavy battlecruisers dropped from hyperspace in the Newton System. It had been a busy two weeks as construction had started on the new embassy at Kubitz, and several meetings were held with the Controllers as well as a representative of the Kubitz government. The meetings had been tense and provocative at times, but, in the end, the Controllers and the Kubitz government had agreed to all of Kurt’s demands.

  “Course set for Newton Station,” reported Lieutenant Styles.

  “We’ve been assigned to docking port seven,” added Lieutenant Pierce.r />
  “Take us in,” ordered Kurt. He was glad to be home. He had left two heavy battlecruisers in orbit around Kubitz along with the light cruiser Sydney.

  “So the Controllers actually rule the government of that pirate planet?” said Andrew. “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”

  “So it seems,” answered Kurt. “In every meeting was a Controller, including the one with the government official. Even in that meeting, the Controller did most of the talking.” Those meetings had been quite contentious. Kurt had literally held guns over their heads until they acquiesced to his demands. The guns, of course, being the fleet of warships orbiting Kubitz which could obliterate the planet if Kurt so ordered. The Controllers had grudgingly admitted Kurt had the upper hand due to his fleet.

  “A puppet government,” muttered Andrew, shaking his head. “I wonder if the rest of the Gothan Empire knows?”

  “Most likely. The actual government of the empire is based on Marsten. They probably tolerate this arrangement as it keeps all the focus on Kubitz.”

  Andrew gazed at the nearest viewscreen, showing a magnified image of Newton. The area over the capital was covered in white clouds. “I still can’t believe they agreed to pay that fine you levied against them.”

  Kurt grinned. “They had no choice, and they knew it. We had already shown we had the ability to destroy their defensive grid. The Controllers are extremely fearful of the Vorn. The main reason they finally agreed to our demands is because we offered to leave two of our heavy battlecruisers in orbit as protection.” Kurt felt odd about defending the black market planet. It went against everything he believed in, but so much technology and information was available on Kubitz that he dared not abandon it completely. For now it would serve a purpose.

  “I understand Captain Briar was pleased with the additional Marines, those robots, and the new personnel carriers.”

  “Yes, with two hundred Marines and the upgrades we’re making to the perimeter wall, he won’t have to worry about the compound being attacked again. Avery Dolman has arranged for the additional construction and is ensuring the new embassy building and wall is made from the strongest substance on the planet. He claims not even explosive rounds can penetrate.”


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