The Star Cross: The Forever War

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The Star Cross: The Forever War Page 14

by Raymond L. Weil

  Fleet Commodore Dreen turned toward Alborg. He trusted his tactical officer’s advice as he had years of experience studying tactics. “What would you do?”

  Alborg hesitated for a moment and then spoke. “I would stay away from us for now. The Vorn need an immediate food source, so it makes more sense to attack lightly defended worlds to build up their food supply. Once that’s been accomplished, they will turn toward us.”

  “My thoughts also,” Dreen replied. By attacking other worlds across the galaxy, it limited the number of new worlds Dreen could pull into the Alliance.

  “Where did Captain Waelt go?” asked Laylem.

  The fleet captain had left a few days ago, saying he would return in two weeks. He had explained to Dreen that he would talk to his people about providing more ships as he was deeply concerned about what the absence of Vorn ships might mean. The fleet captain wanted to embed additional Glaymon disk ships in more Alliance world fleets as he feared a great battle was coming. He also wanted to talk to the Newton Humans about scouting the Vorn staging system.

  “Back to wherever his people are,” Commodore Dreen replied. He felt uneasy whenever the fleet captain left Lakiam space. While it was true the other disk ships remained, the fleet captain seemed very determined to destroy the Vorn.

  “What about the captured mothership the Lakiams have?” asked Jalad from Navigation. “Anything new?”

  “Fleet Leader Moor contacted me yesterday,” Dreen answered. “We’ll take a quick trip to Andock Prime for a briefing on the latest intelligence gleaned from the Vorn ship.”

  Andock, Lakiam, Bascom, Parmont, and Glaymon scientists and technicians were combing through the captured Vorn ship, studying its weapons, technology, and the systems used to harvest planets of organic life. They even had samples of food pellets. It was quite gruesome thinking about what those pellets had once been. Dreen was also curious what had come of the interrogation of the prisoners. The Glaymons had been heavily involved in this as the Vorn language was very difficult to speak, even with advanced language translators. Their thought processes were extremely foreign to the galactic norm. Earlier reports on the interrogations had indicated the Vorn were unresponsive. They merely gazed at their captors as if they didn’t exist.

  “Captain Callast’s fleet is entering hyperspace,” reported Laylem. On the large tactical display, hundreds of green icons blinked out, only to reappear on the hyperspace tracking display.

  Thanks to Glaymon technology, they could now track ships out in hyperspace to a distance of thirty-two light-years. Also a massive hyperspace tracking system had been put in place by the Lakiams, the Andocks, and several other Protector Worlds. It was now possible to detect ships exiting hyperspace for several thousand light-years around Lakiam.

  “Captain Swiffe reports he will depart for his patrol coordinates in ten minutes,” added Sheera. “Captain Veen will depart shortly after that.”

  Fleet Commodore Dreen nodded. He was expecting the Vorn to resume their attacks on the Enlightened Worlds very shortly. A number of worlds thought that, after the battle at Lakiam—where the Vorn had been soundly defeated—the Vorn had left the galaxy for less-hostile feeding grounds. Yet Vorn harvesting fleets were still in the outer regions of the galaxy. The Vorn would come back, and, when they did, they would return with a vengeance. Fleet Commodore Dreen was convinced this increase in scouting activity was the prelude for the appearance of the Vorn harvesting fleets.

  Coming for more food!

  Chapter Ten

  Prince Brollen gazed with deep satisfaction at the massive Vorn fleet gathered in the staging system. Over 52,000 Vorn warships and 230 motherships were ready to resume the harvest. In addition to the warships, there were forty of the Vorns’ largest ships, the ten-thousand-meter-long intergalactic transport ships, as well as sixty of the valuable two-thousand-meter-long Collector ships.

  Impressive, sent Prince Ortumad, who was in charge of the staging system. I congratulate you on bringing the forces necessary to complete the harvesting of Galaxy X241. The food gleaned from that galaxy will feed our people for generations.

  Many more warships are in reserve at the home system, if they are needed, replied Prince Brollen. Since he had become Queen Alithe’s consort, Prince Ortumad’s attitude toward Brollen had changed. Ortumad now fully supported Brollen. We will send the first fleets to Galaxy X241 tomorrow. The intergalactic transport ships will take them deep into the galaxy to a region rich in food worlds. We will attack twenty different systems at once, overwhelming any defenses that may be present and harvest the inhabited worlds. The systems I have chosen will provide excellent sustenance for the Queens and the Royal Caste living in the Conclave Habitat. If his future plans were to succeed, Prince Brollen must keep the Royal Caste content, particularly the other Queens, and also certain members of the Military Caste.

  Prince Brollen intended to ensure the Conclave Habitat had an excess of food pellets, particularly those in the Royal Court who had shown him support. He would have special cases containing some of the best quality food pellets delivered to the quarters of those who had shown him loyalty. His future plans depended on their continued support.

  We must provide for our Queen and those of the Royal Court, replied Ortumad respectfully. I will make the arrangements for the intergalactic transports to take our fleets to Galaxy X241. I wish you success in the harvest.

  Prince Brollen turned toward his two military leaders. Have the two of you finalized our battle plans? He did not want another mishap such as what happened in the system of food species 236.

  Yes, replied Ansolk, who was the senior of the two military leaders. The region of space we will harvest only has three of these so-called Protector Worlds. Our scout ships have confirmed the more heavily populated food worlds are all defended by orbital grids, but we do not believe any of them are a threat to our fleet. We found no indications of any ships of the ancient race or ships of food species 236 or 111 around any of these worlds.

  There will be some minor resistance, and we may lose a few of our cruisers, but the losses will be small and inconsequential, continued Military Leader Gallet.

  This suited Prince Brollen. The region of space he had selected was far from food species 236, where he assumed the ancient race still had a large portion of its fleet. With the fleet he had at his disposal, the entire target region, containing several hundred food worlds, could be harvested in just a few short weeks. Once that area was depleted, Prince Brollen intended to harvest another one just as rich in food species next. A steady stream of Collector ships would be returning to the Vorn home system with an abundance of food pellets.

  His multifaceted eyes turned toward one of the large 1,200-meter-long battleships under the command of Military Commander Vasterus, showing on the main viewscreen. A military commander was higher in rank than a military leader, as he commanded many more ships. Vasterus had been with Prince Brollen during the battle in food species 236’s home system. Vasterus had also sworn loyalty to Brollen.

  Military Commander Vasterus will keep a fleet of two thousand battleships and six thousand cruisers in reserve to respond to any encounters with the ancient ships or food species 236 or 111, explained Military Leader Ansolk. If any vessels from those three races interfere with our harvesting of the region of space we have chosen, Military Commander Vasterus will respond with his fleet and destroy those species’ warships.

  With the firepower he has available, not even the ships of these ancients will prevail, continued Military Leader Gallet. With superior firepower and overwhelming numbers, Military Commander Vasterus will destroy them.

  Has this plan been communicated to Vasterus? asked Prince Brollen. He did not want any mistakes if there were, indeed, a battle with any ships from those three races. They had shown to be dangerous in the past and would eventually have to be dealt with.

  Yes, replied Military Leader Ansolk. He fully agrees with it.

  Prince Brollen looked at the viewscree
ns. Several of the large intergalactic transport ships were already fully loaded with ships to take to Galaxy X241. It was time for the harvest to resume at a highly accelerated rate. This time nothing would stop the Vorn from harvesting the entire galaxy.


  Fleet Admiral Kurt Vickers was in Earth’s solar system, amazed at all the changes made since the Profiteer fleet had been defeated. The new shipyard was in orbit; the older defensive platforms from Newton had been moved to Earth; and a number of the newer ones had recently been placed in orbit as well. It would be impossible for a Profiteer fleet to ever endanger Earth again. However, the Vorn were another matter and were the main reason Kurt was here.

  “What’s the current status of Earth’s defensive grid?” Kurt asked Fleet Admiral Aaron Colmes.

  Aaron had taken over command of the system’s defensive fleet after Fleet Admiral Tomalson had formally retired and gone to Newton to live near one of its pristine ocean beaches. Aaron had demonstrated in the past to be a very dependable and talented officer.

  “Better than ever,” Aaron replied, confident the system could defend Earth. “We currently have sixteen Class Two Orbital Defense Platforms, two hundred and thirty satellites with dual firing energy turrets, and one Class Two Command and Control Center. The platforms can fire upon anything that comes within forty thousand kilometers of the planet.”

  “What about the new platforms?” asked Kurt. He was really interested in these as they could destroy a black ship.

  “We have six of the new platforms installed as well as a Class One Command and Control Center to coordinate their firing,” Aaron replied. “The plans are to install sixteen more as soon as they become available.”

  Kurt looked a little confused. “I thought we had sent more of the Class Two platforms as well as more of the new ones?” Lomatz had purchased more at Kubitz before the demand from worlds in the Gothan Empire had overwhelmed the market. He knew more of the new platforms had been built at Newton Station and delivered as well.

  Aaron nodded. “You did. However, we thought it prudent to ensure Mars as well as the colonized moons of Jupiter and Saturn are protected. Six Class Two Orbital Defense Platforms and four of the new ones are currently in place around Mars with a Class Two Command and Control Center. Ten more Class Two platforms are in orbit around the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Also defensive satellites have been deployed as well.”

  “I thought you would have put everything around Earth since it has by far the largest population.” Kurt had not been informed of this change in deployments.

  Aaron sighed and slowly shook his head. “Politics. Many nations on Earth helped construct our new shipyard. They demanded their colonies be protected from attack as well. After the Profiteers nuked Earth, everyone realized how vulnerable the colonies are, particularly the domed cities. One well-placed nuke would destroy the largest of them. The European Union— along with Australia, the United Kingdom, and Japan—have placed colonies on Mars. The Russian Collective has colonies on four of the moons of Jupiter, and the Chinese Conglomerate has colonized three of Saturn’s moons. Hell, even a few large asteroid colonies are requesting protection.”

  Sometimes Kurt forgot how many countries were on Earth. It made dealing with the planet extremely complicated at times. Newton had even blocked Earth from trading directly with Kubitz because of it. An attempt by several Earth governments to send a mission to the black market planet had ended in disaster. Since then the Earth governments had gone along with Newton’s request not to go to Kubitz and to allow Newton to conduct their trade for them.

  “How many people are on Mars now?” The Mars colonization project had received a lot of publicity since terraforming would soon make the world habitable. The planet would be very similar to Earth but only smaller. Terraforming projects were also beginning on two of the moons of Jupiter and one of Saturn’s.

  “Twelve million,” answered Aaron. “Domed cities are all over the planet. A few will need to be moved due to the location of future oceans, rivers, and lakes.”

  “Where will the water come from?” Kurt found it strange to be thinking about oceans on Mars.

  “From the Kuiper Belt,” replied Aaron. “Enough blocks of ice are floating around out there to give Mars all the water it needs.”

  “Solid ice?”

  “No.” Aaron laughed. “It won’t be that simple. But some of the rocks out in the Kuiper Belt are nearly one-third pure water ice. There has been some discussion of allowing the rocks to enter the Martian atmosphere on a shallow trajectory so the ice would melt, but the rest would continue back into space. Terraforming and weather control would take care of the rest.”

  Kurt wondered what technology the Glaymons might have to speed up the process. He would have to speak to Tasid about it. “How’s President Lambert doing?”

  “Fine,” Aaron replied. “She’s been very supportive of our defensive program as well as making funds available to build new ships.”

  “What’s the current status of your fleet?”

  “Not as many ships as I would like,” Aaron confessed. “New construction is ramping up, particularly with the two construction bays Newton sent us. This time next year I’ll feel a lot better. Currently we have five battleships—all of Kubitz construction but updated in our shipyard—plus fourteen battlecruisers, and two of your light carriers.”

  The light carriers helped control traffic in the solar system since so much trade now occurred between all five of the Newton Alliance worlds. Cargo ships were required to drop from hyperspace in two general areas where fighters from the two light carriers would give them a quick once-over before allowing them to proceed to Earth.

  Kurt nodded. He was deeply concerned about the size of the Earth fleet, particularly if a black fleet appeared. Fortunately Newton was close enough that a reinforcing fleet of battleships and battlecruisers could be in the solar system within an hour. “I’ll speak with President Lambert about placing several of our new battlecruisers in the system.”

  Aaron looked concerned. “Because of the Profiteers? I heard a rumor High Profiteer Creed is out there somewhere.”

  “He is,” admitted Kurt. “But it’s not the Profiteers that I’m worried about. Earth’s current defenses and your fleet can handle them.”

  “The Destroyers of Worlds,” said Aaron in sudden understanding, taking a deep breath. “You’re afraid they may find Earth.”

  Kurt nodded. “I hope they don’t, but Earth has a population far in excess of most Protector Worlds or Enlightened ones. Earth would be a very tempting target if they ever became aware of it.”

  “Let’s hope they don’t,” Aaron replied. “Earth’s been through enough as it is.”

  Kurt and Fleet Admiral Colmes spent a few more minutes discussing various defense deployments and the locations of all the defensive platforms in the system. Kurt had already decided, when he returned to Newton, he would rush those new battlecruisers to Earth for its defense. What worried him was how much damage a black fleet could do before a fleet from Newton could arrive to help.


  A few hours later Kurt was escorted into the office of President Ellen Lambert. As Kurt entered, she stood. “Hello, Admiral. I’m glad you could take time from your busy schedule to come see me.”

  “I’ve been intending to for a while.”

  The president indicated for Kurt to sit in a chair in front of her desk. “How’s Admiral Tomalson enjoying his retirement?”

  “He loves it,” Kurt replied. “I visited him a month ago, and he was doing some fishing. This is good for him.”

  “Yes,” the president agreed. “The stress of his job was more than most people could handle. I still don’t see how he did some of the things he accomplished. He is an amazing individual.”

  Kurt nodded. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “I spoke to Governor Spalding yesterday. Our new communications system is amazing. There’s very little delay.”

  “We have it no
w to all the worlds of the Newton-Earth Alliance,” Kurt said. He didn’t go on to mention the new communication system was a result of Glaymon technology. No Glaymons had been to Earth or any of the other worlds of their Alliance, only Newton. The perceived view was the new system was a result of technology gleaned from Kubitz.

  “Where are you heading after you leave Earth?”

  “A routine patrol,” Kurt replied.

  He didn’t want to tell her that he was going to Epsilon Reticuli, some fifty-nine light-years from Earth—where the two Glaymon colony ships and the majority of their fleet had taken up residence. They were building a new habitat to live in on the outskirts of the system. Kurt was anxious to speak to Tasid and see what progress they were making. Kurt hadn’t been to the system since leaving the Glaymons there.


  For the next several hours Kurt and President Lambert discussed the trade treaties they had with the other Alliance worlds as well as what technology Newton would share with Earth.

  When they were done, the president looked at Kurt and sighed deeply. “I understand we can’t introduce too much advanced technology on Earth all at once as it would collapse our economy. But I would like to form a committee of business people as well as a few others in the government to discuss what technologies could be safely introduced.”

  “That would be acceptable,” Kurt answered. “I’ll mention it to Governor Spalding when I return.” With all the nations on Earth and the disparity in development in some regions of the planet, the introduction of any new technology was difficult. Everyone wanted it, but he didn’t think some of them understood the risks.

  As Kurt prepared to leave, the president came around her desk and put her hand on his shoulder. “Admiral, Governor Spalding has told me about the Destroyers of World, and Fleet Admiral Colmes and I have had some long conversations about that threat. How real a danger are they to Earth?”


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