The Star Cross: The Forever War

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The Star Cross: The Forever War Page 24

by Raymond L. Weil

  The comm unit on his desk sounded. Reaching forward, he activated it.

  “High Protector, an unknown fleet has dropped from hyperspace on the outskirts of the system near Abelson,” reported Protector Makar, the communications operator.

  “They were not detected before?” asked Vormalt. The long-range sensors on his battleships should have detected any approaching fleet in hyperspace. Of course he had heard the rumors that the Vorn ships had some sort of sensor-dampening field, which made their ships impervious to scans. This had not been confirmed, though there was strong evidence.

  “No, High Protector. What are your orders?”

  “Take the fleet to War Condition One and prepare for combat. I will be in the Command Center shortly.”

  Vormalt looked at Caatler. “I fear we will soon know how well our ships will perform against the Vorn. An unknown fleet has just dropped from hyperspace out past the orbit of Abelson. It is most likely the Destroyers of Worlds.” As his voice fell silent, alarms sounded, and red lights flashed. The ship’s comm system announced the setting of War Condition One.


  Captain Callast of the Lakiam battlecruiser Destonn gazed at the tactical display, showing the system of Zumwald. Fleet Commodore Dreen had sent him with a Lakiam Alliance fleet to help defend the system from the Vorn. He had 2,700 warships under his command plus a supply fleet of 114 vessels, carrying extra dark matter missiles and defensive platforms. They would fortify the system as heavily as possible in the hopes they could protect it from the Vorn. Captain Callast and Fleet Commodore Dreen had spent hours discussing possible strategies to save the Zumwald System. It had been a hard and difficult decision to even send a fleet. In the end, they couldn’t let the Vorn continue to harvest worlds without challenge. His fleet was here to send a message.

  “Their system has gone on high alert,” reported Fabold from the sensor console. “I’m detecting energy shields being activated and weapon systems coming online.”

  “I don’t blame them,” Callast replied. “I would too if a strange fleet suddenly dropped from hyperspace in my home system. “Kella, send a message to the Zumwald fleet, informing them who we are. I believe High Protector Vormalt is the commanding officer.”

  “Sending message,” replied Kella as she pressed an icon on her console.

  “A lot of ships are in the system, and Zumwald Four seems to be protected by a massive defense grid,” said Fabold.

  “How many warships?” asked Callast. He had a large fleet, but the Vorn had one many times larger.

  “Six thousand vessels at least.”

  Callast visibly relaxed. With the defensive platforms they had brought and the dark matter missiles, just maybe they could save Zumwald from the Vorn. Particularly since the Vorn didn’t know his fleet was here. Callast wondered how he could use that to their advantage.


  High Protector Vormalt could scarcely believe the message. The fleet exiting hyperspace was from the Alliance that the Lakiams and the Andocks had formed. Every ship in the fleet was a large battlecruiser or battleship. One thing that excited Vormalt was that these ships were capable of destroying Vorn warships in one-on-one combat, something his ships were incapable of doing.

  “We have hope,” said Caatler as he gazed at a Lakiam battlecruiser on the main viewscreen. Past the battlecruiser was an Andock battleship. A small freighter was in the vicinity of the Lakiam Alliance fleet and was sending a video feed to the Dawn’s Light.

  “Perhaps,” Vormalt replied, “Captain Callast wishes to meet with me.”

  The viewscreen changed, showing a large one-thousand-meter disk ship.

  “Are those ships what I think they are?” Caatler’s eyes grew wide as he had never expected to see such vessels.

  “I believe so,” Vormalt answered. “Those are the disk ships of the Glaymons who we have heard rumors about.” He felt awe that this ancient race had sent warships to aid Zumwald against the Vorn.

  “So they do exist,” replied Caatler in a much more subdued voice.

  “It seems as if they do, and they may be our salvation,” responded Vormalt. He took a deep breath. They had probably less than a week and possibly only a few days before the Vorn attacked. He would meet with Captain Callast and see if there was any real hope of saving Zumwald.


  Two hours later the Lakiam Alliance fleet had moved closer to Zumwald, and High Protector Vormalt was on board the Destonn, meeting with Captain Callast. As Vormalt was escorted to the conference room, he had been struck by how luxurious the battlecruiser was. He had forgotten how far along the Lakiams were toward Enlightenment and how they liked their comforts. However, Captain Callast was not as Vormalt had expected. The Lakiam was more like a warrior of old.

  “We have brought dark matter missiles for your missile tubes,” Captain Callast began. “They have an explosive force of two-hundred megatons, and several of them combined can bring down a Vorn energy screen.”

  “Our ships have managed to destroy a few of the Vorns’ smaller cruisers by attacking them in squadron strength,” Vormalt replied. “These missiles could make a big difference in fighting the Vorn.” He was already considering how best to use them.

  “We recommend you continue to attack individual Vorn ships in that manner,” Callast said. “In addition, we have a device that can be attached to your energy shield generator that will make a ship’s shield immune, at least for a while, to the Vorns’ black antimatter spheres they use to drain a ship’s power. The device will also make your screens more resistant to the Vorns’ black antimatter beams.”

  “This sounds like a lot of work is involved, and we probably don’t have a lot of time.” Vormalt wasn’t sure how all this would get done. He definitely wanted the missiles as well as the energy shield update. It would at least give his warships a chance in a battle with the Vorn.

  “If you will allow us, we have brought a large number of small repair robots. If you will turn over the schematics for your battlecruisers and battleships, we can program the robots to do all the work and rather quickly. We can transfer the missiles as soon as you’re ready.”

  Vormalt blinked his eyes as he thought over what Captain Callast was offering. In the past, turning over the schematics for Zumwald’s warships would have been given no consideration. However, this was a question of survival.

  “Very well, I’ll have the schematics transferred to your ship’s computer as soon as I return to the Dawn’s Light.”

  Callast nodded. “One other thing. We’ve brought a large number of new defensive platforms, with a highly improved antimatter chamber, which powers their weapons. The platforms are capable of taking out a Vorn vessel up to and including one of their battleships.”

  Vormalt drew in a sharp breath. If he could add these platforms to the ones already around Zumwald and link them together, it would greatly increase the power of the defensive grid protecting the planet.

  “I have to ask,” said Vormalt, staring intently at Captain Callast. “I wasn’t really expecting your Alliance to respond to our request for aid. Why did you?”

  Callast grinned. “We’ve already defeated the Vorn in several engagements. We decided it’s time to teach them another lesson. Also Zumwald has a large fleet and a powerful defensive grid. We could think of no better place for a trap. Very shortly I’ll order my fleet to activate their sensor-dampening fields so the Vorn will not know we’re here.”

  Vormalt nodded in understanding. “All they’ll see is my fleet and won’t know of the upgrades you’re furnishing us. Even the new defensive platforms shouldn’t be noticeable as we’re installing more everyday ourselves.” Vormalt felt hope for the first time in weeks. “Is it possible to install this new antimatter chamber in my ships?”

  “It’s possible, but it would require a major refit. We don’t have the time. However, once this is over, I’ll be glad to turn the plans over to you, and you can fully modernize your ships to where they can fight the Vorn on an e
qual footing.”

  “I understand,” replied Vormalt, feeling disappointed. “Our shipyards are available for anything your ships might require.”

  “I appreciate that,” Callast responded. “Right now we have everything we need. Let’s get the dark matter missiles transferred to your ships as well as begin the updates to your energy shields. We may not have a lot of time.”

  Vormalt looked concerned. “Is there anything we can do to better protect the shipyards?” Eight large shipyards and two space stations were above Zumwald.

  Callast looked thoughtful. “We may be able to install some updated antimatter chambers to power the energy shields. We can probably spare some repair robots as soon as the missiles are offloaded from the cargo ships. It will be a rush job, but I think it’s possible.”

  Vormalt nodded. Things were looking brighter. He just needed the Vorn to give them a few extra days to get ready. The next thing he would do was brief the Zumwald government on these recent developments. They probably wouldn’t like him giving the schematics of his warships to the Lakiams, plus unlimited access to the shipyards and space stations, but this was a question of life or death, and he wouldn’t let politicians get in the way of a war.


  Prince Brollen listened to the latest reports on the progress of the harvesting fleets. This entire sector had nearly been harvested with over 260 food worlds falling to the Vorn. A number of heavily laden Collector ships were already on their way to the staging system, where they would be taken by the intergalactic transport ships to the habitats. On several of the Collector ships were special cases marked for specific Queens, members of the Royal Court, and prominent members of the military who had shown support for Prince Brollen.

  In a few more weeks, Queen Alithe would finish laying her eggs and would return to the Royal Court. At that time, she would pick a new consort. Prince Brollen had made arrangements to ensure that never happened. Very shortly he would be arriving at the Conclave Habitat to claim his rightful place as the High Prince. That was the name he had decided on. The cases of special food pellets would help to ensure his rise to power. The future of the Vorn race could no longer be trusted to the Queens, whose raging hormones during their mating season blinded their judgment.

  All harvesting fleets will finish in their respective areas in sixty hours, sent Military Leader Ansolk. All that remains will be several Protector Worlds and their colonies.

  Prince Brollen turned toward Ansolk. We will combine the fleets and attack the homeworlds of these so called Protectors. We will overwhelm their fleets, harvest their worlds, and then set out for the next sector. There is another close by with over four hundred food worlds that can be harvested.

  The Queens will be pleased, sent Military Leader Gallet. We have sent a large number of food pellets to the home system.

  And even more in the future, Brollen replied. We have only just begun to harvest this galaxy. When we are finished, we will have ample reserves of food to last our people for several hundred years. That will be plenty of time in which to choose the next galaxy to harvest.

  Brollen didn’t add that he intended to rule for many of those years. The food pellets he had in his private collection would feed him opulently for a long time. As the High Prince, he would, of course, mate with many of the Queens in the different habitats. Brollen’s future among the Vorn was assured. The only thing he needed to do now was bide his time and let events run their course.

  We shall arrive at our next target in four hours, Military Leader Gallet reported.

  That will be the last world we have scheduled to harvest before rendezvousing with the rest of the harvesting fleets, added Military Leader Ansolk.

  As soon as all the fleets have reported in, we will destroy the last of the Protector Worlds and their colonies in this sector, Brollen sent. They will become food for the Vorn as is the destiny of all the inhabitants of this galaxy and eventually this universe.


  High Protector Vormalt read the latest reports of the updates being done to his ships as well as to the shipyards and the space stations. Surprisingly everything was slightly ahead of schedule. Captain Callast had even suggested, if they had the time, to begin updating the energy shields of Zumwald’s defensive platforms.

  Vormalt watched a large viewscreen in front of his desk as several small and versatile Lakiam shuttles finished assembling one of their defensive platforms. From the latest reports, they still needed thirty hours to finish the work. Vormalt knew they were cutting it close. Captain Latimeer of the Glaymons had sent several of his disk ships to observe the Vorn. They were nearly finished harvesting this region of space and would soon turn their fleet lose upon Zumwald. Vormalt had been surprised to learn that the minor Protector World of Sumatral still survived, but it would stand little chance against the Vorn.

  “I spoke to a Glaymon today,” said Caatler, the excitement showing in his eyes. “I was amazed at how tall they are compared to our people. The Glaymon I spoke to was very polite and soft-spoken. He didn’t hesitate to answer all my questions about the new antimatter chambers being installed in the shipyards. He was very confident the energy screens powered by the new antimatter chambers would protect them.”

  “I hope so,” Vormalt replied as the shuttles on the viewscreen finished their work and moved back. Instantly the lights came on, and the platform was live. Shortly a crew would be sent up, and the Lakiams would explain the platform’s operation. Most of the systems were controlled by computers, and the crew was only needed if something went wrong. Two Lakiam crewmembers would stay onboard to work with the crew. They would also remain until the current crisis with the Vorn was over.


  Captain Callast had just finished inspecting one of the Zumwald space stations, where a crew was busy installing a new antimatter chamber to power the energy shield. Looking out the viewport of the shuttle he was in, he could still see the massive station—over four kilometers in length, a latticework of different installations and facilities. The main purpose of the station was for trade with other worlds—trade that, in all likelihood, would never be the same again even if Zumwald survived the coming Vorn attack. Callast looked past the station at the planet beneath it. It was blue-white as nearly all inhabited worlds were. Nearly 60 percent of the planet was covered in water. It reminded him a lot of Lakiam.

  “It is a beautiful world,” said Captain Latimeer from Callast’s side. The Glaymon had wanted to come to the station to meet some of the Zumwald crew. “Even the people on the station show much potential for the future. I wish there was someway to stop the Vorn from harvesting so many worlds. We are losing so much, and some of these races will be gone forever.”

  Callast knew from speaking to Captain Latimeer earlier that many worlds are eventually recolonized after the Vorn have gone on and the planet’s ecology has settled down. There were always a few survivors in passenger and cargo ships. Most of the time they were too few to keep a high level of technology and had to begin all over again. Some survived, and new civilizations arose. Others failed, and their races died out, never to be heard or seen again.

  “The Vorn will arrive soon,” Captain Callast said. “They will attack us in overwhelming numbers. Even with the fleets of High Protector Vormalt, we’ll be outnumbered by at least six to one.”

  “Don’t forget about the defense grid around the planet,” spoke Latimeer. “It is very powerful and should be able to deal with any Vorn ship that gets past our fleets.”

  “When the Vorn arrive, we must hit them hard and fast,” said Callast. “We will keep the sensor-dampening fields in operation until it’s time to attack. That should allow us to take them by surprise and inflict some heavy losses on their fleet before they can respond.” Of course, when the Vorn did respond, it would be brutal due to their numbers.

  Latimeer took a deep breath and then spoke. “I will take my ships and attack the Vorn motherships. If I can destroy enough of them, the Vorn will withdraw. You must
use your ships to draw the fire of the Vorn cruisers and their battleships so we can get close enough to the motherships to destroy them.”

  Callast looked long and hard at Latimeer. “That’s suicide. Even your Glaymon ships won’t survive in the heart of that formation. Too many Vorn ships will be able to bring their weapons to bear on your fleet.”

  Latimeer smiled gently. “We’ll survive long enough. There’s a world at stake.”


  Two days passed, and Captain Callast let out a deep sigh of relief. All of the new defensive platforms were in orbit and operational. The last ships of the Zumwald fleet had received their shield update just a few hours ago. A Glaymon disk ship had arrived only a few minutes earlier and reported the entire Vorn fleet was gathered at a star system 112 light-years distant.

  “They’ll be coming soon,” said Danall, the tactical officer, as he studied the data from the Glaymons. “Over fifty thousand Vorn warships.”

  Callast had expected that. Reports had filtered into Lakiam over the last month which had indicated the approximate size of the Vorn fleets harvesting the worlds of the Rumii Sector. “How many battleships?” That was the problem. If it were only the smaller spindle-shaped cruisers of the Vorn, they might actually win this battle. However, the Vorn battleships were the problem.

  “Twelve thousand,” replied Danall. “At least 12,000 of the twelve-hundred-meter-long Vorn battleships.”

  “We can’t defeat that many battleships,” said Callast, finding it hard to imagine that many in one fleet formation.

  Callast considered how to defeat the Vorn fleet. The motherships were the key. If they could reach them and inflict sufficient damage, the Vorn would withdraw. It seemed impossible. However, Fleet Commodore Dreen had placed his trust in Callast to find a way.

  “The motherships,” said Danall, his eyes narrowing. “We have to reach the motherships.”


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