One Special Christmas & Home for the Holidays

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One Special Christmas & Home for the Holidays Page 16

by Irene Hannon

  Chapter Ten

  The sudden whistling of the kettle bought him a moment’s reprieve. “I put the water on to boil when I brought Sarah in,” he said over his shoulder as he headed for the kitchen. “I figured you could use a cup of tea. Let me make it and then we can discuss the situation.”

  Except what was there to discuss, really? he thought as he mechanically pulled a mug from the cabinet and added water and a tea bag. The weather was terrible. It didn’t make sense to take risks. But what about the risks right here? he countered silently. Kate was an extremely desirable woman. He’d been attracted to her for weeks. So far, past experience and a conviction that marriage and medicine didn’t mix had allowed him to exercise some discipline in their relationship. But this weekend he’d almost kissed her. And though Amy’s untimely interruption had effectively derailed his passion, the desire was still there. It might not be wise to stay. But common sense told him that venturing out again tonight would foolish.

  With sudden decision he picked up the mug and stepped out of the kitchen, frowning as he glanced around the deserted living room. A moment later, Sarah’s girlish giggle, followed by the low murmur of voices, echoed down the hall and he headed in that direction.

  Kate looked up guiltily when he entered Sarah’s bedroom. “I know you asked me to wait, but I wanted to get Sarah into bed as quickly as possible. It was a long trip for her.”

  He handed her the mug, noting the lingering quaver in her hand. “It was also a long trip for her mother,” he replied quietly. “Go on back into the living room and relax. I’ll put Sarah to bed.”

  “Oh, goody!” the little girl exclaimed, clapping her hands. “Will you read me a story, too?”

  “A short one, if you get your pajamas on really quick.”

  As she scampered down the hall to the bathroom, Kate looked up at Eric. “Are you sure you don’t mind doing this?”

  “Not in the least. Go back out there and put your feet up. Doctor’s orders,” he added, flashing her a grin.

  She rose slowly. “Listen, Eric, I’m sorry Sarah put you on the spot about staying tonight. And I understand if you don’t want to. But the weather is so bad and…”

  He reached over and gently grasped her upper arms, effectively stilling her voice. “I’m staying, Kate,” he said deliberately. “I was just taking a minute to…think about it.”

  His gaze was locked on hers, and Kate stared up at him silently, certain he wasn’t referring to the weather. A swarm of butterflies suddenly took flight in her stomach.

  “Oh. Well, okay. I’ll…I’ll be in the living room.”

  And then she fled.

  At first, as Kate waited for him to join her, she sat perched on the edge of the couch, her shoulders hunched nervously, her hands tensely gripping the mug. But as she slowly sipped the soothing liquid and listened to the voices in the back bedroom—Sarah’s high and excited, Eric’s deep and mellow—she gradually began to relax. It was an odd feeling, to let someone take care of her for a change and help her with her daily chores, she mused. And it suddenly occurred to her that she could get used to this.

  But she had better not, she warned herself. After all, the man had never even kissed her. Not that he hadn’t tried, she conceded, her lips curving up into a smile. It was ironic that Amy, who had been the one urging her to put some romance back in her life, had also been the one to derail Kate’s first romantic encounter in years.

  Eric had thrown her the classic line from Gone With the Wind as they’d parted that night. Was tonight the “tomorrow” he’d referred to then? she wondered, as a warm surge of adrenaline shot through her. It had been such a long time… She wasn’t even sure she remembered how to be amorous. Her only consolation was that Eric was equally rusty. She shook her head ruefully. They were quite a pair.

  “Want to share the joke?”

  Startled, Kate looked up to find Eric smiling at her from the doorway. She tried vainly to stifle the flush that rose to her cheeks, desperately searching for a truthful but evasive response.

  “I was just thinking about…about Amy.”

  “Hmm.” She wasn’t sure he believed her, but fortunately he let it pass. “Let me get a cup of tea and I’ll join you.”

  She scooted over to make room for him, noting as she placed her mug on the end table that her hands were once again trembling. She clasped them together tightly in her lap and took several long, deep breaths. This was ridiculous, she scolded herself. After all, she was a grown woman. She could handle this situation. Okay, so maybe she was a little out of practice. But if she just remained calm, she’d be fine. Eric was probably just as nervous as she was, she told herself consolingly.

  Except he didn’t look in the least nervous as he settled down comfortably beside her, she noted enviously. In fact, the man looked totally relaxed.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  She nodded stiffly. “Uh-huh. The tea helped a lot. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” His gaze swept over her face appraisingly. She did look better now, he decided. There was more color in her cheeks and the dazed look had left her eyes. “I’m just sorry you had to go through that.”

  She sighed, and her eyes grew troubled. “You’d think after all these years I’d have gotten over my fear of being in a car in bad weather. But I can’t seem to shake it. Even here in town I try to avoid driving when the roads are slick. Especially at night. Sometimes I have to, of course, but it always shakes me up.”

  “I noticed.”

  She flushed. “It’s so embarrassing. I feel like I should be able to put that night behind me and move on. But I can’t seem to get past it.”

  Eric draped an arm loosely over her shoulders and gently massaged her stiff muscles. “Don’t apologize, Kate. You weren’t just involved in a fender bender. It was a nightmare situation. That kind of trauma can linger for years. In fact, you may never get over it completely. You’ll probably always be extra careful in winter-weather driving—which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, by the way. But eventually the fear should subside to a more manageable level. There’s no need to rush it. Things usually happen in their own time.”

  His reassuring comments and the soothing touch of his hand went a long way toward easing Kate’s tension. She sighed and relaxed against his arm.

  “That feels good,” she murmured. “I guess I was more tense than I realized.”

  He set his cup on the coffee table. “Turn around and I’ll do both shoulders.”

  She did as he instructed, angling herself on the couch so that her back was to him. With a gentle but firm touch he massaged her shoulders, her upper arms, her neck, until the tension at last evaporated.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you have great hands, Doctor?” she asked languidly, dropping her head forward.

  Eric stared at her slender shoulders, at the dark hair spilling over his fingers, and drew a deep breath. “Not lately,” he replied, his voice suddenly husky.

  Kate heard the different nuance in his tone and felt her pulse quicken as his touch changed subtly from therapeutic to sensual.

  “You have beautiful hair, Kate. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  “Not lately,” she echoed breathlessly.

  Slowly she drew in her breath and held it as he combed his fingers through her hair. A moment later a jolt of electricity shot through her when she felt his lips on the back of her neck.

  “You taste good, too,” he murmured.

  Kate closed her eyes and uttered a small, contented sound deep in her throat as he moved her hair aside and let his lips travel across the full width of her neck. “Oh, Eric,” she breathed. “I’d forgotten how good this could feel!”

  “Me, too.” He turned her then, urging her to face him with gentle hands on her shoulders. Their gazes connected, and she could see the fire smoldering in the depths of his eyes. “But I’d like to remember,” he continued. “And I’d like to make some new memories. With you.”

  She stared at him,
mesmerized by the profound emotion and honesty she saw reflected in his eyes. Her throat contracted with tenderness. “I’d like that, too,” she whispered, and was rewarded with a smile that warmed her through and through. Slowly he reached over to touch her face, but stopped when she backed off slightly.

  “What’s wrong?” he queried in concern.

  She blushed self-consciously. “It’s just that I’m…I’m really out of practice. And I guess I’m a little bit afraid that I won’t be…that you won’t like… I haven’t kissed a man in years, and I feel so awkward and schoolgirl-ish and— Boy, I’m really blowing this, aren’t I?” she finished artlessly.

  Eric’s expression eased and he chuckled. “Can I tell you something? I have exactly the same fears. So what do you say we both just relax? I have a feeling everything will turn out fine.”

  Kate forced her trembling lips into a smile. “If you say so.”

  He reached out to her again, and this time she remained still, letting her eyelids drift closed as his fingers made contact with her skin.

  Eric moved slowly, taking time to savor the feel of her skin beneath fingertips that were suddenly hypersensitive as he traced the sweet contours of her face, memorizing every nuance. She felt so soft—so good. He knew that they were breaking new ground in their relationship tonight; knew that there was no turning back once they started down this path. And part of him was still afraid. The wounds from his first marriage had left scars that ran deep. But somehow he sensed that with Kate, things would be different. He’d prayed for guidance, had asked the Lord to give him the courage to trust his heart, and so now he stood poised at a crossroads: he could either stay on the safe, predictable, lonely path he’d been following, or move in a new, uncharted direction that could bring love. The choice was his.

  He gazed tenderly down at Kate’s upturned face, at the soft fanning of her dark lashes against her cheeks. There was a fineness to her; a goodness that radiated from deep within. It wasn’t in her nature ever to be hurtful or selfish or inconsiderate. He knew that as surely as he knew the sun rose in the east. She was a kind, caring woman who had shown great courage and endurance in the face of tragedy. She was also a loving and conscientious mother. And though she had strayed from her faith for a time, she had eventually found her way home again.

  And then there was her beauty. With her flawless complexion, lovely features and slender, toned body, she looked closer to twenty-five than thirty-five. And her hair—it was soft and full and made for a man’s hands to tangle in, he thought, combing his fingers through the wavy tresses.

  In short, she was an incredibly desirable woman.

  And yet…she’d remained alone for five long years, true to the memory of her dead husband. That, too, he admired in her. Loyalty and enduring love were qualities to be respected and honored. He knew she was still struggling to reconcile the possibility of a new relationship with her devotion to Jack, and was reluctant to do anything that diminished the memory of their love and commitment. So he felt deeply honored that she was willing to open her heart to him. Not to mention deeply attracted. Until Kate, he hadn’t so much as considered the option of falling in love again. Now it wasn’t just an option; it was a very real possibility.

  Eric let his other hand drop to her waist and closed the distance between them. He felt her begin to tremble again, and he knew she was afraid, just as he was. Where would this lead? Were they making a mistake? Would they both end up hurt? Eric didn’t know. But there was only one way to find the answer to those questions. Taking a slow, deep breath, he leaned toward her and tenderly claimed her lips.

  Though his touch was gentle, Kate was momentarily stunned by the electric sizzle that shot through her. At the same time, she felt as if she’d been waiting for this moment for years. And maybe, in a way, she had. There had always been physical affection in her life—as a daughter, a mother, a sister. But this kind of affection had long been absent. And she’d missed it. A sweet shiver of delight swept over her and her heart soared with an almost-forgotten thrill as Eric’s lips moved tenderly over hers, igniting long-dormant desires deep within her. Without consciously realizing what she was doing, she put her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer.

  Eric was momentarily taken aback by her complete surrender to his embrace and by her ardent, uninhibited response. He’d expected her to be tentative and uncertain. Instead, she was giving herself fully and willingly to the kiss. And he was delighted. Because it meant that she not only cared for him, but also trusted him. And he had no intention of betraying that trust.

  Kate felt his firm, sure hand on her back, through the thin fabric of her turtleneck. She could feel the hard, uneven thudding of his heart. She could feel his ragged breath. But most of all she could feel his lips, hungry yet tender. And she responded willingly, reveling in the embrace of this wonderful, caring man.

  At last, with obvious reluctance, he drew back enough to gaze down at her.

  She stared up at him, able to utter only one, breathy word. “Wow!”

  His lips tilted up into an unsteady, crooked grin. “Yeah. Wow!”

  She touched his face wonderingly, hesitantly reaching out to trace his lips with her fingertip. His sudden, sharp intake of breath made her pause, and she started to withdraw her hand. But he grasped it and held it firmly in place.

  “Don’t stop,” he said hoarsely, closing his eyes.

  Slowly she continued her exploration, her fingertips memorizing the planes of his face. Only when she’d finished did he open his eyes. He held her gaze compellingly as he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the palm.

  This time it was her turn to gasp. He paused and raised his eyebrows questioningly.

  “Don’t stop,” she murmured, echoing his words.

  He kissed each fingertip before enfolding her hand protectively in his, his fingers warm and strong around hers. Then he drew a long, ragged breath. “You know what you said earlier, about being out of practice?” he reminded her with a crooked grin. “If this is what you’re like when you’re rusty, I have serious concerns for my blood pressure when you’re up to speed.”

  She blushed and smiled shyly. “I guess I got a little carried away.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining! I just didn’t expect things to get so…intense…so quickly.”

  “Me, neither.”

  “Are you sorry?” His tone was serious now, his face concerned.

  She considered the question for a moment, finding it hard to concentrate when one of his hands was stroking her nape and the other was entwined with hers. “No. I think in my heart I realized at some point that this was inevitable. And we’re not exactly strangers on a first date. We’ve known each other for over three months, Eric. This evolution of friendship into romance—well, it feels right to me. And natural. And comfortable. Not to mention…exciting.” Her face grew warm, and he gave a relieved chuckle.

  “I’m glad you added that last adjective. For a minute, there, I was beginning to feel like a pair of old slippers,” he teased.

  She smiled. “’Old slippers’ is hardly the way I would describe you. More like a pair of fancy shoes I once bought—classy and sophisticated and guaranteed to make a woman feel drop-dead gorgeous and desirable.”

  “Well, you’re definitely all of the above. And I plan to do everything I can to make you feel that way every day from now on.”

  Kate looked up at him, and the tenderness in his eyes made her throat constrict with happiness as her heart soared with hope. For the first time in years she began to think that maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t spend the rest of her life alone.

  The smell of freshly brewing coffee wafted into the bedroom, slowly coaxing Kate awake the next morning. But even though the aroma was appealing, she fought the return to full consciousness. She wanted to hold on to this lingering, inexplicable feeling of contentment—most likely a remnant of some already forgotten dream—for just a little longer.

  But she couldn’t ignore the knoc
k on her door a few minutes later. And she especially couldn’t ignore the husky male voice that accompanied it.

  “Are you decent?”

  Her eyelids flew open and she stared at the ceiling in shock. The feeling of contentment wasn’t an illusion, after all. It was as real as the man standing on the other side of her door. She struggled to a half-sitting position and frantically pulled the blanket up to her neck, clutching it against her chest with both hands as her pulse skyrocketed.

  “Y-yes. Come in.”

  Eric opened the door, a coffee mug in one hand, and paused for a moment to smile at her. His gaze, intimate and tender, lingered on her face, then did a leisurely inventory of the dark mass of hair tumbling around her shoulders, the demure neckline of her gown, the cheeks still flushed from sleep. With her wide eyes, slightly parted lips and endearingly modest posture, she looked vulnerable…and beautiful…and very, very appealing.

  With a jolt that rocked him to his core, Eric suddenly realized that he wanted to wake up beside this special woman every morning for the rest of his life. But how could things have progressed so quickly? he wondered in confusion. When he’d claimed Kate’s lips last night, he’d considered it a first step down a new path in their relationship. Yet he now realized that it hadn’t been a first step at all. It had simply verified what his heart had known for weeks. He was in love with her. But was he ready for that kind of commitment?

  And then she smiled—a tentative, endearing smile that tugged at his heart and chased away his doubts. Yes, he was ready, he realized. Maybe past ready. But he wasn’t so sure about her. Though she’d responded fully to his overtures last night, she might be having second thoughts in the light of day. He knew she still had issues to deal with, and he couldn’t push her. But he also knew with absolute certainty that one day in the not-too-distant future he would ask her to be his wife. It was just a matter of waiting for the right time.


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