Theirs to Take

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by Rory Michaels


  Theirs to Take


  Rory Michaels

  Theirs to Take © Copyright 2012, Rory Michaels

  First Electronic Printing February 2012, The Raven Books

  Cover art by Natalie Winters, © Copyright 2012


  All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written permission from the author, Rory Michaels.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or events or places is merely coincidence.

  The Raven

  Published by Raven Books ~

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  Rory Michaels

  Hazard County Threesomes Book 1

  Ray and Mark haven’t seen each other in four years. Not since Mark ran like a thief in the night after a rather intimate encounter with Ray. When Mark resurfaces in Hazard County with his new bride, Nancy, in tow, Ray is hurt but drawn to Mark’s wife. He wants to sample her, to know if she’s as luscious as she looks. To make matters worse, Nancy wants it too. She knows about Mark and Ray’s torrid past and she is willing to be their third—their missing link in the bedroom. Can Ray get over Mark walking out on him once and can Nancy really handle two men at one time?

  Warning: This short story contains m/m/f sex, m/f/m ménages a trois, explicit sex, strong language and cowboys who will melt your socks off. If you’re looking for long drawn out plots and sweeping romances, this isn’t your book. This is a short story that won’t apologize to anyone. If you want hot, dirty, sexy and to the point, you’ve found it. If not, it’s best to move right along, this isn’t the book for you.

  Chapter One

  Rows of shops lined the downtown area. A little bit of everything could be found there even in a small town. With the internet, what couldn’t be purchased locally could be ordered in, though most people still did the online ordering through the general store. They tended to pride themselves on keeping the business local. Ray Thompson couldn’t fathom how anyone would want to do much of anything outside of Hazard County. The area had been his home since birth and he full well planned to be buried there someday.

  Ray peeled into a parking space in front of the hardware store. His fence on the west side of his ranch had come down during the last round of storms to hit the area, and he needed supplies to see to the mending of it. He had people do the work for him and to even run the errands, but he preferred staying hands-on.

  He opened the door of his black pickup truck, and it was nearly taken clean off as a sporty car darted into the space next to his. Main Street wasn’t exactly known for a run on parking. At least not in Hazard County—population, very, very small.

  “Hey there!” he hollered as he hopped out. “You’re gonna kill someone if you’re not careful.”

  As a tall, broad shouldered man with sandy blond hair emerged from the vehicle, Ray’s breath caught. He’d not set eyes on Mark Whiteburn in nearly four years and their last parting was far from good. It took longer than Ray would have liked to compose himself before he attempted to appear nonchalant as he groaned and rolled his eyes. “Mark, shocking to see you can’t drive worth a damn.”

  Mark lowered his sunglasses, a smirk slinking over his handsome face. “Nice to see you too, Raymond. Miss me?”

  Ray’s jaw set as he clutched the handle of his truck door. Miss him? Hell yeah he missed him, but he was still furious at how Mark had split town. “What the hell are you doing back? I figured you’d stay long gone?”

  Mark removed his trendy sunglasses and tossed them into his car. He shut his car door and walked towards Ray. The man was decked out head to toe in designer clothing. Mark lowered his voice, “This is how it’s gonna be between us now, Ray?”

  Ray exhaled slowly and glanced around, wondering if anyone was watching their interaction. Rumors had already circulated about them at one point, but they’d sort of gone by the wayside since Mark’s departure.

  Mark snorted. “Don’t worry.” He put his hands up and backed away. “Promise not to leak my reputation all over the town, good ole boy. Though, there was a time you didn’t mind me leaking anything all over you.”

  Ray’s body tightened at Mark’s words. Remembered passion played out in his mind. His cheeks flushed and he had to take a moment to collect himself. Four years had passed since they’d spent a weekend together, shacked up two counties over, doing things to each other that in the eyes of the locals wasn’t right.

  The beauty shop door opened and a sexy, leggy redhead exited. She spotted Mark and a large smile slipped over her face. “Hey you.”

  Mark straightened his shirt even though it wasn’t out of place. “Woman, how is it you get even more beautiful each and every time I lay eyes on you?”

  The redhead laughed and the sound made Ray’s cock harden. She was certainly a vision.

  “I’m talented like that,” she said. She went straight to Mark and he drew her against him before kissing her tenderly.

  A stab of jealousy raced through Ray, but he wasn’t sure if it stemmed from Mark finding someone to be with that wasn’t him or if Ray wanted the redhead. His tastes ran from women to men, but he kept the men part to himself. He’d seen what the locals did to men who came out about their sexuality and it wasn’t pretty.

  Mark and the redhead separated, but Mark kept an arm around her waist, his blue gaze sweeping to Ray. “Nancy, I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine. Ray Thompson.”

  “The friend who owns his own cattle ranch,” Nancy supplied. Her green eyes held a certain level of both innocence and mischief and her pale, creamy skin begged to be touched. With a body like hers, Ray could imagine it was easy to get lost in it, finding endless pleasure.

  “One in the same,” said Mark.

  “We’re headed to lunch together. He should join us,” inserted Nancy. “I know you used to be close and I know how much you miss the area.”

  Mark talked about him and missed the area?

  As far as Ray knew, Mark ran as far and as fast as he could from Hazard County. He’d not looked back once. They’d spent one amazing weekend together and then Mark split. It had apparently been too much on him. Truth was, Ray wasn’t so sure it would have worked out had he stayed. As amazing as their time together was, something had been missing.

  Nancy smiled wide and stepped towards Ray. She put her hand out. “It’s so nice to meet someone from my husband’s past.”


  Ray felt sick to his stomach as he took her hand. Her sweet scent launched up at him. Instead of curling his stomach as the news Mark was officially off the market did, the smell made his body respond. His nostrils flared and his muscles coiled at the idea of sampling what was before him. He cleared his throat, her hand now in his. “Nice to meet you too, ma’am.”

  With a pout, she tipped her head, her long hair falling over one shoulder. “You’ll join us for lunch, right?”

  He eyed the hardware store and then nodded. The fence mending would have to wait. “I’d love to.”

  She squealed and launched herself at him as they’d known each other forever and a day. He wrapped his arms around her and held her to him as his gaze went to Mark. He stared at him over Nancy’s head. A satisfied smile edged its way onto Mark’s face. Mark nodded and blatantly adjusted his cock in the middle of Main Street.

  Chapter Two

  Nancy sat in the tiny d
iner, her shoulder pressed against her husband’s upper arm. He’d crowded her into the bench seat. She couldn’t stop stealing glances at Ray. His dark, shaggy hair fell partially into his deep brown eyes. His skin was tawny—even more so than Mark’s. Both men looked like they spent the majority of their time outside. In Ray’s case, she was sure that was part of it. He seemed slightly more muscular than her husband as well.

  Her mouth wouldn’t stop watering, and it wasn’t from the open faced roast beef platter Mark had ordered for them both. It was because she was trapped in a booth with two hunky males—males she knew had history. Mark had been open with her about his sexuality. He’d told her that a piece of his heart would always remain in Hazard County and if she thought less of him for it, he’d understand.

  She didn’t.

  He was good to her. Very good. He gave her everything her heart could desire and it was her turn to give something to him. Something he wanted and something his heart desired.

  Ray Thompson.

  Mark had told her about the fantasies the men had shared while growing up. They wanted to be together and share a woman. They wanted to carve a life out together—them and their woman. Instead, ignorance and fear of being judged drove the men apart.

  Nancy continued to soak in the sight of Ray, wondering what he looked like under the red t-shirt and deep blue jeans he had on. She could only guess he was sculpted to perfection. Her cunt dampened at the thought. She wondered if she’d appealed to him on the same level she did Mark. She was open to the idea of both of them. Very open. What women in their right mind wouldn’t want to be between two hot men in bed?

  Mark touched her hand. “Sweetie, you’re not eating.”

  “Sorry,” she said, taking a bite of the mashed potatoes.

  Ray watched as she brought the fork to her mouth. He licked his lips as hers closed around the fork. He shifted in his seat and a tiny trickle of sweat started down his temple. She sucked on the fork, wanting to know for sure if she had sway over him sexually.

  Before Mark, she’d been a shell of herself—afraid of nearly anything to do with sex. The closest she’d come to the act prior to Mark had been a meeting in the backseat of a local football hero’s car. He’d been drunk and heavy handed, hitting her before finally passing out face first on her.

  She was younger than Mark and lacked experience when he’d come into her life. He didn’t care. He romanced her socks off and then the rest of her clothing, showing her just how much a man could please a woman. He was a tender lover who could be wild when the need called for it. And he was always so thoughtful—always bringing her flowers or something that reminded him of her.

  She withdrew the fork from her mouth in an exaggerated way, simulating oral sex, her gaze locked on Ray. Ray kneed the table from below and nearly spilled the glasses of water on it. He tugged at his t-shirt collar and Mark chuckled.

  “See something you like?” asked Mark.

  “Hmm?” Ray cleared his throat. “What?”

  Mark tapped the table lightly. “You heard me, Thompson. Do you see something you like?”

  Ray’s eyes widened. “Are you asking me if I think your wife is hot?”

  “Something like that,” responded Mark.

  Nancy sat in place, a sexy smile gracing her face as she watched Ray for his reaction. Something in his dark gaze said he was close to igniting and she didn’t think it was in a good way. Normally, she’d let Mark do the talking. She wasn’t the type of woman who needed to have the last say, but she knew how much this meant to her husband and she wanted to give this to him.

  She lowered her gaze. “If you want me like I think you still want him, I’m yours for the taking.”

  Ray did knock his water over this time. He snatched it up and used his napkin to mop up the mess. “Mark?”

  Mark beamed and put his arm around Nancy. “I found her, Ray. The perfect woman for us.”

  Her chest burned as she listened to the pride in his voice.

  “Nancy knows our past,” said Mark. “She knows and she doesn’t think less of us for it. She wants to give us this, Ray. She wants to let us know what it would be like with a woman there, sharing what we have. If you hate it, we walk away and never speak of it again.”

  Ray’s jaw set. “This a game to you, Whiteburn?”

  Mark snorted. “That what you think?”

  “What do you want me to think?” asked Ray, leaning forward, his voice just above a whisper. “The minute you’re done sucking my dick you run for the fucking hills.”

  “We were missing a piece,” said Mark, not bothering to lower his voice. “A vital piece. I know it and so do you.”

  “And you think you found it?” asked Ray, looking directly at her.

  Nancy tugged at her lower lip, keeping her gaze angled downward. She didn’t want to set anyone off any more than she had. “I’m sorry I said anything.”

  She turned partially in the booth, her eyes rimming with tears threatening to fall. “I’m not what he had in mind. I’m sorry, Mark. I thought…I thought I maybe could be. I’ll go back to the hotel and leave the two of you to spend the day together.” She stuck her chin out, attempting to be strong. “I understand you’ll want a woman who does strike both your fancies.”

  Mark refused to budge. He touched her cheek and shook his head. “Sweetie, you think I’d be with another woman?”

  She closed her eyes. “He doesn’t want me and I know what he means to you. So yes.”

  “He’s important to me. Very important, but you’re my everything, sweetie. I love you. I made an oath to you, and you can’t think for a minute I’d break that to be with another woman.”

  She teared up more. “But you love Ray too. I know you do. And he doesn’t want me to be your third.”

  “Then we go home and all talk of this dies,” said Mark. “If he can’t see how sexy and beautiful you are on the inside and out, then he’s not the man I’ve known since we were four and used to go catch frogs at the creek near our homes.”

  “I want you to be happy,” she said.

  “I am.”


  He leaned and kissed her, shutting her up. When he drew back she couldn’t help but glance at Ray.

  “Woman, you think I don’t want you?” questioned Ray.

  She stiffened.

  “Christ, you’re smokin’ fucking hot. My dick has been hard the entire time we’ve been here and watching you eat is like watching porn. I want to fuck a hole clean through you,” he said, this time loud enough to draw the attention of the other patrons. “I’m trying hard to digest this all. Mark bolted years ago. I didn’t expect to ever see him again, let alone see him with someone like you.”

  “Ray,” Mark said, wiping away her tears as he did. “I’m right about this. She’s what we were missing.”

  Ray leaned back in the booth. “What is your take on this, Nancy? You really fine with the idea of your husband sucking my dick before I fuck every ounce of you?”

  The temperature in the diner spiked. Nancy took a sip of her water. “Y-yes,” she managed.

  “Woman, you don’t know what you’re asking for. You don’t know just how nasty I can be in bed,” said Ray. “About how demanding I am. I like sex. I like it hard and dirty and I only want someone in that bed with me who is all in. I’ve had enough of people who aren’t fully committed to the act.” He glared at Mark.

  “Ray,” Mark said. “She’s all in. So am I. She’s what we talked about. She’s our third. Our gal.”

  Chapter Three

  Mark entered the slide card for the hotel room and felt the weight of Ray’s stare on the back of his neck. They were finally doing it. They were finally going to share a woman. Mark stepped into the hotel room and Nancy followed close behind. Ray joined and shut the door, his gaze moving towards the king-sized bed. Ray glanced back at him. “Put some thought into this, huh?”

  Mark nodded as he unbuttoned his dress shirt. He removed it and then pulled his unders
hirt off, tossing it aside. Ray watched the act carefully.

  Nancy picked up his discarded shirt and laid it across the back of a chair in the corner of the room. He smiled. “Leave it, sweetie. Come here. Let’s show Ray what you bring to the table.”

  She came to him as he knew she would. She stood before him and he began unbuttoning her sundress. Ray eased closer and Mark knew then for sure he was tempted by his wife. He nodded to Ray and turned Nancy to face him. “Undress her, Ray. Find the prize. She’s ours to take, to do with what we want.”

  Ray’s breathing deepened as he took over undoing the buttons on Nancy’s dress. He then eased the dress down her body, letting it pool to a pile on the floor at her feet. He stared at the sight of the woman before him.

  Mark grinned. “She’s perfect, isn’t she?”

  Ray looked hungry, his hands hovering just above Nancy’s bra covered breasts. Mark stepped behind his wife and unhooked her satin bra. He eased it off her and her pert breasts popped free. Her nipples were slightly upturned and rosy pink. Just the way he and Ray would talk about breasts needing to be.

  They’d spent so many years talking about their version of the ideal woman, the woman they wanted to share, and here she was before them, willing to let them explore her and take her.

  Ray gasped as his hands closed over her breasts. He dipped his head and growled a second before kissing Nancy roughly. She stiffened and Mark caressed her back, nibbling on her shoulder.

  “Relax, sweetie,” Mark whispered to her. “Let him explore you.”

  She calmed slightly as Ray continued to kiss her and fondle her breasts. He drew back, his gaze glassy. “Fuck.”

  Mark chuckled. “I know. Wait until you taste her cunt. It’s like honey. And it’s tight.”

  Ray ran his hand down Nancy’s stomach. He came to a stop above her red satin panties. He stared into Nancy’s eyes. “If you want out, you need to say so now.”


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