by Bob Crosley
If you would like more information about future installments of Shelf Life, or other projects, including a forthcoming novel in the Apocalypse Weird universe, head over to my website at and sign up for my email newsletter. You’ll get updates on new stories, early access to new books, including free books, and a chance to participate in giveaways. I promise not to spam you. You can also find me on Facebook at, follow me on Twitter @bob_crosley, or email me at [email protected].
Releasing a book is not a solitary effort, and nowhere is that more evident than here. Making a list of people to thank is always difficult, because no matter how hard you try, it’s too easy to miss someone. I will do my best to make sure I don’t. If I missed you, please let me know, so I can correct my error in the next edition.
Thank you to my beta readers, Philip Harris, Chris Pourteau, Robert Box, Nicole Martinez, David Walters, Brian Bucklew, Bryan Reckelhoff, and Bob Williams. You provided invaluable feedback and helped make this story much better than it would be without you.
Thank you to my editor, Debbie Robbins for removing the commas that shouldn’t have been there, and adding the ones that should. Debbie is relentless in her pursuit of errors, and any that remain are surely my fault alone.
Thank you to my cover artist, Jason Gurley. The indie book world lost a great artist when Jason retired from cover design, but gained an even greater writer.
Thank you to Michael Bunker for creating this rich universe and letting the rest of us play in it.
And thank you to my wife, Susi, for everything.