by Arana, Marie
Monet, Juan Antonio, 334
Monroe, James, 4, 112, 123, 260, 261, 288, 316, 337, 370
Monroe Doctrine, 316, 331, 338, 353–54
Monteagudo, Bernardo, 294, 300–301, 303, 305–6, 339, 532
Montenegro y Colón, Feliciano, 100
Monte Sacro, 65–66, 82, 256, 270
Montesquieu, 20, 269, 387
Monteverde, Domingo de, 146, 150, 151, 152, 153
Creole property seized by, 127, 134
first republic defeated by, 107, 110, 112, 116, 118–19, 121, 122
New Granada invaded by, 136, 137
republican backlash against, 135–36
savage regime of, 134–35
SB allowed to leave Venezuela by, 125–26
and SB’s Venezuelan invasion, 144, 145
Montilla, Mariano, 77, 161–62, 173, 179, 390, 450, 453
Montilla, Tomás, 77, 122
Montilla family, 81, 129
Montúfar, Carlos, 53, 57, 84
Moquegua, Peru, 305
Morales, Francisco Tomás, 152–53, 156, 157, 161, 164, 186, 212, 261, 263
in Venezuela, 187–88
Morillo, Apolinar, 560
Morillo, Pablo, 177, 193, 212, 213, 221, 227, 228, 230, 235, 238, 247, 252, 262, 349, 367
armistice negotiation and, 277
armistice proposed by, 253–54
in Battle of Queseras del Medio, 225–26
in escape from Calabozo, 210–11
Margarita campaign of, 211
in New Granada, 172–73, 182
Páez’s victories over, 194, 205, 206–7, 503, 504
reinforcements promised to, 244, 247
and restoration of constitution of Cádiz (1812), 248, 253
SB’s meeting with, 255–57
in Venezuela, 170–72, 182, 192
wholesale execution of rebels by, 182
Mosquera, Joaquín, 315, 417, 421, 422, 436, 441, 443, 444, 445, 446
Mount Aconcagua, 274
Mount Cariaco, 281
Mount Chimborazo, 293
Mount Huascarán, 323
Mount Pichincha, 286–87
Mount Tambora, eruption of, 181, 498
Mount Yerupajá, 323
Mourgeón, Juan, 279–80, 281, 286
Mucuritas, Battle of (1817), 194, 205
mulattos, 12, 13, 28
“My Delirium on Chimborazo” (Bolívar, attrib.), 293, 520
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 6, 48, 52, 62–63, 77, 157, 174, 216, 337
Iberian invasion of, 82, 92
in loss of Spain, 146, 153
SB’s ambivalence toward, 53, 58–60
Spain lost by, 272
Spanish rebellion against, 78
Napoleonic Wars, 71, 79, 88, 101, 170, 247, 264, 280, 458
Nariño, Antonio, 30, 128, 129, 136, 138, 140, 168, 267–68
Natán (Sáenz’s servant), 322, 359, 442
Navy, U.S., 39
Neutrality Act, U.S. (1794), 73
Nevado (SB’s dog), 147
New Granada, 2, 30, 86, 109, 121, 128, 247, 354, 366
liberation of, 232–35, 236–43
Morillo in, 172–73, 182–83
revolutionary movements in, 128
SB in, 167–71
SB’s administration in, 240–41
SB’s invasion of, 230–35
SB’s study of, 131
Niquitao, Venezuela, 144
Obando, José María, 280, 411–13, 414, 417, 440–41, 552, 560
Ocaña, Colombia, 133, 136, 378, 381, 390–91, 392–93
O’Connor, Francis Burdett, 321, 327
Ocumare, Venezuela, 186–88
O’Higgins, Bernardo, 93, 272, 274, 276, 515
Olañeta, Pedro, 320, 332, 339, 344–45, 346
O’Leary, Daniel, 59, 64, 124, 152, 218–19, 234, 255–56, 295, 312, 363, 409, 410, 411, 412, 418, 419, 421, 426, 482, 496, 511, 528–29, 556
Olmedo, José Joaquín de, 286, 295, 303, 308–9
Onís, Luis de, 102
Orea, Telesforo de, 111, 112
Organization of American States, 331
Orinoco River, 190, 193, 195, 196, 201, 214, 244, 247
Osorio, Diego, 9
Padilla, José, 390, 394, 402, 403, 404, 408
Páez, José Antonio, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 214, 221, 227, 229, 244, 247, 266, 320, 348–49, 369, 374, 383, 411, 416, 417, 427, 434, 435, 439, 446, 449, 459, 553
ambition of, 423–24
Andes crossing rejected by, 229
Army of the Apure commanded by, 205, 206–7, 211, 225–26, 262–63
background of, 205
in Battle of Carabobo, 264–65
in Battle of Queseras del Medio, 225–26
in break with Greater Colombia, 357–58, 364
Cojedes defeat of, 212
elected president of Venezuela, 456, 459
independent nature of, 207, 211
and plebiscite on future of Colombia, 425–26
in rebellion against Colombia, 366–67
Santander’s antipathy toward, 347, 349, 363, 366, 422, 424, 449
SB and, 249–50
SB on ambition of, 370
SB in disputes with, 211
SB’s alliance with, 203, 207–11, 213, 215, 220
SB’s reunion with, 367–68
Spanish boats captured by, 209
and Venezuelan secession, 426
in victories over Morillo, 194, 205, 206–7, 503, 504
Paine, Thomas, 20
Paita, Peru, 457
Palacios, Carlos, 45, 51, 184
as SB’s guardian, 25, 32, 37
Palacios, Dionisio, 24
Palacios, Esteban, 24, 37, 42–44, 47, 48, 369
arrest of, 46
Palacios, Feliciano, 24, 33
death of, 25
Palacios, Florencio, 171
Palacios, José, 238, 251, 327, 340, 383, 396, 399, 450, 453
Palacios, Josefa, 174
Palacios, Juan Félix, as Juan Vicente Bolívar’s guardian, 25
Palacios, Leandro, 157, 194, 213, 220
Palacios, Pedro, 40, 43, 46, 48, 50, 77, 81–82
Palacios family, 57, 182
Bolívar fortune and, 24, 25, 32, 37–38, 43
Palacios y Blanco, Doña María de la Concepción (Doña Concepción), 7–8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21–22
background of, 18
death of, 24
failing health of, 23–24
marriage of Don Juan Vicente and, 17–18
Palacios y Sojo, Feliciano, 18
Palacios y Sojo, Pedro, 18
Palma, Ricardo, 457
Pamplona Province, Colombia, 136, 137, 243, 244
Panama, 288, 354, 420, 454, 456, 565
SB on, 176
Pan Americanism, 331
“Panoramic View of Spanish America” (Bolívar), 423
Pantano de Vargas, Battle of (1819), 223, 236, 237, 259
Páramo de Pisba, Colombia, 2, 231–32
pardos, 12, 28, 83, 95, 102, 152, 163, 172, 193
in patriot army, 199–200, 205
Paris, France, 52–53, 66–67, 71
cultural life of, 53
París, Mariano, 443
París, Pepe, 394, 400, 403
Paris, Treaty of (1783), 6
Pasto, Colombia, 86, 238, 270, 281, 283, 299, 318, 411, 414, 417, 440
royalist uprising in, 306–7
surrender of, 287
Pativilca, Peru, 315, 317, 318
Patriota de Venezuela, El, 97
patriot army:
blacks in, 186
British mercenaries in, 217–20, 225, 228, 231–32, 234, 247, 263, 387
defections from, 136, 143
killing Spaniards as goal of, 140–41
in Magdalena campaign, 132–34
Pardos in, 199–200, 205
as reluctant to invade Venezuela, 138
Patriotic Society, 97, 98, 100
Paulding, Hiram, 58, 66
> Paúl, Francisco Antonio, 117
Peale, Charles Willson, 57
Peña, Miguel, 120–21, 122
peninsulares, Creole resentment of, 19–20
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 259
Peru, 86, 173, 204, 238, 273, 354, 376, 454
Argentina retreat from, 314
assassination plot against SB in, 357
Bolivian constitution adopted by, 352
Colombian army in, 305, 313, 320
congress of, 308, 311, 339
Creoles in, 347
criticisms of SB in, 356–57, 460
gold in, 310–11
in Guayaquil attack, 399, 412, 413
Indians in, 311, 312, 323, 344
mutiny of Colombian 3rd Division in, 362, 372, 373, 538
Olañeta’s rebellion in, 320–21, 339, 344–45
political upheaval in, 456
post-liberation discord in, 349–50
post-liberation insurrections in, 390
power vacuum in, 305, 308
San Martín as Protector of, 286, 516
San Martín’s conquest of, 276–77
San Martín’s difficulties in, 294–95
San Martín’s liberation of, 271–72, 290
San Martín’s plans for monarchy in, 277, 294, 299–300, 516, 520
Santa Cruz as president of, 358
SB on future of, 176–77
SB on national character of, 344, 533
SB’s critics in, 385, 460
SB’s governmental reorganization of, 338
SB’s peace negotiations with, 418, 420
SB’s social reforms in, 344
silver in, 323
slavery in, 310–11, 323
Túpac Amaru II rebellion in, 29–30
Peruvian army, SB’s buildup of, 319–20
Pétion, Alexandre, 178–79, 186, 190, 212
Pezuela, Viceroy, 277
Philadelphia, Pa., 72
Philip II, King of Spain, 9
Philip V, King of Spain, 13
Piar, Manuel, 136, 162, 164, 179, 185, 189, 190, 192, 214, 408, 502
arrest and court-martial of, 198
background of, 196
execution of, 199–200, 458
Guayana stronghold of, 190, 193, 195–97
as pardo, 155, 196
SB and, 162, 163, 193, 195–98, 202
Pichincha, Battle of (1822), 287
Pichincha, Mount, 286–87
Pickering, Timothy, 74
Picón, Gabriel, 144
Picornell, Juan Bautista, 36
Pio (SB’s manservant), 177
Pisco, Peru, 262
Pitt, William, 69
Pittsburgh Gazette, 110
Pius VII, Pope, 65
Pizarro, Francisco, 304, 364, 523
Plaza, Ambrosio, 239, 250, 251, 265, 278–79
poder moral, 224
Polly, 68, 70
Popayán, Colombia, 280, 412, 423, 425
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 178–79, 190, 191
Portugal, 78
Iberian invasion of, 77
Potosí, Bolivia, 313, 347, 361
Pradt, Bishop Dominique de, 315–16, 447, 526
Prussia, 174
Puerto Cabello, 118, 235, 422
massacre of prisoners at, 458
Páez’s capture of, 314, 367
SB as commander of, 112, 113, 114–17, 119, 124, 126, 129, 157
as Spanish stronghold, 145, 146, 150, 153, 155–56, 257, 263, 299, 314
Pueyrredón, Juan de, 204–5, 273–74
Pumacahua, Mateo, 173
Queseras del Medio, Battle of (1819), 225–26, 233
Quito, Ecuador, 86, 238, 246, 247, 268, 270, 278, 280, 283, 287–88, 295, 299, 305, 306, 307, 411, 417, 423, 463
Creole’s rebellion in, 83
SB in, 287, 289
Sucre’s conquest of, 286
Rabonas, 324
Cédulas and, 28–29
in heritage of Spanish America, 200
hierarchy of, 10–13, 28–29
and independence movement, 86–87
mixing of, 12, 13, 28
rebellions and, 29–30
SB on, 223
racial conflict:
Legions of Hell as fueled by, 151–52, 153, 158, 164
Spanish manipulation of, 153, 164
racism, 463
Récamier, Mme de, 54
repartimiento, 12
republicans, Morillo’s wholesale executions and enslavement of, 182
Restrepo, José Manuel, 414–15, 556
Révérend, Alejandro, 451, 452–53, 454, 455
Ribas, Francisco, 126
Ribas, José Félix, 77, 81–82, 126, 129, 136–37, 138, 139, 144, 156–57, 162–63, 164–65, 174, 197
background of, 77, 81–82, 126
children under command of, 156
death and dismemberment of, 164–65, 174
devastated Ocumare entered by, 156–57
SB and, 126, 129, 136–37, 138, 139, 162–63, 197
victories of, 144, 156
Rincón de Toros, 212
Riva Agüero, José de la, 305–6, 308, 311, 312–13, 314, 350, 356, 419, 471
arrest and exile of, 313, 554
Robespierre, Maximilien de, 69
Robinson, Samuel, see Rodríguez, Simón
Rocafuerte, Vicente, 53
Rodríguez, Rosalia, 35
Rodríguez, Simón (Samuel Robinson), 32, 33–34, 53, 58, 60–61, 65–66, 210, 293, 343, 348, 457
character of, 35
in Italian trip, 61–63
as SB’s tutor, 34–37
Rodríguez del Toro, María Teresa, see Toro, María Teresa Rodríguez del
Rodríguez de Velasco y Osorio, María Ignacia, 40–41
Roergas de Serviez, Manuel, 56
Rojas, Andrés, 197
Rome, Italy, 63
Rondón, Juan José, 226, 233, 234
Rooke, James, 218–19, 229, 234
Roscio, Juan Germán, 102, 117, 247
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 20, 36, 61, 99, 269
royalist army, defections from, 140, 143, 144
Rubín de Celis, Joaquín, 503, 530–31
Russia, 174
Saavedra, Francisco, 42, 43
Sábato, Ernesto, 463
Sáenz, Manuela, 301, 341–42, 374, 399, 407, 414, 422, 519, 526, 561
arrest and deportation of, 362
assassination plots foiled by, 397, 400–402, 403
background of, 289
in Bogotá, 382, 394–405, 432
death threats against, 445
liberals’ confrontations with, 441–45
marriage of, 290
as member of SB’s staff, 316–17
in Paita, 457
respect of SB’s generals earned by, 361–62
SB’s death and, 456–57
and SB’s departure from Bogotá, 436, 438
as SB’s lover, 289, 291–92, 307–8, 322–23, 329, 359–60, 361–62, 381, 382, 394–405, 432, 453
and scheme to impose monarchy in Colombia, 415–16
Thorne and, 340–41, 359
Sáenz de Vergara, Simón, 289–90
St. Vincent earthquake (1812), 110
Salas, Tito, 494
Salom, Bartolomé, 306
Salomón, Colonel, 153
Sámano, Juan José de, 2, 235, 237–38, 240–41
sambo, 12
San Antonio, Venezuela, 138
San Carlos, Venezuela, 263
Sánchez Carrión, José, 339–40, 532
San Cristóbal, Venezuela, 141
San Felipe, Fort, 109, 112, 114
San Fernando de Apure, Venezuela, 207, 210, 211, 219, 225, 254, 503, 504
San Ildefonso [ship], 38–41, 43, 48
San Juan de Payara, Venezuela, 207, 209, 221
San Lorenzo, Battle of (1813), 273, 275
San Martín, José de, 93, 166, 171, 262, 280, 310, 312, 325, 343
, 413, 460, 517, 523, 536
Andes crossing of, 274, 275
animosity between SB and, 303
character of, 272, 275
Chilean campaign of, 204
family background of, 272, 514
in Guayaquil, 295–96, 521
illnesses of, 275
in liberation of Argentina, 273
in liberation of Chile, 273–76
in liberation of Peru, 271–72, 290, 304–5, 318, 358
in move to Europe, 304
opium addiction of, 275, 294, 301, 304, 515
Peruvian campaign of, 276
Peruvian difficulties of, 294–95
Peruvian monarchy planned by, 277, 294, 299–300, 516, 520
Peruvian strategy of, 298–99
as Protector of Peru, 286, 516
resignation of, 301, 303–4
SB’s congratulatory letter to, 277–78
SB’s Guayaquil dispute with, 286, 291–92, 298
SB’s meetings with, 294, 296–97
slaves freed by, 274
Sucre’s reinforcement of, 285
San Mateo, Venezuela, Bolívar estate in, 15, 23, 24, 49, 112, 159, 270
San Pedro Alejandrino, 452
Santa Cruz, Andrés de, 286, 298, 305, 313, 315, 325, 365, 390, 411, 456, 517
as president of Peru, 358, 373
Santa Marta, Colombia, 132, 133, 136, 168–69, 450
SB’s funeral in, 456
Santana, Juan José, 322
Santander, Francisco de Paula, 138, 139, 204, 212, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 239–40, 247, 249, 250, 252, 269, 270, 278, 279, 280–81, 284, 308, 319, 320, 328, 329, 373, 392, 409, 446, 457, 459, 548, 555
and attempted assassination of SB, 398, 403–4, 407–8
banishment of, 404, 408, 421–22, 423
on Colombian economic and political problems, 348
Congress of Panama and, 353
execution of Barreiro ordered by, 241–43
at Great Constitutional Convention, 388–93
imprisonment of, 422
as jealous of SB, 330
mock execution of, 395
as New Granada vice president, 241, 247, 253
Páez’s antipathy toward, 347, 349, 363, 366, 422, 424, 449
as president of Colombia, 456, 552
on SB’s Bolivian constitution, 351–52
SB’s break with, 371, 377, 380, 394
SB’s dictatorial powers rescinded by, 374
and SB’s return to Colombia, 364
SB’s reunion with, 365, 366
and 3rd Division mutiny, 372–73, 540, 541
Santa Fe de Bogotá, see Bogotá, Colombia
Santiago, Chile, 274, 275
Santo Domingo, 9, 113
slave revolt in, 30–31
see also Haiti
Sanz, José Miguel, 37
as SB’s guardian, 22–23
Sapphire, HMS, 95, 120, 121, 122
Sata y Bussy, José de, 117
Scott, Alexander, 123
Second National Congress, Venezuelan, 215, 221–25, 245, 246
SB and, 269–70
Seville, Spain, 79, 82, 83