To Love an Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)

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To Love an Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) Page 4

by Joanna Wilson

  Kenny slowly became aware of what he was doing. He saw the other wolves eying him with fear. He shifted and looked his father before he took off out the door.

  Joseph wanted to go after him, but he had to reassure his pack that everything was ok.

  His heart was breaking for his son. Dominic, that son-of-a-bitch. Dominic did this to my son. That bastard better fix it, or I’ll kill him myself.


  Clarissa walked down the small trail just at the barrier of the pack lands. She could sense the guards her father had sent with her.

  She still wasn’t talking to him and didn’t care if he did a thousand great gestures. She still would not say a word until her mate was with her.

  Especially now. Her hand went to the small bump in her belly. Her baby. Kenny’s baby. She could hardly believe she had a life growing within her. She had confirmed it fairly easily but kept it a secret. The first person she would tell would be her mate.

  She sometimes found herself wondering what her child would look like. Would it be a boy or a girl? If she had a boy she hoped he took after his father. His charming good looks and beautiful smile would be perfect.

  She had started thinking of ways to bring herself and Kenny back together. Her father felt as if Kenny had took something for him. Some type of honor or right he felt entitled to.

  If she could find a way for him to feel like he could get that back, maybe he would accept her mate and she could be with Kenny.

  She knew she was grasping for straws, but she had to think of something. She was three months into her pregnancy. She would be showing soon and she wanted to be by her mate’s side when that time came.

  She continued her walk in the woods for many hours. It was nightfall before she made it back to the main house. She might be on to something, but she would have to run it past the council before she finalized her plan.

  If everything went right, she would be back by her mate’s side sooner rather than later.


  Dominic sat in his study going over paperwork. He didn’t know being an Alpha came with so much paper pushing, but he loved it and wouldn’t change it for the world. He sometimes regretted the fact that he let becoming Alpha ruin a lifelong friendship, but he knew he was the rightful Alpha of this pack. He wasn’t meant to stay a beta his whole life.

  He wished he had his mentor to talk with, discuss things with. Have him here to see the approval in his eyes at how he was running the pack. Now how he was handling the situation with his daughter was a different matter entirely.

  He missed hearing her call him daddy. His daughter, who was always his little girl. That fact alone broke his heart more than what Kenny did to her.

  He was still angry at her for what she allowed to be taken. How could she not understand the honor? Her duty?

  It was something that every father looked forward to with each daughter her had. Clarissa was his only daughter. His only child. He tried so many times to forgive the transgression, but in his heart he just couldn’t.

  He knew he was being stubborn about the issue. He saw the restlessness in his child.

  The whole situation frustrated him to no end.

  A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. “Come in.”

  “Alpha Delany, there’s a package her for you sir. It comes from the council.” The omega said, her eyes downcast.

  “Thank you. That will be all.”

  Dominic looked at the letter addressed to him in the Old Wolf’s handwriting. He opened the letter.

  Dominic Delaney,

  You and your mate are hereby summoned to meet in front of the council this Seventh day of September at 7:00 PM.

  Madam Councilwoman

  Catherine Hawkins

  He could only imagine what this was about. He looked at his watch. 4:43 PM. He had little over two hours to get ready and be before the council.


  Clarissa sat nervously, wringing her hands. All the council members had gathered. All that was left to do was wait for her father and her other special guests she requested to be there.

  When she had approached the council with this, she thought they would turn her away, but they had listened and had even been accepting of her idea.

  She was scared of how her father would react. She had gone against him again. This time however, she had to. She couldn’t go one more day waiting on her father to change his mind, and honestly the silent treatment was getting old.

  She turned and looked at the clock. 6:45 PM. They should be arriving soon. She prayed Mother Luna would help her this night, and that her father would agree to what would be told to him.


  As Dominic walked into the two story building, he had a brief nervous moment. He had no idea why he was here. His mate grabbed his hand, sensing his emotions, and walked with him the rest of the way to where the meeting would be held.

  When he opened the door to the auditorium, two things stuck out to him. First, his daughter was there. He hadn’t known she even knew about the meeting. Second, the enforcers were present. They were only called in to council meetings when they expected trouble.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Dominic asked.

  “Good, we’re all here. This meeting will now be called to order.” The Old Wolf said.

  “Dominic Delany, you have been called before this council tonight because of recent actions in other packs as well as your own.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” Dominic replied.

  The Old Wolf grabbed a folder that lay in front of her and handed it to him. “As we all know, four months ago, your daughter, Clarissa Delany, mated the Son of Alpha Richardson without consent. Because of those actions, you denied their mating.”

  “No disrespect ma’am, but you are not telling my anything I don’t know already.”

  “Always straight to the point.” Looking to her head enforcer, she said, “Show our guest in please.”

  The enforcer nodded and went through the side door of the auditorium. A few seconds later he came back with none other than Joseph.

  “Is this some kind of joke? What is he doing here?”

  “He’s here because he needs to be.” The Old Wolf said. She motioned with her hand as the big man went to his seat.

  “The decision you made that day has not only affected your daughter and her mate, it is now starting to become a danger to Alpha Richardson’s pack.”

  “How is that?”

  “Because my son is going rouge, you bastard.” Joseph snarled. “He’s attacking members of our pack. All because you can’t swallow your damn pride and accept the mating.”

  Dominic stared at Joseph for a full minute before he heard the Old Wolf speak up.

  “Your daughter came to us and presented a plan that we…felt was a solution to this matter.”

  At this, Dominic turned to his daughter, who looked back at him. Not taking his eyes off of her, he asked, “And just what might that plan be?”

  “Our pack laws are there as a guide for us to live by. Sometimes, in situations like these, there has to be exceptions to the rules.” Another Councilman spoke up.

  “There will be a exhibition match between you and Kenny Richardson one week from today. You will fight for your honor that you feel has been stolen from you. If Kenny wins, you will accept this mating.”

  Dominic looked around the room. He even felt relief from his mate. It seemed his mind had been made up for him.

  “And if I win?”

  “That decision rests with you. Your daughter understands the risk of her mate losing this fight. We leave it up to you what happens if you win.”

  “Does the boy know of this?” He asked.

  “No, but he will, and you can guarantee he will be ready.” Joseph said.

  “Make sure that he is. I will not hold back just because he is your son.” he turned to his daughter, “Or because he is your mate.”

  He looked back to the council members, looking each one i
n the eyes.

  “Are we done here?”

  “Yes we are. We will meet again the day of the exhibition.”

  Chapter 6

  Joseph knocked on Kenny’s door.

  “Son, may I come in?”

  “It’s open.” Kenny said.

  Joe walked into his son’s room. The boy looked a mess. He was unshaved and his hair was all over his head. He could use a haircut as well.

  “I’ve just come from a meeting with the council.”

  Kenny didn’t look interested. He sat and listened but didn’t look at his father.

  “The council had decided to give you a chance, son. A chance to win your mate back.”

  At the mention of his mate, Kenny sat up straight and gave his father his full attention.

  Joseph explained to Kenny about the exhibition match. Kenny listened with avid attention, making sure he didn’t miss a single detail.

  “So if I lose, he can keep me from her forever.” it was more of a statement than a question.

  “Yes son. And that’s exactly why we’re going to make sure you don’t lose. Now get up and shower. We have some training to do.


  Over the next couple of days, Kenny spared with almost every beta in the compound. His father put him with those weaker than him, those equal to him, and those stronger than him. He fought in human form, hybrid, as well as wolf.

  On the last day of training, Kenny wasn’t surprised when his father got in the ring.

  “I’m the closest wolf there is to Dominic. He and I are equally matched. I won’t hold back son. You beat me and you beat him. Is that understood?”

  “Yes father.”


  No more words were spoken. Kenny’s father brought out the best and sometimes worst in him. He felt like giving up, saying he couldn’t do it, but his father would make him rise and fight.

  When Kenny got the upper hand for the last time, he pinned his father down on the mat by his throat. He roared and growled in his father’s face.

  “Good, good. You’ll need that anger son. But don’t let it rule you. Control it. Make it your weapon. I promise you if you do this, you will have your victory.

  Kenny rose from the mat and reached out a hand to help his father up.

  “Are you ready son?”

  Kenny nodded his head. “I am.”


  The day of the exhibition had arrived. Kenny woke early. He made himself a small breakfast and began hi exercises. He was totally focused on what lay ahead of him. At 10:30, his parents came into the gym. They were silent for a while, watching him go through a series of combinations.

  “It’s time to go Kenny.” His mother said.

  “I know. I’m ready.”

  They walked out to the car in silence. Everyone knew how important this day was. Kenny prayed Mother Luna give him the strength he needed to beat a wolf like Dominic. It was going to be a tough fight.


  The match was being held in the gym of his old home. Both packs had shown up for the event. Bleachers were set out and every seat was filled. Everyone wanted to see the outcome of this fight.

  Clarissa was a bag of nerves. She knew she was taking a risk at the unthinkable by coming up with this plan. She could possibly loose him forever.

  Her father had trained all week. He spoke of his impending victory with his betas and they all laughed with him. But she had faith in her mate. He had more to fight for than her father, stood more to lose if he lost this fight.


  She knew the exact moment Kenny came into range of her. He heart felt his heart. All her emotions slid against his, and she felt his along with her own.

  “Kenny, my love,” she said, “I missed you.” Tears begun to run down her cheeks. “I’ve needed you every day.”

  “Today, you will have me. Today, I am leaving here with you by my side. Just hold on a little longer. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes love, I can do anything for you.”

  Clarissa made sure she blocked the part of her bond that related to feeling. She didn’t want Kenny to know about their child before his fight. She wanted it to be a victory gift for him after the fight. One they could share for the rest of their lives.


  “Ladies and gentleman, please quiet down. This fight today is to be an exhibition match. Which means both men will walk away with his life.” The Old Wolf glared at Kenny and Dominic.

  “You know the rules. No weapons. You may fight in your human, hybrid, or wolf forms. All are allowed. There will be five minutes put on the clock. When the timer goes off, the last man standing shall be named winner. If by chance, both men are still able to fight, we will have a two minute post round, were you only win by submission.

  Are these rules understood gentlemen?”



  “Then let the fight begin.”

  Five minutes were put on the clock. Kenny and Dominic faced each other.

  Dominic struck the first blow. Swinging with his right arm, his fist connected with Kenny’s jaw, splitting his lip.

  The taste of blood met Kenny’s tongue and fueled his anger for this man. He spun away and put a small distance between them.

  The men circled each other. As Dominic went to strike again, Kenny shifted just his hand and let his sharp claws scrap along the underside of Dominic’s arm. Turning quickly, he raked across Dominic’s back and kicked, sending Dominic off balance.

  Dominic roared. He turned and advanced on Kenny with lightning speed. Kenny took a series of blows to the stomach before Dominic grabbed him and buried a knee into his chest. With a savage roar, he picked Kenny up and threw him across the floor.

  Kenny landed with a hard thump, rolling to his side in pain.

  Joseph’s voice entered Kenny’s head. “Pain is temporary. Get up son.”

  Rolling to his feet, Kenny shifted into his hybrid. He now stood at least seven feet tall. His teeth and claws were elongated. His chest spread out and was rippled with muscle. He was nothing if not impressive.

  Starting to run, Kenny picked up speed. He reached Dominic who had turned his back, thinking this would be an easy win, and jumped over him, grabbing his head, and tucking into a roll.

  Dominic’s body flipped into the air and he landed hard on his back. Kenny bit at his neck.

  But Dominic wasn’t down long. He brought his feet along the sides of Kenny chest and pushed, sending Kenny sprawling on the ground.

  Dominic rose slowly. He shifted once he stood straight, his hybrid at least five inches taller than Kenny’s.

  “He wants to intimidate you with his size. Don’t let it work. Just watch.” Joseph’s voice assured Kenny.

  Dominic ran toward Kenny, teeth bared and claws out. Kenny noticed Dominic’s movement wasn’t as fast in this form. He was slower and even a little sluggish.

  Kenny quickly got the upper hand when the one minute mark was announced. Dominic knew he was losing in this form so he shifted quickly to his wolf, easily evading Kenny’s next blow.

  Kenny felt something strange at that moment. He felt life, innocent pure life. He was so distracted by the feeling he didn’t see Dominic coming. The wolf jumped up and bit down on Kenny’s shoulder, tearing a chunk of flesh from his body.

  Dominic spit the meat out of his mouth as if it had a foul taste. His wolf smiled.

  Kenny went down to one knee. Blood poured from his wound. The bite went deep. He looked up and saw that Dominic had turned once more, gloating to his betas about the fight as if it were already over.

  Kenny felt a rage like no other. He fed off it and made it a part of who he was. He was about to attack in a blind rage, when he heard his father voice once more. This time it was a memory.

  You’ll need that anger son. But don’t let it rule you. Control it. Make it your weapon. I promise you if you do this, you will have your victory.

  Kenny shifted fast, his black wo
lf coming out in all his glory. He felt raw power emanating from his body. He turned to the clock. Just a few seconds left.

  He charged, taking Dominic by surprise. He bit him on the neck and sunk his teeth down into the wolf’s fur, meeting flesh with his teeth.


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