Power for Life: Keys to a life marked by the presence of God

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Power for Life: Keys to a life marked by the presence of God Page 1

by Matt Sorger

  Matt Sorger will inspire you to harness the potential for your life and experience the rewards of serving Christ. He shows how living in the fruit of the Spirit will make you a conduit for the power of God at work all around us. This book is a must for anyone seeking to maximize their faith and the possibilities of their walk with Christ.



  Every so often there is a book that comes along and “grabs you.” Power for Life is one of those books! Matt Sorger is a dynamic, emerging hero in the kingdom of God. In this book he has captured many necessary keys to unlocking what you are called to do, called to be, and, most importantly, knowing how to embrace who you are! This is a book that will help you better understand the wounds and spiritual inheritance in your DNA. Power for Life will help you reconnect to your past so you can be connected to your future!





  Power for Life hits the mark for one of the most important and critical messages for this prophetic hour. There are few in Matt’s generation who are able to articulate the depth of the marriage of intimacy, character, and power that he has been able to convey in his book. I am changed and renewed in my personal walk of faith through reading these pages. Every believer should read it and be transformed!



  Matt Sorger’s book Power for Life offers both spiritual and practical advice on living the way Jesus intended: in the fullness of His love and in the fullness of His power. Matt shows that the only way to abundant fruit and a power-filled life is through a lifestyle of intimacy and prayer. It is in this place that we discover our true identity as sons and daughters of God. Simply abiding in the Father’s embrace will empower our lives beyond measure, because love never fails. To echo Matt’s own words, it is the one thing that has a 100 percent success rate. The wonderful testimonies in this book will richly inspire your faith and leave you hungering for more of God’s presence. I highly recommend Matt’s book to all who are desperate to see the kingdom of God released in fullness, here on earth, as it is in heaven. Matt carries the presence and passion of God in a beautiful way, and this is clearly reflected in the pages of his book.



  Do you want to make an impact with your life for Jesus Christ? Do you need more of the power of God to accomplish your dreams? Then look no further. Matt Sorger is a modern-day revivalist crying in the wilderness that hope is on the way. Yes, you can leave an impact in your sphere of influence and accomplish your very dreams. Be equipped by scriptural truths combined with inspiring testimonies from my dear friend and partner advancing the kingdom of God. Receive power for your life!




  Matt Sorger is one of the young promising evangelists for integrity and power. His book Power for Life reveals both of these emphases—integrity and power. The book is balanced. This is not charismania. I believe Matt teaches how to enter into the more. I am sure you will be blessed by reading and studying this book.




  The world is in desperate need of heroes. My dear friend Matt Sorger has provided you with a road map of the birth, growth, development, and release of the hero within you for the day in which you and I are living. His signposts are clear and scriptural, his intention is exceptional, his passion is admirable, and his promise to you is transferrable by the same Spirit that is working in him that has worked in all heroes of God in past generations. Power for Life will unleash God’s greatness in you and through you and cause you to respond to a call that is issuing from His heart in this hour for those whose lives are clearly marked by God’s presence! Thanks, Matt, for taking the time to pen these words; may they go deep into the hearts of the ageless generation that will be led by the Spirit to read them, apply them, and experience the fruit of them in this hour!




  Matt Sorger is one of my favorite ministers! He is dedicated, passionate, and full of integrity. His book Power for Life is written from his own life experiences and study in the Word of God and is loaded with fresh revelation of the Word and practical wisdom to help you walk in the power of God. What Matt pens in this book is authentic and trustworthy—a great book for your library!



  In Matt’s book Power for Life , you will learn how to connect to the power of God and direct it according to God’s purposes so that you may be used as a conduit of God’s glory. As you become a channel of God’s presence, you will help bring the societal reformation we are believing for.




  In his book Power for Life , Matt Sorger has presented how to harness and release the power of God in our lives. Its truth will set many free and help you fulfill your destiny. The kingdom of God will be advanced and the church more triumphant when the jewels in this book are applied. It will enhance your life as you discover the power and purpose God intends for you. Everyone needs to read this book and put in to practice its spiritual truths and practical principles. As a result, much more will be accomplished in your life and ministry.




  In his book Power for Life , Matt Sorger combines powerful biblical principles with artfully communicated life stories to present a handbook for believers to live lives of victory, vision, and purpose. You will be encouraged as Matt shares much of his own journey toward living the life of an overcomer. This book will inspire you to live stronger and reach higher than you ever have before.



  Matt’s book Power for Life has fresh insights into releasing the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit in strategic areas of our lives. You have a resource here to not only propel you into God’s supernatural but also to assist others in getting their breakthrough. I am grateful for tools like these that help us go from glory to glory.



  Matt Sorger is a lover of God first, as well as a powerful dynamic minister that the Lord has raised up to demonstrate His glory to this generation. I was privileged to be part of his ordination to ministry and have been impressed at his humility and purity of heart. His new book, Power for Life , will release in you supernatural faith in Almighty God to do the impossible in your life. The dynamic ingredients for miraculous living are in this life-changing book. This is a must-read for the entire body of Christ. I highly recommend it!



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  POWER FOR LIFE by Matt Sorger

  Published by Charisma House

  Charisma Me
dia/Charisma House Book Group

  600 Rinehart Road

  Lake Mary, Florida 32746


  This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

  Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the Amplified Bible. Old Testament copyright © 1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified New Testament copyright © 1954, 1958, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

  Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

  Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Used by permission.

  Copyright © 2011 by Matt Sorger

  All rights reserved

  Cover design by Justin Evans

  Design Director: Bill Johnson

  Visit the author’s website at www.mattsorger.com.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

  Sorger, Matt.

  Power for life / Matt Sorger.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references (p. ).

  ISBN 978-1-61638-277-3 (trade paper) – ISBN 978-1-61638-569-9 (e-book) 1. Christian life–Pentecostal authors. 2. Power (Christian theology) I. Title.

  BV4501.3.S659 2011



  11 12 13 14 15 — 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Printed in the United States of America

  I dedicate this book to my family.

  First to my parents, Richard and Veronica Sorger, for their selfless love and sacrifice and for being two of the most amazing people I know. You have taught me how to have faith, how to walk with God, and how to truly love others. Your example has been extraordinary, and I honor you as my parents and celebrate you as my friends.

  Second, to my brother, Rick Sorger, for being my best friend and for cheering me on in my pursuit of God. Your encouragement and faith have inspired and empowered me to dream bigger and reach further.

  And to my amazing sister-in-law and nephews, Sabrina, Ricky, and Eric. I love you!


  I WANT TO FIRST thank God for stepping into my life at the age of fourteen. You became my best friend as a teenager, and Your presence has been with me ever since. Thank You for showing me the truth, healing me on the inside, and making me the man of God You called me to be. As long as I have Your presence, I know everything will be OK. Thank You for loving me and empowering me to help others be all You have destined them to be.

  Thanks and love to my family, staff, ministry team, partners, and intercessors. Without you I could never do what I do for God. You are loved, valued, and highly appreciated! Together we are seeing miracles happen.

  Special thanks to every leader who has had an impact on my life. You know who you are. Thank you for believing in me and cheering me on. I honor you and thank God for your love and wisdom.




  1 Don’t Squeeze My Fruit


  2 The Power of Intimacy

  Hitting the Saturation Point

  3 The Power of Grace

  Go With the Flow

  4 The Power of Truth

  Show Me the Stuff

  5 The Power of Identity

  Know Who You Really Are

  6 The Power of Faith

  Tear the Roof Off


  7 The Power of Integrity

  Issues of the Heart

  8 The Power of Perspective

  A Bird’s-Eye View

  9 The Power of Perseverance

  Mission Possible

  10 The Power of Vision

  Pulling Your Future Into Your Now


  11 The Power of Blessing

  The Favor Factor

  12 The Power of Joy

  Be Contagious

  13 The Power of Generosity

  Pay It Forward

  14 The Power of Love

  Let’s Start a Revolution



  I LOVE BOOKS THAT take me on a journey, especially when I know that the author has written from the wisdom and insights gained in his own experience. It’s not that I mind “classroom theories.” Theories have their place in creating avenues for future dreams and experiments. There just comes a time when I need to know the absolutes of this Christian walk that have been proven over time. Power for Life is a book of such absolutes, tested, proven, and recorded for our benefit. It is out of Matt Sorger’s purity and teachable spirit that these pages were written. The keys and principles in it create a clear road map of how to value the presence of God and walk in a lifestyle of fullness of power and deep intimate relationship. Though it operates as a “how-to” manual, it also extends an invitation and stirs the heart’s cry of the reader to cultivate greater intimacy with the Father. Matt’s journey displays the fruit of discipline, the joy of sacrifice, and the fullness of the Holy Spirit resting and operating through a surrendered life. This journey is all that one could hope for. It is the reason we are alive. But like the greatest adventures in life, it is dangerous. It’s dangerous to old mind-sets, dangerous to mediocrity and complacency, and dangerous to religious boredom. Matt connects us to the power of God for a life of victory and overcoming . We were born for this! He also introduces us to the sustaining nature of God’s power . Longevity is key in this Christian life. God looks to be able to trust us with an increased measure of Himself. And finally, we are introduced to the process of staying fresh . Oh, how we need this right now. So many have tasted of God’s great work but have become stale and dry, which is one of the most contradictory experiences in our walk with Jesus.

  It has been said that the one who gives the most hope will always have the most influence. If that is true, and I believe it is, then Matt Sorger and his book Power for Life are about to take center stage. This wonderful book brings hope by unveiling the road map to supernatural purpose in a way that is neither cheap and easy nor impossible to obtain. The truths on these pages were acquired in raw, life experiences. And it is our privilege to glean what Matt has learned to steward so well.

  King David knew something of this journey unto supernatural purpose. He fulfilled his destiny in ways that few have before or since. Inspired by the brilliance of God’s desire for humanity, he wrote, “May He grant you according to your heart’s desire , and fulfill all your purpose” (Ps. 20:4, NKJV). When God fulfills our heart’s desire, we are much more likely to fulfill His purpose for our lives. Yet anyone who thinks that God loves to be directed by the desires of a selfish people couldn’t be more wrong. Therein is the process revealed: God disciplines us in such a way that we can bear up under His blessing. God desires to have a people who won’t be destroyed by His response to our desires. This, in part, is where we fulfill our purpose. But when we strive for significance, we undermine our significance.

  Thankfully, Matt provides no shortcuts to Christian success. Instead he reveals the divine process he has yielded to that has brought him to a place of abundant fruitfulness for the King. This is the privilege and pleasure of every believer—living for the glory of another, Jesus Christ. An interesting picture is given in Scripture of this process: a woman poured costly perfume over Jesus and wiped it with her hair. While she did it for His sake, she walked out smelling the same way Jesus did. It’s the same for us: we live to bring glory to the King. But we live in the same glory, smelling like Him.

  We live in a time of great transition. What can be shaken is being shaken, and people are looking for solid ground t
o stand on. In our ministry we see highly trained professionals leaving their post in order to come and be trained in the ministry of saving the lost, healing the sick, and delivering the tormented. Their income and their station in life matter little any more. While many go back to their professions, it’s not the position they seek. It’s the hand of God upon their lives that becomes the great prize. These kinds of shifts are seen all through society as people are searching for their purpose. Even the world’s wealthiest are giving away billions of dollars to try to fix what is wrong. And whether it’s for saving the planet or destroying poverty, there is a cry in their hearts for significance. This is a God moment. A stable people can bring stability to a shaking world. This has become our moment.

  Matt’s life message demonstrates how to become trusted with heaven on earth. Our connection to the purposes of God—the sustaining presence of God’s power working in our lives—puts everything in place, satisfying our desire to bring Him glory while allowing us to step fully into a position of eternal significance. Enjoy this great adventure!






  Fruit Produces Power

  WHEN I WAS in my freshman year of college, the Lord spoke something very deep to my heart. He told me that the top of my list was the bottom of His, and the bottom of His list was the top of mine. At the top of His list was the refinement of my character, not the fulfillment of my ministry. He told me that He was going to cause my roots to go down so deep in Him that when success came to my life, I would not be moved. For years after receiving that word, I walked through some very deep refining fires in my life. God dealt with character issues in me that would become the foundation upon which He would release His power in me and through me. God first gave me the power to live holy and consecrated, and then He released His power through me to see others deeply touched by His presence. Even to this day character development is a daily process.


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