Ruffled Feathers (Dune House Cozy Mystery Book 7)

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Ruffled Feathers (Dune House Cozy Mystery Book 7) Page 1

by Cindy Bell

  Ruffled Feathers

  A Dune House Cozy Mystery

  Cindy Bell

  Copyright © 2015 Cindy Bell

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

  All trademarks and brands referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. Any trademarks are being used without permission, and the publication of the trademark is not authorized by, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  From the Author

  About the Author

  More Books by Cindy Bell

  Chapter One

  Gray stretched out before Suzie. The overcast morning left the ocean without its sparkle. Suzie wrapped her arms around herself in a light hug to block out the morning chill. She loved the moments just after dawn when only the fishermen were out and the quiet was only interrupted by the crash of the waves against the sand. It was not long ago that she had taken a leap and changed her life. She could honestly say that it was the best decision of her life. The shared responsibility of Dune House with her best friend, Mary, had brought a sense of purpose and freedom that she hadn’t expected. After one last deep breath of the crisp, salty air Suzie turned and walked back towards the majestic house.

  It was a grand, old house, and its many rooms welcomed guests from all over the world who wanted the quaint bed and breakfast experience that Dune House offered. When Suzie first inherited it, it needed a lot of work and remodeling. Now, it was once again the gem that shone over the town of Garber. Suzie was almost to the side door that led through the dining room when she noticed a shadow along the exterior wall. She paused and watched as the shadow became more defined. From the distance where she stood she could see the outline of a figure. Suzie narrowed her eyes.

  Although Mary did wake up early she tended to stay in the house or sit on the porch. She did not think that it was likely that Mary would creep around the side of the house. Suzie began to follow the shadow. In her past as an investigative journalist she always had a knack for spotting trouble. This looked like trouble. She walked around the side of the house and saw the back of a man’s head. He leaned heavily on the wall and attempted to peer through the window of one of the first floor bathrooms.

  “Excuse me? Just what do you think you’re doing?” The man straightened up and turned to face her. She recognized him right away. “Maurice? What are you doing?” Maurice lowered his eyes.

  “I’m not doing any harm. I promise that, Suzie.”

  “You can promise it all you want, but that doesn’t explain why you’re peering in one of my bathroom windows.”

  “No one’s in there.”

  “Thank goodness. What are you doing?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I just wanted to see if that beast had arrived yet.”

  “Beast?” Suzie shook her head. “You’re not making any sense. Did you forget your meds today?”

  “Ha ha.” Maurice jabbed his thumb towards Dune House. “You’ve got Priscilla Kane staying here. I know you do. How could you let her stay?”

  “I have no problem with Priscilla.”

  “Well, you should.” He crossed his arms. “Her plans are going to affect all of us.”

  “Maybe. Maybe they will change things for the better. Why a person stays at Dune House is not my business. If they want to book a room, they can have a room, and they are welcomed just like any other guest.”

  “I think that you need to be more concerned about the way that things are going for this town. The locals have accepted you, but that can change.”

  “Are you threatening me, Maurice Lungdley?” Suzie’s bright blue eyes squinted at the corners. “Because that’s a very dangerous thing to do.”

  “No, I’m not threatening you. I’m warning you. No one is going to be happy about you allowing her to stay here. It’s going to ruffle some feathers.”

  “I don’t care if people are unhappy, I can let whoever I want to stay, stay. It’s my bed and breakfast.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Not that it’s your or anyone else’s business, but she has not arrived yet. She will arrive today. If I see you or anyone else hanging around here trying to cause trouble I will make sure that Jason is notified so the police can handle it. Understand?”

  “Oh sure. It must be nice to have a cousin with a badge. You can grand stand all you want, but you know as well as I do that if this development happens in Garber our perfect little seaside town will be destroyed.”

  “Maurice, go back to your motel and take care of your guests. Stop worrying so much about things you can’t control.” Suzie waved her hand through the air and headed for the door. She looked back once to be sure that Maurice walked towards the parking lot. As she stepped into the dining room her heart did flutter a little. Priscilla Kane was someone who held a lot of power, and she knew it. She and her business partner, Neil Runkin, were due to arrive later that day for check-in. Although Suzie did believe in what she had said to Maurice she couldn’t deny that she was a little anxious about Priscilla’s arrival.

  “Morning. I made us some coffee.” Mary smiled as Suzie walked into the kitchen. Suzie took a moment to admire her friend. Though Mary was completely unaware of it she was a pretty woman with soft features and loose, auburn hair just touched with gray. She was only a few years older than Suzie.

  “How are you this morning?” Suzie leaned against the counter.

  “Not too bad. My knees are just a little stiff, but not too sore today.”

  “Oh good.” Suzie smiled and accepted a mug of coffee.

  “I’ll be even better once I loosen up a bit.” Mary winked at her. “I have to be. Wes is going to take me out tonight to one of his favorite restaurants, it’s German.”

  “Oh, that should be delicious.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. I already checked in on Priscilla and Neil’s rooms, they are all set.”

  “Thanks Mary. You will not believe who was lurking around outside.”


  “Maurice Lungdley.”

  “Oh wonderful. So it begins.” Mary shook her head. “We’re not going to be the most popular people around here for allowing them to stay here.”

  “Maybe not, but I think we did the right thing. I don’t have to agree with someone’s views or their intentions for them to have a room at Dune House.”

  “I know.” Mary sighed. “I just hope that she’ll decide against using Garber as the location
for her new, all-inclusive resort.”

  “People will still want to stay in a quaint bed and breakfast.”

  “I know, it’s not that. It’s just that Jude’s Café will become a chain coffee outlet, and the diner will be turned into a fast food place. It’s just hard to watch it happen.”

  “Our town is strong enough to make it through.”

  “Maybe,” Mary said. She gazed down into her cup of coffee. “I guess we will find out.”


  Suzie walked through the dining room, the living room, and the front lobby to make sure that everything was as it should be. It was easy for things to get out of place when they had multiple guests. She straightened a few pillows and turned on some accent lamps to give the living room a cozy feel. Even though Dune House had been quite a surprise in her life she had come to love it. It was almost as if she never had a home until she settled there. Perhaps Paul was part of that, too. Just when she was certain that she would never need another companion he appeared in her life.

  As Suzie stepped out onto the deck off the dining room to check on the seating there, she caught sight of a patrol car pulling into the large parking lot. Suzie pushed one of the chairs up against a metal table then brushed her hands off. She walked out to the parking lot just as a young man stepped out of the patrol car. In uniform Jason should have looked older, but to Suzie he always looked youthful.

  “Morning Jason.”

  “Hi Suzie. I just wanted to stop in and see how everything is going.”

  “Fibber. You’re here because you know that Priscilla Kane and Neil Runkin are arriving today.”

  “Okay, maybe.” He smiled. “I just want to make sure that no one is hassling you.”

  “I’m fine, Jason.” She thought about mentioning Maurice, but she didn’t want to cause the man too much trouble. She knew that he was desperate to protect the future of his business and she assumed that he was harmless.

  “Good. Well, you know I’m just a phone call away.”

  “I know.” Suzie nodded.

  “Is Paul in yet?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Can you let me know as soon as he docks?”

  “Sure. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, there’s just something I need to talk to him about.”

  “Okay, no problem.” Suzie smiled at him. “Thanks for checking on me.”

  “Always.” He smiled then climbed back into the car. As he drove away Suzie was reminded of how sweet it was to have family. When she returned to the bed and breakfast Mary met her in the dining room.

  “Was that Jason?”

  “Yes, he came by to check in on us.”

  “Aw, how sweet.”

  “It was.” Suzie grinned. “Priscilla should be here in a few hours.”

  “I checked in on Stewart, he’s doing well and is going on a boat tour later.”

  “Oh good. He’s so quiet, one of the best guests we’ve ever had.”

  “I think he just prefers to be left to his own devices, which certainly makes our job less stressful.”

  “Yes, it does,” Suzie agreed. “I don’t think Priscilla Kane will be quite as easy.”

  “Nor do I. Her reputation is not exactly known as being low maintenance.”

  “Well, we’ll be ready for her.” Suzie walked towards the front desk. “As long as she has everything she needs then she should be just fine.”

  Mary nodded in agreement. “I’ll take one more look in their rooms to make sure everything is just right.”

  “Thanks Mary.”

  Chapter Two

  As Suzie sorted through the paperwork at the front desk she thought about what they might face when Priscilla and Neil arrived. It was not exactly the easiest thing to deal with a demanding guest, but they were getting used to it and Suzie felt it would be worth it. If Priscilla and Neil were well taken care of she hoped they would mention it to their associates and that could draw more guests to Dune House. As she finished up the front door of Dune House swung open.

  “Hello hello? Is there someone who can get my things?”

  Suzie looked up with surprise. Priscilla Kane stood in the doorway with a large birdcage in one hand and a tiny glittering purse in the other. It looked like it was encrusted with diamonds. The same extravagance was reflected in the outfit she wore which was as colorful as it was expensive. Priscilla appeared to be in her early fifties, but Suzie knew that she was closer to sixty. She became interested in Priscilla when she found out that she was planning on building a resort in Garber and was staying at Dune House.

  “Ms. Kane, I apologize, I didn’t expect you so soon. I will go and get your things for you.”

  “Never mind that, just get me checked in. You can get my things once that’s settled.”

  “That will just take a moment.” Suzie pulled up Priscilla’s file on the computer and began entering in her arrival information. “Your room is all prepared for you. Breakfast is included with your stay. We can also provide lunch and dinner if you let us know. I’ve booked the room across the hall for your business partner.”

  “Oh dear, I’m not sure that I need to be that close to Runkin.”

  “I can switch his room if you’d like.” Suzie did her best to conceal her surprise. She assumed that they were friendly since they had booked the same place to stay, but working together and staying together might have become tedious. So far Priscilla’s visit was not going very well.

  “It’s fine. I’m sure he’ll keep himself occupied with the most expensive things he can. What time is dinner tonight?”

  “At six, but if you need to come later you’re welcome to. Dinner is available until seven-thirty.”

  “That’s very flexible of you. I’m sure I will have no problem being there by six. I’m going to take a little nap. The drive was a bit much for me.”

  “Of course.”

  “Please make sure that there is no draft in my room as I would not want my Benita to get sick.” She smiled at the bird through the bars of the cage.

  “We’ll make sure.” Suzie assured her. She peeked in through the bars of the birdcage at the parakeet. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Yes, she is. She talks, too.” Mary walked up to the desk as Priscilla continued to rave about her bird. “Although, sometimes I wish she didn’t repeat so much.” She rolled her eyes. “Let me tell you it’s caused some rather awkward moments.”

  “Really?” Mary’s smile widened. “I always wanted a bird as a pet.”

  “Oh no, no. She’s not a pet. She’s my family. It’s very important to me that she is well taken care of, understand?”

  “Yes, of course.” Suzie smiled to assure her. “We will treat her as if she is another guest.”

  “Thank you.” Priscilla sighed with relief. “Some people don’t understand, but Benita is the closest family I have.”

  “I’ll show you to your room if you would like.” Mary gestured down the side hallway.

  “I’ll go and get your things.” Suzie walked around the desk.

  “Wonderful.” Priscilla smiled.

  “Here, let me get Benita for you.” Mary reached for the cage.

  “No, no. Only I carry my Benita. Thank you.” She picked up the cage and followed after Mary. Suzie stepped outside to find Priscilla’s driver waiting beside the trunk.

  “Where can I place these?” He adjusted his cap.

  “If you’d like you can take them right into Priscilla’s room.”

  “No, I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to do that.”

  “Why not?” Suzie picked up one of the suitcases. It was not heavy.

  “Priscilla prefers that not many people are allowed into her living areas. When I drive her home I may leave things in the foyer, but I may not actually enter any further into the house.”

  “Isn’t that a little strange?”

  The middle-aged man lifted his shoulders in a mild shrug. “When you work with the very wealthy you get used to strange. I’d be happy to t
ake them into the lobby for you.”

  “No, that’s quite all right. I’ll take them in. Are you staying nearby?”

  “Yes. A motel.” He nodded. “I will be available to Ms. Kane whenever she needs me.”

  “All right.” Suzie picked up the other suitcase which was also fairly light.

  “There’s one more thing.” He hauled out a hard shell overnight case. When Suzie tried to take it from him she nearly fell over. It was heavier than both of the suitcases. “Bird seed.”

  “Ah.” Suzie nodded. “I’ll come back for that.” She carried the suitcases to Priscilla’s room. She arrived just as Mary stepped out.

  “Oh, Priscilla wants to take a nap and not be disturbed until dinner.”

  “Okay, I just have one more bag to bring in.” Suzie hurried back to the front of Dune House just in time to see another car pull up. It was a flashy, bright orange sports car, the kind that she had only seen in the movies or on the cover of magazines.

  “Here’s Neil.” Priscilla’s driver grinned. “That’s my cue to leave.” He climbed into the car and drove off just as Neil opened his car door. He was a tall, clean-cut man. He appeared to be in his forties, the suit he wore was as simple as it was immaculate.

  “Hello.” He nodded to Suzie who struggled to hold on to the small, but very heavy bag.

  “Hello, Mr. Runkin, welcome to Dune House.”

  “Ah, I see that Priscilla remembered the bird seed.” He grimaced. “She’s always afraid that Benita is not getting enough to eat. No one seems to be able to get through to her that Benita is a bird not a person.”

  “Some people do consider their pets to be family.”

  “Sure.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Family.”

  “Right this way, Mr. Runkin, I’ll be with you in just a moment.” She led him into the lobby, then left him at the front desk as she carried the last bag to Priscilla’s room. Mary passed her in the hallway.


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