With their prisoners outside the castle, the guards now struggled to open the gates. Soldiers dashed onto the causeway, a few mounted on horses they must’ve caught in the courtyard.
Shad raised his bow and fired at the guards rushing towards them. Two of the mounted guards fell from their saddles while another clutched at his arm. The others slowed as Shad nocked yet another arrow.
Leith faced forward again as Blizzard surged over the hill and down the other side. Jamie and the four trainees raced toward the northeast ahead of him. Shad’s rearguard would halt their pursuers, or at least slow them down.
Brandi stilled, staring over his shoulder. As Nalgar’s towers faded from sight, Brandi wilted against him. He relaxed his grip and tucked her against him as comfortably as he could while they charged across the prairie.
He glanced over his shoulder one last time. His heart throbbed in time with his bruised cheek and bitten shoulder. Perhaps he should’ve let Martyn rip his heart out and give it to Respen on a platter. It would’ve hurt less than leaving Renna behind.
Renna leaned against the wall, now back in the cell. The sound of shouting and tromping boots rang through the cobblestone courtyard and down the narrow windowshaft. Was all that noise a good thing? Did it mean Brandi and Leith had gotten away safely?
She shivered and rubbed her upper arms. Had the cell wall always been this cold? Perhaps she’d never noticed it with Brandi tucked against her side.
But Brandi was gone. Leith was gone. She was alone.
No, not alone. God was with her. She’d have to cling to that extra hard now.
The door creaked open. Martyn held up a torch, his face shadowed, his hair straggling against his forehead. For a minute he stared at her, his head cocked.
Renna clenched her fists against the soft buckskin of her divided skirt. “What do you want?”
“I don’t get it. Why would Leith throw away everything for you? You’re nothing special.” Martyn ran his hand through his hair, standing the curls into spikes.
A month ago, she would’ve cowered against the wall at his words. She’d known too well how ordinary and weak she was. Now, she was still the same weak person she’d always been, but she’d learned how strong God could be.
She tilted her head and smiled. “I’m not special, but God is. He’s the One that gave Leith the strength to stand up to Respen. In Christ, Leith has already gained everything. For what good does it do a person to have the whole world, but lose his soul?”
Martyn grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet. He dragged her from the cell and toward the stairs. “Perhaps you believe you’ve gained something by your faith, but you and Leith are surely going to lose your lives if Respen has anything to do with it.”
Renna struggled to hop along as best she could. As they crossed the courtyard, she glanced around at the space and spotted the bustle as guards tried to calm the last few restless horses wandering the courtyard.
“They escaped the castle but don’t get your hopes up. They’ll be hunted.”
Her stomach knotted. All those Blades hunting her sister. She drew in a breath. Leith knew what he was doing. He’d been the First Blade. If anyone could evade the Blades, he could.
She forced herself to smile. “Still, they’ll have a head start. That’s why Leith waited until this afternoon for the escape. He waited until most of the Blades had already left for their new missions.”
Martyn scowled at her. “I didn’t say Leith would make it easy. Yes, he gained a lead by waiting until most of the Blades had left. He delayed the rest by letting lose all the horses. But the Blades pursuing him will catch up.”
As she tottered up the stairs to Respen’s chambers, she shook his words from her head. Leith had defeated the former First Blade and outwitted Respen for months. Surely he’d be able to escape again.
Martyn knocked on King Respen’s door. A growl beckoned them in. Respen paced from his desk to the window and back again in staccato steps. He whirled to face them. His eyes blazed.
Respen grabbed her face and yanked her chin upward. She gasped, the toes of her good leg stretched to touch the carpet. His breath heated her face. “What sorcery do you possess? You have bewitched two of my Blades from me.”
She gripped his arm as he lifted her into the air. Her throat closed with the pressure of his hand. Black dots danced across her vision.
Tell Respen the truth. Leith’s words drummed in time with the pounding in her head. “Not two. One Blade.”
Respen released his grip. She landed on her side on the carpet and coughed. Respen glared down at her, his fingers flexing.
The time for secrets had passed. She met Respen’s gaze. “It all started this past winter when Third Blade Leith Torren stumbled into my kitchen wounded from an arrow.”
Respen’s eyes sparked and grew darker as she told how Leith had joined the Resistance and defeated Vane. She left out anything that might be a secret the Resistance still wanted to keep.
As she finished, she glanced toward the doorway. Martyn leaned against the wall, one hand pounding the wood. His head hung. His shoulders sagged as if her words pressed against his back.
He straightened, and his eyes met hers. For a moment, pain shone. Then, his face hardened. Whatever loyalty he’d had toward Leith had died.
Respen’s fingers rapped the windowsill. When he turned, his expression lacked the rage she’d expected. A smile played along his mouth. “He cares for you.”
“What? Leith?” Renna blinked.
A smirk twisted his face. “He may have escaped for now, but he will return. As long as I have you, he will walk into whatever trap I set.”
Renna closed her eyes. That’s why Leith had asked to her to tell Respen the truth. He’d wanted Respen to realize that she was more valuable as a pawn than dead.
He’d saved her life yet again. As long as Leith lived and escaped the Blades hunting him, Respen wouldn’t kill her.
A cold feeling itched along her skin. Respen would spare Renna for now because it suited him to play along with the game Leith had started. Leith might’ve escaped, but as long as Respen had Renna, he commanded the game. He could set the timing.
When the time was right, he’d play his hand. Renna’s breath caught. He’d spoken truly. Leith would walk into Respen’s trap, and then both of them would die.
Character List
Abel Lachlan (LACK - lan) – Renna and Brandi’s uncle
Abigail Alistair – third child of Lord and Lady Alistair. Friend of Brandi’s.
Blizzard – Leith’s horse
Brandi Faythe (BRAN - dee) – Renna’s younger sister. Her full name is Lady Brandiline Faythe.
Esther Alistair – fifth child of Lord and Lady Alistair.
Harrison Vane – the former First Blade
Jeremiah Alistair – fourth child of Lord and Lady Alistair.
Jolene Lorraine – Lady Lorraine’s daughter.
King Leon Eirdon (ee - EAR - don) – the former king killed by Respen
King Respen Felix (REH - spen) – king of Acktar. He was the lord of Blathe.
Lady Amber Dawson – lady of the town of Hendor
Lady Annita Faythe – Renna and Brandi’s mother. She was the sister of King Leon.
Lady Eve Alistair – Lord Alistair’s wife
Lady Paula Lorraine – lady of the town of Sierra
Lord Doughtry – lord of the town of Calloday
Lord Farthen – lord of the town of Keestone
Lord Hector Emilin (EHM - ih - lihn) – lord of the town of Dently, killed by King Respen
Lord Henry Alistair – lord of the town of Walden
Lord Laurence Faythe – Renna and Brandi’s father
Lord Philip Creston – lord of the town of Arroway
Lord Segon (SEE - gon) – lord of the town of Uster
Lydia Alistair – second child of Lord and Lady Alistair. Friend of Renna’s.
Mara Lachlan (MAR - uh LACK - lan) – Renna
and Brandi’s aunt. She was the sister of Renna’s father.
Queen Deirdre Eirdon (DEER - dree) – the former queen killed by Harrison Vane.
Renna Faythe (REHN - nuh) – The lady of the town of Stetterly. Her full name is Lady Rennelda Faythe (REHN - nehl - duh).
Shadrach Alistair – Lord Alistair’s oldest son
Walter Esroy – former Rover and Resistance member
List of Blades
First Blade – Leith Torren (LEETH TOR - ren)
Second Blade – Galen Craven
Third Blade – Martyn Hamish (MAR - tin HAY - mish)
Fourth Blade – Dallen Offen
Fifth Blade – Barnabas Crossley
Sixth Blade – Franklin Tooley
Seventh Blade – Quinten Daas
Eighth Blade – Farsin Kent
Nineth Blade – John Uldiney
Tenth Blade – Ichabod Yees
Eleventh Blade – Ranson Harding
Twelfth Blade – Blane Altin
Location List
Acktar (AHCK - tar) – a country mostly made up of flat prairie
Nalgar Castle (NAHL - gar) – the capitol of Acktar
Stetterly (STEHT - er - ly) – a town near the Spires Canyon
Walden (WALL - den) – a town near the Sheered Rock Hills
Uster (UH - ster) – a town near the Spires Canyon
Sierra (see - AIR - uh) – a town on the prairie between Walden and Nalgar Castle
Sheered Rock Hills (SHEERD) – the mountain range that forms the northern border of Acktar
Spires Canyon – the canyon that forms the eastern border of Acktar
The Ramparts – the section of steep cliffs that border the Waste
The Waste – the desert on the eastern side of the Sheered Rock Hills
Map of Acktar
Two books in sixth months. Yes, that’s as crazy as it sounds. Thanks so much to all the readers who have picked up Dare, loved it, and begged for Deny. You all have been amazing. Seriously. Readers rock.
My mom and dad. You’ve been so supportive during this journey. I wouldn’t be where I am without you.
My friends Briana, Paula, Jill, Megan, Susan, and Gabby. Somehow, you still manage to be excited for me even after I don’t talk to you for over a month. Hopefully the next book release won’t be so crazy.
My twin-in-law Alyssa. I wouldn’t survive this crazy writing life without crying on your shoulder about characters (also known as going on the walk and ranting).
To Abby. You’re such an awesome addition to our family, and a great street team.
To my brothers Ethan, Josh, and Andy. Thanks for teaching me all about guy talk.
Nadine Brandes, amazing editor, mentor, and friend. Any writing question I have, I always know where I can turn (and get a tight online hug).
Sierra, my amazing critique partner. All your line by line comments were so helpful!
All my author friends. You all deserve hugs!
My awesome street team: Hope, Gabriela, Alyssa V.F., Kim, Jaye, Shantelle, Abby C., Jessica, Clairie, Sierra, Briana, Paula, Alyssa M., and Abby O. You’ve been beyond amazing!
And, most of all, to my Father in Heaven. His Strength sustained me.
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Releases May 31, 2016
Tricia Mingerink is a twenty-something, book-loving, horse-riding country girl. She lives in Michigan with her family and their pack of pets. When she isn't writing, she can be found pursuing backwoods adventures across the country.
To learn more about Tricia Mingerink and get a behind-the-scenes peek at her books, visit triciamingerink.com.
Deny (The Blades of Acktar Book 2) Page 24