Strip Tease

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Strip Tease Page 4

by Karen Erickson

  His life had been full of nothing but frustration after losing A.J. at the hands of Billy Diaz.

  He polished off his coffee in one long gulp, setting the cup on its saucer with a loud clatter. How was he going to convince Janelle to help him find Ginger?

  Face it, Banks you just want to spend time with the sexy twin sister.

  It had been a long time, if ever, since he felt like this. His libido on overdrive, his entire being attuned to the woman from the get-go, even though she clearly wasn’t interested.

  More like she wanted to bash his head in. The frosty looks should’ve been enough to deter him. But it was as if her negative reaction made him want to pursue her more. And not just to find Ginger either.

  Smiling grimly, Nate tossed a ten dollar bill on the table and stood. He needed to get his head out of his ass. Janelle Pearson was strictly off limits. He needed the right approach that wouldn’t make her bolt the next time she saw him. He needed her help.

  And he hadn’t needed anyone in a long ass time.

  Chapter Three

  “I think this is going to work out wonderfully, Janelle. I’m so glad you agreed to assist me with this project.”

  Janelle smiled at her boss, ready to bounce out of her seat with excitement. “There’s no way I would turn this opportunity down. I appreciate you considering me for the Passion for Fashion fundraiser.”

  “You’ve been with us for almost six months now, and you’ve indicated more than once you want more responsibility. This is your chance to show me what you’ve got.” Marnie smiled, handed Janelle a slim, hot pink folder. “All the information you need to get started is in there, including notes from the planning of the show last year. I’ve emailed you a list of vendors and contacts, as well as budget requirements. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I suggest you get started immediately. We have a lot of work to do.”

  Janelle took the folder and stood, her entire body vibrating. She was nervous and happy and sick to her stomach, all at once. “I won’t let you down, Marnie. I’ll make this year’s fundraiser the best it’s ever been.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” Marnie’s phone rang and Janelle took that as her cue to exit the office.

  She had to press her lips together to muffle the squeal that wanted to escape. Finally, here was her chance to show she could do more than answer phones and file! Her job at the non-profit agency had been a dream come true, an opportunity to get her foot in the door as a lowly receptionist and eventually work her way up.

  Now here was her chance to show them she was worth keeping.

  Janelle had been nothing but professional her entire work life, which had started when she was fifteen and tired of relying on her slacker mother. Dropping out of high school had been the only option then, though she’d gone back to school at night and eventually earned her GED.

  Working menial office jobs the only thing she’d been able to find until six months ago, when she applied for the receptionist position at the local non-profit agency for breast cancer and got the job.

  “Janelle.” Marnie’s assistant stopped Janelle just before she headed into the lobby where her desk was located. “There’s a man here to see you. A Detective Banks?”

  Janelle’s heart dropped into her stomach, all of her earlier elation dashed. Great, now she had the cop sniffing around her place of work? Was he trying to sabotage her into helping him?

  “I’ll take care of it, Theresa. Thank you.” Janelle gave her a curt nod, hoping that Theresa wouldn’t run off and gossip to everyone else in the office. Not that Theresa was a known gossiper, but who knew? Could the detective have said something to Theresa, given away some dirty little detail about her sister?

  God, she hoped not.

  Ginger had called her last night, briefly. Told Janelle she and her boyfriend had a falling out, and she was working at a new club. When Janelle asked her for the name of the club, Ginger had promptly hung up.


  Approaching her desk, Janelle couldn’t help but appreciate Detective Banks’ good looks. Clad in a white dress shirt, red tie and black pants, he looked every inch the driven, stoic detective. The grim, determined expression on his handsome face sealed the deal.

  “Detective, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  She kept her tone even, professional, her face a bland mask. No way could she let him or anyone else see the nerves or the rising anger she felt.

  He pushed away from the edge of her empty desk, meeting her halfway in the middle of the expansive lobby. “I need to talk to you.”

  “I wish you would’ve called first.” She smiled, though it felt more like a baring of teeth.

  “Have you talked to Ginger?”

  “She called me last night,” Janelle admitted, her voice low. She went to her desk, slapping the folder down with a loud thwack.

  “What did she say?” Nate followed her, standing in front of the high wall of her rounded desk.

  “Not much. Told me she wasn’t with Billy anymore and she has a new job.”

  “Did she say where?”

  “No, she hung up before I could ask her any questions.”

  Nate rubbed his forehead, thrusting his fingers into his hair with a jerk of frustration. “I think I know where she’s at. I have an idea I want to discuss with you.”

  “I can’t talk now.” To prove that point, the phone rang and she answered it, putting it through to the extension requested before she turned to face him once more. “I’m on the clock.”

  “Yeah, so am I.” Nate leaned forward, his face getting awfully close to hers. “I need you to go with me. Tonight. To check out where I think Ginger’s at.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  No way could she go with him. He was using her to get what he wanted and she’d had enough of that to last her twenty lifetimes. Her mother used her, her sister, old boyfriends. She was wary to trust anyone. Since when did someone care about her interests? What she wanted?

  “I need you.” His expression didn’t change, though she swore his jaw tightened. “Your help, that is.”

  I need you. His phrasing was downright sexual, his tone dark. He had a sexy voice, a sexy everything. Her body reacted to him the second he was close, despite her reluctance.

  They stared each other down silently, until finally Janelle looked away. Everything inside her screamed she should tell him to leave.

  But then she thought of her sister. If this man was so doggedly determined to find her, then maybe he was serious. Maybe Ginger was in terrible trouble and needed to be rescued.

  Wouldn’t be the first time…

  “Fine, I’ll do it. I don’t know how much help I’ll be.” A part of her didn’t want to know what Ginger was involved in.

  His eyes flared and one side of his sensual mouth curled up. “Great, thanks. I’ll pick you up at your place at nine. The club doesn’t open until then.”

  “How do you know where I live?” She raised her brows.

  “Trust me I know everything about you, Janelle Marie Pearson.” He slapped his palms on top of her desk with a loud smack and pushed away, heading toward the front door. “Nine o’clock. And wear a dress. It’s a classy joint.”

  Janelle opened her mouth to tell him to screw off, but it was too late. He was already gone.

  Shaking her head, she picked up the folder Marnie gave her, her hands shaking. She needed to get back to work, focus on the huge opportunity she’d been given. What was it about the man that set her on edge, made her want him so damn much?

  She didn’t know.

  * * * *

  They rode in his car to the nightclub in silence, the only sound the rush of traffic around them, the patter of rain hitting the roof of the car as he drove through the water-slicked streets. She almost laughed when she opened the door and found him on her doorstep dressed head to toe in black.

  Black turtleneck, black pants, black shoes, his outfit coordinated quite nicely with his black hair
and sinfully dark eyes.

  “All you need is a skullcap to complete the look,” she’d told him.

  “I have one in my car,” had been his reply.

  Of course, Mister Stake Out would always be prepared.

  She’d worn a dress as requested, a bright red, ultra obvious number that had displeased him. Nothing subtle about her, while he was all about blending in, she was all about standing out.

  Fifteen tense minutes later, Nate turned into a parking lot and pulled into a space, killing the engine and lights. The building before them loomed large but there was no sign, nothing proclaiming it to be a club of any sort. Janelle turned to Nate in confusion and watched as he reached behind the seat and pulled something out.

  “You’re going to have to wear this.” He clutched a long black haired wig in his hand.

  “You’re kidding.” She’d spent over thirty minutes on her hair, for some stupid reason desperate to impress this man, and now he wanted her to wear a cheap wig?

  “No, I’m not.” He thrust the wig toward her. “I can’t have you going in there looking like that.”

  “What do you mean? How do I look?” She took the wig, grimacing at the texture of the synthetic hair.

  “You look like the woman we’re trying to find. If she really does work there, everyone is going to think you’re Ginger and our plan will backfire.”

  His suggestion made total sense, yet she was still riled. Everything was always about Ginger. It had always been about Ginger, her entire life. Her twin had always overshadowed her.

  She loved her sister but constantly competing with her since a young age had made her more than a little bitter.

  With a sigh, Janelle dug into her purse, withdrawing a band to twist her hair into a ponytail. She tugged the wig on, pulling down the visor so she could check herself in the tiny lighted mirror.

  The wig was terribly made and she had so much hair, it was tough to get it all tucked beneath it. “This sucks,” she couldn’t help but mutter as she shoved an errant strand under the fake, straight black hair.

  “Here.” Blunt warm fingers grazed her cheek as he tucked another stray piece of hair beneath the wig. “That’s better.”

  She sucked in a breath at his touch, her heart racing. Her gaze met his in the dim light. Her body was on fire and he’d touched her cheek. The idea of those long fingers searching her body made her want to burst into flames.

  God, she was in over her head. And she wasn’t doing anything to stop it. Just looking at the man made her think of sweaty bodies tangled together. Not that she’d have sex with this guy, a policeman. Would she?

  You’d get hurt. You always do. Who needs that?

  Not her.


  His deep voice snapped her from her thoughts. Janelle nodded and they exited the car, heading toward the dark building that stood at the far end of the lot.

  Another couple walked ahead of them, the man clad entirely in leather and the woman in a frothy concoction of white lace. Janelle couldn’t help but stare.

  What kind of club was this anyway?

  “Is this a private club?” she asked.

  “No, but they don’t advertise. They don’t bother with a sign either. They’re very discreet. From what I understand, they get enough customers.”

  “Does this place have a name?” She struggled to keep up with his long strides, her feet hindered yet again trying to dodge puddles in too-high heels. At least it stopped raining.


  He kept walking, didn’t bother waiting for her, and she silently cursed him.

  “Can’t you slow down?” She puffed out an irritated breath.

  “Sorry, guess I’m eager to get in there.”

  “Awfully eager to get to my sister, aren’t you?”

  “I really want the man she works for,” he muttered.

  “Why are you so intent on bringing down Billy Diaz? What did he ever do to you?”

  He glanced at her, his eyes flaring with anger. “I can’t talk about it right now,” he said, his voice low. “Let’s get inside before it starts raining again.”

  Looping his arm through hers, Nate slowed his pace as they walked up the steps that led to the double doors of the building. Her entire body tensed at having him so close and she released a slow breath, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart.

  She didn’t know how she was going to survive the night being with him. His tangy, masculine scent lingered in the air, on his skin, making her dizzy. His devastating good looks were hard not to notice. He’d probably turn a nun’s head.

  Right about now, she wished she was a nun, locked in a convent far away from temptation. Sin. She had a feeling indulging in sinful activities with Nate would feel oh, so good.

  A giant man held one of the double doors open for them, his eyes shielded by dark sunglasses. “New here?”

  Nate nodded, his face a blank mask. “Trent told me about this place.”

  “Good deal.” The man smiled at Janelle, revealing blinding white teeth. “Enjoy your evening.”

  Sweet smelling smoke from an invisible fog machine surrounded them as they entered the building and Janelle coughed, waving her hand in front of her face. The place was packed, the crush of bodies making the room stifling hot and she longed to tug the scratchy wig off.

  “Let’s go find a booth.”

  Nate grabbed her hand and led her through the throng of people. She had no choice but to follow him, enjoying the sensation of his big hand engulfing hers. Electricity seemed to flow from his palm into hers, making her shiver.

  “Would you care to be seated?” A tiny woman appeared before them, her delicate face covered in a red sequin mask, big blue eyes blinking up at them.

  “Please.” Nate’s voice was gruff, his gaze meeting Janelle’s for a quick second before he looked away.

  She wondered if he was uncomfortable with the blatant sexuality that surrounded them. The woman who led them to their table was scantily clad, wearing a black satin and lace corset, frilly drawers and a black garter belt with sheer black stockings. Her firm butt cheeks shook with her every step and Janelle had to admit she was sexy.

  What did the straight laced detective think? Not that she knew for sure if he was straight laced but still. He acted like he had a stick up his ass most the time.

  “Here you are.”

  The woman turned and swept her arm toward the empty booth. It was small, intimate, a single candle glowing on the round wooden table and the seats appeared to be covered in moss green colored velvet. “I hope you enjoy the show. It begins in fifteen minutes.”

  Janelle slid into the booth first, surprised and delighted by the plush softness. Nate joined her, dangerously close since the booth was so small. His thigh pressed against hers and she jerked away from him, tugging on the hem of her dress to cover herself as much as possible.

  “Care for something to drink?”

  Their hostess smiled, her ample breasts pushed so high in the tight corset Janelle swore if the woman made one wrong move, she’d see nipple.

  “Ice water,” Nate answered.

  Humph, figured. Did the guy know how to loosen up? “Do you have a martini menu?”

  The hostess nodded, tucking a strand of dark blonde hair behind her ear. “We do. May I recommend the chocolate martini? It’s our bartender’s specialty.”

  “I’ll take one.” Janelle smiled and the woman smiled in return, licking her lips suggestively.

  “Perfect,” she purred before she sauntered away, her hips swaying provocatively.

  “I think she was flirting with you,” Nate said, a stunned expression on his face.

  “I think so, too.” Janelle glanced around, staring at the gigantic round stage that dominated the room. Green velvet curtains hung closed in the back, a single spotlight shone on the center of the stage and she wondered what kind of show was scheduled for tonight.

  Would Ginger be performing? Was she even here?

sp; “This place is nothing like Billy D’s,” she said.

  Nate sat up straight, tugging on the snug collar of his shirt. “That’s because it’s, uh, a fetish club.”

  Janelle blinked. “What?”

  “Yeah, it’s a fetish club. They have theme nights, sometimes they have BDSM performances, burlesque troupes, all kinds of stuff.”

  “How do you know this? Have you been here before?”

  “Once. There was a fight here a couple of years ago and I was called to it. The place is pretty clean, really not much trouble. Everyone understands what it’s about and they give each other the proper respect.”

  Hmm. She’d never heard of Temptations and she was once considered part of the industry, though more on the fringe. “So what’s the theme tonight?”

  “I have no idea. Everyone who works here is wearing a mask, so that must have something to do with it.”

  She watched couples walk by, most of the women draped in satin and lace or sexy lingerie, many of them also wearing masks. The men were nondescript and Janelle wondered if might be some sort of ladies night.

  The lights dimmed, the color changing to a muted red and it cast the cavernous room in a fiery glow.

  “I want you to go look for your sister.”

  “What?” Janelle leaned forward, barely able to hear him, and she stared at his sexy mouth as it moved. Music started, a sensuous beat that throbbed. More people were arriving, filling the many booths at a rapid pace.

  “Before the show starts, I want you to try and sneak backstage, see if Ginger’s there.” Nate stared at her, his eyes glittering in the darkness. “Just real quick, try and be discreet. Maybe ask about her if you’re comfortable.”

  “Isn’t questioning people supposed to be your job?” Fear trickled down her spine.

  No way did she want to wander around this place looking for her sister. The air practically vibrated with sex. And it wasn’t as if she was subtle in the blazing red dress.


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