The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 14

by Jason Chapman

  Frederick nodded. ‘I am aware that you have a rocket program, from what I saw at one of your facilities in America you have rockets capable of reaching the moon.’

  ‘Again all down to the Germans.’ Watson said. ‘Unfortunately what you and I saw last year Professor has been put on hold. It seems that space travel is just out of our reach.’

  ‘As I just explained.’ Frost said. ‘Two weeks ago one of our chief engineers working on the Avrocar disappeared taking with him technical details regarding the project.’

  ‘Has he gone over to the Russians?’ Frederick asked.

  Stacy shook his head. ‘Our Moscow operatives say no.’

  ‘A few days ago the engineer turned up in Prague with the information.’ Watson revealed. ‘We believe that he’s looking for a buyer and will sell the plans on for a large sum of money.’ ‘Sound more like greed than espionage.’ Frederick said.

  Stacy nodded. ‘This could just be the beginning. Scientists and engineers on both sides could be looking at going rogue and selling information to whoever is interested, including newspaper people.’

  Frederick shook his head. ‘I cannot see any newspaper being interested in information relating to advanced aircraft. They’d probably hand it straight back.’

  ‘I wish that were so Professor, but your encounter with Dorothy Kilgallen the New York Times Journalist a few months ago suggests otherwise.’ Stacy said.

  ‘So where is this man now?’ Frederick enquired.

  ‘He’s still in Prague.’ Stacy replied.

  ‘So the answer is simple, just pick him up and bring him in for questioning.’

  ‘We could but we are eager to discover who would be interested in the technical plans he has. Our undercover operatives in Prague have been in touch posing as journalists interested in what he has.’

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘I don’t understand why call me and Agent Cones here today if you are already dealing with this.’

  ‘Because we want you to go to Prague posing as journalists interested in what this man has. Then you are to offer him a safe house. Our agents who have already met with him are fairly new to Majestic. You are the two most experienced men we have.’ Stacy explained.

  ‘I thought I made it perfectly clear General that I am not a secret agent.’

  ‘It’s a perfectly straight forward assignment Professor you will not encounter any problems.’

  ‘That’s what you said about Paris.’

  ‘Ralph, it is vital that we bring this man in. The information he has could cause a lot of damage.’

  Frederick looked at his friend eventually nodding. ‘And what newspaper will we be working for?’

  ‘You will pose as journalists from The Guardian newspaper and the Washington Post.’

  Frederick inhaled. ‘And if our cover is blown then what do we do?’

  ‘You know there is a heavy Russian presence in Prague general.’ Cones said.

  Stacy nodded. ‘We are currently monitoring the situation, as I just said this is not a Soviet deal, they don’t even know this man has gone rogue.’

  ‘I take it this engineer you speak of was part of Operation Paperclip?’ Frederick asked.

  Stacy nodded. ‘I suggest you both prepare yourselves for the mission. You fly out the day after tomorrow.’

  Emneth – Cambridgeshire – 7:19pm

  ‘Prague!’ Elizabeth sighed.

  ‘It’s only for a day or two I should be back by the weekend.’

  ‘What exactly will you be doing in Prague.’

  ‘A routine lecture that’s all sweetheart. I am a Novel Prize winning physicist, which means I have to travel.’

  Elizabeth smiled at her husband kissing him on the cheek. ‘Bring me back a souvenir.’

  Chapter 54

  Old Town – Prague – 1:56pm

  Wednesday 20th April 1955

  Frederick looked across at Powder Tower, an impressive testimony of Prague’s heritage. The Powder Tower was one of 13 city gates in Old Town Prague. Construction began in 1475. The tower was intended on being an attractive entrance into the city, instead of a defensive tower. The foundation stone was placed by Vladislav II. The city council gave Vladislav the tower as a coronation gift. While it was being built, it was called the New Tower. The look of the tower was inspired by the work of Peter Parler on the Charles Bridge.

  ‘Nice place if you’re a tourist.’ Agent Cones said candidly.

  Frederick watched a group of Russian soldiers march by. ‘We are pilgrims in an unholy land.’

  Cones looked at Frederick. ‘Never pegged you as a man of faith Professor.’

  The soldiers marched away.

  ‘I used to be.’ Frederick remarked.

  Two men approached. ‘If you’re looking for the cathedral it’s in that direction.’ One of them said.

  ‘Thanks, but we’re more interested in the museum of culture.’ Agent Cones replied.

  The man smiled briefly and then looked in the direction of the Russian soldiers. ‘Agent Cones, Professor Frederick I presume.’

  ‘Yes.’ Cones said.

  ‘I’m Agent Nathan West, this is my partner Nick Thomson. We’ve just been assigned to the Majestic division.’

  ‘I take it you’ve been briefed.’

  West nodded. ‘Yes sir we made contact with Herbert Frank yesterday. We told him that a British journalist and an American journalist are interested in meeting with him to discuss a price for the information he has. We have booked you into a place called the Renaissance Hotel if you’d care to follow us.’

  From a few hundred yards two men and a woman watched as Frederick and the other three men headed off in the direction of old town.’

  ‘Are you sure that’s him?’ One of the men asked.

  Dorothy Kilgallen nodded. ‘Yes that’s Professor Frederick.’

  ‘When they meet with Frank tomorrow, we’ll show up and confront Frederick about his activities.’

  ‘Do you think he will have information regarding flight 632?’ George Rayman asked.

  Kilgallen shrugged. ‘We’ll find out tomorrow.’

  Chapter 55

  Renaissance Hotel – 8:32pm

  Frederick pushed his plate away savouring the last of the tender beef dinner. The hotel was quiet. A few guests mingled around the bar area and only two other people ate in the restaurant. ‘I think I might retire early.’ Frederick said.

  Cones nodded. ‘Everything ok Professor?’ You’ve hardly said a word since we sat down to eat.’

  Frederick took a deep breath nodding. ‘Everything is fine.’ He replied thinking about his brief conversation he had with Elizabeth. He hated lying to her, sometimes he would lie awake at night contemplating the notion off revealing to her everything he knew. ‘I’m just feeling a little tired.’ Frederick picked up a glass of red wine. ‘And perhaps a little annoyed that we’ve been sent out here when those two agents that we met earlier could have handled this case.’

  ‘Majestic has many agents that could be running errands like this. I pointed out to Stacy the other day that we should be trying to track that creature we encountered a few months back.’

  Frederick thought back to the incident which nearly cost him and Agent Cones their lives. ‘I wonder where the creature is now.’

  ‘Where ever it disappeared to Majestic and the Angel Committee need to find it, from what we experienced I’d say it was a forward scout.’

  ‘Funny I always thought the next invasion would come courtesy of the Russians, not some other worldly creatures.’ Frederick yawned and looked at his watch. ‘I’ll see you in the morning Agent Cones.’

  Cones nodded. ‘Good night Professor, I won’t be too far behind. I just have to meet up with the two agents we met earlier.’

  Frederick looked at Cones. ‘Anything I should be aware of?’

  Cones shook his head. ‘No, I telephoned the US embassy earlier to arrange a meeting. These guys are wet behind the ears. Just a little pep talk that’s all.

  Frederick excused himself from the table and headed back to his room. He unlocked his hotel room door and walked through to the spacious bathroom. Frederick stood in front of the mirror looking at the reflection staring back at him. ‘The years are catching up with you old boy.’ He said to himself. Frederick then washed his face and walked through to the main bedroom.

  ‘Good evening Professor Frederick.’ A voice greeted.

  Frederick stared at four men who were Oriental in appearance. ‘How did you get in here!?’ He demanded to know. ‘You will leave my room immediately or I will inform hotel security.’ Frederick marched towards the bedside telephone.

  One of the men blocked his path.

  ‘Please Professor do not make a fuss, we merely want to talk with you.’

  ‘So you decide to break into my hotel room!’ Frederick said loudly.

  The man smiled. ‘We prefer to keep in the shadows for now Professor.’ ‘Who are you?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘My name is Yang Ling I am a physicist working for the Chinese government. You could say I am your equivalent in certain matters.’

  ‘Certain matters.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Come now Professor surely you don’t think that America, Russia and Great Britain are the only ones running operations regarding flying saucers.’

  ‘What is it you want?’

  ‘We are eager to meet with Mr Frank regarding the information he has.’

  Frederick found himself wondering how many other people knew about the German scientist. ‘So why not approach him, he’s planning to sell the information to the highest bidder.’

  ‘To do that will expose us, and we are not quite ready to reveal ourselves just yet.’

  ‘So what is it you want from me exactly?’

  ‘We would like you to acquire the information he has then hand it over to us.’

  Frederick couldn’t help but smile at what Ling just said. ‘Forgive me but if you think that I’m just going to hand over material to you then you’re very much mistaken.’

  Ling walked towards Frederick who took a step back. ‘We are willing to pay handsomely for information Professor.’

  ‘The Russians have already made me an offer, I’ll tell you what I told them. No thank you.’

  ‘Plus we are willing to share information with your organisations.’


  ‘Majestic and the Angel Committee.’ Ling replied. ‘I’m sure the likes of Jacob Barnes will be interested in what we have.’

  ‘And I’m sure Jacob Barnes won’t be.’ Frederick lied. However, he knew Barnes better. Frederick knew that these were the kind of men Barnes liked to do business with. ‘Why come to me? You knew I would turn you down.’

  Ling nodded. ‘I know you are a man of honour Professor Frederick, you would never betray your country. But nevertheless our offer stands.’

  Frederick walked back towards the hotel room door and opened it. ‘I’m sorry gentlemen but you’ve wasted your time.’

  All four men walked towards the door. Ling was the last one to leave. ‘This is not over Professor.’


  Cones shook his head in bemusement. ‘I don’t get it. Why would the Chinese government approach you and make an offer you were sure to turn down.’

  ‘It makes absolutely no sense.’ Frederick replied. ‘This Ling mentioned Jacob Barnes.’

  Cones let out a snort of derision. ‘Every time I hear that name I get the urge to puke.’

  ‘Not a fan I take it.’

  Cones shook his head. ‘We’ve had dealings in the past, you could say Barnes was responsible for Jack’s death. If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have been in Paris.’

  Frederick nodded and looked at his watch. ‘Looks like getting an early night wasn’t as easy as I thought.’

  ‘In our world Professor, nothing is ever easy.’ Cones said.

  Chapter 56

  East Gate – Prague Castle – 10:56am

  Friday 22nd April 1955

  Frederick stared up at the impressive structure in front of him. He found himself wishing that Elizabeth was by his side. They had toured many of Britain’s castles and cathedrals. Elizabeth had a passion for history that would match any academic. Her particular area of expertise was the Tudor period. During the war when she and Professor Frederick’s romance was starting to blossom they would walk around Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth would explain in detail the relationship between Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots.

  Cones checked his watch and noticed Agents West and Thomson heading towards them with another man. They had arranged to meet at a quiet corner of the castle, where hardly anyone ventured.

  Herbert Frank shook hands with Frederick and Cones. He appeared confident in his mannerism and chatted about their surroundings.

  ‘I’d love to talk all day.’ Frederick said sounding a little impatient. ‘But my colleagues said you have information relating to a classified project regarding aircraft design.’

  ‘Indeed I do.’ Frank responded. ‘But before I do this I would like to introduce you to some friends of mine.’

  ‘Friends?’ Frederick said.

  ‘Hello Professor Frederick, nice to meet you again.’ A woman’s voice said from behind. Frederick turned and looked at Dorothy Kilgallen who was flanked by two men.

  ‘What the hell is this?’ Cones glared at Frank.

  ‘This gentlemen is a set up.’ Dorothy revealed. ‘You see Mr Frank approached me weeks ago regarding the Avrocar and other projects both the British and American governments have been working on.’

  George Rayman stepped up to Frederick. ‘There’s no point in denying anything this time Professor. This finally proves that you are involved with a secret organisation investigating flying saucers.’

  Frederick glared at Rayman before turning to Frank. ‘You’re selling out your country to the press!’

  ‘I wouldn’t call it that exactly.’ Frank replied. ‘I’m more of a whistle-blower, I plan to expose the nature of what our governments have been working on since the end of the war.’

  ‘For what purpose exactly?’ Frederick demanded to know.

  ‘For the truth Professor Frederick.’ One of the men with Kilgallen said.

  ‘Truth.’ Frederick replied.

  ‘We have been following your exploits for a few years now.’


  ‘I’m Henry Prosser, I work for the Guardian Newspaper. For the past few years we’ve been compiling UFO reports and your name has cropped up quite a lot regarding matters of flying saucers. You conducted a television interview with your colleague Professor Wilks a few years ago denying the existence of UFOs.’

  ‘And yet here you are openly engaging in activities which would relate to UFOs.’ Rayman said.

  ‘It’s no good denying anything gentlemen you’ve been caught red handed.’ Dorothy added.

  Frederick put on a poker face. ‘You have nothing Miss Kilgallen but theories.’

  ‘And now evidence.’ Frank reached into his pocket and produced a roll of film. ‘These are technical plans to the aircraft I was talking about.’

  Dorothy smiled at Frederick. ‘Looks like the game isn’t up yet Professor Frederick.’

  ‘I’m afraid it is.’ Another man’s voice said.

  Before anyone could move the group found themselves surrounded by several armed men.

  Frederick recognised the man from the night before.

  Cones reached into his holster.

  ‘Please Agent Cones do not do anything foolish.’ Yang Ling said before looking at the other two CIA agents. ‘Please drop your weapons on the ground gentlemen.’

  ‘I thought you said you prefer to stay in the shadows.’ Frederick said.

  Ling smiled at him. ‘Since you declined our offer last night Professor Frederick we had to accelerate our plans.’

  Two men stepped forward and grabbed Frank who suddenly looked terrified.

  ‘Where are you t
aking this man?’ Dorothy demanded to know.

  ‘We do not answer to you.’ Ling said before looking back at Frederick and Cones. ‘Take this message back to your governments. The Chinese government is aware of your operations and will continue to monitor your activities.’ The group of men then walked away towards three cars. Frank was bundled into the back of one of the cars.

  Frederick glared at Kilgallen and the two other journalists. ‘I hope you are happy with yourselves now. You’ve probably cost that man his life and for what, the so called truth.’

  ‘The people have a right to know what’s going on Professor.’ Dorothy said firmly.

  ‘Even at the cost of a man’s life, I don’t think even you’re that cold.’

  ‘Come on Professor we need to get back to the embassy and clear up the mess these people have created.’

  Frederick turned and followed Cones.

  ‘This isn’t over Professor.’ Prosser shouted after him. ‘The Guardian will dedicate itself to finding out the truth about secret government organisations like the one you’re working for.’

  Whitehall – London – 12:56pm

  Monday 25th April 1955

  ‘We’ve spoken to the editor of the Guardian and the London Evening Examiner.’ Morris Stanford said. ‘They claimed they had no idea any of their journalists had been in Prague.’

  ‘Typical.’ Frederick snorted.

  ‘The Chinese government are also keeping tight lipped about Frank or his whereabouts.’ General Stacy said.

  ‘Looks like we have a new player at the table.’ Stanford said.

  Stacy nodded. ‘Majestic are aware of the situation and are pulling all their resources in finding out if the Chinese pose a threat.’

  ‘And if they do.’ Frederick remarked.

  Stacy looked at him. ‘Then the Cold war just got a lot colder.’

  London Evening Examiner – Fleet Street – 1:09pm

  Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kick you out the door.’ Bill Mirren growled.

  ‘It was me who persuaded George to go to Prague.’ Dorothy confessed. ‘My contact was confident that we could acquire the information Frank was offering.’


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