The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 28

by Jason Chapman

  Berlin Airport – 12:43pm

  Tuesday 30th November 1955

  ‘Frank we need to talk.’ Frederick said.

  Cones looked at him. ‘This sounds serious, you just called me Frank.’

  ‘What if Gruber was telling the truth, what if he’s right then Majestic could be compromised.’

  Cones nodded slowly. ‘We’ve been through a lot together Professor, so I guess we can trust each other enough.’

  ‘What do we tell Majestic when we get back to England?’

  ‘The truth, Gruber slipped through our fingers.’

  Frederick nodded and followed Cones up the steps of the aircraft.

  Chapter 108

  Miracle Man

  Whitehall – London – 2:03pm

  Monday 3rd January 1956

  Frederick studied the newspaper article Stacy had just handed him. Agent Cones looked over his shoulder.

  ‘They’re calling him the new messiah on the account that he can cure any disease.’

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘I take it you want us to go and investigate this individual.’

  Stacy nodded. ‘CIA operatives have already been in the area looking into this man’s claims, they’ve had a number of confirmations from local doctors confirming several cases of miracle cures including an advance case of terminal cancer.’

  Frederick looked up from the newspaper. ‘Any ideas how he’s doing it?’

  Stacy shook his head. ‘No and our operatives have now been recalled. You will fly out to Italy and investigate this man.’

  ‘You know that might lead to us treading on Vatican toes, I take it you’ve read about our little adventure in Ireland. Cardinal Marcus Portis is obviously some sort of Vatican investigator.’

  ‘Yes.’ Stacy answered. ‘Majestic have had their dealings with the Vatican in the past ‘This Cardinal Daniel Remus claims that he has broken away from the Holy See and is going it alone. And he is attracting quite an audience.’

  ‘How is he doing it?’ Agent Cones asked.

  ‘According to the newspaper reports Remus claims to have had a gift from god, the ability to make ordinary liquid water a healing remedy,’

  ‘Well, should be an interesting one.’ Frederick sighed.

  ‘Your assignment is a simple one. You are to go to the area this man operates from and interview the locals including doctors.’

  ‘What’s our cover story?’ Cones asked.

  ‘You are two doctors simply looking into his claims. From the looks of things most of the locals are simpletons they shouldn’t ask any questions.’

  ‘Are we to approach this Remus?’ Frederick questioned.

  ‘Only after you’ve interviewed the locals, then you are to approach Remus. We would like a sample of this so-called miracle water of his.’

  Chapter 109

  Palombara Sabina – Italy – 12:15pm

  Thursday 6th January 1956

  Frederick looked up at the hillside overlooking the sprawling countryside. Here and there were impressive villas many which dated back several hundred years. Frederick and Cones had arrived earlier that day and had managed to find an inn to stay. The landlord of the Inn had directed them to the house of one Dr Massimo Lensa.

  ‘We appreciate you taking time out to see us doctor.’ Frederick said politely.

  Lensa’s house was typical of the area and boasted a generous garden with a vineyard. Lensa took a deep breath. ‘With the miracles that Cardinal Remus has been performing around here my services are no longer required.’

  ‘I take it Remus has been putting a lot of physicians out of business.’ Frederick speculated.

  Lensa Nodded. ‘No one has seen a doctor around here in three months.’

  ‘That’s when he first turned up.’ Cones said.

  Again Lensa nodded. ‘He started to make claims that god had given him the gift of healing. He demonstrated his gift by healing a young boy who was unable to walk.’

  ‘A biblical reference.’ Frederick said. ‘Making the lame walk.’

  ‘Yes.’ Lensa replied. ‘After that people started to flock to him in the market square. Pretty soon everyone with all kinds of ailments were healthy. Including a patient of a friend of mine who was weeks from dying. Liver cancer had ravaged her internally. She could barely walk, her family were desperate to do something. I advised against it, saying that he was nothing more than a charlatan.’

  ‘I take it you saw the woman after Remus had cured her.’

  Lensa nodded. ‘I was dumbfounded, the woman looked as fit as any healthy person would.’

  ‘Apart from the gift from god, has anyone speculated how he is able to cure the sick?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Remus hands out vials of water which he claims is from a spring high in the mountains.’

  ‘Does anyone know where this spring is?’ Cones asked.

  Lensa shook his head. ‘No, Remus keeps things close to his chest. People have tried to find this spring but no one has succeeded.’

  ‘So what’s your opinion on what Remus claims?’

  ‘He seems to be the genuine article.’ Lensa said. ‘When Remus first turned up and healed his first few patients a group of local officials and doctors investigated his claims. We managed to get hold of a vial of this water.’

  ‘What did you find?’

  ‘The cure to every known disease known to medical science.’

  ‘You analysed the vial?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘We did, and found nothing out of the ordinary. As far as we are aware it is ordinary water.’ Lensa paused. ‘Blessed by God.’

  ‘Holy water!’ Cones stated.


  ‘Do you still have it?’

  ‘No.’ Lensa replied. ‘I used it.’

  ‘On yourself?’

  Lensa took a deep breath. ‘Two years ago I was diagnosed with the onset of Parkinson’s disease. The disease ravaged my body in a relatively short space of time. I was unable to walk, and could barely communicate.’

  ‘You were a test subject?’ Frederick said.

  ‘Yes.’ Lensa replied wiping a tear away.

  ‘Have you experienced any side effects from taking the water?’

  Lensa seemed hesitant in answering Frederick’s question.

  ‘Doctor, have you experienced any side effects?’

  Lensa eventually nodded.

  ‘What side effects?’

  ‘My vision has been enhanced.’ Lensa looked up at the ceiling. ‘You see that spider crawling along the ceiling.’

  Frederick looked up towards the ceiling which was approximately 16 feet above his head. Although it was whitewashed Frederick could see nothing.

  ‘It’s by the light.’ Lensa pointed.

  Frederick stood and walked to the centre of the room looking up. A large table occupied the centre of the room. He stared hard at the area that Lensa was pointing at but couldn’t see anything.

  ‘Stand on the table, you will be able to see better.’ Lensa instructed.

  Frederick climbed onto the table and examined the area of ceiling Lensa was pointing at. Finally he spotted a tiny spider making its way towards the light fitting. He looked at Lensa who was sat at least twenty five feet away from where he was standing.

  ‘How is that possible?’

  ‘I have no idea.’ Lensa replied. ‘I also have acute hearing and my sense of smell has increased tenfold. I can even smell the flowers out on the patio.’ Frederick stepped off the table and sat back down.

  ‘Where does this Cardinal Remus live?’

  ‘High up in the mountains.’ Lensa revealed. ‘He has moved into an abandoned villa. He addresses his followers at one o’clock every day in Market Square.’ Lensa checked his watch.

  ‘If you want I can drive you there so that you can witness the miracle for yourselves.’

  Frederick and Cones exchanged glances before nodding in unison.

  Twenty minutes later Frederick and Cones found themselves crowded into a larg
e space. Market stalls surrounded a wooden platform which reminded Frederick of a hangman’s scaffold. A large crowd of people had gathered, many of whom were ill. One woman lay on a makeshift trolley. Family members fussed around trying to make her as comfortable as possible. A man was stood on wooden crutches. Frederick noted that one of the man’s legs was missing below the knee. He wore what appeared to be an old Italian army uniform.

  More people began to pour into the square, in wheelchairs and more on crutches. The sound of a horn drifted across the market square. The crowd parted as a large Alpha Romeo Coloniale drove towards the scaffold.

  The crowd began to cheer wildly at the sight of the car.

  ‘I’ll say this for Cardinal Remus; he knows how to make an entrance.’ Frederick commented.’

  ‘Reminds me of a Bill Haley concert.’ Cones said.

  The car stopped in front of the scaffolding and a man got out of the back.

  ‘Cardinal Remus I presume.’ Frederick said.

  Remus climbed the steps of the scaffold and looked over the crowd. He stretched out his arms and smiled. ‘Brothers and sisters, welcome!’

  The crowd roared.

  ‘Is it my imagination or does this guy sound more Russian than Italian.’ Cones said.

  Frederick nodded.

  ‘I bring more blessings from god.’ Remus continued.

  One of Remus’ acquaintances opened up a large suitcase and took out what appeared to be a vial of clear liquid, he handed it to a second man. The man looked about and spotted a blind woman in the crowd. He walked up to her and led her to the scaffold escorting her up the steps. The woman looked nervous as she stood next Remus who had opened the vial of water.

  ‘My children, witness yet another gift from god.’ He said before gently coaxing the woman to drink from the vial.

  The crowd fell silent and watched as the woman drank the liquid. For several seconds nothing happened. Then. the woman stumbled backwards putting her hand over her eyes. Remus held her to stop her from falling over. The woman then took her hand away from her eyes and looked about. She broke down in tears and dropped to her knees as she processed what was going on.

  Remus knelt beside her clutching her hand.

  ‘I can see.’ She looked at Remus sobbing.

  Remus helped the woman up.

  ‘I can see!’ She called out over the crowd.

  The people in the square erupted and began to surge forward. The man with the suitcase started to hand out vials.

  ‘We have to get our hands on one of those vials.’ Frederick said moving forward.

  ‘Professor Frederick.’ A voice called out from behind. Frederick turned around slowly.

  Cardinal Marcus Portis stood before Frederick flanked by two men. ‘You and Agent Cones must accompany us immediately.’

  ‘I beg your pardon.’

  Frederick and Cones suddenly found themselves surrounded by several more men with guns.

  Cones instinctively reached into his holster.

  ‘Please Agent Cones, the last thing we want is an incident here. People can be trampled to death pretty quickly.’ The cardinal warned.

  Frederick and Cones were marched towards a waiting car and bundled into the back. The car sped away from the crowded square and headed for Rome.

  Chapter 110

  The Vatican – Rome – 5:09pm

  Frederick felt breathless as he was led through the splendour which was the Vatican. He had always wanted to see it for himself. For a moment Frederick forgot he was there against his will, taking in the wondrous works of art by some of history’s greatest known painters and sculptors. He wished that Elizabeth was by his side.

  Frederick and Cones had been separated when they had arrived.

  ‘Where is Agent Cones?’

  Portis remained silent.

  Eventually they reached a small office with a large reading desk. On the wall behind the desk hung a large picture depicting Jesus blessing a crowd of followers on the temple mount.

  ‘You will wait here.’ Portis ordered.

  The door shut and Frederick was left alone to study the painting. For a few minutes Frederick forgot that he was in the Vatican. The office he was in was unremarkable apart from the painting. Finally the door opened and two men marched into the room followed by another. Frederick stared hard at the man realizing who he was looking at.

  Pope Pius XII reached out and clasped Frederick’s hand smiling at him. ‘Professor Frederick thank you for coming.’ He glanced at the two men accompanying him. ‘Leave us.’

  Frederick stared at the Pope as he closed the door behind the two men.

  The Pope sat down and invited Frederick to sit in the chair opposite.

  ‘I trust you were treated well on the journey here. I’m sorry if it seemed that my men kidnapped you, but we had to get you out of there. Remus would have been able to see who you really are.’

  Frederick nodded. ‘I cannot help feeling a little overwhelmed here, your Holiness.’

  Pope Pius smiled. ‘I am just a man like you Professor, a servant of God.’

  Frederick took a short breath. ‘If I may be so bold your Holiness, why have you brought me here?’

  ‘We’ve been watching the Cardinal for the past few months. Trying to find out how he is performing his so called miracles.’

  ‘From what I saw in the Market square earlier today he seems to be genuine. I saw that blind woman cured by his water.’

  ‘Do you believe he has holy water from God?’

  ‘Don’t you?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘Cardinal Remus, isn’t even a cardinal. His real name is Serge Molenko. He was a professor of anthropology in Moscow University.’

  ‘Has he defected?’

  ‘We are not sure. All we know is that he turned up a few months ago and started performing these so called miracles.’

  ‘You don’t believe they are miracles.’ Frederick suggested.

  The Pope shook his head. ‘There has been only one man who has been able to heal the sick Professor Frederick and he died for all our sins.’

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘What is it you want with me?’

  ‘We want you to go to his Villa and acquire this holy water.’

  ‘Forgive me your Holiness but I work for Her Majesty’s government.’ Frederick said feeling a little more confident in the Pope’s presence.

  ‘As well as The Angel Committee, Majestic.’ He paused. ‘And the Order of Galileo.’

  Frederick felt paralyzed at the mention of the Order.

  ‘We have people everywhere Professor.’ Pius said.

  ‘We as in the Brotherhood of the Holy See?’

  Pius smiled back at Frederick. ‘It comes as no surprise that you know about The Brotherhood, given that you are a part of the Order. I’m sure Vincent Rothschild has told you all about us.’

  ‘He may have, but I have also encountered Cardinal Portis on a number of occasions, most recently Ireland.’

  Pius nodded. ‘Cardinal Portis is our leading researcher regarding matters of unearthly matters. You could almost say he’s your equivalent given what you do.’

  ‘Unearthly matters.’ Frederick said. ‘By this I take it you mean flying saucers.’

  Pius hesitated before eventually nodding.

  ‘So why not send your own men is look into this Molenko chap?’

  ‘The Brotherhood cannot run the risk of being exposed, not at this point in time. Besides we have tried but Molenko seems to be one step ahead of us, it’s almost as if he can see us coming.’

  ‘This point in time?’ Frederick said.

  ‘The world is changing Professor. Men like yourself are pushing the frontiers of science. New technologies are emerging. People are turning away from more traditional beliefs and embracing the new world.’

  ‘Is the church threatened by all this change?’

  Pius nodded. ‘The Brotherhood knew this time would come. There have been many breakthroughs throughout the centuries, Galil
eo with his telescope and Columbus discovering the New World. But the twentieth century is by far the most profound in the development of technology. The age of machines is upon us Professor, machines capable of great destruction and soon machines capable of reaching for the stars.’

  ‘Raising the question of the existence of god.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Yes.’ The Pope sighed.

  ‘You know about visitors from other worlds don’t you?’ Frederick pushed. ‘Is that why you send Cardinal Portis out to investigate UFO sightings.’

  ‘The brotherhood has known for nearly two thousand years.’ Pius admitted solemnly.

  ‘Two thousand years!’ Frederick exclaimed. ‘So the existence of God is a fabrication dreamt up by the Brotherhood.’

  ‘You have to understand Professor that the people of this planet have been unable to imagine such ideas like the existence of other beings.’

  ‘Until now.’ Frederick said.

  The Pope nodded. ‘Mankind has accelerated his understanding of the world around him. He is now able to consider new possibilities such as life elsewhere. But the people still need something to believe in.’

  ‘Which is why a God is still relevant.’ Frederick gathered his thoughts. ‘But you know there are millions of people on this planet who believe in other form of deities. There are different faiths other than catholic. Christian and Islam are just a few.’

  ‘What Rothschild has failed to tell you is that the Brotherhood reaches beyond the Vatican and has branches in all the other faiths. I’m afraid I do not have time to reveal everything to you. It is important that you obtain a sample of this holy water that Remus has. We will take you and Agent Cones to where he lives. I’m sure your CIA counterpart will come up with an idea of how to enter his villa. You are to obtain a sample and deliver it back to Rome.’

  ‘Forgive me your Holiness but what if I refuse.’

  ‘I think we both know that you won’t Professor.’

  Frederick thought about his situation.

  ‘Your mission for Majestic hasn’t changed Professor, if you gain access to Remus’ villa you are welcome to take as many samples as you wish. But it is imperative we get a sample.’


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