The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 30

by Jason Chapman

  Stacy Nodded. ‘It would seem that way yes Professor. Majestic has a new order for you concerning Janus. On your next encounter you are to use any method you can to neutralize the threat he poses.’

  ‘We’ve already tried to kill him.’ Cones said. ‘On more than one occasion.’

  Stacy nodded and stood. ‘Then I suggest you try harder.’

  ‘And what about the deal Janus made with Jacob Barnes? Unprecedented access to the human race.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Jacob Barnes has since changed his mind.’


  ‘I cannot tell you Professor because I do not know. I suggest the next time you see him you ask him. That will be all gentlemen goodbye.’ Stacy indicated towards the door.

  Chapter 113

  Zero Hour

  Geneva – Switzerland

  Friday 17th February 1956

  The police detective stared at Frederick who was sat opposite handcuffed to the table. He took a long drag from a cigarette before stubbing it out. ‘So Professor Frederick why don’t we start with why you murdered Doctor Hans Marcus.’

  ‘For the tenth time I didn’t murder that man.’ Frederick answered.

  ‘Witnesses put you at the scene of the crime, you were seen exiting his hotel room. You were also seen talking to him outside the hotel’s entrance. Do you deny these events took place?’

  Frederick inhaled. ‘Apart from murdering Doctor Marcus no. It’s true I did have a conversation with him earlier on in the evening, and I did meet him in his hotel room after, but that’s it.’

  ‘So what were you talking about?’ The detective asked.

  Frederick remained silent, knowing that he could not answer the question.

  ‘Doctor Marcus’ colleague saw you leave the hotel room and found Marcus face down in a pool of blood. A gun was discovered in the room which Marcus occupied, fingerprints were found on the weapon, your fingerprints Professor Frederick, now do yourself a favour and tell us everything that happened.’

  Frederick looked at the clock on the wall, thinking back to when his predicament first began.

  Whitehall – London – 9:00am

  Tuesday 14th February 1956

  ‘Geneva!’ Frederick said. ‘And how long will this summit last for?’

  ‘No more than twenty four hours.’ General Stacy replied. ‘Do you recall that journalist you encountered, Dorothy Kilgallen?’

  Frederick nodded.

  ‘This is the summit she mentioned in her newspaper article, the one Lord Mountbatten told her about.’

  ‘I take it you cannot find anyone else to replace me?’ Frederick said.

  ‘Is there a problem Professor?’ Stacy sighed.

  ‘It’s my wife’s birthday in four days and this may clash.’

  ‘I’m sure your wife will understand, besides you will be back in plenty of time for her birthday.’

  ‘Exactly what is this conference for?’

  ‘The current Prime Minister, President Eisenhower the Russian President and the French president will be meeting to try and come to a mutual understanding and try to ease tensions between east and west.’

  ‘Sounds more like a diplomatic conference more than anything. A lot of people sat around talking international politics.’

  ‘True.’ Stacy agreed. ‘But an underlying mission is for Majestic and its Russian equivalent along with a number of other countries to meet and discuss the flying saucer threat. Because of events over the last few years Majestic feels that the time is right to open a dialogue with other countries which may have vital intelligence on flying saucers.’

  ‘And it just so happens that I have been picked to attend this summit.’ Frederick said.

  ‘Doctor Vannevar Bush was due to attend but he had to pull out at the last minute. So Senator Barnes thought you might take his place.’

  ‘I see.’ Frederick said. ‘I would have thought that I would be the last person to go after my interrogation with Senator McCarthy.’

  ‘You can relax Professor, you are not under scrutiny here. This will be a straight forward meeting. Agent Cones will be going along for the ride. So you’ll be in good company. The meeting shouldn’t take long.’

  ‘Well let’s hope so.’ Frederick said as he stood.

  Chapter 114

  Geneva – Switzerland – 12:09pm

  Thursday 16th February 1956

  Frederick looked around the hotel foyer wondering how many people were diplomats and how many people were security. There seemed to be a frenzied excitement in the air as people could be heard talking about the summit. Cones approached jangling a set of hotel room keys. ‘Looks like we’ve got the penthouse Professor. Our room is on the top floor.’

  ‘Good, the sooner we get this over with the better. I want to be back for Liz’s birthday.’

  ‘I thought you guys had sorted things out.’

  ‘We have but ever since she came back I have often wondered how long it’s going to be for.’

  Cones stared at Frederick. ‘You’re worried about what Janus has shown you.’

  Frederick felt surprise at Cones’ statement due to the fact that he was right. ‘I wake up in a cold sweat sometimes picturing her in my arms dying. And the huge figure standing over us.’

  ‘Don’t spend your time worrying about it Professor, Janus did a mind job on all of us in that field.’

  Frederick nodded and smiled at Cones. ‘Come on, let’s go and see if our suite has a minibar.’

  Across the foyer two men watched as Frederick and Cones entered the elevator. ‘Are you sure that’s him?’

  Walther Gruber nodded. ‘Yes and the man with him is a CIA operative attached to Majestic.’

  ‘We must contact our superiors and request further instructions.’ He looked at Gruber. ‘For now Doctor I suggest you remain out of sight. You’re a very wanted man on Majestic’s list, you’re bound to be recognised by someone.’

  Cones picked up the envelope which had his name neatly typed on the front. ‘Well there goes the minibar, the US embassy want me to attend a security briefing in an hour.’ Cones threw his jacket on. ‘I’ll be back later Professor.’

  Frederick looked up from a brochure he was reading nodding. No sooner than Cones had left the telephone rang.

  ‘Professor Frederick.’ Vincent Rothschild greeted. ‘I would like to meet I have something to show you.’

  ‘Not exactly the best timing with all the security around the hotel Doctor, the leaders of the free world will be arriving in a few hours.’

  ‘Security has already been taken care of Professor. There is a car waiting for you outside the Hotel’s main entrance.’

  Chapter 115

  Frederick climbed into the back of a waiting car which sped away from the hotel. After approximately fifteen minutes the car stopped outside what appeared to be a newly built complex. Vincent Rothschild waited until the car stopped before opening up the door.

  ‘Professor welcome.’

  Frederick shook Rothschild’s hand and looked up at the building. ‘Impressive!’

  Rothschild smiled. ‘And that’s only the outside Professor.’

  Frederick was led to a large conference room which contained a model of the facility. Two men were already in the room looking at the model. ‘Professor Frederick may I present Gustav Ising and Donald Kerst, two of the Order of Galileo’s most senior members.’

  Frederick shook hands and then looked at the model. ‘This is impressive I must say.’

  ‘This is the future Professor the facility is still in its early stages. Our goal is to make it a world leader in research. Some of science’s greatest accomplishments will be achieved here.’ Ising said proudly.

  ‘Both Doctors Kerst and Ising are working on some exciting fieldwork.’ Rothschild revealed. ‘Particle acceleration.’

  ‘Particle acceleration has been frowned upon by much of the scientific community.’ Frederick said.

  Rothschild nodded. ‘Yes but at this facility Pro
fessor there will be no tied hands. Our researchers are allowed to work on any field they wish, providing it is beneficial to science and mankind.’

  ‘The model you see Professor is the first stage in our plan.’ Kerst said. ‘Funding is already starting to pour in from different universities and scientific institutes from all over the world. Cern will lead the way in particle physics?’

  ‘Cern?’ Frederick stated.

  ‘European council for nuclear research.’ Rothschild said.

  ‘The French meaning makes up the acronym CERN.’ Kerst revealed.

  ‘If you’ll step this way professor there is more to show you.’

  Chapter 116


  The facility Rothschild had shown him around left Frederick invigorated. As he entered the hotel room Agent Cones was there with another man.

  ‘Hey Professor, I didn’t expect you to pull a disappearing act.’ Cones said with some concern.

  ‘I’ve been taking in some of Geneva’s art galleries.’ Frederick said looking at a table which contained four handguns. ‘What’s all this?’

  ‘Just a demonstration.’ Replied Cones.

  Frederick walked over to the table and looked at the array of guns.

  ‘The embassy wants us to be on our guard over the next few days. This is Mr Richard Schneider he’s a gunsmith hired by the embassy to supply all the secret service with the latest in handguns.’

  ‘Would you like to hold one?’ Schneider invited.

  Frederick picked up a handgun and examined it.

  ‘What you see here is all our latest models.’ Schneider said.

  ‘Not really been big on these things.’ Frederick placed the gun back on the table

  ‘I’ll take this one.’ Cones said holding up one of the weapons.

  ‘Excellent choice sir.’ Schneider said smiling, he then packed the guns back into their individual boxes and left.

  Cones checked his watch. ‘According to Majestic’s man at the US embassy the first meeting is to take place tonight. Jacob Barnes, Roscoe Hillenkotter, Detlev Bronk and General Twining will be attending. After there will be a state banquet for the visiting leaders of the free world.’ Cones handed Frederick an envelope. ‘You are on the invite list, while I’ll be on security detail. There will also be a meeting between the President and the Russian leader in the morning.’

  Frederick opened the envelope and looked at the invite. ‘Do we know anything about who the Russians are sending?’

  Cones shook his head then smiled. ‘Wait that wasn’t a real question.’ Frederick eyed him. ‘You’re hoping Doctor Vilenko will be there.’

  ‘Don’t be obscured, I’m a married man.’

  Cones laughed. ‘Whatever you say Professor.’

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘Well better put on my Sunday best for tonight’s meeting.’ Frederick said.

  Schneider handed over one of the boxes to a man stood outside the hotel. ‘It is done?’ The man nodded taking the box of Schneider. ‘Good.’ He then turned and walked away.

  Chapter 117


  Frederick marvelled at the meeting hall that had been set aside for the gathering. Exquisite paintings by some of Europe’s greatest artists lined the walls. A large sixteenth century chandelier hung from the centre of the ceiling. Greek sculptures took up positions at all four corners of the room.

  A huge oval shaped table occupied the centre of the meeting hall. In total twenty people including Frederick sat around the table. Frederick recognised many people there. To his right was Jacob Barnes and Detlev Bronk. Roscoe Hillenkotter and General Nathan Twinning sat to his left. Sat directly opposite was Colonel Yuri Konev and Igor Lakatos along with three other men. Frederic felt disappointment that Doctor Anna Vilenko was not there. He also found himself wondering if agent Cones was right and that he had some kind of schoolboy crush on the flame haired beauty. Frederick looked around the room at the other men who had gathered. Doctor Yang Ling whom Frederick had encountered several months earlier was present along with two other Chinese officials. Two Cardinals were present along with Akon Kahn whom Frederick had met at the auction in London. In all thirteen men occupied the room.

  Jacob Barnes stood pressing his knuckles on the table. ‘Gentlemen, let me welcome you to Geneva.’ He said in a loud confident tone. ‘I’ll skip the history lesson and get right down to things. We are here to discuss the matter of flying saucers and hopefully reach an agreement on how to set up an international board to tackle the matter.’ He paused taking a deep breath. ‘All of us who are gathered here this evening have knowledge relating to flying saucers, and have had encounters with beings from another world. In the past we have kept secrets to ourselves and have tried to acquire secrets from other nations. The United States of America recognises that this has caused tensions and wishes to smooth out relations between governing bodies throughout the world. Our leaders are also locked in negotiations for a more stable alliance between the superpowers. I am hoping that great strides can be taken over the next twenty four hours.’ Barnes glanced at Detlev Bronk. ‘Mr Bronk will make an opening statement about intelligence concerning the development of radar.’

  Bronk stood and cleared his voice. ‘Thank you Mr Barnes.’ He paused to check his notes on the table in front of him. ‘Since the development of radar during the war it has become apparent to us that there are objects in our skies that we cannot easily explain.’ Bronk made eye contact with Konev. ‘Such occurrences have often sparked disputes between nations.’

  Frederick thought back to the incident in the North Sea a few years earlier.

  ‘With our nuclear arsenals growing there is a possibility that a conflict could be triggered because of what’s showing up on our radar screens. Majestic is here to listen to any suggestions that anyone might have and hopefully reach a solution.’ Bronk sat back down and for several tense seconds no one spoke.

  ‘I suggest a number of radar installations should be constructed throughout Europe and manned by personnel from the major nations.’ A man from Colonel Konev’s delegation said. ‘Their sole purpose would be to monitor the skies for unusual activity and report back to our perspective governments.’

  ‘Funded by who?’ Barnes questioned.

  The man locked eyes with Barnes. ‘I’m sure every nation which has had encounters with other worldly beings can offer money in order to establish these radar stations.’ Most of the men in the room nodded.

  ‘It would certainly go a long way towards establishing trust between nations.’ Frederick said.

  Chapter 118

  Outside the meeting room Cones stood watching people come and go. Several other security men from other nations mingled with hotel visitors. The American spotted the gunsmith who he had encountered earlier.

  Richard Schneider smiled as he approached Cones. ‘Mr Cones I’m glad I caught up with you again. I have something to show you that will interest you.’

  ‘Now is not the time Mr Schneider I am on duty, the leaders of the free world are having a state dinner here tonight.’

  ‘It won’t take up much of your time I promise. I have acquired a small office for a few minutes.’

  Cones eventually nodded and followed Schneider across the foyer before disappearing into a small room.

  Cones knew as soon as the door was shut behind him he was in trouble. The barrel of a gun prodded him in the back. ‘Do not move Agent Cones.’ A voice said from behind. A man stepped forward and disarmed Cones of his weapon. ‘What the hell is going on?’ Cones demanded to know.

  A rag was stuffed into Cones’ mouth and his hands were tied. The American felt helpless as he watched one of his captors tap a panel on the wall of the office which opened revealing a secret passage. A black hood was then pulled over his head and Cones was dragged away.

  Chapter 119

  Frederick took in a lung full of air and stretched. Apart from the establishment of the radar bases no other issues had been agreed on. Barnes had argue
d with Konev concerning the Roswell device which had been taken several months earlier. Konev had denied any involvement and had accused Majestic of several incursions into Soviet territory.

  As he stood outside the Hotel entrance Frederick was joined by a member of the Russian delegation. ‘Professor Frederick.’ The man greeted offering his hand. ‘Your reputation precedes you. Doctor Vilenko sends her regards.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Frederick stared at the man but could not recall if they had met before.

  ‘Allow me to introduce myself, I am Doctor Hans Marcus of the Russian academy of Sciences.’

  Frederick nodded and smiled politely. ‘Your idea about the radar tracking stations was inspirational. Unfortunately it was the only thing anyone could agree on in there.’

  ‘And your comment about mutual trust was a little unfounded.’ Marcus said bluntly.

  ‘I beg your pardon.’

  ‘Your little visit to Cern this afternoon was unscheduled.’

  ‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’ Frederick said with growing nerves.

  Marcus grimaced. ‘Come now Professor do you think that you are the only member of the Order of Galileo?’

  Frederick felt relief. ‘I knew the Order had people in Russia, I had the honour of meeting Professor Alex Pavlov a few years ago in Scotland.’

  Marcus continued smiling. ‘That’s very interesting Professor, I’m sure my superiors in Moscow will be very interested to know that.’

  Dread gripped Frederick as he glared at Marcus.

  ‘I didn’t say that I was a member of the Order.’ Marcus walked away.

  Panic washed over Frederick as he watched Marcus disappear into the crowd.

  Chapter 120

  Cones had no idea how long he had been in transit. He knew that he was a long way from Geneva. Frederick and Majestic were probably out looking for him. However deep down Cones knew that his people would have no clue as to his whereabouts.


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