The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2)

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The Angel Conspiracy (The Angel Cronicles Book 2) Page 37

by Jason Chapman

  ‘Cheery message.’ Cones said looking at Frederick. For a few moments he glared at Frederick’s jacket. ‘What the hell is that?’

  Frederick looked down and noticed that his jacket was glowing. He quickly pulled out the amulet that Sir Ingles had given him.

  The light from the amulet lit up the surrounding area.

  Frederick looked around the church and noticed a glowing object hung around a cross on the altar.

  Both men walked towards the altar. Another amulet similar to the one Sir Ingles had given them lay on the altar. A green light emanated from it. Frederick picked up the amulet and held one in each hand. ‘We have to get back to Hereford and contact General Stacy to brief him on the situation.’ Frederick said.

  Cones and Frederick turned to walk back down the isle of the church but stopped dead in their tracks. A man stood blocking their path, dressed in a chain mail suit and wearing a white vest with a red cross. He held up his hand. ‘Greetings pilgrims.’

  Cones drew his weapon and pointed it at the man. ‘Don’t move!’ He ordered.

  Frederick looked down at the amulets he was holding then back at the man. Stepping forward he reached out to touch the figure. His hand passed straight through the chest of the man. Frederick withdrew his hand and noted a slight tingling sensation.

  ‘What the hell is it, a ghost?’ Cones said.

  Frederick shook his head. ‘I do not think so. It seems to mimic the technology recovered from the crash at Roswell. Somehow light is being projected into three dimensional space creating the illusion of a solid object.’

  ‘Greetings pilgrims.’ The man repeated his message.

  ‘Who are you?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘I am Sir Peter Worthington guardian of the amulet which resides in this holy place.’ Cones circled the figure waving his hand through it.

  ‘What must we do to stop the maddening death?’ Frederick asked.

  ‘You must go to the tomb of King Richard and retrieve the amulet. Then you are to go to the holy place in Glastonbury to retrieve the other amulet. When you have four of the amulets a pathway will lead you to the holy land.’

  ‘Is he talking about those ley lines?’ Cones asked.

  ‘Then you must use the key to prevent the maddening death, only the key will stop it.’

  ‘What key, what the hell is he talking about.’ Cones sounded frustrated.

  Frederick took a deep breath. ‘We’ll go back to RAF Hereford and get Group Captain Fletcher to fly us to France.’ Frederick marched forward walking straight through the knight.

  ‘Beware the Dark Ones, will bring the maddening death.’ The knight indicated to the drawing on the wall at the back of the church.

  Frederick looked at the knight and nodded. ‘Thank you.’

  The figure vanished instantly.

  Chapter 146

  Rouen – France – 12:30pm

  Thursday 21 June 1956

  Frederick gazed up at the magnificent Cathedral which towered above them. He found himself wondering if this was the place Janus had showed him years earlier at Stoke Lacy.

  When they arrived at RAF Hereford Frederick phoned General Stacy and briefed him events which were unfolding, Stacy had instructed Frederick and Cones to track down the other amulet and return to Glastonbury to retrieve the last amulet.

  Agent Cones instructed Fletcher to fly to an old airfield on the outskirts of Rouen. The airfield was part of an old army hospital which now served as a way station for incoming aircraft. When they exited the plane Frederick had managed to find a driver who was familiar with the area.

  ‘I guess we’d better start looking for this King Richard’s body.’ As they stood outside the cathedral.

  ‘Actually it was only his heart which was buried here.’ Frederick said.

  ‘And how do you know that?’

  ‘History and Latin go hand in hand Agent Cones.’

  ‘So how the hell do we know the amulet is inside?’

  ‘It seems the most logical place.’

  ‘Well I hope you’re right Professor.’ Cones replied marching towards the entrance.

  The Cathedral was virtually empty much to Frederick’s relief. Given his experience at St Issui Church the last thing he wanted was startled sightseers witness to the resurrection of Richard the Lionheart. ‘This place is massive.’ Cones remarked.

  ‘We split up, you take the right hand side I’ll walk down the left. Avoid contact with people, the last thing we need is an incident.’ Frederick warned.

  Frederick and Cones went their separate ways.

  ‘Can I help you sir.’ A priest approached Frederick as he examined the tombs that resided in the cathedral.

  ‘No thank you.’ Frederick replied before rethinking the offer. ‘Actually could you point me in the direction of King Richard’s tomb please.’

  ‘Ah, you are English.’ The priest said smiling. He pointed further on down the cathedral.

  Frederick hastened his step as he noticed the two amulets in his pocket started to glow green. Finally he reached King Richard’s tomb. Frederick looked around to see if anyone was in the immediate area. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the two amulets which lit up the area. Frederick looked around again nervous that someone might notice the light from the amulets. He walked towards the tomb of Richard. Frederick examined the stone carving of the king and noticed the amulet which was carved around his neck. Frederick then circled the tomb pondering the problem of where the amulet might be.

  ‘Not as easy as it looks is it Professor.’ A voice said.

  Frederick turned to see the man he had encountered in Vienna.

  Abbot stared back at Frederick. ‘You might be interested to know that not everyone will perish when that virus is released. It’s been designed to target certain people on this planet.’

  Frederick stepped back. ‘And how exactly do you know that?’

  ‘Because I helped design it.’

  ‘Do not listen to him Professor you must proceed with your mission.’ Another voice said.

  Frederick looked towards the head of Richard’s tomb to see Janus.

  ‘It’s too late Janus, the virus is about to be released.’ Abbot said.

  ‘Of course it is.’ Janus smiled back. ‘Which is why you are here trying to prevent the Professor from getting the third amulet.’

  ‘What the hell is going on here?’ Frederick demanded to know.

  ‘A new beginning Professor.’ Abbot said.

  ‘Or the end of mankind.’ Janus replied.

  ‘Your feeble attempt to slow their plans won’t stop the inevitable Janus The Dark Ones will take this world.’

  ‘If you only knew the devastation they brought to my world, you’d think twice about doing this.’ Janus said.

  ‘Ok nobody fucking move!’ Agent Cones appeared clenching his gun.

  ‘Agent Cones, your timing is impeccable.’ Janus said.

  Cones swung his gun in Janus’ direction.

  ‘Really Agent Cones I thought you would have known better by now.’

  ‘Enough!’ Frederick shouted. ‘Where is the third Amulet?’

  ‘You are standing by it.’ Janus replied.

  Frederick looked at the carving of King Richard. ‘We can’t just lift the lid.’

  ‘You don’t have to.’

  ‘Professor Frederick before you continue on your quest remember this. This planet can only support so many people. Every now and then it is necessary to purge our species. If unchecked you will overrun this planet and within a century your society will collapse.’ Abbot explained.

  ‘I have heard this speech before.’ Frederick said looking at Janus.

  ‘Nevertheless you must heed my warning.’

  ‘If you listen to Abbot Professor then you will doom the human race. Retrieve the third amulet and get the forth before it’s too late.’ Janus urged.

  An intense blue light suddenly filled the area before diminishing. Both Janus and Abbot were gone.
/>   ‘So now what?’ Cones said. ‘Janus didn’t exactly reveal the location of the third amulet.’

  Frederick circled the tomb and stopped where Janus was standing. He looked down and spotted two indentations. Pulling out the amulets he lined them up with the indentations. A panel suddenly opened at the head of the tomb. A green light flooded out of the compartment. Frederick reached inside and pulled out another glowing amulet.

  ‘Jackpot!’ Cones stated.

  Frederick turned and headed for the cathedral’s entrance. ‘I’m guessing we don’t have much time if Abbot and Janus have anything to go by.’

  ‘What were they doing here in the first place?’ Cones questioned.

  Frederick pondered Cones’ words. ‘Ever since we started on this, quest, I have had a sense that there are unseen forces just out of our minds eye.’

  ‘You want to say that again Professor, this time in plain English.’

  ‘It’s almost as if someone is watching us, no, guiding us in a certain direction.’

  Cones looked at the Amulet that Frederick had just retrieved. ‘Well I guess we better get moving if we’re going to retrieve the forth amulet.’

  Chapter 147

  England – 10:23pm

  ‘Hey Professor wake up!’ Cones shook Frederick’s arm. ‘We’re about to land.’

  Frederick felt exhausted and hungry. It had been over 24 hours since he had last eaten.

  ‘As soon as we are on the tarmac we’ll head for Glastonbury Abbey and get the forth amulet.’

  Frederick stretched and looked out of the window. Darkness had descended but a full moon was visible.

  Group captain Fletcher lowered the wheels and the plane bounced along the runway. The airstrip they had landed at was an old army supply depot.

  When they were clear of the plane Frederick spotted Richard Wilks outside a wooden hut.

  ‘Richard, I’m surprised to see you here.’

  ‘General Stacy filled me in so I offered to help out. I’m familiar with this area. I have secured a car.’

  Frederick nodded. ‘We need to get to Glastonbury Abbey.’

  Professor Wilks drove the car at speed while Frederick explained everything that happened over the last 48 hours.

  ‘So this Marshall Abbot you encountered, we want to release this disease that will wipe out the human race.’ Wilks said.

  ‘Yes, but he told me that not everyone will die, and that the virus only targets a certain group.’

  ‘And where dies Janus fit into the picture?’

  ‘Janus seems to want to prevent this disease from being released.’

  ‘That’s surprising considering his intentions towards the people at Stoke Lacy.’

  Frederick fought the urge to tell Wilks about the vial he had in his pocket.

  ‘Do you think Janus and this Abbot chap have manipulated history?’ Wilks asked.

  ‘Janus has been around a long time and is not from this planet, he has demonstrated this on more than one occasion. Abbot however is as human as you and I. However there is something about him that suggests he has knowledge of events. The fact that he knows Janus is proof of this. As for Janus manipulating history, it’s plausible. If anything I have learned over the past few years it’s that various organisations all over the world have kept things hidden from the masses. The Angel Committee was set up in secret, our goal was to gather information on UFOs and keep it from public eyes.’

  ‘And now Majestic is running the show.’ Cones added.

  ‘Do you think Janus has influenced men of power during his time here?’

  ‘I’m sure of it.’ Frederick replied. ‘I’m convinced that maybe Janus was the man that told Richard the Lionheart about the plague that ravaged Jerusalem during the second crusade.’

  Chapter 148

  Glastonbury Abbey – 11:10pm

  The car skidded to a halt at the side of the road. In the light of the full moon Frederick could make out the black silhouette of the abbey. Wilks produced three torches.

  ‘I think I know the tomb you are looking for.’ Wilks panted as they jogged across the lawn.

  They ran up a stone staircase through an arch. The amulets Frederick was carrying in his inside pocket began to glow intensely. ‘I guess this is it.’ Cones said looking around catching his breath.

  Wilks shone his torch on a stone sarcophagus which was covered in moss. Frederick sprinted over to it and walked around. ‘What are you looking for?’ Wilks asked.

  ‘In Rouen we found a place for the amulets on King Richard’s tomb.’ Frederick stopped and smiled. He shone his torch on three indentations. He turned off his torch and knelt. The light from the amulets was intense illuminating a wide area. Frederick placed the amulets in the indentations. A panel slid open on the tomb revealing a compartment similar to the one on King Richard’s tomb. Frederick reached inside and pulled out the forth Amulet.

  ‘Greetings pilgrims.’ A voice said.

  Frederick, Cones and Wilks looked in the direction of an archway and saw a figure similar to the one they had encountered at the church.

  ‘It’s another knight.’

  ‘I am Sir Edwin Dudley protector of the amulet you seek.’

  Frederick stepped forward holding all four amulets in his palm.

  ‘You now possess the power to prevent the Dark Ones unleashing the maddening death.’

  ‘But we don’t have the key.’ Frederick called out.

  ‘The key has always been with you.’ The knight replied.

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘The path is now open.’ The knight announced.

  All of a sudden the amulets released an intense burst of green light which shot out in a straight line like a beam from a torch. A ball of light hovered about a foot off the ground, lightning sparked outwards.

  ‘You must step into the light and you will be taken to the holy land to fulfil your quest.’

  ‘Is he crazy, you can’t expect to just jump into that!’ Cones shouted.

  Gunfire suddenly erupted from out of the shadows. Wilks was caught in the shoulder and was thrown backwards.

  ‘Richard!’ Frederick cried out running to his friend’s aid.

  ‘Bloody hell!’ Wilks winced in pain.

  Cones had already drawn his weapon and returned fire.

  ‘Ralph you have to go.’ Wilks ordered.

  ‘I cannot leave you like this.’

  ‘I’ll be fine, you need to go and stop this maddening death.’

  Frederick looked at the ball of light then at Cones.

  ‘Professor Frederick!’ A voice called out.

  Frederick recognised the voice, a feeling of dread rose from within.

  ‘Come out with your hands in the air, I promise you won’t be harmed.’ General Heinemann said in a loud voice. ‘All I want are the amulets.’

  Cones peered over the sarcophagus. ‘What the hell is he doing here?’

  ‘We can’t let the Fourth Reich take these amulets.’ Wilks said. ‘I’ll create a diversion, you and Agent Cones must make for that light phenomenon.’

  ‘Richard you’ve been shot, they’ll cut you down the minute to poke your head up.’

  ‘It’s the only way Ralph you have to stop whatever is going to happen.’

  Frederick eventually nodded.

  ‘I’ll run towards that pillar, it should provide ample cover.’

  ‘Ok here’s the plan when Professor Wilks makes a break for it I’ll lay down covering fire and you head straight for that light, I’ll be right behind you.’ Cones instructed.

  Frederick sensed his heart pound on the wall of his chest. He clutched the amulets and looked at his friend.

  ‘One, two, three.’ Cones jumped up and let off a volley of shots.

  Despite his injuries Wilks was the first to move. Jumping to his feet he sprinted towards a stone pillar.

  Cones let off a few more shots.

  Heinemann took cover behind a large gravestone.

k looked to where Wilks had ran, feeling relief that his friend found cover.

  ‘Go Professor!’ Cones shouted as he fired his weapon at the gravestone Heinemann was hiding behind.

  Frederick sprang to his feet and sprinted towards the light. Cones gave chase firing off another volley of shots.

  Frederick felt pulled forward as he ran towards the light.

  Another gunshot rang out followed by a gasp. Agent Cones was struck in the side but managed to stay upright. He returned fire and sped towards the ball of light throwing himself into it.

  Chapter 149

  Frederick felt a falling sensation for several seconds. Flashes of light streaked by. Then suddenly he found himself standing in a tunnel. Frederick looked behind him to see Agent Cones.

  Cones dropped to his knees clutching his side.

  ‘Agent Cones!’

  ‘I’m ok, it’s not bad.’ Cones managed to scramble to his feet. ‘Where are we?’

  The light from the amulets lit up the tunnel. Up ahead Frederick could make out another light which mimicked candle light. ‘I’m guessing we must be in the cavern beneath the Temple Mount.’

  Cones clutched his side and followed Frederick to where the tunnel opened up into a cavernous space. Both men looked at the sight in front of them.

  Six figures in black cloaks surrounded a stone monolith which stretched thirty foot towards the cavern ceiling. A light emanated from the top of the monolith. Frederick could make out some kind of black vapour spewing from the top.

  ‘They’ve released the disease we’re too late.’ Frederick felt despair.

  Cones shook his head, he knew time was running out in more than one way, blood cascaded down his leg. ‘No, we can still turn this around.’ He stepped out into the Cavern and fired a shot into the air.

  The six hooded figures turned.

  Frederick stepped into view holding up the amulets.

  ‘You’re too late we have already sealed the fate of humanity.’ One of them called out.


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