Only at The Cavern

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Only at The Cavern Page 21

by Anna Alexander

  “Even though I’ve brought shame to my family?” she asked in half-jest.

  His smile widened and a wicked gleam winked in his eyes. “I’m hoping that what you’ll do me will make the biggest sinner on this planet blush. I want every wicked bit of you.”

  The warmth of his affection chased away the ice left by her mother’s departure and she felt an answering smile curl her lips.

  “Get to it, Captain. While you’re saving the day, I’ll be planning your ruin in the most debaucherous of ways.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Yes, Mistress.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jasmine jumped as two strong arms encircled her from behind. The knife in her hand skipped off the potato, barely missing her finger. “Be careful please. These fingers save lives.”

  “Sorry,” Marco chuckled and brushed a kiss to her cheek. “You’re killing us out there. Whatever it is you’re cooking smells fantastic. Way better than what Santiago whips up. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”

  “I don’t mind. It’s keeping me busy. Otherwise I probably would have spent the day fuming over my job or watching you look through evidence and surveillance paperwork.”

  “I thought you liked watching me look through evidence. At least that’s what it looked like when I kept catching you staring at my ass.” He nipped her earlobe and chuckled.

  Guilty as charged. “You’re a sexy man when you’re doing your thing. But you’re even sexier when bound and at my mercy.”

  “Lucky for you, I live to be at your mercy.”

  He dipped his head as if to kiss her, then paused, silently seeking her permission. The potato and knife clattered in the sink before she turned to tunnel her fingers into his hair and take his mouth with a hunger destined to leave no doubt that his kiss was always welcome. Marco’s answering moan tickled her lips and his fingers dug into her hips as he lifted her onto the counter and forced his body between her thighs.


  Coulter’s startled shout broke them apart with a gasp.

  He held up both hands with a grin. “Don’t stop on my account. Please, continue. I’d love to be witness to another scene. The last one was hot, especially since it’s not every day I get to see my boss stripped naked and whipped.”

  “You were there?” she asked in surprise.

  Beneath her hands Marco’s shoulders tensed. “Yeah, Coulter’s a frequent visitor to The Cavern. He happened to be there the other night when you put me in my place.”

  “Really?” How had she not noticed the cute blond man at the club before? Madeline would eat him alive and make him love it. “Sorry, handsome. You’ll have to wait for another time for a public performance. I promise it will be good.” She ran the edge of her teeth along Marco’s jaw and felt a surge of arousal as both men shuddered.

  “Damn,” Coulter sighed. “Anyway, I came to say two things, Cap. One, dinner smells great. When can we eat? And two, they’re here.”


  “They?” Marco parroted her thought. “He brought backup? Thank God.” Marco helped her down off the counter and tugged on her hand. “I want you to meet someone.”

  Another surprise? Whoever “they” were must have been trusted friends if they were expected guests. Marco and Coulter had gone to great lengths to find a secure location accessible only to those who needed to know. Amongst the trusted were the lieutenant and sergeant from the SWAT team and two other of Marco’s men who had been at work all day in the living room. The rest of his team were out in the field, acting as if there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary about to go down. The entire operation was top secret, even to top police brass.

  The store they were housed in was owned by an uncle of one of Marco’s men and used to be the home of the entire Sanchez family until all of the children grew up and moved on to own their own homes. The empty rooms were the perfect size to set up their base of operation and the house was not on the list of the police department’s known safe houses. Marco told her that after the first year on the Smithwick investigation, he had pegged this location as a possible safe house in case the police fell to the crime boss’s coercion. Even though there wasn’t any evidence of misconduct, Marco wasn’t taking any chances, and truthfully, Jasmine was thankful for the extra caution.

  She held on to Marco’s hand as he led her down the hall and pulled up short, stopping him in his tracks as she caught sight of the two newcomers shaking hands with the other men. One was dressed in a costume straight from a comic book while the other was a familiar face.

  “Bale? What are you doing here?” she blurted out in complete shock.

  Amaryllis’s bodyguard crossed his thick arms over his chest and smirked. “Greetings to you too, Mistress Jasmina. Amaryllis and Ari will be happy to know you are doing well.”

  “Jasmine,” Marco said her name in a way that cautioned her to mind what she might say next. He gestured to the man next to Bale. “I’d like you to meet the Chameleon.”

  The Chameleon? Seriously? She shifted her gaze to the masked giant and promptly bit her tongue. A black cowl covered most of the man’s face, and a tunic in shimmery fabric refracted the light to make his torso blend in with the interior, but even so, she recognized Lucian Kilsgaard the moment he offered her a smile. There wasn’t a woman in the club who hadn’t imagined those strong lips skimming over her most intimate of places, and she’d know those lavender irises anywhere.

  “Dr. Jovanovich.” The Chameleon bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  She looked to Marco with confusion. What was going on here? Did he honestly not recognize Lucian? And what was with the costume? Out of all of the things that had happened to her that day, she could honestly say seeing her friend’s husband dressed like a superhero was the last thing she expected.

  “Um, hello?” she responded when it became apparent they were waiting for her to reply.

  Marco placed his palm on her back. “Jaz, the Chameleon is here to assist us. He’s been a consultant for my team and is familiar with Smithwick and his operations in the Cascades.”

  By the way he stressed the nickname, she understood she was to play along. “Oh. Great?”

  “It’s good to see you, Bale.” Marco extended his hand and was met with a firm handshake. “I’m surprised, but in a good way. Does this mean you’re ready to take up the sword again?”

  A look of longing filled his eyes before he shook his head. “I made a promise, Captain. You know that. I’m only here to ensure that he,” he nodded at Lucian, “returns in one piece.”

  At the mention of a sword, Jasmine’s spine straightened. Several months ago the city was all abuzz over a hooded vigilante who patrolled the streets with a giant sword. When Marco had discovered her Mistress Jasmina alter ego, he had been at The Cavern investigating the case, and Bale had drawn his attention. Not much longer after that, the man the press had dubbed the Claymore disappeared.

  If Bale was the illusive Claymore, then Lucian dressed as this Chameleon with a sword strapped to his hip no longer seemed that farfetched. Were the two a crime-fighting duo?

  Questions filled her head, and she hungered for the answers of every one of them. To hold her tongue was almost painful as she batted her lashes at Marco in a way she hoped he understood as Morse code for “you will tell me everything”.

  He winked in reply. “Gentlemen, let me fill you in on what’s going on, and how you can both help us out.”

  As the two gentlemen gathered ’round the collection of notes and surveillance material, Marco leaned close to whisper into her ear, “Were you aware that you were acquainted with two, maybe three, very powerful people?”

  “In what way?” she murmured in response.

  “You may yet to see with your own eyes. Let’s just say I don’t think the owners of The Cavern are from Sweden like they claim.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Marco smiled and Lucian turned to look at her from over his shoulder with a win

  She grabbed Marco by the sleeve. “When do I pitch a fit and make you tell me?”

  He chuckled and bussed her cheek then turned away to address the group. “Cam, I need every detail you remember about the house on the lake.”

  And just like that, Marco was in full police captain mode. Dinner nearly became a burnt mess as she ran back and forth between the kitchen and war room. The exchange of power amongst the men fascinated her as each lent their own level of expertise to the operations.

  Marco was the conductor, orchestrating each man’s contribution in just the right proportion. He listened with an attentive ear as Lieutenant Kirby of the SWAT team laid out his plan of attack.

  Several times her gaze wandered toward Lucian and Bale. Bale appeared as large and as menacing as ever with his ever-present scowl, but it was clear to her by the way his eyes constantly scanned the room and how he held his hands at his back while standing just behind Lucian that he considered the other man his superior.

  Just what was their relationship? She knew Lucian had once worked in his family’s sporting goods and excursion shop in a small town called Cedar, but the way he moved and spoke hinted at a strong military background.

  The entire exchange made her curiouser and curiouser, but the time to delve into that mystery was going to have to wait until the operation was over. The wait for the main event made her antsy and she wasn’t the only one feeling the effects. Anticipation of finally getting their man had the testosterone pumping at a rapid pace. When dinner was served, they attacked the roast like warriors and displayed more of their caveman ancestry. Gestures grew more animated and speech reduced down to grunts and short sentences. The men were ready for battle.

  “All right, gentlemen.” Marco tapped at his watch. “We reconvene in six hours. That’s oh-one-hundred. You know your marks. The only outside communication is between team leaders. Do not let myself or Lieutenant Kirby catch anyone making unauthorized phone calls or sending messages to anyone. I’ll break more than your phone. Understood?”

  “Yes sir,” the men replied in unison.

  Jasmine stood. “I’m going too.”

  Eight pairs of eyes turned in her direction.

  Marco blinked several times before his brows rose to his hairline. “What?”

  “I’m going too.”

  His chuckle died a quick death as he realized she was serious. “Are you insane?”

  “Far from it.” She crossed to his side. “Hear what I have to say before you get your boxers in a bunch and say something stupid and male. I’m not saying I want to storm the castle with you, but I want to be there. You’ll need medical support.”

  “That’s why the paramedics are on standby.”

  “And I will be with them. Are you objecting because you doubt my skills as a doctor or because we’ve had sex?”

  The men let out a collective groan and Marco flinched. “Geez, Jasmine. Did you have to pull the sex card? If that’s how you want to play, fine. I don’t want you anywhere near the danger. I don’t want you to even look at or be within breathing distance of anything that might harm you in any way, shape or form.”

  “That’s sweet.” She patted his cheek. “I’m going.”

  “I’ll stay with her,” Bale offered. “I’ll patrol the perimeter and if anyone tries to leave the ring that shouldn’t, I’ll push them back in. She’ll be safe, Captain.”

  “I don’t like it,” he grumbled.

  Jasmine laid her palm against his chest. “But you understand why I need to be there. I need to help somehow, someway.”

  “I still don’t like it.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead and slid his arms around her waist to draw her flush against his body. “You’ll owe me one.”

  She snorted. “I’ll owe you? On what planet?”

  “You know that you’re going to be on my mind the entire time. Once this is all over, I’m going to need an outlet for all of that worry.” His eyes narrowed and glittered with devious intent as his voice lowered to a near growl. “And I know exactly what I’ll need. Now do you understand?”

  Heat raced over her skin as her throat tightened. “I do.”

  He nodded twice then claimed her mouth in a desperate kiss.

  Marco feared for her. His worry was in the possessive grip of his hands and flick of his tongue as he sampled the inside of her mouth, but by no means did the concern run in one direction. She crushed the fabric of his button-down in one hand and gripped the back of his neck with the other as she kissed him back with all of the emotion she couldn’t yet put into words. Did he not think she was just as concerned for his safety as he was with hers? He put his life on the line every day, and if they were to continue on as a couple, moments like this were destined to become commonplace. The best thing either of them could do for each other was to stay strong, keep the home fires burning and never give up until they returned to each other’s arms.

  “Hey. Get a room, you two,” Bale said. “You’re making me miss my Ari.”

  “I wish I had an Ari,” Coulter chimed in, then gasped as Bale’s expression turned murderous. “Not your Ari, but an Ari. I haven’t had a girlfriend in much too long.”

  “Mistress Madeline is looking for a new sub,” Jasmine suggested.

  He laughed. “Neither of us is prepared for that matchup.”

  “You think you can top her?”

  “I know I can top her,” he replied with a cocky grin.

  “I’d pay to see that,” Marco said as he pulled her in the direction of one of the bedrooms. “But later. I want alone time with my girl first.”

  “A power nap will probably do us some good.”

  “Nap?” He stopped so quickly she ran into his back. “I’m planning on doing more than nap with you.”

  “Captain DeWinter. Are you suggesting that I would engage in illicit activities under the same roof and within earshot of your coworkers mere hours before an important tactical operation?”

  Pink darkened his cheeks. “Well…yeah.”

  She shook her head and clicked her tongue. “You are greatly mistaken. For that, you shall be punished.”

  His eyes brightened. “Now?”

  “Later. When you least expect it. Come.” She tugged him the rest of the way into the bedroom. “You may hold me while we nap.”

  “You will so owe me,” he muttered under his breath.

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “The suspect is not on the premises.”

  “Bullshit,” Marco spat into his headset and stepped over the remains of the mansion’s front door. “He’s here. Keep checking.”

  To his left and right, members of the SWAT team invaded each room on the main floor and restrained the few men who had been guarding the grounds and entrance. Coulter and the rest of his team followed behind him with guns drawn.

  “I want every piece of paper bagged and tagged,” Marco shouted over the sound of shouting and the occasional pop of gunfire in the distance. “Garbage, books, bag the whole goddamn building, if you can.”

  He took the stairs two at a time up to the second story. It killed him to go slow, but he forced his feet to take measured steps down the hall, scanning the interior of each room before moving on to the next.

  Lieutenant Kirby approached from the opposite end. “This floor is clear, Captain. No Smithwick.”

  “Sorry. I don’t believe that. Surveillance saw him arrive this afternoon and he hasn’t left. The little bastard is hiding here somewhere.”

  “We’ve checked both floors. No Smithwick. No girls. It looks like they left in a hurry. Maybe they were tipped off.”

  “Keep looking. They’re here. I know it.”

  He left Kirby and continued to the end of the hall where the double doors hung askew from the hinges after they had been kicked in. The bed sheets were rumpled and pillows were scattered across the floor as if they had been knocked aside.

  “He was here. I bet his stench is sti
ll on the bedding,” Marco said to Coulter, then spoke into the mic on his shoulder. “Cam. talk to me. Help me out here. Smithwick’s hiding.”

  Lucian replied from his perch on the roof. Remaining true to his vow of not interfering, he had agreed to stand sentinel and assist only when the situation became dire. “There is a large swell of emotion coming from the lower level.”

  “No shit,” Coulter replied. “There’s a lot of men kicking ass on the first floor.”

  “No,” Lucian countered. His voice coming in loud and clear on their headsets. “The lower level. Below the first floor.”

  “Below?” He exchanged a confused glance with Coulter. “The blueprints of the house show only two stories.”

  “I speak the truth, Captain. There is another level beneath you.”

  “Secret tunnels?” Coulter whispered. “That’s how he escaped last time from the Millstone building.”

  “Check the bathroom. I’ll try the closet.”

  Marco dashed into the huge walk-in and started yanking clothes of their hangers. Once the floor was littered with every thousand-dollar suit he got his hands on, he attacked the ceiling-high shoe rack.

  Coulter ran in a moment later. “Bathroom’s clear.”

  “There has to be a door here somewhere.”

  He reached for the tie rack and pulled. The entire case of shoes jolted and a soft popping sound released.

  With two fingers he gently nudged the side of the cabinet and held his breath as the entire console swung open in his direction. Tiny lights along the ground revealed a circular staircase that wound down.

  “Oh, we’re on to you now, you little shit.” He readied his weapon and took a step into the dark hallway.

  “That is so cool,” Coulter whispered and followed at his heels.

  Each step down the staircase made his pulse pound louder in his ears, and when the secret door snapped shut behind them, his heart about jumped out of his chest.

  “Is there a latch on this side?” he asked Coulter in a soft murmur.


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