Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition

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Dragon Lords Books 1 - 4 Box Set: Anniversary Edition Page 60

by Michelle M. Pillow

  Before the fireplace was a wood couch with plush black cushions, a matching wide-based chair, and a rocking chair—now that was something she’d heard of but had never seen. Draped over the end of the couch, she saw a tanned masculine hand. It wasn’t moving. She guessed Yusef was asleep, as she heard a soft snoring coming from his general area.

  Seeing her husband took her a little by surprise. It shouldn’t have, as she expected to see him eventually. But remembering his hands, so strong and sure as they touched her, sent a shiver over her spine. Instantly, she grabbed her sore arm and frowned. She wondered what the Pirate Code said about someone else healing you against your will. Honestly, it had never once come up until now. Most pirates were a callous lot and did not take well to nurturing each other.

  Ignoring Yusef, she stealthily moved across the wood floors. The boards did not creak as she walked over them. Going to the sliding glass door, she unlatched it and sneaked outside without making a sound.

  The air was surprisingly cool for such a bright day. Birds sang beautifully in the distance. Little noises of insects came from the large forest. The air was fresh and the sky a clear greenish-blue. Three suns shone in the cloudless sky—two yellow, one blue.

  Seeing a path leading into the forest, her curiosity got the better of her and she wandered off. The new, longer length of her hair was heavy on her back but she ignored it. She was sure she looked horrible. If anyone came across her, they would probably scream like they were under attack. Olena smiled. It wouldn’t be the first time she was mistaken for a witch. She just hoped the Qurilixen people didn’t burn anyone at the stake. She didn’t want to go through that one again.

  To her pleasure, she saw a small pond just off the side of the path. Picking her way through the yellow ferns she came to the edge and smiled. The water looked clear. Dipping her toe in, she smiled. It was warm.

  Olena glanced around and listened. The insects still buzzed, but aside from that the forest was quiet. Without further contemplation, she pulled the nightgown over her head and dove naked into the pond.

  * * *

  Yusef yawned, rubbing his tired eyes. He had been up most of the night looking after his wife. Her fits had stopped during the late hours and he could finally relax enough to sleep.

  After going to the bathroom, he went to check on his patient. Cracking open the door, he frowned. She was gone.

  Yusef pushed back his hair and made a quick survey of his home. Seeing the latch to the sliding glass door was unhooked, he went outside, not bothering with boots. It wasn’t hard for him to pick up her scent and he followed the trail to the east pond. Hearing splashing, he slowed. Seeing the discarded nightgown, he grinned.

  Coming up through the trees, he quietly pulled back a branch. The surface of the water rippled where she had gone under. He made his way to the shoreline, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for her to emerge.

  His wife surfaced with a graceful flow of the arms, leaning forward to float naked on the water before diving back under. He wanted to growl at the little wood sprite scene. His eyes blazed with golden fire. He found no reason to hide the dragon from her.

  He was sure she’d seen him on the shore, but was choosing to ignore him. When she stayed under a long time, he frowned, about ready to dive in after her. She broke through the surface with a loud gasp and treaded water. Slowly moving her arms, she brought herself around to face him.

  “You really shouldn’t be swimming in there,” Yusef called when she looked at him.

  “Why? Afraid I’ll drown?” She leaned back to get her hair off her face. The red flames were darkened by the water and drifted around her on the surface.

  “No,” he said, “givre.”

  “Giv—what?” she asked, her tone playful as she again dove under the surface, giving him a quick view of her very muscular backside. When she resurfaced, she had swum closer to better hear him.

  “Ah, snake, I believe is the Old Star language word. They love to swim these waters.”

  His bride laughed and swam back out to the middle where the sunlight was brighter. The warm light struck upon her body, as she turned in the water to let it hit her flesh.

  “Nice try, knight.” She chuckled. “The water is too nice. I don’t want to leave it quite yet.”

  “I am Yusef.” He frowned. Did she not remember him?

  “Whatever you say, knight.” She spit a mouthful of water in his direction. It fell very short of him, but she grinned impishly nonetheless.

  “Come,” he motioned his hand, not sure he liked the way she said the word “knight”. It didn’t exactly sound like a compliment. “It’s time to get out.”

  “No,” she sighed, again rinsing her mouth and spitting. “I’m not finished.”

  “Come on,” Yusef said. “Seriously.”

  “Oh, seriously? Well, seriously then, you’d better tell those boys over there that the show is over. I wouldn’t want to come racing out and startle them into manhood too quickly.”

  She jerked her finger to the far tree line and twirled herself in little, playful circles. Yusef frowned, instantly seeing what she meant. He saw a head pop back behind a large trunk. Giving a gruff wave of his hand, he shooed them away. The pack of obnoxious boys ran off into the forest, laughing.

  “They’ve had me trapped for some time,” his wife said. She didn’t seem all that concerned by it.

  “The medic warned that you shouldn’t spend too much time in the sun today. The injection he gave you can make you sensitive.” Yusef eyed her eager to see her naked body more fully.

  “Nice try, knight,” she called, swimming forward. She came up closer than before. Droplets of water clung to her face and lips. “You’re just trying to get a show of your own.”

  “If I wanted a show, wife, I would go swimming with you,” he answered without flinching.

  That brought her up short. He’d knocked her off guard.

  She waited, as if to see if he would turn around to give her privacy. When he didn’t, she shrugged, and stood in the shallow water.

  Yusef’s gaze devoured her naked, wet flesh. His wife rang out her hair, twisting the locks before throwing them over her shoulder. In the sunlight, he noticed her nether hair was a darker shade than her fiery locks. If he was a weak man, he would have fallen to his knees and worshiped at her feet.

  “Finished?” she asked, her hands moving to her hips. She didn’t even try to cover herself from his view.

  “No.” He was pleased she wasn’t too shy to stand before him. “You’re shivering. Come here. Let me warm you.”

  “No thanks, knight,” she tossed glibly. “I’m warm enough.”

  “Then come cool me for I am hot.”

  She stepped forward, opening her mouth, probably to return a quick jibe, when instead she gasped. Flinching as if in pain, she looked down at her ankle.

  “Ah, great.” She made an annoyed sound of irritation. Blood trailed over her anklebone. His wife blinked heavily, her eyes rolling in her head as she fell forward into his arms.

  Yusef caught her naked, unconscious body against his chest. The telltale red and black tail of a givre slithered into the water. Cursing, he easily lifted her up into his arms and carried her quickly back to his home.

  Chapter 10

  Yusef set his wife’s naked body on their bed and immediately went to the intercom to call for a medic.

  Her body was limp as he dried her off and she didn’t make a sound. Yusef noticed her skin was slowly turning a subtle shade of pink. He continued his tender administrations even as he cursed at her for being too stubborn to listen to him. His stomach tight with worry, he gruffly called for the medic to enter when he heard the man’s knock.

  “Draea Anwealda,” Tal said. He was the same medic who had taken care of her the day before. Seeing his wet patient wearing one of Yusef’s large cotton shirts, he frowned. When Yusef looked back down, he saw her skin was becoming increasingly redder.

  “Tal,” Yusef acknowle
dged with a curt nod. He stepped back to let the man work.

  “This is a stubborn one you have.” Tal shook his head. He sighed heavily, setting down his bag to delve through it. Finding the instruments he needed, he confirmed, “She went out in the sun, didn’t she?”

  Yusef nodded. “She did.”

  “And swimming, I see,” Tal said, taking a reading from her arm. He shook his head slightly. “I take it she met up with a givre?”

  “Yes,” Yusef said, his brow furrowing. “She fainted from the bite.”

  “It probably wasn’t the bite that did it. It was more than likely the shock of the givre’s mild venom combined with the medication I gave her for her allergy.” Tal injected his patient with a new medicine and then quickly drew his arms back and away. She jumped in surprise, instantly opening her eyes.

  Glancing first at Yusef and then at Tal, she swung her arm at the medic’s hand holding the needle. Tal easily avoided being struck. He pulled away with a frown.

  “Ow,” Olena gasped at the pain the movement caused her. She reached to her angry red back and flinched. Accusingly, she glared at Yusef. “Ugh, what’d you do to me, supernova?”

  “You did it to yourself,” Tal answered with the authoritative tone of a doctor scolding a wayward patient. He took another reading from her arm and nodded to himself in satisfaction. Almost distracted, he ordered her, “This time, try to stay out of the sun for the rest of today. You should be fine by tomorrow.”

  “What about those burns?” Yusef asked, nodding at her face. Every inch of her was bright red. Even her eyes had a pink tint to them.

  Tal frowned and lectured, “I should let you wait it out to make sure you’ve learned your lesson, my lady, but I’ll give you a lotion to put on it. It too should be better by tomorrow. Take it easy, drink plenty of water, sleep and you should be fine.”

  She looked as if she would’ve said something sarcastic in return. Then, wearily, she nodded. Yusef suspected her agreement was to get the man to stop reprimanding her.

  The medic handed Yusef skin cream and eye drops. “Give her those pain pills if she will take them. I can’t give her any more injections just now until the other medicine filters out of her system.”

  “Thank you,” Yusef said. When Tal had gone, he turned to his bride and shook his head. “You really should listen to me when I tell you things.”

  “Could you save the lecture until a little later, knight?” She closed her eyes. “I’m kind of hurting right now and that doc just made my head swim with his yammering.”

  “Are you going to take the medicine this time, or should I just leave you to suffer?” He tried not to smile at her fighting spirit. Was this woman just bent on doing herself harm? He had half a mind to tie her to the bed and keep her prisoner, just to save her from herself.

  “I’ll take it,” she grumbled sheepishly.

  “All right, that’s more like it,” Yusef said, glad to see he wasn’t going to have to pin her down like the night before and force medicine on her. He went to get a glass of water and the pills. When he came back, she hadn’t moved.

  Yusef touched her back to help her sit up. She dutifully took what he gave her. Her skin was hot. “Let’s get this tunic off and I’ll put some of that cream on you.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, knight,” she mumbled. But she did not fight him when he lifted the shirt off her skin so she could lie against the cold sheets. A weak moan left her lips as she shut her eyes.

  He slowly rubbed the cream over her burning body, careful to keep his touch light. Almost instantly the worst of the burn faded. She moaned again, but this time it sounded more like pleasure than pain.

  Yusef’s body lurched in response to the soft, feminine sound. He quickly buried his passions. Now was definitely not the time.

  Peeking at him through red eyelids, she said, “You’re quite the nursemaid.”

  Her tone was soft and he could tell by the look on her face that those simple words were the closest she had ever come to saying thank you. He smiled at her, running his hands over her face. His palm whispered over her lips and she shivered uncontrollably.

  He wanted to let his fingers linger on her skin, but he forced them to make quick work of his task. She was in no condition to receive his attentions. When her body was soothed and healing, he placed eye drops into her eyes, and covered her with the sheet.

  She smiled wryly at him even as the pain pills began to work, forcing her to fall into a drug induced sleep.

  Yusef stood, looking down at his wife. Her rosy face was not as bad as a moment ago. Her hair fanned around her head in damp tangles. Slowly, he shook his head and picked up his discarded tunic.

  Retrieving a brush from the bathroom, he brushed her hair out for her in quick strokes, doing what he could to keep the locks from drying into knots. Then, going to the kitchen, he made himself breakfast and ate alone at his dining table.

  The second day of his marriage was spent in the same way as the first, tending to an unconscious, sick wife.

  * * *

  That evening when Olena awoke, it was to find Yusef at the end of the bed. His feet were resting on the edge, the legs of his chair tilted back as he studied her intently.

  Olena flushed. She was lying on her side. Her arm bent beneath her head, the other rested seductively over her waist, and the top sheet was pulled down around her hips to reveal her breasts and stomach.

  “Don’t move,” Yusef ordered quietly. He worked his hands, but she couldn’t see what he was doing in the dim light. His voice was low and hoarse as he spoke. Something in his tone kept her from sitting up.

  “What are you doing?” Olena asked. Suddenly scowling, she asked, “You’re not, ah, playing with yourself, are you, knight?”

  Yusef chuckled. A stunning smile formed on his handsome, dark face, making her tingle with feminine longing. “No, wife, I would rather have you play with me.”

  Olena blushed. Merely looking at his bold figure did strange things to her insides. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he were to touch her. It wasn’t like he had festival rules to stop him. Remembering how he denied her, after she practically threw herself at him, helped to cool her ardor some—but not much.

  “So what are you doing then?” she asked. Her lids dipped over her eyes. She concentrated on being very still.

  “I’m carving you,” he answered. Suddenly, he dropped his feet. The chair righted itself with a thud. Yusef set a small knife on his dresser. “You can move now.”

  Olena sat up, pulling the sheet to hide her breasts. Her body was still sore, but didn’t hurt nearly as bad as before.

  “How do you feel?” He stood.

  “Ah, fine. I’ve been through worse. But I tell you if that Tal comes at me with another shot, I might lay him out good.” If the medic hadn’t been helping her for the second time, she would have beaten him senseless for daring to lecture her like a child. As it was, she was grateful her skin no longer felt as if she was being burned at the stake.

  Yusef chuckled. “I would be nice to him if I were you. He’s saved your life twice.”

  “Oh.” Her frown deepened, and she grumbled, “I’ll send him a card or something.”

  “That won’t be necessary. Tal sent the bill around this afternoon.”

  “You’re a nobleman,” she said, defensively. “I am sure you can afford it.”

  Yusef’s smile faded and he watched her carefully. “What makes you think I am a nobleman?”

  “The servant at the festival called you lordship, and this house.” Olena waved her hand to encompass the area.


  “You’re not, are you?” Olena gave a delicate shrug, causing the sheet to dip low. “Oh, well, a girl can’t have everything.”

  He chuckled.

  “Servants would have been fun, but I much prefer not to be noble.” It would be harder to sneak around the galaxy if her picture was published everywhere as a missing ladyship. Though, on the other hand
, those credentials could gain her access to some very exclusive marks.

  “What’s your name?” he asked, keeping his tone light.

  Olena’s smiled widened. She was not going to tell him. She enjoyed teasing him too much.

  “Well, knight, are you going to let me see me or what?” Olena demanded, holding her hand out and wiggling her fingers.

  Yusef tossed the carving at her. Olena caught it with both hands. To his obvious delight, she dropped the sheet to do it. Quickly, she righted her covers, moving back to lean against the dragon headboard. She held the sheet in place with her arms.

  She studied the carving in amazement. It looked exactly like her, though the edges were a little rough and unfinished, down to the way her hair curled by her temples when she let it dry naturally. It was perhaps one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. Hiding her emotions, she forced a sardonic tenor to her words, as she expressed, “Typical.”

  Yusef raised a brow. Olena tossed it back at him.

  “You made my breasts bigger,” she explained, acting as if she didn’t care. Inside, she shook. This game was getting too close.

  Remember your scar, she thought, trying to remind herself to be strong. Hurt flickered in his eyes before he hid the emotion. The look struck a nerve, causing her actual pain inside her chest. Great. I must have hit my head when I fainted. Fine pirate I’m turning out to be.

  Olena had a feeling her entire arm would be marked with cuts before this ordeal was over—especially if he kept looking at her with those liquid, shifting eyes of molten gray and gold.

  He pulled open a dresser drawer and dropped the sculpture unceremoniously inside. Olena’s eyes nonchalantly followed the movement. She itched to get a hold of it. She wanted to keep it.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “Mm, starving,” Olena admitted. Without thinking, she added, “You wouldn’t happen to have any clothes I could borrow, would you?”

  Yusef glanced at her bags on the floor.


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