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HANDS OFF MY WIFE_Black Cossacks MC Page 6

by Claire St. Rose

  King slid into a corner booth, patting the seat next to him. I sat down, but didn't slide right up next to him like he'd hoped. Instead, I kept a couple of feet of distance between us.

  “What is this place?” I asked, yelling to make myself heard over the noise. “And why did you bring me here?”

  King waved down the bartender, motioning for him to bring us some drinks. He never asked me what I wanted, just ordered for me. Which I thought was rude, pretentious, and obnoxious as hell.

  “It's my bar,” he said coolly, leaning back in the booth, turning those cool blue eyes to me.

  “What do you mean your bar? Like the bar you hang out in?” I asked.

  The bartender dropped off two beers, gave King a nod, me a lustful leer. “Hey, man,” he said, rolling up his sleeves and showcasing arms covered in tattoos. I could only make out a few of the pictures – some skulls, a half-naked woman and some writing I couldn't make out. “So who's your lady friend?”

  “This is Abbie,” King said, popping the top of the beer off with his hand before handing it to me. “She's a friend of mine.”

  I snorted at that, making both King and the bartender stare at me.

  “Sorry, it's just – well, I wouldn't exactly call us friends. Would you?”

  “Then what would you call us?” King said, opening his beer the same way and taking a nice, long chug off his bottle.

  To be honest, I really didn't know. Did you often climb on the back of a guy's motorcycle if he weren’t your friend? I guess I did. But I still wouldn't necessarily call King a friend of mine. I racked my brain but couldn't figure out how best to describe him.

  I shrugged. “I don't know what I'd call you, but a friend? That's stretching it a bit.”

  King brushed it off. “This is Raven,” he said, motioning to the bartender with the tatted up arms.

  Raven had jet-black hair that went down to his waist. He was pretty. But he'd probably be stunningly gorgeous if it wasn't for the scars dotting his face. He'd had a rough life, it was pretty clearly written all of over him.

  “Nice to meet you, Raven,” I said. “May I ask – is that your real name or just a nickname?”

  “It's as real a name as I need, babygirl,” he said, winking at me. “Anyway, I'm gonna leave you two alone, but let me know if you need anything. I'll be right over there.”

  Raven walked away, leaving us alone. I held the beer in my hand, pretending to read the label. I was doing everything I could to avoid looking at King – my friend. I wasn't much of a beer drinker, but I took a sip anyway just to give myself something to do. Disgusting. Tasted like horse piss. But I didn't think this was the type of place you could order a martini in, much less a Cosmo, so it would have to do.

  “So your bar? What did you mean by that?” I asked again, staring at the bottle in my hand to avoid meeting his gaze.

  “I own it,” he said. “It's my bar, like I said.”

  “You own this place?” I asked, looking around, taking it all in for the first time.

  But as I turned to look at King, trying to think of what else I could talk about, he planted his lips firmly against mine, kissing me. My head spun as his tongue forced its way into my mouth. His hands held onto my face, pulling me into him. Shock sent a surge of adrenaline through me. I couldn't believe he was kissing me – and yet I didn't find myself pulling away.

  It had been so long since someone had kissed me like that – it really took me by surprise. With my long string of non-relationships with wishy-washy men who really had no idea what they were doing, King was a surprise. A very pleasant surprise. He was bold. Daring. Not afraid to go after what he wanted. And I felt my body responding to that.

  In that moment, I felt like we were not in a bar, but were far away from everyone else. My head was spinning with the all of the sensory input that suddenly seemed so completely overwhelming – the sound of the music, the noise of the people around us, King's hand holding my face against his, kissing me with everything he had. The taste of his lips, the way he nibbled my lips and almost made it feel like it might bleed. All of it was too much for me, and briefly, I forgot how to breathe.

  My heart beat heavily in my chest and my skin felt like it was on fire. The longer he kissed me, the more his tongue danced in my mouth, the harder and faster my heart beat – the harder it was to pull away and stop everything. King had to have felt it. He had to have known I wanted this. Which meant I was in big, big trouble.

  The last thing you should give a man like King is power over you. And as he kissed me, he knew he had just that.



  She'd wanted it all along. Just like I knew she did. This girl was just like the rest – she played a big game, but deep down, she wanted me just like the others did. And whether she was willing to admit it or not – hell, whether she even knew it or not – I had her right where I wanted her. Abbie needed to let loose a little, needed to have some fun. She totally needed to let her hair down and just give in to her wild side – a wild side I knew was in there somewhere. And that's exactly what we were going to do.

  Suddenly, she pulled back from my kiss, staring me down as if she couldn't believe what had happened. She pulled her hand back, and I knew what was coming before her hand even made contact with my skin. I heard the crack before I felt the sting as she slapped me in the face. She'd gotten in a pretty good pop, but it wasn't anywhere near hard enough to do any damage. It was cute, really. I gave her a smile and shook my head.

  A few people nearby hooted and hollered, giving me a hard time.

  “She got you, didn't she, King?” a woman nearby laughed, shaking her head. “Good for her. I've wanted to do that for years now.”

  But Abbie didn't know what was coming to her, not yet. Before she pulled her hand back, I grabbed onto it, holding her tiny little wrist in my hand. She looked at me, eyes wide, but she wasn't afraid of me. Her jaw was set and she narrowed her eyes in a look of defiance. No, she wasn't afraid of what I was going to do. If I'd had to guess, she was only afraid of what she was going to do. Because we both knew she wanted it. She could protest all she wanted and play the part of the good girl, but that didn't change the facts – I'd seen it in her eyes and felt it in the way she'd kissed me back.

  Still holding her by the wrist, I pulled her from the booth and led down the hallway toward the bathrooms. She didn't protest too much. Hell, she didn't protest at all really. She followed along and simply asked, “Where are you taking me?” as we moved toward the back of the bar, where we could have a moment alone.

  This girl drove me crazy in a way no one else had, and I needed her now. My whole body felt like it had bolts of electricity coursing through it and my every nerve ending was on fire. My erection pressed against my tight jeans and it hurt like hell. I needed a release and I needed it now. I needed Abbie and I knew she wanted me, so why not give into it? Why deny what we both knew? Why deny our most basic and primal desires? Just because she wasn't my type? Oh, I'd make this woman my type, all right. That feisty, dominant veneer she carried herself with was already slipping away. I could see it. I could feel it. Her desire for me was so strong, I could smell it. And beneath the veneer of her feisty, dominant personality was the more submissive woman I'd been dying to meet all along. The one who'd let me have my way with her, who'd let me do whatever I'd like to her sweet little body.

  And trust me, I was going to do just that.

  I steered her into an alcove near the restrooms, pushing her back was up against the wall. My body pressed into hers, letting her feel how hard she'd made me, as I kissed her again. If she thought the last kiss was rough, she was in for a surprise as I pushed my tongue past those sweet lips of hers and kissed her so hard, I felt her breath slip out of her. She whimpered against me, her entire body growing limper and weaker against mine. I was about the only thing holding her up as we kissed. Taking her hands in mind, I pinned them to the wall above her head, preventing her from slapping me again – no
t that I thought she would. I thought her slapping me before was simply a show for the people in the bar. A show for me. To show me that nothing I could do would tamp down that fire in her, that no matter what I did, her spirit and defiance would remain.

  I pulled back from the kiss and whispered in her ear, “You want this, don't you?”

  She didn't answer, so I nibbled her ear lobe. A soft gasp escaped her throat and I felt her body shudder beneath mine, but she continued to give me the silent treatment.

  “Come on, Abbie. You want me to fuck you right here, right now, don't you? Say it, baby. I want to hear you say it.”

  She whimpered, but I couldn't make out if that was a yes or no. I wasn't one to do anything against a woman's will, no matter how much of a show I might put on. I wanted her to be a little afraid. I wanted her to fear what I might do. I wanted to feel her tremble, thinking that maybe I was going to take her against her will. But I knew I wouldn't. I had to know she wanted this.

  I met her gaze, pressing our foreheads together, and in her eyes, I could see she wanted to tell me, “Yes” but her mouth couldn't find the words. I held both of her tiny little hands in one of mine and let my other hand wander down the length of her face. I kept eye contact with her as I stroked her cheek and chin, then ran my fingertips along her collarbone, drawing a soft sigh of pleasure from her. As her lower lip trembled and she closed her eyes, reveling in the sensations, I slid my hand down farther, sliding it along her chest as I cupped her breasts.

  Her nipples were hard and pressing against the material of her shirt. With a small smile, I circled one of with my fingertip, gently brushing it. Her entire body shuddered against mind as I touched her. She kept her eyes closed and her breathing became ragged. She threw her head back against the wall as her lower body pressed into mine. She ground herself against me and tried to wrap legs around my waist.

  “Now's the time to say no, Abbie,” I whispered against her flesh, kissing her neck and collarbone as I continued stroking her nipple through her shirt. “No harm, no foul. Just say no.”

  No response came from her. Not from her mouth, at least. But the way she moved her body, she all but cried out “Yes, yes, yes.”

  My hand slipped from her nipple down to her skirt. I moved up her thigh, pushing her panties aside and slid a finger inside of her. So moist and tight. She ground herself against my hand, and again, she gave me no sign that she wanted me to stop what I was doing. She continued to grind herself against me, seeming to be encouraging me to keep going. Her pussy was so wet, so warm, so ready for me. Her breath was hoarse and she moaned softly.

  I had my answer.

  “Raven?” I called out, not pulling myself away from Abbie as I spoke.

  “Yes, King?” Raven popped his head into the hallway, a knowing grin on his face as he saw me with Abbie in the alcove.

  “Close the bar, will ya? And make it fast.”

  “Sure thing, boss,” Raven said, disappearing once more.

  The music stopped as people let out disgruntled sounds and shouts, but Raven said, “Boss's orders. Bar is closed for the night, see ya all back here tomorrow night.”

  I stared at Abbie, my finger buried inside that tight little pussy, moving in and out as she stared at me wide-eyed and full of lust.

  She wanted this. She'd had her chance to say no – hell, she'd had more than one chance – and she hadn't. Her body was ready for me.

  And I was ready for her.

  Raven cleared the place out quickly, and I heard him leave and lock up behind him.

  We were alone. And I was going to finally make it all up to Abbie. Not to mention getting something I really wanted out of the deal.



  I'd never slept with a man on a first date – but could this even actually be considered a date? Still, as King slid his finger inside of me, playing with me, kissing me and sucking on my neck, all I wanted to do was fuck him right then, right there in that hallway. Who cared if anyone was still lingering about in the bar? I sure as hell didn't. For all I knew, Raven was still there, peeking at us from around the corner as he handled his own business, but I couldn't care less. At that point, nothing else mattered but King and the sensations that rippled through me. My body's desire pushed any sense of logic from my brain as King had his way with me – as I let him have his way with me.

  The feeling of King's scruffy face against my skin sent chills down my spine and his rough hands touched me in ways no one had ever touched me before. He explored my body as if he owned it, had every right to be there, and I wasn't denying him the privilege of doing so. In fact, I was enjoying it. It allowed me to not feel guilty for what was happening as I stepped back and let somebody other than me take control for once.

  I didn't know if he understood what a monumental thing that was for me. I was so tightly controlled in my life. I never let go. I never ceded control of myself to anybody for anything at any time. But this – giving all of my power and control to him. It was making me feel things I'd never felt before. And I liked it. I liked it a lot. But then, maybe he did know. Maybe he did understand. And maybe that was his gift to me – the way he was making it all up to me. By making me feel the sort of pleasure I never had before.

  Besides, I was pinned there and couldn't move, pressed between the wall and King's body, which was rock hard and oh so strong. It's not like I really could have resisted even if I'd wanted to. But in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to reach out and stroke that chest. I wanted nothing more than to touch him. To take back some small particle of control and give him the kind of pleasure he was giving me. But my hands were pinned above my head. I couldn't move, even if I'd wanted to. He was all over me, pressing that hard cock into my belly as he fingered me.

  “Please,” I muttered out loud, pressing myself into him. “Please, King...”

  “Please what, princess?” he asked me, pulling his mouth away from my cleavage long enough to look up at me with that mischievous smile splashed across his chiseled face.

  As he spoke, he buried not one, but two of his large, rough fingers even deeper inside of me, making me twitch and squeal as shockwaves of pleasure rolled through me. His fingers were so deep inside of me and he was pumping them in and out – but I wanted more of him inside of me. Much more.

  “Fuck me,” I whimpered. “Please...”

  “Not just yet,” he said, lifting my shirt off over my head, exposing my black lacy bra. “I have other plans first.”

  He finally let my hands go, but just to remove my bra. He unsnapped it and let it fall to the ground at our feet. My breasts stood perky and at attention as he stared down at them, a look of pure and utter need in those eyes. He took one into his mouth, sucking the nipple while burying his fingers inside of me once more. It was like an electrical current ran from my nipple straight to my pussy and, in that moment, I didn't know what was happening. My entire body was on fire, spasming out of control. I wasn't sure if I was screaming or whimpering, but whatever I was doing, King was enjoying it. He kept sucking on my nipple while he finger fucked me up against the wall. It was almost too much for me. It was complete sensory overload and the sensations erupting within me bordered on pleasure and pain. I felt my head spinning and was growing light headed, but then the world stopped for a moment and all of my senses began to dull – but only slightly. My body felt like a live electrical current and I wanted more. Nothing else mattered but him and me.

  The earth below me felt like it shook as an orgasm rocketed throughout my entire body. My body spasmed and jerked, making me latch tightly onto King's head. I pulled at his hair as I bucked wildly against the wall. My body seemed to be acting on its own and I felt my head falling from side to side as pleasure ripped through my body.

  “Oh, God,” I cried out over and over again, unable to even think rationally as he fucked me harder with his fingers, ramming them so deep inside of me.

  “You like that, baby?” King's voice cut through the
noise in my head like a spotlight from a lighthouse on a foggy night at sea.

  What he was doing to me felt so fucking good. “Yes, yes, yes,” I muttered softly as the orgasm wound down.

  I felt shivers spreading throughout my entire body and my hair standing on end even as the pleasure subsided. My breathing was heavy and my hair was a mess, but King didn't seem to mind. Standing up, he grabbed my hands again, holding them above my head.

  “You like that, Abbie?” he asked, his breath hot against my skin.

  “Yes,” I managed to choke out. “I like it a lot. I want more. I need more. Please...”

  “Good. I'm glad you liked that, princess,” he said, a devious smirk on his face. “Because if you liked that, you're really going to like what I'm going to do to you next...”

  King let my hands go and dropped down to his knees. There was a glint in his eyes as he slid my panties down, taking them completely off of me and tossed them onto the floor. Looking up at me with those deep blue eyes, he winked before leaning forward, burying his face into my pussy, flicking my clit with the tip of his tongue. The feeling of his mouth on me caused me to jump and shudder again. I was still so sensitive, especially after my orgasm, but King went to town anyway, burying his tongue deep inside of me.


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