Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time

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Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Page 10

by Sherry Ewing

  Chapter 21

  Killian said a final amen to his prayers. He had been coming here each morn and eve in the hopes that God above would hear his heartfelt plea for Ella’s safety and deliverance from the evil that had taken her.

  He nodded to one of the monks as he left the abbey’s chapel. His purse was lighter after bargaining with the head priest on the only solution Killian could come up with to ensure Ella’s son would no longer pursue them. Not that he cared about the monies he willingly forfeited. He would gladly give all he owned in the world in order for the woman he loved to be here with him now.

  The monk had insisted they be compensated for the loss that would come to them, not to mention the lie that would need to pass from his lips. Killian had emphasized that no harm would come to the abbey itself. They had finally come to agreement after the hefty donation on Killian’s part. He would set fire to one of the outer buildings and Faramond would be told his mother died in the flames. Their plan had to work and once Ella was back in his arms, he planned to never let her go again.

  He made his way outside, shielding his eyes from the blinding sunlight. She should have been here by now. Killian was unsure how much patience he had left before he would make his way back to Hull and take her by force if necessary. He felt he could take down the damn keep stone by stone if need be, yet he knew such an action would only get him either killed or in a cell next to his woman.

  He began pacing the courtyard of the abbey grounds when a figure appeared on the outskirts of the forest. A man by the looks or, rather, a lad given his smaller stature. He was dirty and looked weary from his travels. Yet there was something familiar about his stance that had Killian staring at the man who quickly approached after throwing down whatever he had been holding in his arms. And then it dawned on him, causing him to smile as he ran to her.

  “Killian…” she called out as she, too, began to run.

  “Ella…” he bellowed, holding out his hands toward her.

  She flung herself into his body as his arms wrapped around her holding her close before his lips sought hers. He felt the tears cascading down her cheeks while his fingers caressed her face. He deepened their kiss before common sense took hold of his senses. He reluctantly pulled his lips from hers and at last took in her appearance, not to mention the smell emitting from the tiny woman before him. She had found a convincing way of making sure no one would come near her.

  He gave a light-hearted chuckle and pulled at his beard. “Methinks ye be in need of a bath, my lady. Ye are too reminiscent of another young lass of our acquaintance who took tae a similar disguise when the enemy was at hand.”

  “Get me away from here and at a safe distance from my son and I shall be more than happy to bathe in the closest stream available.”

  He took hold of her hand. “Ye are well and no one followed ye?”

  “For the most part, but let us away lest my son is following too close for my comfort.” Ella looked over her shoulder as though Faramond would appear behind her at any moment. “I have spent the last two days hiding from the patrols he has sent out searching for me. ’Twill only be a matter of time before he heads toward the abbey, although I have been attempting to lead them away in any other direction but here.”

  “Ye are a clever woman, Ella Fitzpatrick,” Killian murmured, impressed with her ability to survive off the land. Taking her hand, he led her to where she had dropped her bundle. “What have ye here?”

  “My dress and some coin Isabel parted with, although I know not what she thought about giving me such a small fortune,” she answered while gathering her meager belongings. “I would have been hard pressed to explain the garb if I had been questioned.”

  “Let us be thankful ye were not,” he said, before heading in the direction opposite to whence she came.

  Killian began to quicken his pace. There was a sense of urgency to get Ella far away from the abbey and her son. They made their way to the outer building he planned to raze. Mystic was already saddled and waiting for them. He turned, placing his hand around Ella’s waist and lifted her onto the pillion. Taking her satchel, he thrust it into one of the bags and secured the fastener.

  “Wait here,” he ordered, before reaching for a torch he had left hidden in the brush. He knelt upon the ground with flint in hand and began to work on lighting the pile of kindling that would ensure their escape. Quickly the fire started and Killian went inside the building and began to set aflame various piles of hay he had placed there the day before. Going back outside, he circled the building setting fire to the roof before tossing the near spent torch inside the doorway.

  Making his way back to Ella, he leapt into the saddle before looking once more at the near engulfed building. With his heel, he nudged Mystic’s side, causing the horse to bolt forward in his eagerness to get away from the building that would soon burn down to the ground.

  Killian wasted no time finding the dirt road and set his horse to galloping in a south-western direction. He knew the general location of Conisbrough Castle and where Henry de Rune resided. He was relying on Ella’s knowledge of the area in order for him to get her to the time gate at the correct hour… that is if she still wished to be with the knight.

  Miles quickly passed them by, and he was beginning to feel as though he could at last breathe with the knowledge that Ella was safe. They came upon no one, which was either a blessing or a warning to be wary. He felt her grip his tunic tighter as though she had read his mind and he reached for her arm pulling her closer against his back. He could feel her hesitation.

  “I do not wish ye tae fall off, Ella,” he said, pulling on the reins to slow the animal beneath them as he made his way into the forest. He would need to find them shelter for the night, not to mention have speech with the lady.

  “And I have no desire to find myself falling to the ground to be trampled beneath the hooves of this beast,” Ella explained. “But considering how I can barely stand the smell of my own clothing, I do not wish to have your freshly washed garments reeking the same if I get too close.”

  He muttered an oath. “Yer son shall pay for his treatment of ye.”

  Her hand came to gently rest upon his forearm. “Forget him. I know I already have,” she murmured but Killian did not miss the hurt resonating in the sound of her voice.

  They came upon a slow running river and Killian kept Mystic in the water to erase their trail in case they were followed. Traveling at least another mile, Killian spotted a small inlet where another stream joined the waterway. He turned Mystic in that direction, making the decision they had traveled far enough this day. He raised his head to the sky. Night would fall soon. He would let Ella bathe in privacy while he went about finding them something for their supper.

  Jumping down, he took the reins and led his steed farther into the forest to keep from being seen. He came upon a mossy area and, although ’twould not be as comfortable as a bed found in an inn, he could at least offer this to Ella to sleep upon.

  He lifted her from Mystic and she stumbled into him when her knees buckled beneath her. Mumbling an apology, she set to work to get her things while Killian fumbled in his saddlebag for a bar of soap. Silently, he gave it to her while she nodded her thanks before taking herself from his sight.

  He went about setting up camp before taking himself off into the woods to see what he could find to break their fast. He made sure he went in the opposite direction to that his lady had gone, certain he would have no self-control if he came upon her while she bathed.

  Drawn to the billowing smoke seen when he came to a small rise, Faramond gave a might curse before making his way in the general direction of a well-known abbey. The smell of burning wood filled his nostrils when they neared. A monk came from a nearby chapel and a bellow of rage burst from Faramond’s lips when the monk told him his mother had taken refuge inside what little remained of the dwelling.

  Faramond fell to his knees in anguish… not from the news that mayhap his mother had taken her o
wn life to be rid of her fate, but from the knowledge that all his scheming and planning to restore his title and good name were for naught. Tears came unbidden from his eyes. All was lost… he would never be the same. What would become of him now?

  Chapter 22

  The silence was deafening. Only the crackling fire penetrated the air around them as they finished their meal. Ella had been thankful earlier for the time alone to clean herself and her skin no longer felt like it was crawling with unseen bugs after her time in Hull’s dungeon. The cold river had done wonders to revive her spirits. Now, here she sat contemplating the man before her. He was hard to read.



  They spoke at the same time, as though they were both aware of what must be spoken between them. She set down her tin plate and watched as Killian did the same before he brushed at his beard with his fingers. Their eyes met across the dancing flames of the fire, causing Ella’s breath to leap into her throat. She could guess what the man before her was thinking from the fleeting emotions that swept across his features. With her heart hammering inside her chest, she rose and came to sit next to the Scotsman who had saved her life in more ways than he knew.

  “I cannot begin to thank you for all you have done for me of late,” she began before taking his hand. His callused thumb began moving across her skin causing tiny goose bumps to race up her arm.

  “Ye know I could do no less,” he murmured. “’Twere a fair amount of time since I have had the opportunity tae save a fair damsel in distress.” He chuckled in merriment at his own jest.

  “’Tis far more than saving me from the fate awaiting me at Hull. You have been so patient with me in my attempts to come to terms with my life.”

  “Ye are safe now and ’tis all that matters.”

  “My safety is only a part of the issue here, Killian. I have been terribly confused of late.”

  “There is only one question that is of import, Ella.” His mouth then opened and closed several times. He was apparently trying to find the right words while his eyes flickered with uncertainty. He reached over for a flagon she knew held some form of drink and took a long pull before he offered her a sip.

  She put the flask to her lips hoping the alcohol would also help calm her nerves. “Go on,” she murmured before handing him back the container. “I will answer any questions you may have.”

  “Are we close tae where you crossed time tae be with de Rune?” he asked, his tone gruff and strained.

  “Aye,” she said with remorse that she no longer wished to see Henry. “’Tis strange how I have known when I needed to be in certain places at particular times. Must be the Time Fairies having their way with me.” She laughed, trying to make light of the heavy conversation she knew was coming.

  “Do ye really wish for me tae take ye tae him, then?” he blurted out, his angry words echoing off into the woods.

  Ella feared the reaction her decision might bring. Her answer would change not only everything she had been living for up to this point in her second chance at finding love, but also her relationship with Killian. Her hand rose up to his cheek while she caressed the softness of his whiskers with her fingertips. “That all depends on you,” she finally answered, before dropping her hand, tilting her head to one side, studying the expression on his face.

  “’Tis not for me tae decide. I have already told ye I will take ye wherever ye wish tae go. However, I canna read yer mind about who ye wish tae be with,” he grumbled, turning his head towards the fire and away from her assessment of him.

  “What if I told you the only place I want to be is with you. I now wish only to have a place inside your heart?”

  “Do not jest with me, woman. I already feel I have been tae hell and back wondering how tae get ye out of that damned dungeon so I can claim ye as my own. I do not know how I would survive if I lost ye again, whether that be tae yer son or Time itself.”

  Reaching over, she gently turned his head toward her. “I am not jesting with you, Killian. ’Tis my heartfelt desire to always be with you.”

  She heard the air leave his lungs as if he had been holding his breath. “And what of de Rune?” he asked, with a raised brow. “I cannae readily dismiss how ye have cared for him all these years, but does he still own a piece of yer heart?”

  Ella stood and began pacing before she turned to face him again. “I will not lie to you and say my feelings for Henry are all in the past. I am grateful to him. Falling through Time not once but twice has led me to you. If I had not followed this path, where would I be?”

  “’Tis hard tae say. Time is fickle… or so I have heard from others who have crossed such an unbelievable barrier and come tae Berwyck’s gates.”

  Ella nodded her head in agreement. “I may not have known at the time during my years of wandering, but, in truth, the person who I fell through Time for was not Henry. That man is the one I see sitting before me now.”

  “Ye can still be with him on the morrow if ’tis yer wish. Ye can change yer fate by simply telling me when we reach the place in the road near Conisbrough Castle and the Time gate.”

  “Aye… I suppose you have that aright if that was still my desire. ’Tis not even a day’s ride from where we are now.”

  A groan left him while he stood before he began cleaning up what remained of their meal. “’Tis settled then. I will take ye there on the morrow and wish ye well.”

  “You daft man,” she yelled out. “Have you not heard a word I have said about wanting to be with you?”

  “But de Rune—”

  “To hell with Henry! ’Tis you that I love, you stubborn oaf!”

  Killian moved so quickly, Ella barely had time to react when he reached for her. As he pulled her close to his body, she could feel every inch of him, and her breath quickened with the realization he was aroused.

  “Ye love me?” he asked before brushing her hair from her face.

  “Aye, I love you,” she shouted while giving him a push. He budged nary an inch and stood firmly in place. “Do you think if I scream it loud enough, my words might penetrate your thick Scottish brain?”

  “Ye be a fiery woman, Ella Fitzpatrick,” he murmured. His arms tightened around her.

  “Aye and you better never forget it, Killian of Clan MacLaren.”

  “Ye can remind me again if I ever do,” he replied, the low timbre of his voice causing her body to tremble.

  “I never want to be parted from you again, but what of you? Have I made a mistake thinking you held some affection for me?”

  “Nay, ye made no mistake. I love ye and desire tae be with ye, Ella, and no one else. For all of my days and even into the next world.”

  “Then kiss me, you fool, and stop arguing with me about Hen—”

  His lips fell upon hers, hot and demanding as though he had been starving for her and no one else. ’Twas if he were taking possession of her and she tightened her arms around him.

  Ella lost what little senses she had left when his tongue plunged inside her mouth. The taste of mead mingled on their breaths. Her knees buckled and before she knew what was happening, Killian lifted her up and carried her to a pallet he had made up for her.

  He laid her down gently and she could sense the soft moss beneath her. Hovering above her, Killian seemed to be wavering with indecision.


  He came to lie down next to her yet held back from touching her. Leaning upon his elbow, he stared upon her. “Tell me tae leave ye now and I will, if I must. Otherwise, from this point forward I shall consider ye are mine and will fight tae the end of my days tae keep ye forever by my side.”

  She forced air into her lungs for clearly she had forgotten to breathe having him so close to her now. Her heart soared knowing Killian loved her. Reaching out, she placed her hand upon his arm and felt it tremble beneath her touch.

  “My brave and fierce warrior…” she whispered, her arm snaking around his neck. “Please do not make we wa
it any longer to feel you completely next to me. Make me yours and love me, Killian.” She gently urged his head forward.

  “I already do, my lovely Ella.”

  Their kiss once more gave way to the burning passion they had been holding back for all this time. Clothes were discarded in a wild rush ’til their naked flesh melded together as limbs entwined around each other. Where Ella began, Killian ended and she cared not when his fevered apology cracked from his lips that he could wait no longer.

  Ella cried out Killian’s name when he entered her and she quickly followed his lead. She had waited a lifetime to unite with this man and at long last they were finally complete. Two halves were now whole. ’Twas as if the heavens smiled down upon their coupling for they were two reunited souls joined as one.

  Ella’s world shattered into a million fragments when she found her release. She clung to Killian as his moan of pleasure mingled with her own. Tears of joy streaked down Ella’s cheeks when they floated back down from the rapture they found in each other’s arms.

  They touched. They laughed. They whispered words of love and held nothing back when they made love again as they explored one another this time at their leisure. Somewhere before dawn they finally slept, still tangled in each other’s embrace. The heavens smiled. Love had found them.

  Chapter 23

  Killian awoke, startled by something that was amiss. He rubbed his eyes pondering what could possibly be wrong in his world when he and Ella at last came to a final accord and declared their love. Opening his eyes, he saw the day was wasting away if the height of the morning sun in a cloudless sky was any indication of the time.

  ’Twas then he heard the desperate sound of his lady’s moan of despair. He pulled her closer into his embrace. Concern etched its way across his brow while he attempted to make out her incoherent words. Her body trembled and Killian frowned. What nightmare was she possibly re-living?


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