Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time

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Love Will Find You: The Knights of Berwyck, A Quest Through Time Page 20

by Sherry Ewing

  “Family,” Conrad scoffed. “What the hell is family? A closed door will in no way keep out and erase the hurt racing through me from what my own mother has kept from me!”

  “Ye have a right tae be hurt, Conrad, but if ye slow down tae think on the matter, ye would come tae realize yer mother had no choice,” Killian said. Opening the chapel door, his eyes peered into the darkened interior to ensure they were alone.

  “Why are you not angry with her?” Conrad hissed before skimming his fingers through his hair. “She took years from us.”

  “Did she?” he asked quietly. Killian stared at the younger version of himself. How blind had he been not to see the resemblance? How could he have ever surmised that Ella had gotten pregnant from their first time together so many years ago? Especially since he had no memory of it.

  Conrad stopped his pacing. “Well… of course she did.”

  “I dinnae see how. Yer mother was right in many instances,” Killian held up his hand to halt his son’s words, “wrong, too, but right on most accounts. Ye have been with me far longer than she was ever given the chance to be. I had the better chance tae know the man ye have become, with the exception of yer rare visits tae Hull. Ye have made a home here at Berwyck. Ye are considered one of its people and would defend this place ’til yer last dying breath just as any of us who have pledged their allegiance tae its laird.”

  Conrad went to sit on one of the benches before resting his head in his hands. “I feel as though I have lost everything that I have known to be the truth of my life,” he whispered.

  Killian went to sit next to him, placing his hand upon his shoulder. “Ye have lost nothing, son, but have gained a father who loves ye.”

  “My father,” he said softly. Conrad lifted his head and Killian saw the disbelief flash quickly across his visage. “I can hardly fathom I have a father who lives.”

  “Aye, although ye know I have thought of ye as the son I never had for many a year now. If ye recall, I even said such tae ye during the siege of Berwyck when I ordered ye tae see tae Aiden’s safety and then get yerself tae Hull.”

  Conrad raised his head to stare at Killian. “I remember, but still…”

  “’Twill be an adjustment for all of us, yer mother included. She has suffered the most out of everyone.”

  “How so?”

  “Can ye imagine the burden she must have carried for all her life, not once but twice? Many lives depended on her following the path she trod. Tae be honest, I am not sure I would have been up tae such a monumental task, but she accomplished everything she set out tae do. I believe we are lucky tae know such a woman, who has devoted her life tae ensure the happiness of others even at the cost of her own well-being.”

  “Traveling through Time…” Conrad said in awe. “Who would have thought such a feat was even possible.”

  Killian lowered his voice. “We have known for some years that ’twas happening around England and, now with Lady Jenna’s appearance, just down below on our very own beach. But we must keep this secret tae ourselves, Conrad. Many lives depend upon it. We do not wish harm tae come tae those we have come to care for, especially yer mother. I am certain ye know the fate for those who are condemned as a witch.”

  “But surely my own brother can be told?” Conrad said as though the burden was already a heavy weight to bear.

  “Nay! Faramond can never be told. Yer mother did not go through all this for a second time just for history tae possibly repeat itself.”

  “Has it not already been repeated?” Conrad scoffed with a shake of his head.

  Killian chuckled. “Well, ye may have that aright, lad. But there is no need for yer mother tae go in search of the man she thought she had loved in her past lives for he is sitting right here next tae ye.”

  Conrad peered at him through the darkened chapel. “You really do love her, do you not?”

  “I have kept yer mother close tae my heart for many a year and have loved no other but her. Even in our past life, I cared for her but I knew she loved another. But love will find ye no matter ye think it impossible.”

  “Perchance one day ’twill find me as well,” Conrad declared with a small smile before his face fell. “I must find my mother and ask her forgiveness for my hasty words.”

  “She loves ye, Conrad, just as I do. I am most certain she forgave ye the moment ye left the chamber,” Killian said before he stood.

  Conrad rose as well and silence filled the space between them before Killian reached forward to embrace his son. With a hearty slap upon his son’s back, the two men left the chapel to go in search of Ella.

  But ’twas the alarmed look on Amiria’s face as she raced across the bailey that gave the men pause in their quest. She rushed to Killian, concern etched across her brow.

  “You must go and fetch Ella,” she ordered.

  Killian took the younger woman’s arm with a laugh. “We were just on our way tae yer solar. ’Tis where we left her a short while ago.”

  Amiria waved her arm towards the stables. “Get to your horse, Killian. Kenna just informed me that Ella was seen leaving Berwyck. If you hurry, you should be able to catch up with her on the beach.”

  “That stubborn woman,” Killian growled out. Turning he hurried toward the stable.

  “I will go with you,” Conrad said falling into step with Killian.

  Killian stopped to look upon the man before bracing his hand on Conrad’s shoulder. “Nay. I will bring yer mother back tae Berwyck but I think she and I must have this conversation tae ourselves.”

  Conrad lifted his hands in defeat with a smirk. “If ye say so… father,” he replied quietly. “Bring her back where she belongs.”

  Killian nodded and hastened his way across the bailey. He would finally make Ella see reason even if it killed them both!

  Chapter 40

  Ella made her way across the beach, the satchel she carried feeling heavy in her hands. Heading south, her only thought was to distance herself from her oldest son in order to give him the time he needed to come to terms with all she had told him. He would eventually see reason, would he not? Otherwise, everything she had done in this lifetime would have been for naught. She did not think she had the strength to try to go through the Time gate for a third time. ’Twas a lot to ask of any one woman, especially one who had already lived her life this many times. Ella shook her head. Besides… what if she only made things worse instead of fixing yet another problem that had arisen from her meddling with Time?

  A vague memory of her modern-day life flashed across Ella’s mind. Changing her past for Faramond’s sake had given them an altered present. Had she messed with the fabric of time too much and angered the Time Faeries? Would she suddenly be ripped from twelfth-century England to find out only a few seconds had passed in the modern-day world and she would be back in Florida as though none of this had happened? Her hands trembled at the thought of never seeing Killian or her sons again. Surely God, or Time, would not be so cruel. Not when she was so very close to having everything she had ever wanted.

  She brushed away the tears of sorrow creeping from her eyes. She had been so close to having it all. She should have known that not everything would go as she had planned it all in her head! ’Twas all her fault for messing with Time in the first place.

  The sound of thundering hooves caused her to panic. Looking backwards, her eyes widened to see her Scotsman bearing down on her at an alarming speed while he raced his horse across the beach. As he drew closer, she could see the frown etched across his features. He was furious with her for leaving Berwyck, but surely he could understand why.

  Ella quickly jumped out of the way as Killian yanked upon the reins of his horse, bringing the steed to a halt but inches from where she now stood. Leaping from the saddle, he reached out for her and gave her a mighty shake.

  “Where the devil do ye think ye are going, woman?” he growled fiercely.

  “You know where I am headed, Killian,” she exclaimed while attem
pting to rip her arms free from his grip. “And you should refrain from using that tone with me. You know how I dislike it when you call me woman in such a manner!”

  “Ye belong with me at Berwyck!”

  “I belong at Hull ’til my son comes to terms with what he has learned this day,” she retaliated with a stomp of her foot.

  “Ye are a foolish woman, Ella,” he said with a wistful sigh.

  “And you are as stubborn as they get,” she replied attempting to hide her smirk. Ella could tell Killian was still upset at her but she could also see his eyes twinkling with delight. She put her arms around his waist.

  “Aye that I am. I suppose we shall have many years of arguments in our foreseeable future.”

  “I can think more enjoyable ways to spend our time together,” she whispered.

  “Can ye now?” he said with a laugh.

  “Aye, that I can,” she declared with a soft smile. “You know I love you, Killian, do you not?”

  He bent down and kissed her forehead. “As I love ye, Ella.”

  She laid her head upon his chest. Mayhap all would work out as it should. “But what of Conrad?” She hated to ruin this moment between them but she still worried about her son. ’Twas a mother’s lot to always be concerned about their children.

  Killian tightened his arms around her. His voice softened before she felt him kiss the top of her head. “Conrad is already asking ye tae forgive him for his hasty words tae ye.”

  A gasp escaped her lips. “You made him see reason? He understands?”

  “As much as anyone can understand this business of traveling through Time. I am as much tae blame for what has happened as ye are. After all, I am the one who pushed ye through the Time gate so ye could alter Faramond’s life. If I recall, ye were completely against such a journey.”

  “’Twas a good decision, although I must admit I hated you for it at the time. But look how everything turned out for the best. Faramond is none the wiser and is a man I can now proudly call my son. And Conrad… Mayhap this, too, was a blessing. I might not have been able to carry our babe to term as my older self, at least back here in twelfth-century England. In modern days, there would have been medical technology to see it through, not that I would wish to have a baby at this age. I am still uncertain how ’twas possible I conceived at all.”

  “’Twas a miracle, tae be sure and I willnae say I am disappointed. Ye gave me a son, although I have spent my life not knowing he was mine.”

  “If you but opened your eyes you would have seen he looks exactly like you in your younger days,” Ella said giving his chest a gentle nudge with her finger. “I should not have had to tell you he was your son.”

  “How was I tae know this?” he muttered. “Ye were married and when ye first brought the lads tae foster at Berwyck, ye dinnae even show us yer face. I had no idea of who ye were, let alone any recollection of feelings we may have had for one another in a past life together. Why would I think that Conrad was my son?”

  Ella gave a heavy sigh and snuggled into Killian’s chest. “We are arguing again. Perchance we can just move forward and make new memories together. ’Twould be a welcoming change instead of trying to ensure the past turns out as it should.”

  Killian took her chin so she could stare up into those remarkable eyes. “Ye changed Faramond’s past, Ella, and brought our son into this world. Ye accomplished everything ye set out tae do and more. ’Tis no wonder why I love such an incredible woman.”

  Ella blushed at his words. It had been such a long wait to hear such compliments and her heart near burst with joy to listen to Killian’s tender words. “I am just glad we can now all be together,” she said, before pulling out of his arms. She took a knife she kept hidden in her boot and sliced the hem of her dress. She held out her hand with a smile. “I have something for you.”

  “Do ye now,” he replied with a chuckle.

  “Just take it, you stubborn Scot,” she murmured opening up her fingers. His gasp of surprise caused Ella to smile.

  “Ye still had it all this time?” Disbelief swept across his face as his fingers trembled when he took the silver band. “I thought mayhap ye had lost it long ago since ye did not mention the ring earlier. ’Twas my mother’s.”

  “I had a hunch it had belonged to someone important to you. ’Tis only right I now return it to you.”

  He took her hand and placed the ring on her finger. “It has always belonged to you, the woman that I love.”

  “As I love you, Killian.”

  “Then ye shall marry me.”

  Her brow quirked upward. “Are you asking me or telling me we shall wed?”

  A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “I suppose if I am tae halt another argument between us, then I am asking ye.”

  “Smart man,” she laughed.

  “Will ye finally wed with me, my lovely Ella?”

  “I thought you would never ask,” she whispered.

  He brow quirked upward. “And…”

  She cupped his cheek, running her thumb over the stubble of his beard. “Aye, I shall take you as my husband, my dearest Killian. Now kiss me to seal our fate.”

  “I am yers tae command, my lady,” Killian said, before leaning down to place his lips upon hers.

  ’Twas a kiss she had dreamed of filled with the promises of at last being able to claim one another. Two lifetimes she had waited for this man and if she had to do it all over again she would. Killian would always be worth traveling through Time in order for them to be together. Love had truly found them and Ella would always be humbly grateful for her second chance at love.

  For Ella was finally content knowing she could now start her life anew. She was where she belonged right here and now at this place in Time. She was finally in Killian’s arms and there was no place on earth that she would rather be.


  Berwyck Castle

  Two se’nnights later

  Killian proudly watched his beautiful wife as she danced to a lively tune in Berwyck’s great hall. His belly full after their wedding feast and a mug of ale near at hand made him most content. Aye… he may have had to wait another lifetime to be with the woman he loved but ’twas worth such a sacrifice.

  He chuckled in remembrance when he told Father Donovan in no uncertain terms that he would marry the lovely Lady Ella without delay. His lady had something to say on the matter, however, when she insisted she needed time to prepare a proper gown. They had argued, which was hardly unusual, but in the end, he let Ella have her way. What was a couple more se’nnights compared to the rest of their lives?

  Amiria linked her arm through his while sitting next to him. “Are you happy, Uncle?” she asked before turning to carefully watch him. The color of her violet eyes continued to amaze him no matter how old he got.

  Her term of endearment for him had always touched his heart. Aye, he and her father had been more than just friends. Killian had watched over Amiria and her siblings for all of their lives. He was proud to claim this young woman as family and, naturally, as part of the MacLaren clan no matter that she was now wed with bairns of her own.

  “Aye, of course I am. Ella and I are at last wed. How could I not be happy?” he declared with a bright smile, but it fell when he observed Amiria’s puzzled look. “Whatever is the matter, lassie? Are ye and Dristan having problems?”

  “Nay, of course not. I love him today as much as I did when we first wed.” She gave a troubled sigh before continuing. “I guess I somehow always assumed my brothers and sisters would live here at Berwyck, although that is a fanciful thought, is it not? Naturally they would wed or go on about their lives in other places.”

  “Sabina is here,” Killian said nodding in the young woman’s direction as she sat in a chair near the hearth. Dristan stood close at hand as though guarding her. But ’twas not hard to notice Amiria’s twin Aiden was missing, as were Lynet and Patrick.

  Amiria rested her head on his arm as she did when she a small bairn. “I
know you and Ella told Dristan and me privately what happened with her traveling through Time again, but somehow I hoped such a miracle might mayhap…” Her words trailed off yet Killian knew what she was asking without saying the words.

  “Ye are speaking of yer parents.” Killian voice was low. If only…


  “Apparently there are some things Time cannae change, lass, and death is one of them. Yer parents loved one another as much as any two souls can. Yer mother died bringing life tae Patrick and yer father mourned her loss ’til he at last joined her after the siege. If I could have changed such an outcome, I certainly would have done all in my power tae do so. I miss them both dearly each and every day since they passed.”

  “And what of Sabina?”

  Killian stared at Sabina who was mayhap attending the festivities but hardly appeared as though she fit in. “I can only surmise if she has not taken her vows at the abbey by now, she may ask tae return here. I am not certain why the mother superior has allowed Sabina tae stay there so long without such a commitment. Mayhap Time has other plans for her as well. Ye will welcome her home if this is her choice?”

  “You know I will. This is where she belongs. I never thought her joining a nunnery was a good choice for her. Everyone knew ’twas a mistake except my sister. But I could not gainsay her decision considering all she had been through.” Amiria shuddered while she apparently relived the memory.

  “Aye. Yer sister is a troubled soul. ’Twill take time tae heal such a wound.”

  “What of Aiden, Lynet, and Patrick?”

  Killian chuckled. “What of them, Amiria? Lynet is happily married and raising her family with Ian in the north. Patrick continues tae foster with Laird de Deveraux and his countess, and he is also well. As for Aiden, he lost his inheritance when Dristan was given these lands. Yer brother seeks a name for himself. Surely ye wouldnae deny him finding his own destiny and a bonny wife tae call his own.”


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