Boss: The Encounter With The Bad Boy Billionaire: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (BOSS: A Contemporary Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

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Boss: The Encounter With The Bad Boy Billionaire: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (BOSS: A Contemporary Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) Page 3

by Valentine, Julie

Hart spent the afternoon practically racking her brain trying to put the pieces together. Billionaire playboys were not her style. She usually went for the bad boy that was the artistic type. Hart loved the man that was spontaneous and ready to do anything. Maybe that spontaneity was what was attracting her to Tony. He was not as edgy as the other guys she normally fell for, but there was something about him.

  He was correct that there was an attraction between the two of them, but she had not wanted to admit that. At least not to him. Hart could see him gloating if she would admit that he had a point and that she was attracted to him and at least slightly interested in who he was as a person.

  She wanted to see who was under the playboy exterior, who Tony Ciarelli was when there was no audience. He could quite possibly be a good person, but she would never get to know that if he was always putting on a show.

  Hart shook her head in attempts to stop the daydream that was playing in her head. Tony Ciarelli had taken up much too much of her head space today. That was it. She was not going to think about him anymore for that day.

  There were better things to do that day then think about a heartbreaker playboy who would do nothing but take up her time and frustrate her.

  Chapter Six

  In all of the time that Hart and Tim had been beneficial friends, she had not once thought of another man. Lying in bed next to Tim, she could not get her mind off of Tony. The fact that Tony lingered around in her mind was aggravating. She thought that a night with Tim would solve that, but it did not. Instead, she spent the time thinking about what it would feel like when Tony touched her, and what it would feel like if he kissed her.

  She turned over, hugging her pillow. The only saving grace was that Tim would not spend the night. It was their deal. They could have fun and enjoy each other's company, but spending the night took things a step further than either of them wanted to go.

  Tim rolled over and kissed her on the cheek. "What time do you have to be at work this morning?"

  Hart smiled. "I have a nine o'clock appointment. How about you?"

  Tim stretched and yawned. "Same here. You want some breakfast?"

  "That would be wonderful."

  Tim walked off to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Hart watched as his back muscles flexed. He was gorgeous; muscular, athletic build, and strikingly handsome.

  He was going to be a good man for some lucky woman. Although the two of them had a great sexual chemistry, at the base of it was simply a friendship that had never developed in to anything else. For Hart, thus far, that had been a safe place to be.

  She liked their time together, but there was no pressure for it to be anything other than what it was.

  Her alarm went off. She always set it for three hours before her first appointment. It gave her time to start her day slowly. Hart hated to rush anything.

  "Is that your alarm?"

  "Yes. Time to get up and at it."

  Hart showered and dressed and by the time she did, Tim had a plate of breakfast waiting with a cup of steaming hot coffee.

  "Amazing," she said as she looked at the eggs over easy, the sausage links, and the buttery toast. He knew just what she liked.

  They ate in silence, Tim reading something on his tablet and Hart reading through some emails.

  "Can you meet me for dinner tonight?" Tim asked.

  "Sorry, I already have plans. But I'll call you next time I can get out. This week is extremely busy. I have a new hire that I'm training."

  "Alright then." Tim did not ask any questions.

  Hart reasoned with herself that what she had just told him was a little white lie. Completely harmless. He would be just fine with the version of the truth that she told.

  "I really have to get going. I'll talk to you later."

  Tim kissed her on the forehead. "Later."

  Grabbing her things, Hart made her way out of the house, not even waiting for Tim to walk her to her car. He stood in the doorway and waved as she drove off. Alone in the car with her thoughts, Tony began to dance through her mind.

  Hart banged on the steering wheel. Maybe she was frustrated because she was fighting the inevitable. Maybe there was no need to fight the feelings that were developing for Tony. But Hart had never been the type to mix business with pleasure. And Tony Ciarelli was almost certainly more pleasure than business.


  Just as Hart suspected, Tony was there waiting on her in her office when she arrived. She was fifteen minutes early, so he had been even earlier.

  "Impressive, Tony. I like the fact that you beat me here."

  "So we are back on first name basis. Thank you."

  "Don't get too comfortable over there. We have a lot to go over today. My day is full of meetings and I would like you to sit in on some of them."

  "I'm wherever you need me to be."

  Hart shook her head. She reminded herself not to fight the feelings today and see if she felt any less frustration. The key was not to let Ciarelli get to her. She would kill him with kindness instead of putting up walls and challenging him.

  "That sounds great. I like the change in attitude. I think that today will be a good day."

  The entire morning, Hart talked and Tony listened. She could not get over the complete change in demeanor. He was receptive, asked questions, and appeared to be a totally different person. She could not get over it, but did not want to ask questions or rock the boat on the matter. At this point, Hart would take what she could get from him. It was merely a short term assignment.

  Hart did not miss the fact that Tony did not take his eyes off of her the entire day. Every time she looked up, he was staring directly at her and she knew that it was not all based in being attentive and learning the ropes. When they walked to the conference room for the meetings, she could feel his eyes on her, watching the way she walked and all of her movements.

  Even when she tucked her hair behind her ear, Tony was watching. She caught him smiling at her, his eyes sparkling with a passion that she had not known before. Yesterday, he had asked her if she knew what it felt like for a man to truly want her. It seemed that since he calmed down his obnoxious behavior, she had been able to hear him, and clearly see his actions.

  It was obvious that the man wanted her. But how often did he walk in to the office of a high powered executive and throw himself at the woman? He had to have all kinds of woman falling at his feet. Being the son of the company's owner had to have some perks. Then just the simple fact that he was a billionaire heir, that had to garner some attention from women of all walks of life.

  Hart did not want to compete with the type of woman who would beg for a billionaire's attention simply to live the lifestyle that he could afford her. She had her own and she did not need his. Hart was happy with her life, but what girl did not fantasize about being swept off of her feet by a man that was rich and powerful?

  When the last meeting for the day ended, Hart smiled and shook hands with the clients. She grabbed her things and started back to her office.

  "So I found you pretty amazing in there."

  Hart did not have to look up to know that Tony was directly behind her.

  "Thank you," she turned to face him.

  "What did you learn today?"

  He laughed at her question. "Are you seriously going to quiz me like I'm in high school? Come on now, Hart."

  She did not crack a smile. "Yes. I'm serious. What did you learn today?"

  "Well, I figured out that you are a huge asset to this company. What you and your team do is such an intricate part of how the day to day operations run. When I first walked in here, I did not have any appreciation for your position. But now, I am completely impressed with the way that you run the show around here."

  Hart eyed him for a moment, waiting to see if that genuine demeanor was going to change in a split second.

  "I'm serious, Hart." He reached to take the stack of papers out of her hands.

  "My father speaks so highly of you. It's nice to
see that what he says matches you in person."

  She just nodded. There was not much that she could say that the elder Ciarelli told her that was positive about the younger.

  Opening the door to her office, they entered in silence. Tony sat all of the papers carefully on her desk. He started toward the door, then turned quickly on his heels.

  "Look. Here is the deal. I know my father did not give a shining recommendation of me. I know that I have been painted out to be this spoiled, bratty rich kid that has no sense of responsibility. The ultimate playboy who spends his trust fund like there is no tomorrow. The issue is that while a lot of that is true, there is another part of me that most people don't see.

  "I'm not this rude, pompous jerk all of the time. I'm used to dealing with guys like that on a regular basis, so yes, I tend to get out of hand. But I want to make my father proud and I want to make him happy. I don't want him to look at me as a failure, someone too lazy to make his own way in life. That's not what's really going on."

  He started to speak again, but then his gaze dropped. Tony was staring at the floor, and Hart could tell that he wanted to say more.

  "Look, I think that you are an amazing woman Hart. I apologize for being so difficult in the beginning and I promise that as you continue my training, I will not make things more difficult for you or for myself."

  He pulled a white handkerchief out of his pocket and waved it in surrender.

  "Can we start over?"

  Hart, leaning against her desk with her arms folded, had been listening to every word he said. The problem was that she did not trust that he was going to adhere to all that he said that he would.

  "We can't start over. It just has to be some ground rules moving forward."

  Tony tried to look serious, though a smirk came across his face. "Ground rules? Hart, that is one thing I am learning about you. You take things way too seriously. Why can't we just let this be what it is? I'm not going to be in your hair too much longer, okay?"

  "Fine. We'll do it your way." She threw her hands up. He had a point. This arrangement was only temporary. Why would she have to put that much effort in to it?

  "I will see you tomorrow, Tony. Same time."

  "Actually, how early can we get here?"

  "As early as you would like to. What time works for you?"

  "Maybe seven?"

  She sighed and started back to work. "Seven a.m. it is, Tony. See you then."

  Chapter Seven

  Seven a.m. was rather early to come in to the office, but if that was the time that Tony requested, Hart decided she would go with it. She wanted to make sure she did her job to the best of her ability and that her boss would be happy with her performance.

  Hart thought that since their time together was winding down, she would give Tony a break. There was no need to brow beat the poor man. After all, if he wanted to remain a spoiled brat, who was she to tell him that he had to live differently?

  After today, he would not be her problem anymore. Hart could get back to work and not have to worry about Tony. Sure, he would probably be seen around the office from time to time, but there was no need to worry about seeing him more than on a few instances here or there.

  Hart arrived a few minutes early as usual. At seven o'clock, there would be no one there but the two of them and security. No one arrived in the office until well after eight o'clock. They were sure to have plenty of time to go over anything and wrap up his training early. She jumped at the opportunity to come in earlier thinking that it would get him out of her hair.

  As she unlocked her office door, she heard footsteps in the hallway. Hart turned back to see Tony, hands full.

  "Can I help you with any of that?" she offered.

  "No. Just getting the door will be enough help. Thank you."

  He entered the office with fresh coffee and a bag from her favorite nearby bakery.

  "I thought that since we were here so early, I would bring a little something. Plus, it is my last day here with you, so I wanted to show a little appreciation."

  "My stomach thanks you. Come on in and close the door."

  Tony immediately set the food up on the table where they had eaten their lunch a few days ago.

  Hart glanced at him out of the side of her eye. Tony was diligent, quietly setting the table. Not once had he turned to look at her.

  She set up her laptop and threw her purse in the drawer.

  "What do we have here?" she asked, approaching the table.

  "Some fresh coffee. I brought sugar and flavored creamer. Not knowing what flavor you like, I brought a few. Then I got a few assorted muffins and croissants. Since we are here so early, I thought that we would work better on a full stomach."

  "Great idea. And it looks like you hit some of my favorites head on. Blueberry muffins and cheese croissants. I will take some of that salted caramel creamer too please."

  Tony smiled. "My pleasure."

  They fixed their food and took a seat.

  "I want to give you another apology and tell you thank you for all of your time and effort dealing with me this week, Hart."

  "Not a problem." She sipped her coffee, trying to dismiss another heart felt apology. "I have moved on from there and I hope that you have as well."

  "Duly noted."

  Hart looked as Tony bit his lip. She could tell that he was nervous about something. It was actually quite endearing to see.

  "Cat got your tongue?" she asked.

  "I wanted to know if you would go to dinner with me."

  Hart had to sit her coffee down. She nearly choked on the hot liquid.


  Tony narrowed his eyes, almost looking a bit offended. "Yes. Dinner. You have to eat don't you?"

  "You want to take me out to dinner?"

  His nostrils flared as he turned his coffee cup around and around. "Is that so surprising? Hart, I have been flirting with you since the day I laid eyes on you. Did you miss that fact?"

  "I did not miss it. I just thought-"

  "What did you think?"

  "Nevermind. What I thought is not of any importance."


  Hart swallowed her coffee. Obviously, he was not going to let up on his invitation.

  "Where are we going?"

  Tony rolled his eyes. "Can I assume from the fact that you asked me where we are going that you are accepting my invitation?"

  "Depends on what you have planned."

  "Hart Jacobs, I am very much traditional in the sense that I plan the date. At all times. So all I can say is that I want you to show up, look gorgeous, and bring a change of clothes. One set should be something semi- formal and one set should be something comfortable. When you go out with me, you never know what I have planned."

  "Interesting. Then I accept your invitation to dinner."

  Tony's face lit up like he hit the jackpot. He stood up from his chair and came over to her. She watched as he held out his hand to her.

  Hart hesitated for a moment and then put her hand in his. Once she pushed her chair back, he pulled her to him quickly.

  "This may be completely out of order for the office place, but you are a high powered executive who makes most of the rules. I am the son of the man that definitely makes all of the rules. I think that I can do this."

  Tony pulled Hart to him, holding her close to his chest. The gesture floored her, not leaving her time to protest. One hand on her waist, the other on the small of her back, he held her there, gazing in to her eyes.

  "I have wanted to do this since the day I met you. If I don't do it now, I will kick myself with regret."

  His soft lips touched hers. The kiss was soft, feathery and sweet at first. That was all that was needed to ignite the flame. His tongue found hers and the kiss became a dance, a play for passion. Hart felt a side of her heat up that had never been on fire before. Tony's hands massaged her body as his kiss touched her mind, body, and soul.

  The connection was explosive, leaving her wan
ting more. He would not let her up for air, holding her right where he wanted her. It was as if he was telling her that he was the one in charge and Hart had no problem with that. She felt woozy, her knees felt weak. Her sane mind told her that if she did not back away from his clutches, she would make love to him right there in the middle of the office. Her heart told her that everything about the kiss and being wrapped in his arms was right.

  When he released her, Hart had to close her eyes to stop the room from spinning.

  "I hope you don't mind, Hart. I had to do it."

  She was breathless and could not find the right words to respond.

  "I could not walk out of that door without kissing you. I had stared at those lips for way too long."

  He caressed her hair, gently massaging the back of her neck.

  "All you are asking for is dinner?" It was the first thing that she could think to ask.

  Tony shook his head. "I never said that. Dinner is just the first on the list."

  He held both sides of her face and kissed her lips once more.

  "Hart, I want you and I am a man that is used to getting what he wants. There is no way I'm taking no for an answer on this one."

  Tony tilted her face up and their eyes met. "And there is no way that you can tell me that you did not just feel what I felt. I'm not going to let you tell me that."

  Hart ran her fingers across her forehead. "What time should I expect you for dinner?"

  Grinning, Tony kissed her on the lips softly. "I will have a car pick you up around six. And it's the weekend, Hart. I hope that you are prepared for what it is like to be with a man like me. Have a good day, Hart Jacobs."

  With that, he was out the door. Hart did not know what just happened. Tony Ciarelli, the son of the man that she worked for, had just waltzed in to her life unexpectedly. There was no way that there would be a simple dinner date with a man like him. She had to be prepared for the unexpected. But she had not done so well with that thus far. She had not seen that kiss coming.

  The man was an heir to a billion dollar fortune and he wanted her. That part, Tony made extremely clear. Now the ball was in her court and she had to make sure that she played her cards right.


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