Free Fall

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Free Fall Page 18

by E. M. Moore

  Maybe he’s got a little bit of trust issues too.

  We walk in through the front door. His house is eerily quiet. I look around. “Where’s your mom?” She’s usually buzzing through the house somewhere looking fit, like she’s prepared to make an online video for their clients at any moment.

  “I kind of have a surprise for you about that.”

  I cock my head at him. “Which is?”

  “Mom said to take really good care of you this weekend because…her and Dad are out of town too.”

  “You’re kidding,” I say.

  He shakes his head. “One of their clients needed them. A fitness emergency of some sort.”

  My stomach tumbles over itself. I thought at least I would get a grace period. Some time to acclimate myself to the Parker house again with his parents being home. Instead, my mind is already latching onto the fact that we have this whole house to ourselves. Ourselves. For the entire weekend.

  I can think of a lot of shit I want to do.

  But I’m also terrified to do any of it.

  He smiles, cupping my cheek. “Relax, Briar. I’m not going to throw you over the couch right this minute.”

  I think all the color drains from my face as Reid laughs. What if I wanted him to throw me over the couch right now?

  “Then again…” He darts forward, claiming my lips for his. He backs me up until I’m pressed against the sofa and he’s kissing the crap out of me. He pulls away a minute later. “I don’t know why I did that. I’m just teasing myself.” He lifts his gaze to meet mine. “Just know, that by the end of the weekend, I plan on burying myself so deep inside you I’ll never want to come back up for air, Briar Page.”

  My legs quiver. I keep telling myself that having sex isn’t a big deal, but I’m not very convincing, even to myself. It feels like a huge deal when it concerns Reid Parker. Trust me, it’s a step I want to take, but it also feels like it’s a milestone. A life changing marker that denotes I’ll never be the same again.

  Who knew I could wax so poetic?

  The thing is, Reid is a force. I already know I’ll be a goner after this, but I kind of want to do it on my terms. I lift to my tiptoes and give him a solid smack on the lips. “Well, Reid Parker, we’ll see if you can win me.”

  He blinks. “I’ve already won.”

  Jesus. This guy.

  He steps away from me, tangling his fingers in mine while he walks us past their formal living room and into a living room in the back of the house with a big screen TV and surround sound. “I think you’ll love the movie line-up I have planned,” he says, turning the TV on. “I’ve also got a pizza coming, and my parents stocked up the snack cupboard for the weekend. If we play it right, we might not even have to leave the house.”

  The brush of butterfly wings flap around my heart. It feels as if the most important muscle I have is going to take flight right there in my chest with nowhere to go.

  Finally, Reid goes to the stand and holds up three DVD’s that instantly put a smile on my face. The Great Outdoors, The Monster Squad, and The Goonies. Reid’s dad is like an eighties freak. He has so much memorabilia from this time period that it was always readily available for our consumption. He introduced us to these three movies, and many more, when we were just kids. These three films just happen to be my favorite. I haven’t seen them in so long.

  “You’re kidding?”

  He shakes his head. “Which one first?”

  I cringe. Oh no, I have to pick? This is so not right. “Um…. The Monster Squad.”

  As a little kid, I had such a crush on Sean and Patrick, two of the main characters from the movie, even though I couldn’t fathom the way they were dressed.

  Right after Reid puts the movie in, the doorbell rings. He jogs off to pay for the pizza, and when he comes back in, he places it on the coffee table in front of us along with a couple of cans of soda. We each take a slice as the opening credits come up. The younger me can’t believe I’m a teenager right now, having kissed Reid, and sitting in his house all alone…without Brady. I sigh. “Brady loved this movie too.”

  Reid slides his arm around me, pulling me close. I wasn’t in any danger of falling into a sour mood with that thought, but he’s right there anyway, making sure I won’t. It actually just felt good to talk about him. I’m sure the sadness will always be there, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look at the things we did together and remember them fondly. I smile as we settle in, watching Dracula recover Frankenstein who just so happened to drop in a swamp right by where a group of kids have a monster fan club.


  Halfway through the movie, Reid and I have obliterated the pizza and the soda. I stand, asking him to pause it so I can excuse myself to the bathroom. I take the pizza box as I go, placing it in the recycle bin inside their garage and then head toward the downstairs bathroom. I take a moment to check my teeth, making sure there aren’t any stuck pieces of pepperoni or anything like that in there. Even though there’s nothing there, I even take the time to find their toothpaste in one of the drawers and swish it around my mouth. I scrunch up my hair, which has pretty much already faded from the midnight black back to my brown color.

  When I step back into the room, Reid’s moved the coffee table back and put up the leg rest on the couch. As I come around the back side, I realize that’s not all he did either. He’s lying there bare-chested, having taken off his shirt. I stop, and he gives me a lopsided smile. “Hi, baby.”

  “Hi,” I say, not recognizing the tightness in my own voice. “What…are you doing?”

  “I thought we could play a game.” He opens his arms, and I go willing into them, sitting just to his side with my head on his chest. “I’m letting you have the upper hand.”

  I raise my eyebrow at him. This should be interesting.

  “I think…” he says, clearly enjoying this. “Every time someone says ‘virgin’, we should shed an article of clothing.” I replay the whole movie in my head and realize we’re going to be so naked by the end of this movie. So, so naked.

  Bring it on, Lucky Number Seven.


  I wasn’t underestimating the tally.

  But I did overestimate how much resolve I’d have to have not to stare at Reid while he took his clothes off. He paused the movie each time. Him shedding his article first, then me. The socks were no big deal. Relatively speaking, the pants weren’t all that bad either. I’ve already been in front of them with a bathing suit on, so it felt a lot like that. Plus, there was that incident with Reid in the bath towel.

  Since he started with his shirt already off, he was the first to reveal his…well, his major package. He stripped his boxers off, revealing his already semi-hard dick while I tried not to gawk.

  With his hands on his hips, he waits for my turn.

  I take a deep breath, unable to really tear my gaze away from him. He is perfection in the best way. His physique is so defined I’m suddenly super nervous to be revealing myself. I’ll probably come up short compared to him. “You need help?” he asks, dropping his gaze to my fingers which are wrapped around the hem of my shirt.

  I shake my head. A bathing suit is one thing, but bra and panties are so much more intimate. Also, I just can’t believe he’s going to be sitting naked next to me for the rest of the movie. I close my eyes briefly and start to lift, my heart in my throat. When I drop my shirt on the floor between us, his gaze takes me in appreciatively, making my nipples harden with only the thin, silky fabric of my bra to hide them. I sit down on the edge of the couch tentatively and he sits next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me toward him again. When he presses Play on the movie, his fingers dip down swirling over the swell of my breasts, making me squirm.

  If he can play that game…

  Now that I’m held captive against him, I splay my fingers over his chest. His muscles tighten underneath me. I work them down and down until my palm is covering his belly button. His cock is one hundred percent
hard now. The bad thing about this is, I’m not paying attention to the movie. So, when Reid pauses it, announcing that they’ve said “virgin” again, I have to take his word for it. He peels me off him, and I stand in front, my body vibrating with a hundred different emotions. Fear, lust, anticipation. He reaches down to rearrange himself, drawing my attention. When he jerked off in front of me a couple of weeks ago, I never looked down. Not once. Now, I take my fill. He squeezes his base, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from groaning.

  Reaching behind my back, I undo my bra clasps, then stand there with my hands at my sides for a few more moments. My breasts feel heavy, and my nipples are straining, waiting for Reid’s touch. First, I drop one strap down, then the other. I peel the cups away from my breasts and let my bra drop to the floor. Reid, whose hand is still around his cock, squeezes it tighter. “I hope you’re as turned on as I am,” he chokes out.

  I can already feel the dampness in my panties. He’ll notice as soon as I drop them to the floor. Hell, this is Reid. He probably already knows.

  He beckons me forward, then holds out his hand. I put mine in his and he spins me around, pulling me against his chest. He spreads my legs using his own. His cock peeks out between my legs as his hands dig into my hips. His fingers slowly move up my body until I’m breathing hard. He cups me, almost like he’s testing the weight of my breasts, before the coarse pads of his thumbs pass over my nipples.

  I buck, and Reid hisses. “I can feel how wet your panties are right now, Briar. Can you feel it?”

  I nod.

  “Tell me.”

  I nod again, trying to regain control over my own voice. “I can feel it.”

  His teeth bite into my shoulder. “I’ve wanted this for so fucking long.”

  I feel like I’m about to come apart at the seams. I move against him, and he pinches my nipples until I yelp. It hurts at first, but now there’s an explosion of want, making me rock my ass back into him.

  “We started a game, Briar. When I start a game, I finish it. Understand?” he warns.

  I settle back down onto him. He presses Play on the remote again. The characters’ lips start moving on the screen. I swear I try to pay attention, but Reid’s body and scent is all around me. I watch my childhood crushes act on the screen and realize they don’t hold a candle to the guy I’m currently entwined with now. How did I not see it before?

  Unfortunately, there’s such a long gap between the last “virgin” and the one that removes my panties. It hasn’t even come yet. The tension stays at disaster level, making my pulse thump at my wrist. Reid keeps exploring my body like it’s a lazy Sunday afternoon and he doesn’t have anything better to do. All it does is ratchet me up, though, until I’m so in tune with his touches I’m practically vibrating.

  Reid’s fingers sneak between my legs, sweeping up my panties. My mouth opens in a silent scream at the barely there touch. “Just checking,” he says.

  I’m so slick. I already know.

  His thumb passes over the line of my panties until he’s gripping the crotch fabric in his fist, groaning happily into my ear. “Wet, wet, Briar.”

  I lift my hips into his thumb. I’m so hypersensitive, I groan at the contact. “Fuck, Reid.”

  He presses my hips back down again. “I want to take my time with you.”

  “What if I just want you inside me? Like right now?”

  His thumb flicks over my clit. I half scream into the air, and my body tightens right along with it.

  “You are so ready, aren’t you?”


  “You want to stop playing the game? Are you forfeiting?”


  As if by some divine miracle, I hear the word “virgin” from the Surround Sound.

  Reid chuckles into my ear, nipping it, before he splays his hands over my stomach. He moves down, taking the fabric of my drenched panties with him until I squeeze my knees together and kick them off. They land on the coffee table, the crotch completely wet.

  “Look at you. All of you,” he says, running his fingers over the seam between my legs. “You’re perfect. All this has been off-limits to me for years. Then, you’ve literally hidden it away from me for months.”

  He says it in a way that I feel like I should apologize. If I’d known something like this would happen, I wouldn’t have hidden myself under layers of baggy clothes and dark hair.

  Reid Fucking Parker.

  He spreads me wide again and tucks my head on his shoulder before tracing my clit with the tip of his finger. One hand comes across my waist, barricading me in while his other finger pushes inside me. My first instinct is to buck, but his arm over my hips prevents me from that. I’m trapped as he coaxes his finger in and out of me. Then, on one withdrawal, I feel him shift. The next time he pushes inside me, there are two fingers. “Christ, Reid!”

  “A whole week of this,” he says, pressing inside me and hooking his fingers. “Whenever we want.”

  I make a strangled cry. While still keeping me in place, Reid lifts his other hand until his thumb flicks over my nipple. Sensations course through me until I’m practically shaking on his chest. My fingers dig into the couch as he whispers huskily into my ear over and over again about what he wants to do to me. When I groan and move against him, he picks up the pace until I’m so close to reaching the climax I know is coming. “Reid,” I cry out, as soon as it starts to hit, and then my mouth is open in another scream as my body takes over, throwing me into the throes of intense pleasure. Waves and waves hit me like aftershocks until I start to come back to my body.

  His fingers slow, then eventually pull out, leaving me with an empty feeling. I take a deep breath, letting my body finally relax against his. He kisses my shoulder. I think I hear him say “Forgive me”, but then I’m moving in the air, landing with my back against the seat cushions with him hovering over me. He’s stroking himself near my entrance, an almost pained expression on his face.

  Now that I see him above me, it feels right. It feels like what I’ve wanted for a long time. He inches closer. I feel the head of his cock rub against me, and I inhale sharply. “Condom, Reid. Condom.”

  He narrows his eyes at me, but then it must dawn on him.

  Yeah, I am so not on birth control. This is my first time.

  He pauses for a brief moment, but then gets off the couch. “One second,” he says.

  He strides away, the muscles in his ass on display for me, but then I hear him run through the house, all the way up the stairs, then back down again before he stops and strides right back into the room, catching me staring at the ceiling smiling. I haven’t moved an inch since he left, and he smiles predatorily at me.

  “I’m sorry,” he says, shaking his head. “I should have thought of that.”

  I return the gesture, then watch as he rips the package open and runs the condom down his length, stroking himself more while he leans over me. He kisses the tip of my nose, and I feel him at my entrance again, this time with the rubber securely fastened.


  I nod, bracing myself on the couch when I feel the head of his cock push inside. Then there’s more of him. More and more until he presses hard once, and my head drops back at the feel of him inside me.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  I moan. There was a slight pinch, but in reality, I feel filled. I feel…wow. Reid’s inside me. I nod. “It’s good. I’m good.”

  He starts to move cautiously, but his face is strained. He keeps a slow rhythm until his body starts to shake. Then, he kicks it up a few hundred notches, slamming into me. “Fuck, Briar.” He does it again and again.

  My hands slide up his back, then down to his ass where my fingers grab hold, moving with him, even encouraging him to go faster. Seeing him struggle to restrain himself sends a wicked heat through me.

  “Fucking tight.”

  I glance up while he moves over me. As I watch, he tries to smooth his face out, but fails. His body
takes over. He trembles and shakes, several moans passing from his lips before his cock jerks inside me. He stops and presses into me, then with a few, short pumps, he collapses on top of me, his breath rattling out of him. I’ve seen Reid play football games all his life and have barely seen him out of breath, but right now, today, over this, he’s sucking in air. When his breathing returns to a somewhat normal state, his lips capture mine, needy and hot. He kisses me thoroughly, a clash of tongues and lips that has us breathing hard against one another.

  He pulls out of me and sits up. I pull my legs out from under him, resting my knees against the couch to look him in the eyes. When he can barely meet my gaze for longer than a few seconds, I reach out and grab his hand that’s resting on my knee. “What’s wrong?”

  He shakes his head.

  “Don’t lie to me,” I tell him.

  His throat works. “It’s just Brady, I guess. He told me not to.”

  I sit up, holding his hand to my chest, clasped securely between my own. “Don’t do that,” I say. “He would’ve been fine with it. I swear.”

  “I hope so,” he says, then he does meet my stare head-on. “Because I’m not letting you go, Briar Page. You’re mine.”

  Heat whips through me like an electric shock. That was just my first time, and I have no idea if I’ll be sore, but right now, with the look he’s giving me, I feel like I could go again.

  On the TV, the corny hip hop song comes on, signaling the end of the film. Reid reaches over and stops the movie before pulling the condom off and throwing it on top of one of the empty cans of soda on the coffee table. He switches out the movies, then returns, sliding in behind me on the couch and pulling me to his chest while The Goonies starts.

  I don’t last very long. I don’t know if it’s Reid’s strong arms around me or just the peacefulness that surrounds me after what we’ve done, but I only get through the opening of the movie before my eyes drift shut and I’m lulled asleep by the steady rhythm of Reid’s heart behind me.


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