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True Connection (The Soul Mate Series)

Page 19

by Walter, Rachel

  “I’ll explain I promise,” he says.

  I take a deep breath and swallow my knee-jerk reaction to yell at him and make him tell me what the flip is going on. I can already guess part of it, but I want more details.

  What made Mom cry? Why couldn’t he talk about it right away?

  We stop walking, and Henry leans against the telephone pole. “What happens to a shifter when a devux changes them?” he asks quietly.

  I take a seat on the curb and wait for Barry to answer. Depending on his response, I might need the seat anyway. I have a devux after me, and shifters are protecting me.

  I look up to Barry, who is scratching the paint off the pole of a speed limit sign. “When a devux bites its human prey, they do it for one of two reasons,” he says, without taking his eyes from the pole. “The most common reason is that it’s faster to feed on the prey’s soul when the victim is bled out,” he winces and glances at me before continuing. “The other reason is to force another soul in, changing them into a soul-eating demon. Vampires, Elves, and Amaranthine can’t be killed that way, but they can be changed,” he pauses, and I suck in a breath. I stare at him until he continues. “We’re told the stories at young ages. How dangerous our world can be, and how demons endanger it more. The story I remember enough to retell, is about a turned alpha,” he sighs. “When his mate was threatened by the devuxen, who wanted her and their first born, he did all he could to protect his family and pack. Devuxen attacked the pack. There were so many, that the devux took the pack down with little problem. Alpha went nuts at the thought of his mate and son in the hands of demons, so he gave himself over. The pack grieved and continued on, for one month exactly. At the exact same time their alpha left, he showed up again. When he saw his mate in the yard, he called to her. She knew immediately he was different, but she was happy to see him. He got closer, and her delight turned to fright as she saw his eyes. The devuxen had changed him. His human form and wolf form remained intact, though he was feral,” my fingernails bite into the sidewalk. “Only the quick and lucky got away from him. His human form was a serial killing psychopath, with the accuracy of a well-trained assassin, and his wolf form was an uncontrollable, rabid beast. It’s said that he murdered all but four members of his original pack. Of those four members were one of his children, his Beta, and two younger pack members,” he sits down next to me. “I’ve heard other stories about that sort of thing, but that one always stuck with me for some reason,” he leans down and draws designs in the road dust with his finger. “He murdered his wife, two of his kids, and most of his pack. I don’t think I’d ever have it in me to kill an innocent,” he shrugs, and I shiver.

  That could happen to any one of them. They could be turned and never be the same. I really hope there’s little to no truth to that.

  “I can tell you right now, Barry, that story has a lot of truth to it,” Henry says, as if he could hear my thoughts.

  I need to talk to Seth and Athan. The shifters need protection, or we need to make them leave town!

  I take a deep breath as Barry stares at the gravel. “How do you know that?” I need to keep calm mostly, or Seth will likely come running. I breathe deep while Henry leans back and fishes in his pocket. He holds a torn cream envelope in his hands and taps it on his knee before opening it.

  “That’s the letter,” he says, as I delicately unfold the paper inside.

  My Sweet Baby,

  I hope you are well, healthy, happy, and strong. I never wanted any of this to happen. I know I made the right choice by offering you a place to grow up, but it breaks my heart to lose my baby.

  I love you so much and want nothing more for you, than to live. I know you will not be given that chance if I kept you with me. I found a lovely couple with a beautiful little girl to care for you. With them, you will have a wonderful, healthy life.

  It was my dream to watch you grow from a beautiful child, to handsome man. That dream is just what it is, a dream. I’m so very sorry, but I promise you, your brothers and I will watch you from the heavens. My world is far too dangerous now, and I know I will not survive. I don’t know what kind of life you will have with the human family, but I know that it will be better than anything I can offer.

  This might come as a shock to you, but you are not human. You’re a Halfling. I am human, and your father is a shifter.

  When I met your father, he was a handsome, strong, and caring man. We fell in love, and after he told me he was a shifter and I accepted him, we got married. He was Alpha of our pack in Virginia. Everything was fine, we were happy. I have learned since then, that those peaceful years were just the calm before the storm.

  One day, while I was out shopping for baby items for your older brother, I was attacked. I did not know that it was a devux, but I knew enough self-defense to surprise him, and get away. I never went alone anywhere after that and it’s been six years.

  A month before you were born, a messenger was sent to us. The message was for me and your oldest brother, Gary, to be turned in to the devuxen clan. Your father wouldn’t allow this and sent the messenger away. Two months after you were born, the messenger came back and said that Gary and I had to come, or the clan would be forced to murder all of my children in front of me, before taking me away. Your father sent him away again. I thought about just turning myself in and telling the pack to move. But that was our territory, and they didn’t want to leave just because a clan of devuxen decided to make me a target. I figured if I gave myself over and the pack left, they would leave my children and family alone. Your father wasn’t on board with that idea either.

  A week later, while the pack was patrolling, ten devuxen stormed our territory to the main house. Your father went with them in the end, in a last ditch effort to save our children, our pack, and myself the fate of death or life as a devux. I knew then that I would never see him again. One month later, your father came back, but he was no longer your father. They turned him. His wolf was intact still. He was vicious and terrifying, not many of us could get away. You and I got away by sheer luck. I tried to protect your brothers. We had a plan and would meet in a secret spot only the three of us knew of. But your father got to them first. Gary was supposed to go with Beset north. And Alek was supposed to go with Kellan to the west.

  You’re nearly four months old now, and I am leaving you in the care of the Williams’. I will talk to the surrounding packs and let only Alpha’s know of your presence. You must remain hidden from your father. He must believe that you did not survive traveling, or I fear he will come after you and possibly harm your human family. I am sorry, my little love, I wish things could be different for us, all of us. Please know that I love you with all of my heart, and I want you to be happy and healthy.

  All My Love,

  Mom (Monica Blackwell)

  I wipe the tears from my eyes, hand the letter to Barry, and throw my arms around Henry’s neck. “I am so sorry.”

  “There is some good news. Before Dad passed away, he found some things for me, articles and death certificates. Apparently, my biological father was found dismembered not too far from here in the woods. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say a pack or two got a hold of him,” he eyes Barry.

  “Wow,” I blow out a worried breath. “At least he isn’t going to come after you,” I shrug. “You’re safe, just like she said you would be,” I sigh and decide a slight change in subject is needed. “So, you’re like Barry, then? Can you change forms? Do you feel your wolf?”

  “I don’t know if I can change forms, and I don’t know if I’ve felt my wolf or not. It sort of explains why I am the way I am, I guess. But, Jazzy, I’m still me,” he says with half a smile.

  I said those words to him not so long ago. I nod. “I know. You’ll always be the stud.”

  Barry hands the paper back to Henry. “I believe my father might be able to help you out with some more details. You should definitely show this to him.”

  “I planned on talking to him, I just wanted you
to know, and I needed those answers,” Henry responds.

  I watch Henry’s expressions and eyes, for signs that he’s not as okay as he tries to portray. He seems to be sort of calm, and I can’t figure out if that’s good or bad.

  Barry taps my knee to get my attention. “Jaz, I’ve gotten to know you fairly well, I think. And I think you’ve got some plan worked out in your head, and knowing you, you’re probably planning to talk with the Amaranthine Elders, aren’t you?” I groan inwardly. Do my thoughts actually form words on my forehead? “We’ll keep Henry in the human world, unless he changes forms. And you’ll be happy to hear that he will live longer than the average human as well, probably not as long as you or even me. But he will be around for a while,” he pauses. “You have nothing to worry about. The little punks after you aren’t part of a clan,” he grins.

  “That you know of,” Henry interrupts.

  “They won’t even have a chance to change us,” Barry continues on, and tosses an arm over my shoulder. “We protect you, not the other way around.”

  My gut says to let him have this, let him know that I do want to protect him and his pack. I’m so grateful for them and what they’re doing. But it’s Barry. For some reason, I just can’t let him know he was right. “Are you kidding? I didn’t even think about trying to protect you. Tell me more about this Henry living longer thing.”

  “Yeah, right,” he snorts and shakes his head. “Shifters are closer to humans, but we live closer to two hundred years,” he shrugs.

  My mind races and my heart gallops just as fast. “I’ll still be without him…” I swallow. “For a few hundred years.”

  Henry nudges me. “It’s better than only having me around for seventy years or so,” he shrugs a shoulder and smiles.

  I don’t want to think about any of it.

  Life without Henry.

  No. I just can’t.

  I jump up and head back to the house without a word. I need to not see Henry right now. The longer I do, the longer I’ll think of what happens when he leaves me for good.

  I get closer to the house and see Seth waiting for me at the end of the drive. I go over to him while trying to remove the panic from my system.

  “What happened?” he asks in concern. I tell him everything. I couldn’t lie to him if I tried. He pulls me into his arms. My skin tingles against him and the smell of his clean, spicy scent seems to relax me.

  I can breathe again.

  He puts his mouth next to my ear, lips brushing my skin. “You need to not over think things. Focus on one thing at a time,” he turns us slightly. “Don’t think of life without him, like he’s already gone. Look,” he ticks his head to the left. “He’s right here and he’s not going anywhere.”

  I watch Henry laugh with Barry, Flynn, and Tony.

  In comparison, he’s really not that much smaller than them. He’s not hulked out like they are, but he could probably keep up with them.

  At least he will be safe, and Mom…

  “Oh, shit!” I exhale and step away from Seth. “Henry!” I shriek.

  Everyone comes running, even Kiron and Skeeter from inside.

  “What happened?” Kiron asks me.

  “Are you okay?” Barry asks.

  “Er, we have a problem,” I say, and glance at Henry. “Mom read that whole letter and the articles and all of that?”

  “Yeah, so?” He asks, bewildered.

  I just stare and wait.

  “Oh, shit,” Barry says flatly.

  “What letter?” Flynn and Tony ask at the same time.

  I ignore them. “Did Mom ask questions about the contents of that letter?” I ask Henry.

  “Yeah, she didn’t understand the whole not human thing, and Shifter, and Devuxen. I didn’t know the safest way to answer, so I just continued to sit there, and not say anything,” he shrugs.

  I breathe a little easier, but think of something else groan-worthy. “I really hope she doesn’t question Leland.”

  “He knows to keep her in the dark,” Kiron says.

  “Have you ever known Leland to lie?” I glare at him.

  He shakes his head, “No.”

  “He has a hard time lying to anyone. Let alone my mother, his twin. They shared everything, from clothes and toys to a womb. She may be temporarily insane, but she’s not stupid…” My phone starts blaring, effectively interrupting my rant.

  I check the screen and see that it’s Leland.

  “Speak of the devil,” I mutter as I answer. “What’s up?”

  “Your mother’s curiosity,” he spits. “I told her she’ll get more answers when she’s home. She’s afraid for you and Henry, and doesn’t want anything to happen to either of you,” he sighs. “She’s pissed that I know and I’m not telling her. Be prepared when you visit her Tuesday,” I groan. “I’ll be there in twenty to help finish up. It’s been a long day, so start wrapping things up. See you soon,” he ends the call before I can respond.

  “Well that’s fabulous,” I say, and stuff my phone in my pocket.

  “What is?” Henry asks.

  “Mom knows something isn’t right. She’s pissed at Leland for not telling her, and she is planning to interrogate us on Tuesday,” I say, and Henry looks to the sky.


  Lying next to Seth with my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, is exactly what I need after today. He’s running his fingers through my hair, and I’m drawing circles on his chest. I feel safe, and warm. Just being with him like this, it feels right. I don’t want to fall asleep just yet, so I send him a mental kiss.

  His chest vibrates with laughter. “Come ‘ere,” he whispers.

  I lift my head and look into his eyes, green eyes as bright and brilliant as a grassy field on a sunny day. I could gaze into his eyes forever, hypnotized.

  His fingers guide my face to his and he kisses my mouth softly. The tingles on my lips and cheek work their magic, and I just feel, not think.

  I deepen the kiss as he rolls me to my back. I sigh but I want to whimper. I want to be closer to him, if that’s even possible. He lets out a chuckle, and I pull away and smile innocently. He grins, and lowers his lips to mine again.

  I’m just about to tell him we should slow down, when Alex screams at the top of his lungs. Seth and I scramble off my bed and race to Alex’s room.

  Seth enters first, turns on the light and starts to check around the room.

  Poor little guy. His face is red and he has tears dripping off his chubby little cheeks. I lift him out of the crib and start to sing him a lullaby. His tiny little arms squeeze my neck and he buries his face in my hair. By the time I’m done with the chorus, he’s back asleep.

  I go to lay him back down, and someone touches my back. Glancing over my shoulder, I see that it’s Leland, arms opened for his son, so I gently pass him off.

  Seth pushes off the wall. “Maybe you should let him sleep with you tonight Leland, just uh, to be sure,” Seth whispers.

  My blood boils. That had better have been just a nightmare.

  Several expressions flit across Leland’s face before settling on pissed. “Okay,” he says and carries Alex off to his room.

  I take a relaxing breath and turn to Henry. “Maybe you should bunk with Barry tonight.”

  He cracks a small smile. “I can’t be attacked like that.” I raise an eyebrow in disbelief. “Halfling, remember?”

  “Oh, right,” I whisper and step out to the hallway. That’s when I realize Barry isn’t here. There’s no way he slept through that. “Where is Barry?”

  “I’ll be in your room, don’t be afraid of him,” Seth says. What’s that supposed to mean? Seth kisses my cheek and walks down the hall to my room.

  “He’s in his room. He couldn’t control himself, and didn’t want to scare Alex anymore than he already was,” Henry responds.

  I nod in understanding and slowly walk to Barry’s room.

  Barry’s door is cracked, I knock lightly, and it pushes open further
revealing fur. Wolfy Barry is pacing, the tap of his nails hitting the hardwood floor, heavy breathing and occasional grunting, amplified in the silence of night.

  I slip in and shut the door behind me.

  Barry won’t hurt me, no matter his form. I repeat this mantra as I get closer the overgrown wolf.

  I’m almost to the couch when the beast swivels his head piercing me with a look that no normal animal could possess. I halt my movements as my breathing picks up. This is Barry, he won’t hurt me.

  Barry shakes his giant wolf head, as if saying “no.” He aims his nose to the door.

  Message received. I raise a brow and swallow my fear. There’s no way I’m leaving until he’s calm enough to sleep.

  I cautiously sit on the couch, and take a deep breath. “Alex is sleeping again, he’s okay,” I assure him.

  Air huffs from his snout as he stalks closer. He sits in front of me and bows his head so I can look in his eyes.

  I ignore my brain screaming at me to bust a move out the door, and slowly reach my hand out to him. “Barry, it’s okay,” I pet his face and sigh. “He just had a nightmare,” I say, voice laced in anger. That has to be true. I scratch his ear a little, like you would with a dog. He makes a strange grumbling noise. “I know your job is to protect us all, but you need to be level headed and well rested to manage that.” The wolf shakes his head and snorts. He’s probably thinking that he needs more help just to deal with me. I roll my eyes at the thought.

  When did I get to know Barry so well I can carry on a conversation with him, without the need for his voice?

  “You shouldn’t worry so much, Barry. Soon enough you’ll be off “Princess Watch” and you can go back to your carefree, perverted life.” He pins me with a glare. “Don’t give me any shit, Barry. You know as well as I, that your time here puts a damper on the “strange” you crave,” I snap, and he rams his wet nose into my forehead with a grunt.

  I grab the edge of his pillowcase and wipe my forehead. “What? I’m tired Barry. I’m not really thrilled about having a one-sided conversation,” I shrug, and he pads to his closet.


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