Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze

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Sun & Shyne 2: School Daze Page 12

by Sa'id Salaam

  “Yes, I might, and I don’t know,” she replied, answering all her questions at once. Then she drifted inside of her head to answer for herself. Should she keep waiting on Sun to grow up or explore other options? She was so deep in thought that she didn’t notice Shyne get up and leave the apartment.

  Shyne marched down the hall and banged on the men’s condo door. She was too impatient to wait, so she tried the knob and it turned, so she barged in. Asad was doing push-ups in the living room and popped up to his feet when she entered.

  “As salaamu alaykum,” he greeted with a wide smile. Shyne didn’t see the smile due to the muscles contorting the white wife beater.

  “Um…” Shyne frowned, trying to remember the reply to the greeting. “Um…”

  “Sup, Shyne?” Sun greeted as he came out and broke the spell.

  “I need to talk to you!” she demanded, poking him in his chest until he backed into his room.

  “What now?” he sighed, realizing it could be anything. Shyne had replaced their mother and he seemed to stay in trouble.

  “I heard you messing with that nasty girl April!”

  “Bryonna told you, huh? Look, I like Bryonna and if I was mature, she’d be perfect! But I’m not so I’ma hit all the hoochies and hoodrats I can get my paws on.”

  “And you gonna die. That girl is burning! Burning in the worst way!” Shyne said, sticking the paper to prove it in his face.

  Sun waved it away and wouldn’t even look at it. “Y’all bugging! Me and shorty hooking up next Saturday and that’s that!” he huffed and stormed out of the unit.

  “Sup with him?” Asad asked when Shyne came back up front.

  “Nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “And why didn’t you greet me when I came in?”

  Chapter 25

  Shyne couldn’t reach Sun so she decided to talk to April. She would’ve beat her up if not for her positive status. She definitely didn’t want to get the girl’s blood on her.

  “Shit!” Shyne fussed when she arrived at April’s apartment just in time to see her enter it with a guy. She let out a sigh and decided to wait it out. She pulled up the girl’s social media to keep her busy while she waited. Every ratchet post and every twerk the girl had posted only made her madder.

  April was with a different dude every day, even after getting her positive results. She bragged about bedding rappers and ballplayers. Her posts proved she had no remorse for her actions. That’s why Shyne went and filled her gas cans. She was so focused on her mission that she neglected to fill her tank.

  “Another one!” Shyne exclaimed when a man entered April’s apartment right after the last one left. She would’ve waited for him to leave if she hadn’t seen him take off his wedding band as he approached the apartment.

  The light rain that had been falling increased just as Shyne made her move. She transferred the gas from the can into a bucket when she reached the front door. Her dad had taught them how to bypass most locks and security systems so she had no problem easing inside. The sounds of vigorous fucking reached her as soon as she entered.

  “Whose…pussy…is…this?” the man demanded with each deep stroke. He had April’s legs locked in his arms so he could pile drive the pussy. The sight froze Shyne in her tracks. She had never seen a live sex act and it amazed her.

  “Yours!” she shot back. She couldn’t give a name since she never got it.

  Shyne cocked her head curiously at the copulating couple. The fuck faces, skin slapping and vagina squishing had her mesmerized. No telling how long she would have been stuck there if they hadn’t changed positions and saw her. He pulled out and flipped on his back while she mounted him and began to ride him backwards.

  “Who…are…you?” April asked the intruder as she continued riding.

  “Huh?” Shyne asked in confusion. It came to her a second later when she felt the weight of the bucket of gas in her hand. “Oh yeah!”

  “What the fuck!” the man shouted and shoved April off when he felt the cold gas hit his body.

  Shyne got stuck again at the sight of his erection but quickly recovered her modesty. “Okay, bye-bye,” she sang and waved with one hand and flicked a lighter with the other.

  The couple screamed as they both went up in flames. Shyne cocked her head once more as she watched them run, jump and dance in an attempt to put the flames out. The man ran for the door and got outside. That was Shyne’s cue to leave. The pouring rain put the man’s fire out but he wouldn’t survive the burns. Instead, he would die a slow, agonizing death. Still, it was better than letting him take AIDS home to his pregnant wife.

  “What happened? Who me?” Shyne said, practicing for her brother. He’d told her to leave the girl alone but of course, she hadn’t listened. She thought it was real funny until her truck sputtered and shut off. “Shit!”

  “Where you going?” Sun asked when he saw Asad getting ready to leave. The fact that he had his car keys meant that he was leaving the building instead of just going down the hall to the girl’s unit.

  “Huh?” Asad asked since Shyne had specifically told him not to tell her brother he was coming to her rescue.

  “Tell Shyne I said what’s up,” he laughed knowingly. He would’ve pressed for more information if he didn’t have a date of his own.

  Asad realized he should have taken an umbrella once he pulled out of the building’s underground parking garage. It was too late now so he pushed on. He called Shyne and kept her company as he drove to her aide. She was on the opposite side of the highway so he drove to the next exit and came back around.

  Asad pulled up behind Shyne and got out. He unwilling entered a wet t-shirt contest as he quickly got soaked. He won when the white fabric clung to the chocolate muscles underneath.

  “Damn!” Shyne exclaimed when he reached her window.

  “What’s wrong?” Asad asked since she never explained what the problem was. She’d said, ‘Come get me,’ and he’d dropped everything to go get her.

  “With what?” she asked. Seeing his shirt, face and braids had made her forget why she was stranded. “Oh! I ran out of gas!”

  “You did?” Asad asked, frowning at the gas can in the back. He shrugged his shoulders and retrieved it. Instead of leaving her, he syphoned some gas from his own tank into the can.

  Shyne felt a tingle through her whole body as she watched him through her mirrors. She squirmed uncomfortably as a puddle formed in her panties. As soon as he closed her gas cap, she started her vehicle and took off.

  “What a strange girl,” Asad chuckled as she pulled off. He put the gas can in his trunk and went home.


  “Un huh, you got wet, huh?” Sun said when his sister got off the elevator.

  “Ugh! You so nasty!” Shyne shouted in embarrassment, misunderstanding. He’d meant from the rain but she was soaking wet from being turned on by Asad.

  “Huh?” he frowned at the crazy response. “Anyway, I’m out. ‘Bout to go see April.”

  “She burning,” Shyne laughed and walked away.

  He’d get it once he got there.

  Sun and Asad nodded ‘what’s up’ as they passed each other in the parking garage. He then hopped into his vehicle and headed to his date with April. He raced across town, only to pull up to a crime scene.

  “Shyne!” he shouted when he saw the fire trucks spraying water on the unit programmed into his GPS. This had her name written all over it. Her parting words popped into his head and he couldn’t help but laugh.

  ‘She burning.’


  “Sup, yo?” Sun asked with a perplexed look when he walked into the lobby and saw Milton pressing the elevator’s call button. They hung out every now and then but had no plans for the night.

  “I’m taking Bryonna to the movies,” he said, sticking his chin up defiantly.

  “I thought I told you…” Sun began but paused when he realized he was whining. He cleared his throat and started over with a little more bass in his
voice. “Yo, I know I told to leave her alone.”

  “Free country, my man,” Milton shrugged. The elevator arrived and they both walked in. When it reached the tenth floor, only one got off. The other one was sleeping soundly in the corner with lumps all over his head.

  “You right, it is a free country,” Sun teased and turned down the hallway.

  “Who?” Shyne barked, trying to sound tough. She knew Bryonna was expecting her date so she went on and pulled the door open. “Sun? What do you want?”

  “Why I gotta want something?” he reeled as if insulted.

  “Cuz err’ time you come down here, you need milk, eggs, toilet tissue…something!” she reminded.

  “Oh.” Sun shrugged since it was all true. Bryonna broke up the banter when she came out looking cute. Her outfit was new and modest and the trace of lip gloss set off her pretty face.

  “Did I hear the bell?” she sang as she fluttered in like Gone With The Wind. Milton would have been impressed if he wasn’t riding up and down the elevator sleeping. “Where’s Milton?”

  “He, um…said he couldn’t make it,” Sun lied. He regretted it in an instant when he saw her lip poke out from being stood up. “But since you’re already dressed, why don’t we go to the movies?”

  “We, as in, me and you?” Bryonna cheesed and looked to Shyne for approval. She didn’t get it because Shyne was shaking her head no. “Sure!”

  “Come on, let’s leave this hater,” Sun said as he escorted her out of the apartment. He remembered her date and suggested, “Let’s take the stairs. You can lose a pound…or two.”

  Chapter 26

  Christi had met a nice gentleman while the twins were juniors. By their senior year, he’d popped the question and she’d accepted. It was only then that she decided to introduce Daryl to her family. She had the ring now so he couldn’t back out.

  Killa decided to throw the cute couple a pre-wedding dinner party at a five-star restaurant. He had followed, spied on and checked out the man and approved. Wanting to make it a grand affair, he flew his grandmother along with Xavier and Rico down. They all met at the restaurant so Shyne wouldn’t show out.

  “So, grandson, have your finally declared a major?” Diedra asked.

  “Huh?” Sun replied, not because he didn’t hear the question but because he didn’t have a major.

  Sun was smart so he did well in his general education classes without much effort. He may have been a standout player in high school but was only in college so the NBA was out. He did like weed and pussy but those weren’t really career choices. Luckily for him, his dad had plans for him.

  “A-yo, you got a problem?” Rico finally asked, ending the staring contest.

  Shyne had locked her eyes on his like a chicken hawk does a chicken. “Yup, you! Say one more word and I’ma come across this table and…”

  “Shyne!” Grandma Diedra shrieked. She then turned to Killa and asked, “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  “About what? Oh! Yeah, um, Shyne, chill,” he said between bites of prime rib.

  Shyne chilled but pouted about it. The boys had made a truce but not her. She needed someone to blame for her mother’s death and they were it. She meant what she’d said, too.

  “Tell them your good news, Asad!” Sun said to switch the subject. Asad had just opened the email on the way over so not even Shyne knew yet.

  “Oh yeah! I got an offer to buy my game!” he said and cheesed proudly.

  “You did? That’s great!” Shyne squealed and kissed his cheek, causing him to cheese even harder.

  “Two mil upfront and…eight percent royalties for life!” Sun added, just as proud. A win for one was a win for them all.

  “Congratu-,” Rico began but Shyne kept her word and came across the table. She stepped on the bread bowl and dove on her half-brother. Down they went, wrestling and throwing punches.

  “So, anyway…” Killa said and continued the conversation. Poor Daryl had a look on his face like ‘what have I gotten myself into?’


  “Oh my God! You look so beautiful!” Shyne gushed when her big sister emerged in her wedding dress. Bryonna broke down crying from joy. This was the reward of being a good girl and guarding your chastity. Christi wasn’t a jump off, side chick or baby mama. She was a bride.

  “You guys look great, too!” Christi said of them in their bridesmaid’s dresses with flowers in their afro puffs. She looked at Shyne’s eye and shook her head. “Except for that.”

  “What, my shyner? Get it? Shyne, shyner…y’all wack!”

  “You crazy! That was crazy!” Bryonna laughed at the fight. Her and Rico both missed dessert by rolling around on the floor.

  “Oh! It’s time!” Shyne shouted when she checked the clock. She and Bryonna joined the rest of the bridesmaids. She snarled at Rico standing next to Sun and the other groomsmen. He had a black eye, too, so they were even.

  “If you hurt my sister, I’ll kill you,” Sun whispered through his smile.

  It took Daryl a few seconds to process the threat because of the smile. “Trust me. She does,” he replied.

  That sealed it for Sun, who trusted his big sister’s judgement. The smile became genuine as his father began marching the bride down the aisle.

  “We’re next,” Shyne mouthed to Asad who nodded and cheesed. Graduation wasn’t long off and they planned to marry shortly after. He had just purchased a five-bedroom house out in the suburbs to make sure Sun and Bryonna always had a place to call home as well.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Killa whispered as he presented the bride to her husband. He then fell into place and watched the nuptials.


  Graduation rolled around so it was time for the family to come together once again. Shyne was anxious to hug her grandmother and fight her brothers, but she also had a bigger goal on her mind. Fuck graduation. She was ready to go on her honeymoon in a month.

  “I’ma be like uh-uh-uh,” Shyne said, humping the air in front of the mirror.

  “Shyne, get help,” Bryonna laughed.

  Sun was still cock blocking dudes from getting close to her. In her mind, it meant they went together, but she accepted that their future was in the future.

  “A-yo!” Sun called out as he entered the condo. “You heard from Pops?”

  “As a matter of fact…” Shyne paused to check her phone. “No, I haven’t.”

  “It’s going straight to voicemail,” he advised when she called. She found out for herself a second later when her father’s deep voice gave the offer to leave a message.

  “Um, Daddy, it’s Shyne, your daughter. We’re getting ready to graduate, college, in like…an hour and I was wondering where…the…hell…are you?” she fussed.

  They fussed, cussed, called and waited until they couldn’t wait any longer. The twins finally gave up on their father and grandmother attending the ceremony. They all piled into Sun’s car and rode in silence to cross the stage once more. Bryonna was called first and then Asad. The Dean thought it was cute to have a set of twins graduate so he called them together.

  “Shyne and Sun Forrest,” he announced alphabetically.

  “Come on, yo,” Sun urged and stood.

  Shyne let out a deep sigh and took to her feet. She scanned the audience one final time and there he was. “Daddy! He came!” she said with relief. It was short-lived when she noticed the stoic look on his face behind the dark glasses. Now she worried about him as she collected her prize.

  They missed what followed by going to check on him.

  “You okay, Pops?” Sun asked, putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

  “Is it Grandma?” Shyne asked, fearing the worse since she wasn’t with him. She was old but only death would prevent her from seeing her babies graduate. Only death had prevented it but it wasn’t hers.

  “Xavier and Rico were shot last night,” Killa croaked hoarsely. He had to clear his throat to get the rest out. “X died and Rico is critical. We
need to go to New York.”

  “Say no more, Pops!” Sun agreed eagerly. He knew his father wanted get back and he planned to give it to him.

  “We with you,” Shyne cosigned. The lone tear that slipped from under the shades hurt her to her core. Somebody was going to die for it, very violently.

  “Take your friends home and I’ll be by later,” Killa said and disappeared through the crowd.

  “What we ‘posed to tell Bryonna and Asad?” Sun wondered how to explain their sudden departure.

  “Just say it’s family business,” Shyne replied.

  Chapter 27

  “Look, Pops, when we find out who did it, you just fall back and let me and Shyne handle it,” Sun offered as they sped up 95 North.

  “Shyne and I,” Shyne corrected since they were college grads and all.

  “You and Shyne? That don’t make no sense!” Sun fussed and an argument started.

  Killa just shook his head as they argued through the whole state of North Carolina. “You guys really have no idea who I am, do you?” Killa asked. “Me or your mom?”

  “Sure we do. You’re Killa,” Sun said, using his fingers to make quotation marks at his name. “And mom was Yolo.”

  “You only live once!” Shyne added.

  “Well, there’s a reason that they call me Killa,” he advised then began to fill them in. He started with Chronicles of a Killa when they reached Virginia and ended with Yolo 3 at The Jersey Turnpike. “That’s why.”

  Sun and Shyne sat there with their mouths wide open at the wild tales of murder and mayhem. If they were true, it made them both look like Girl Scouts. Sun turned to face his sister to get her take and then they broke out into laughter.

  “Blew up a funeral home!” Shyne howled and cracked up. The young woman keeled over on her side holding her stomach. “You gonna make me pee!”

  “Black Mob? Mommy?’ Sun cackled and cracked up some more. Tears streamed from his eyes from laughing so hard.

  Killa twisted his lips and changed directions once they hit the city. Instead of going straight to The Bronx, he took a detour to Long Island. The twins had residual chuckles as they reached the house in Wyandanch.


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