Devil's Desires [Dark Knights 1] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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Devil's Desires [Dark Knights 1] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 1

by Lynn Hagen

  Dark Knights 1

  Devil’s Desires

  Ryan is devastated when his boyfriend breaks up with him through a text message. And now Jeff is at Krave with his new toy, flaunting Terry in front of Ryan. Terry is ten years younger, handsomer, and paws Jeff to the point Ryan can’t stand it any longer. But there is someone who catches Ryan’s interest. Devil is sex on two legs, but he’s straight, so Ryan doesn’t stand a chance with the gorgeous guy. Or so he thinks.

  The Dark Knights have formed, and the job is proving harder than any of them expected. Devil McKellen has been given a list of the Hunters he has to eliminate, but when he discovers his mate at Krave—a nightclub Devil now owns—his attention is split between work and pleasure.

  Until Ryan finds out what Devil is really up to. But the stakes grow when one of the Hunters goes after Ryan in order to lure Devil to his death.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Paranormal, Shape-shifters

  Length: 28,293 words


  Dark Knights 1

  Lynn Hagen


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2018 by Lynn Hagen

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-959-9

  First Publication: February 2018

  Cover design by Melody Simmons

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten




  Dark Knights 1


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “This can’t be happening.” Ryan Baker looked toward the bar and spotted Jeff. The smug bastard already had a new toy clinging to him, and from the look of it, the guy was just out of diapers.

  “Don’t you dare,” Henry hissed into Ryan’s ear. “Ignore him. We were having fun until you spotted him.”

  How could he ignore a man he’d given six months of his life to? A man who had sworn he loved Ryan and who had broken up with him through a text message. Why hadn’t Ryan seen the real Jeff before now? He felt stupid and naïve for believing anything Jeff had ever said to him.

  And now Jeff was hanging out at Krave, the hottest club in the city. Why had Ryan come here knowing this was Jeff’s favorite spot? Because, again, it was the hottest club around. Ryan wanted to forget the prick by finding someone to take home. A rebound he could toss away in the morning.

  But all he could do was stare at the man who had broken his heart.

  “Here.” Henry slid Ryan’s margarita closer. “Down that and you’ll soon forget Jerk exists.”

  That was what Ryan loved about his best friend. Henry knew how to cheer him up, even if his efforts consisted of plying Ryan with alcohol. Ryan grabbed the glass with purpose, eyeing the pink liquid before he tossed aside the little umbrella and drank the concoction down.

  Every last drop. He smacked his lips, running his tongue over them as he looked around for the sexy bartender. Joque—or as Ryan and Henry called him, Cock—was nowhere in sight.

  Ryan held his glass up and hooted with laughter, pretending to have a good time. That drew Jeff’s attention. He slid his gaze toward Ryan, giving him a once-over, then turned back to his new toy and whispered something in his ear.

  The little prick giggled.

  To be fair, the new squeeze looked about twenty-two, but Ryan was ten years older than that so he was in a bitchy mood.

  Then Ryan spotted him.


  It was like a light beam suddenly shined down on him, encasing his perfect form and separating him from the crowd of skanks around him. Devil had a muscular upper body, his waist tapered into a V shape on either side of his hips, and he wore loose-fitting jeans that hung off his waist and hugged his rounded buns tightly. His hair was such a dirty-blond that Ryan had all sorts of naughty thoughts racing around his head.

  Ryan rested his elbow on the table, then placed his chin on his hand. What a freaking hunk.

  He was also Jeff’s friend. Which made Devil off-limits.

  It was against the bro code to date a buddy’s ex-girlfriend, but did that same code apply to an ex-lover’s friend if said lover was gay? Even if it was okay, Ryan was positive Devil was straight.

  “There goes Devil.” Henry leaned his chin on his hand, mimicking Ryan’s posture. “He is so freaking hot. You should go talk to him and get your rebound on.”

  Ryan sighed. If only. “You’re wasted if you think I have a chance in hell with him.”

  “Come on.” Henry grabbed Ryan’s arm and hopped off his stool. He nearly stumbled, but righted himself before his drunken ass fell. Henry swayed, then blinked at Ryan, wearing the biggest, goofiest grin. He wiggled his brows before saying, “We’re gonna prowl this club and find hot studs to dance with so we can forget that Jerk and my rotten ex exist.”

  Ryan had forgotten Henry was here to drink away Lance’s memory. His best friend had been dumped, too. They were a pathetic duo who needed to get plastered and find a rebound. But so far, they’d found something wrong with every guy who approached their table—too bitchy, too sweaty, too self-absorbed. One even tried to grab Ryan’s cock as he made a pass at Henry. It was like a den of sex-deprived college guys.

  Why hadn’t Ryan noticed that before? Oh yeah, he had been too in love with Jeff to notice another man.

  I’m such an idiot.

  Ryan’s gaze wandered to Devil, who was still hanging at the bar. His baseball cap was on backward as he chatted with some female. She was a beautiful blonde, and Ryan was so jealous. He hated her instantly because he wanted to be the one Devil was chatting and smiling with.

  But Ryan wasn’t a hateful person. He was actually sweet and kind, and went out of his way for friends, and at times, strang
ers. But being dumped turned the nicest person into a witch who wanted to send his evil monkeys after anyone who looked at him wrong.

  Especially at the person who had dumped him. Fly, monkeys, fly. Ryan snorted at his ridiculous thoughts.

  “Hey.” Henry slapped Ryan on the back and slid his bottom lip out in a pout. “Talk about feeling neglected.”

  Ryan tore his gaze away from Devil. Wishing for what he couldn’t have was useless.

  Then Ryan spotted Jeff again, dancing with his toy. They were getting down and dirty, like they were fucking on the dance floor. Ryan needed another drink…or twenty, just to get that image out of his head.

  They were over. Done with. Ryan had no rights over Jeff, yet he felt like Jeff was cheating on him, right in front of him, flaunting that new toy like the guy was a shiny bobble.

  Fuck them both.

  Ryan grabbed Henry’s wrist and charged toward the bar while he glared at anyone who looked his way. Which sucked, because Ryan was mowing down his chances of getting laid.

  “If you make me fall, I’m gonna sock you in the eye.”

  That was another thing he loved about Henry. His friend always spoke whatever was on his flaky mind. Ryan didn’t see how Lance had lost interest in him. Henry was full of fire and life, and Ryan needed that attitude at his side.

  Fuck Lance, too.

  Ryan stopped short as he approached the ass-end of the bar. Devil was on the other side of the U-shaped counter, still smiling and flirting with that female, and Ryan became lost in his smile. It was seductive, with a dash of boy next door.

  He turned to Henry. “There you go. That bartender is right up your alley. I bet you Spike won’t mind tying you up and spanking your ass.”

  Spike was muscular and shirtless, showing off what he had to offer. And he looked as though he had a lot to give.

  Henry laughed. The sound carried over the music. Seeing his friend smile made Ryan’s heart lighter. “I never said I liked being tied up, asshole.”

  “You just look the type.” Ryan gave Henry a wide grin. “Now go lay on your charm while I get so wasted you have to pour me into an Uber.”

  Henry’s look said he wasn’t sure if Ryan was serious or simply joking. He wished he was joking. Those were his plans. But he had to ease Henry’s worries. “Just playing.”

  Henry’s smile grew tight, then his features relaxed. “Okay, but I’m keeping an eye on you.”

  And he would. That was who Henry Dickerson was. Caring, protective, and a nutjob all rolled into one. If Ryan had any thoughts of murdering Jeff, Henry would be at Ryan’s side, holding the shovel.

  Truthfully, he didn’t want Devil to notice him. Being Jeff’s friend, Ryan wasn’t sure if Devil would try to cheer him up or talk shit because Ryan was no longer with Jerk—as Henry called him.

  Ryan wasn’t in the mood for either. He looked at Henry and tilted his chin. “I’m gonna slink to the other side of the bar where all the losers sit.”

  “Go slank, slunk, slinken…oh, whatever.” Henry’s attention was bolted to Spike.

  Ryan moved through the crowd while trying not to touch anyone. He didn’t want to give anyone the wrong impression. Right now, he wasn’t interested in rebound sex.

  He should’ve been, but he wasn’t. Jeff had killed his mood. Maybe after a dozen or so drinks, Ryan would take a random stranger home and get his brains fucked out.

  A single stool was empty, and Ryan snagged it. He tried to make himself invisible as Cock sauntered his way.

  “You ready for another margarita?”

  “No.” Ryan shook his head. “Give me something stronger, and keep them coming.”

  Cock’s eyebrows shot up. “That bad?”

  Ryan had been coming here for a month and he’d never ordered anything stronger than a margarita. He got tipsy very easily. But Jeff was taunting him, or so Ryan told himself, though his ex wasn’t paying him any attention. Ryan guessed he was no longer as shiny as Jeff’s new toy.

  He slapped the bar. “You’re not playing shrink with me, Cock. Just line them up.”

  Cock winked at him. “You know I love it when you call me that.”

  If Cock wasn’t so high-maintenance and was Ryan’s type, Ryan would’ve taken the guy home with him. But Cock’s lips were so loose that everyone in the club would have known they’d slept together seconds after it was over.

  Cock was a social-media junkie and posted everything about his life. Ryan didn’t want to become his latest post.

  He set a glass in front of Ryan and poured dark liquor into it. “This’ll get you fucked-up.” Cock winked at him again. “Dark drinky-drinky always gets sorry souls wasted.”

  “So now I’m a sorry soul?” Ryan picked up the drink and sniffed it. It had kind of a woody smell, and for some strange reason, it smelled like cereal, too. Maybe he was more wasted than he thought.

  “I heard what happened.” Cock glared Jeff’s way. “I never did like Jerk. His loss.”

  Apparently, Henry’s nickname had caught on. Ryan downed the drink, then coughed. It sure as hell didn’t taste cereal-y. Maybe he wouldn’t have twenty of them. The one he’d just downed had him trying to catch his breath.

  “You should slow down before you fall off your stool.”

  Ryan stiffened. He would know that sultry voice anywhere. And why was Devil talking to him, or was he talking to someone else while standing so close to Ryan’s back?

  Ryan turned slowly on his stool. His gaze wandered up Devil’s body before settling on his face. And what an amazing face he had. “Don’t start with me.”

  “Don’t start what?” Devil leaned his beefy arms on the counter, and his biceps rose as his shirt stretched wider. He smelled wonderful, and Ryan was dying to lick every inch of his sexy body.

  “I don’t need a lecture from Jeff’s friend.” Ryan tapped his empty shot glass, and Cock refilled it. His service was fast because the nosy prick was lingering close, sucking down every word Devil and Ryan said.

  Ryan pointed a finger at Cock. “Go away. My disastrous life isn’t for your consumption.”

  He pouted. “You’re no fun.”

  Devil winked at Cock, which made Cock chuckle.

  “You shouldn’t do that.” Ryan tossed back the drink and slammed the empty glass down. He was nervous because Devil seemed so self-assured and Ryan was a mess on the inside. “You’ll get a stalker if Joque thinks you’re serious.”

  Devil turned back to Ryan, a cocky smile on his handsome face. His smile was so mesmerizing that Ryan couldn’t help but get lost in it. Damn his straight good looks. Damn him to hell for not being gay.

  “He knows I’m just pulling his leg.” Devil’s deep, sultry voice pulled on Ryan’s balls, making him hungry for what he couldn’t have. But it was those eyes that damn near killed Ryan. So blue. So erotically blue. And even in a club that smelled like booze and sex, Ryan inhaled Devil’s rich, masculine scent. His intense gaze made Ryan fidget on his stool. It was so captivating, so sensual, that Ryan wanted Devil to look at him like that while the guy fucked his brains out.

  “That’s the problem,” Ryan said. He cleared his throat and hoped Devil didn’t notice the boner between his legs. “He wants you to pull his leg. His third one.”

  And mine, too. Please pull mine. Ryan’s dick pulsed in agreement. He touched his mouth to make sure he wasn’t drooling, but came back with dry fingers.

  Devil’s deep laugh made Ryan’s heart pound. The bastard. He knew how charming he was and used that gift as a weapon.

  “I’m celebrating my freedom,” Ryan said. “So bugger off.”

  Devil placed his hand over his heart. “You wound me, Ryan. I’m simply hanging out tonight. Just because Jeff is my friend doesn’t mean you’re my enemy now.”

  “Why the fuck would you hang out with a skank like him?” Ryan blurted before he could stop himself. Could he sound any more like a hateful bitch? Where was Henry? He needed his best friend to chase Devil away.

at the other end of the bar, hitting on Spike. At least someone was having a good time.


  Ryan looked over his shoulder and scowled. It was Jeff and him. Ryan was tipsy now, and in a rare ugly mood. He wanted to choke the life out of Jeff, then kick him in the nuts. But Devil’s words had him snapping his head back around to gape at the gorgeous man.

  “You better back down,” Devil warned. “You and Terry were having a good time. Don’t spoil it.”

  Terry. That was his name. Ryan hated it instantly.

  The little bitch gave Ryan a withering glare, then a fake-ass smile when he caught Ryan looking at him. He petted Jeff’s chest, and Ryan knew it was for his benefit. “Come on, baby. Let’s go dance again.”

  Baby. What an appropriate endearment. Jeff was the most immature man Ryan knew.

  Like you’re any better tonight. Stop being a hater and move on with your life.

  Ryan’s inner voice was right, but his alcohol-addled brain disagreed. It wanted Ryan to slap the taste out of Terry’s mouth. But Ryan didn’t. He was more mature than that, and he didn’t want Jeff or Terry to know how painful the breakup had really been for him.

  As if Devil had read Ryan’s mind, he moved closer, like he’d declared himself Ryan’s unofficial bodyguard. “Go dance, Jeff.”

  Jeff looked between them, then curled his upper lip. “Fine, go slumming. I’ll talk to you later, Devil.”

  Ryan wanted to throw his drink in Jeff’s face, but Cock hadn’t refilled it. Maybe that was a good thing. He didn’t want to get thrown out. Krave had a strict policy about behavior, and tossing a drink into someone’s face was a big no-no.

  “You cool?” Devil squeezed Ryan’s shoulder as Jeff and Terry walked away. Ryan knocked Devil’s hand off him, but in his imagination, he was begging Devil to squeeze another, more intimate part of his body.


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