A Shot of Bitterness (Candy Store Mysteries Book 2)

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A Shot of Bitterness (Candy Store Mysteries Book 2) Page 2

by Wendy Meadows

  “I’m good. I saw you talking to the man who is renting the vacant storefront across the street.”

  “Yes, have you met him?” asked Margaret.

  “Not yet. He hasn’t come in here to eat yet. Some of my regulars haven’t been here, either. They say they can’t find parking with the trucks in the way.”

  “Give him time,” said Margaret. “His name is Scott. He seems like a nice guy.”

  “If you say so,” said Stacy, but she had a sour look on her face. “What can I get you?”

  “We’ll take a pot of coffee and two mugs,” said David.

  “Oh, and I need a to-go order for Zach,” said Margaret.

  “Let me guess. He wants a patty melt,” said Stacy.

  David and Margaret laughed.

  “He says yours are the best he has ever tasted,” said Margaret.

  “I agree with that,” said David. Stacy laughed and went to get their coffee. David and Margaret talked about the new business.

  “I think it’s good that this town is getting so many new storefronts,” said David. “So often you see small towns get smaller and smaller, and businesses leave, and then there’s no one left. Glad this town is thriving.”

  “Yeah, me too. We don’t want too many vacancies,” said Margaret.

  Stacy came by with the coffee. “Let me know when you want me to make Zach’s patty melt,” Stacy said. “I want it to be nice and hot for him.”

  “I will,” said Margaret. Margaret told David about the elementary school order.

  “It sounds like you’ll be busy,” said David. “Would you like some help?”

  “We should be fine, but I know where to reach you if I need you.”

  They talked for a while longer and Margaret asked Stacy to make Zach’s lunch.

  “Oh, did I tell you I ran into Kyle today?” asked Margaret. She thought she saw David cringe but figured it must have been the way he was sitting. He moved a bit and smiled.

  “What did he want?” asked David.

  “He’s been helping me around the house. Sometimes I need an extra set of hands and he is right across the street. I’m glad he’s nearby to help me.”

  “You know, you can call me if you need a hand,” suggested David.

  “I appreciate that. If I can’t get Kyle I will give you a call,” Margaret answered. She talked about some herbs she had planted. She loved to garden. It was one of her many hobbies that she could pull off. She enjoyed baking, but Zach had let her know more than once that what she made was not necessarily fit for consumption.

  “Anytime you need me, I’ll be there,” David replied. Margaret thanked him. Stacy brought over the patty melt and a soda for Zach, and David paid for the food and coffee over Margaret’s protests.

  “You paid last time, remember?” asked David. Margaret did remember and she thanked him. Before they left, Stacy brought over a bag.

  “This is for you and Zach,” she said.

  “What is it?” asked Margaret.

  “I’m trying out pecan pies. I wanted your opinion so I wrapped some up for you.”

  “Thank you. I know Zach will be thrilled,” said Margaret.

  “Let me know what you think,” Stacy said. “I was thinking about putting them on the menu permanently.”

  Margaret said she and Zach would give it a try. After walking Margaret back to the candy shop, David waved goodbye and went to his car.

  Zach was organizing the candy in the display cases. He looked up when Margaret walked in.

  “Did you bring my patty melt?” he asked.

  “Yes, and Stacy threw in some pecan pie. She wants us to try it and let her know how it tastes.”

  “Oh, cool,” said Zach taking the bags from Margaret and going into the back room.

  “Did we have any customers while I was gone?” asked Margaret.

  “A few. Some of them were complaining about the trucks and the loud noises across the street.”

  “David and I stopped by the empty store. It was bought by a man named Scott Freeman. He’s going to open up a coffee shop,” said Margaret. “He gave David and me samples of his coffee. They were pretty good.”

  “That sounds cool. This town needs a good coffee shop,” said Zach. He got quiet while he ate his sandwich.

  Margaret looked out and saw one of the trucks pulling up in front Mr. Stewart’s grooming business. Uh-oh, she thought, but then the truck pulled out and left. Margaret breathed a sigh of relief. At five Margaret and Zach closed the store. Zach said he was going to the beach to meet some friends. Margaret told him to be safe and then drove home. Pulling into her driveway, she saw Kyle walking Stryker. She waved to him and went inside to see what she could make for dinner.


  T he next morning Margaret got up early. She ate breakfast and had two cups of coffee. This time Margaret let Zach sleep in. She left him a note telling him to take it easy and be at work by lunch time. When Margaret went to her car she looked across the street. Kyle was sitting on his porch reading a newspaper. Margaret called out a hello and drove to the store. She was expecting her delivery that morning. When she got into town she noticed the lights were on at the coffee shop. The counters were in place and it looked like Scott was moving right along with getting his new store open on time. Margaret went to her own store but didn’t open the shop right away. She was going to set up a Sweet Sale promotion first using the extra candy she received. She moved some of the candy off the countertop and set up some signs she had printed at home the night before.

  Margaret decided to run over to the coffee shop and see if Scott would give her another sample cup of coffee before her delivery arrived. She walked across the street. The front door was open and she stepped inside. It was quiet. Margaret called out Scott’s name but there was no answer. She walked over to the counter and noticed none of the machines were running.

  That’s odd, she thought, but then figured maybe he was going to be too busy to give out samples today. She walked around the counter and stopped. She drew in a quick breath. Scott Freeman was lying on the floor. He looked dead. She gingerly stepped forward and knelt down to feel his pulse. Nothing. Margaret pulled her cell phone from her pocket and called 911, and then she called David. David and the police officers arrived on the scene at the same time. David told Margaret to go back to the candy shop.

  “I’ll question you there in a few minutes,” David said to her. She agreed and walked back to her store. As she was opening the door her delivery came. The driver unloaded the candies and supplies and Margaret signed for them. She sat down in the back room of her store and breathed deeply. It wasn’t the first time she had seen a dead body, but it didn’t get any easier. David walked in she went back to the front. He gave her a hug.

  “So, what happened?” asked David.

  “I don’t know,” said Margaret. “When I got here all of the lights were on. I thought Scott might have decided to open early or that I could at least get a cup of coffee from him. I stepped inside but I noticed the coffee makers weren’t turned on. I called for Scott but he didn’t answer. I looked behind the counter and saw him lying there. I checked his pulse and then called nine-one-one and you. Is he dead?”

  “Yes, he is,” said David. “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

  “I’ll be okay. What did you find out?” Margaret asked.

  “Not too much yet. No blood on the scene, no obvious sign of foul play. We sent samples to the lab. I’m hoping to get the results later today. Do you need some help with those boxes?” he asked, pointing to the back room.

  “No thank you,” said Margaret, noticing the diversion. “The delivery driver put them where I can reach them. I’m going to be setting up the elementary school goody bags back there. Also I bought some extra candies and I will be having a Sweet Sale today and tomorrow. I’m also thinking about a surprise soon.”

  “What surprise?” asked David.

  “Well, if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise,” Marga
ret replied, smiling.

  “You know, I’m trained in interrogation methods,” said David, stepping closer to her.

  Margaret laughed. “You won’t get me to talk,” she said.

  David chuckled too. “I’m glad you’re laughing,” said David.

  “Well, I still have a business to run,” said Margaret. “I hope you find out what happened to Scott soon.”

  “I’ll let you know what we find out,” David promised. He left and Margaret went to the back of the store. She separated the boxes into goody bag items and Sweet Sale items. She was just about to put the Sweet Sale candy out when she heard the door open. It was Patty.

  “Good morning,” said Margaret. “How is Mr. Whiskers today?”

  “He is much better, thank you. I’m glad I got him to the veterinarian right away. The medicine seemed to help. Thank you for giving me the day off. I was exhausted from all that running around.”

  “I understand,” said Margaret. “I’m just glad that Mr. Whiskers is okay.”

  “Did you see all the police cars outside?” asked Patty.

  “Yes,” said Margaret. “Unfortunately, I know why they’re there.” Margaret explained what had happened that morning.

  Patty gasped. “That is awful. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I was just setting up a sale. I got a good deal on some candies and we will have a Sweet Sale until they are sold out. I’m also putting together five hundred goody bags for the elementary school. They need to be done in a few days. Would you mind taking the front of the store today? After I set up the Sweet Sale I will be in the back assembling the bags. Zach will be here around lunch time.”

  “I will be fine up front,” said Patty. “I’m going to go to Stacy’s for some coffee first. Would you like some?”

  Margaret realized in all the drama she had forgotten to get some coffee. She thanked Patty and said yes. While Patty was gone Margaret set up the display. She had some chocolate-covered toffees and some assorted jellies. As she was working, she remembered Stacy’s pecan pie. That gave her an idea. She had mentioned a surprise to David but hadn’t been sure exactly what it would be. Now she thought she knew.

  Patty returned with the coffee and Margaret explained the details of the Sweet Sale.

  “All of these candies are half price,” said Margaret. “Also, check some of our stock. If they are getting near the posted expiration date, please include them in the sale.”

  “Okay,” said Patty. “Will you be restocking the sale candy?” she asked. “Some of the customers might ask.”

  “Tell them I’m making room for something special,” said Margaret.

  When Patty looked at her questioningly, Margaret just smiled.

  “I will fill you in later. Right now I have to fill these bags with deliciousness,” said Margaret, going into the back of the store.

  Margaret set up the bags. She worked all morning and got a quarter of them filled. Zach came in at lunch time. He appeared in the back with a bag from Stacy’s shop.

  “I brought you a cheeseburger,” he told Margaret.

  “Wonderful, I’m starving,” she said. She cleared a small spot on the table and Zach sat down with her to eat. Margaret filled him in on what had happened that morning. She told him David would be by later with more information.

  “How are the bags coming?” asked Zach.

  “I’m about a fourth of the way done,” said Margaret.

  “Nice. I like the Sweet Sale,” said Zach. “Should definitely bring in more customers.”

  “Oh, that reminds me, take these out for the sale when you are done eating,” said Margaret as she pointed to a small pile of candy boxes. “We don’t have much candy about to expire, thanks to our customers. We do have a few, though.”

  “Patty said you aren’t replacing these,” said Zach.

  “Yep,” said Margaret. “I’m making something special.”

  “What do you mean making?” he asked with a look of mock horror.

  “Oh, stop. It’s a surprise. I will show you later,” said Margaret. Zach grinned and ate his patty melt.

  “Did you have fun at the beach last night?” asked Margaret.

  “Yeah, I met up with some friends. We had a good time,” said Zach.

  Margaret was glad that Zach had made friends. She had been anxious when she moved him out of his childhood home. Her ex-husband was the cause of the move and Margaret hoped that Zach was happy to be living by the beach now. He seemed happy and he had told her he was glad they had moved away. Margaret still worried about him, but he seemed to be adjusting well to the move.

  They finished their lunch and Zach took the candy up front. He gave it to Patty and then came back to help Margaret with the goody bags. Margaret heard the front door open. She heard Patty tell someone she was in the back, and a second later David appeared around the corner.

  “I wanted to stop by and let you know we got the lab results,” said David. “I knew you’d be bugging me about them so I figured I might as well tell you.”

  Margaret grinned. “Aw, that was nice of you. What did they find?” She set down the bag of candy she had been holding.

  “It seems that Scott was poisoned,” said David.

  “Poisoned? He was murdered? That’s awful,” said Margaret. “Will you be leading the investigation?”

  “Yes, but before you ask, I don’t want your help. Remember what happened last time?”

  Margaret did remember. During the last investigation into her neighbor’s death Margaret had ended up with a concussion and a broken leg. She had gotten the cast off recently and walked with a slight limp, which the doctor said would go away soon. In spite of this, Margaret was still intrigued by this case. She had discovered the body, after all.

  “Okay, I will sit this one out on the sidelines,” Margaret said. But I will help whenever I can, she thought.

  “Hey, Zach. I’m counting on you to keep your mom occupied at the store,” said David. “I don’t want her getting hurt again.”

  “She’s my mom. I have to listen to her if I want to keep my job. And my car,” Zach joked.

  “You also want to keep your mom safe. So try to keep her occupied,” said David.

  “I’m standing right here,” said Margaret with a mock frown.

  “Yes, and I want you to stay here,” said David.

  “Yes sir,” said Margaret, saluting him.

  David rolled his eyes. “I have to get back over to the precinct. I need to organize the investigation.”

  “Okay,” said Margaret. “While you’re out and about let people know about my Sweet Sale. I’m clearing some candies out to make room for that surprise I mentioned.”

  “Good, that will keep you busy.” David smiled. “I’ll be sure to let everyone know so they stop by the store. Between that and the goody bags you should have plenty on your plate.” David said good-bye and left the back room. Margaret heard him talking to Patty before he left the store.

  “Okay, now that he is gone, we have to figure out who killed Scott,” she said to Zach.

  Zach gaped at her. “Mom, you just told David you would stay out of his investigation.”

  “Am I at the precinct? No. I’m in my store. What I do here is my business. Now, start packing these bags. I want to get them done today. While we’re packing I can think about the case. See, I kept my promise.”

  Zach shook his head and started filling up the bags. Margaret helped and they kept at it until early evening, not wanting to stop until the job was finished.

  “That’s it,” said Margaret, putting the last candy in the last bag. “I’m glad to get these done. I’ll call the school tomorrow and have someone come out and pick up the bags. Between the bags and my Sweet Sale we should be getting our name out and about. After this we should be getting more customers into the store. And with my surprise, we should be keeping them.”

  “Are you going to tell me what the surprise is now?” asked Zach.

  “Nope, but I will sh
ow you soon,” Margaret replied.

  Patty had closed the front of the store at five. Zach left, saying he would pick dinner up on the way home. Margaret shut down the store and drove home. On the way she stopped at the grocery store and picked up some ingredients. She smiled as she paid for the items. Zach will be surprised, she thought as she left the grocery store and drove home. That night, after Zach went to bed, Margaret got out the ingredients she had bought from the grocery store. She lined them up on the counter and went to work measuring and mixing. She put the finished product in her refrigerator and went to sleep.


  T he next morning Margaret got up early and turned on the coffeepot. She tiptoed around and had some breakfast and coffee. She left the pot on for Zach and left the house without waking him. She took what she had made the night before into work and stuck them in the refrigerator in the back. After Margaret dusted the counters and got the store ready to open, Zach arrived.

  “Where were you this morning?” he asked. “I got up and you were gone. Thanks for making me coffee before you left.”

  “I had to bring something in to work. It’s the surprise I was telling you about. Wait until Patty gets here and I will show you,” Margaret replied with a smile.

  Zach shook his head and got the register ready.

  “Would you like me to open the store?” he asked.

  “Sure,” said Margaret. “Patty should be here any minute. I need to call the school about the bags.”

  “Okay,” said Zach, turning the Open sign around. Margaret went to the back to make the phone call.

  “Hello, this is Margaret Nichols from Nichols’ Candies. I have the goody bags ready for the school,” Margaret told the receptionist.

  “Thank you, that was fast,” the receptionist replied.

  “Yes. I had some helpers,” said Margaret. “Will someone be able to pick up the bags today?”

  “Just a minute,” the receptionist replied.

  While she was waiting Margaret thought about Scott Freeman. She had told David she would not get involved, but she wanted to help. The receptionist came back on the line.


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