A Shot of Bitterness (Candy Store Mysteries Book 2)

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A Shot of Bitterness (Candy Store Mysteries Book 2) Page 4

by Wendy Meadows

  All three of them worked together to bag up the remaining candy. Margaret put the remaining candy into a bowl on a small table by the front door. She thought they might sell quicker to children and that table was right on their level. She also asked Zach to run a bag over to Mr. Stewart. Margaret appreciated him backing her on the investigation. When Zach left with the candy, Patty moved the sign to Closed and Margaret counted the register money.

  Zach appeared a few minutes later. “Mr. Stewart said thank you for the candy,” he said. “Did you want to go to the beach for a bit before we go home?”

  “Sure,” said Margaret. She loved walking on the beach, but because of her broken leg she hadn’t been able to go there as much as she would have liked. Patty said good night and Margaret and Zach walked down to the beach. The ocean was calm and the tide was low. Zach and Margaret walked along the water. The ocean helped to soothe Margaret and she took off her shoes. She went barefoot into the water, and Zach laughed when Margaret gasped at the cold water. She splashed him and he splashed her back. They laughed and walked back to the shop.

  Margaret checked her pralines. They were ready to go into the refrigerator. She put them in and closed the shop, and she and Zach headed home. When they got there Kyle was outside mowing her lawn. He shut the mower off when Margaret got out of the car.

  “What are you doing? “Margaret asked him.

  “Well, it looked like your lawn needed to be mowed. I wasn’t sure how late you would be so I thought I would surprise you.”

  “Thank you,” said Margaret. “I was going to have Zach do that tomorrow. It was very thoughtful of you.”

  “I was cutting mine and I had the time. I’m happy to help out,” Kyle told her.

  “Well shoot,” Zach joked. “I was really looking forward to mowing. Now what will I do with my evening tomorrow?” Kyle and Margaret laughed.

  “Did I hear correctly? Did you find that guy’s body yesterday?” asked Kyle.

  “Yes, I did,” said Margaret. “I called David right away. His name was Scott Freeman. Looks like he was murdered.”

  “Oh no,” said Kyle. “What happened?”

  “David thinks he was poisoned. He doesn’t have any leads yet but he’s working on them.”

  “So is Mom,” said Zach.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Kyle.

  “Well, I might have gone to Mrs. Freeman’s and she might have hired me as a consultant to look into the murder.”

  “What does David think about this?” asked Kyle.

  Why was that always the first thing people asked her? Margaret sighed. “He doesn’t know yet. I will let him know in the next day or two,” said Margaret.

  “How’s he going to take it?” asked Kyle.

  “I’m not sure,” said Margaret. “He’s already voiced his concern about me working on this case. I appreciate his concern but I can take care of myself.”

  “Don’t get me wrong when I say this, but David does have a point,” said Kyle.

  “Really? Why do you think that?” asked Margaret.

  “Like I said, don’t get me wrong. I appreciate everything you did for me on the last case. I’m just concerned for your safety. Last time you were threatened and ended up in the hospital. I just don’t want you to get hurt again.”

  “I understand,” said Margaret. “I’ll be especially careful this time.”

  “Be sure you are,” said Kyle. “But I still don’t like it,” he added as he started the mower back up.

  Margaret went inside. She understood why Kyle and David were worried, but she could take care of herself. She opened the refrigerator and found some turkey and cheese. She made sandwiches for dinner. Zach came downstairs after changing his clothes.

  “Do you want me to invite Kyle in for dinner?” he asked.

  “Sure. I thought we would sit out back at the picnic table,” Margaret said. “Go ahead and let him know he is welcome to join us.”

  Zach went out the front door and Margaret took the sandwiches out back. She also brought out the sweet tea and some condiments. Zach showed up with plates and some pickles.

  “Kyle said he would be over in a minute. He wants to get a quick shower.”

  “Okay,” said Margaret. She and Zach sat and talked for a bit until Kyle showed up.

  “These sandwiches are delicious,” said Kyle after they’d started eating.

  “I’m glad you like them,” said Margaret. “Thank you again for mowing the lawn.”

  “You’re welcome. Like I said, I had just got done mowing mine. So what are you going to do for Mrs. Freeman?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I will have to see what David has uncovered and then I can work from there.”

  “Are you sure he’ll be okay with you working for Mrs. Freeman?” asked Kyle.

  “I suppose so,” said Margaret. “He doesn’t really have a choice. She did hire me.”

  Just then Margaret saw some lights in her driveway. Zach got up and went inside the house.

  “Speak of the devil,” Zach said when he came back out. David was following him. David saw Kyle sitting at the table and narrowed his eyes.

  “I see you already have company,” David said.

  “Don’t be silly,’ said Margaret. “It’s just Kyle. He mowed my lawn today so I invited him for dinner. Come over and have something to eat.”

  David moved forward reluctantly and sat next to Margaret. She poured him a cup of tea and Zach gave him the plate of sandwiches.

  “I just wanted to stop by and check on you,” said David to Margaret. “I was hoping to talk to you alone.”

  Kyle took the hint and got up. “I have to get going anyway,” he said. “I need to walk Stryker.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Margaret. “I have some ice cream in the freezer for dessert.”

  “That sounds good, but I do need to keep Stryker on his schedule. It was nice to see you, David,” Kyle said.

  “You too,” said David, but he didn’t sound like he meant it.

  “Thank you for the sandwiches,” Kyle said to Margaret.

  “Thank you for mowing the lawn,” said Margaret. Kyle left and Zach went inside to get some ice cream. Margaret and David were sitting alone on the bench.

  “He mowed your lawn?” asked David.

  “Yes. Zach and I came home and Kyle was almost done. He is so sweet to do these things for me. I didn’t even ask him to do it,” Margaret replied.

  “I guess that was nice of him. What does he expect in return?” asked David.

  Margaret was taken aback. “He doesn’t ask me for anything,” she said. “Once in a while Zach goes over and helps Kyle with some things. He’s doing it out of the kindness of his heart.”

  David shifted in his seat and changed the subject. “We don’t have any new leads on the case,” he said. “I know you were about to ask me.”

  “Do you want my help?” asked Margaret hopefully. If David said yes it would be easier to explain how she was helping Leah Freeman.

  “No. Let the trained officers do their job,” David replied. Margaret sighed.

  “Hey, Mom,” Zach called from the kitchen window. “Do you guys want any ice cream?”

  “Sure,” said Margaret. “We’ll take some.” She noticed David had finished his sandwich.

  “Listen,” she said, “there is something I have to tell you. I’m not sure how you will react but I think it is better if you hear it from me.”

  “What is that?” asked David.

  “Well, I stopped by Mrs. Freeman’s house today to offer my condolences,” Margaret started.

  “That’s nice,” said David. “I figure she can use all the support she can get.”

  “I agree,” said Margaret. “That is why I offered my help.”

  David frowned. “What can a candy store owner do to help Mrs. Freeman?”

  “A candy store owner cannot do too much. A private investigator, on the other hand, can help tremendously,” said Margaret.

h? Did you recommend a private investigator to Mrs. Freeman?” asked David.

  “Well, not quite,” said Margaret.

  David looked at her. His frown deepened.

  “What exactly are you saying?” he asked.

  “I’m saying that Mrs. Freeman has hired me to look into her husband’s murder,” said Margaret. “Just as a consultant.”

  David turned pale and then he turned red.

  “What you mean is she hired you as a private investigator. Call it what it is. I told you to keep out of this case,” he said angrily.

  “And I told you I’m a grown woman, not a child,” Margaret retorted.

  “What do I have to do to stop you from putting your life in danger?” David snapped. “Do I have to arrest you?”

  “Now you’re just being silly,” said Margaret. “I’m not breaking any laws. Leah Freeman knows I’m not a licensed PI, so she’s paying me as a consultant.”

  David shook his head and got up.

  “I have to leave,” he said.

  “What about your ice cream?” asked Margaret.

  “Tell Zach he can have it,” said David as he stormed away.

  Margaret was flabbergasted. She had figured he wouldn’t take the news well but she had hoped they could at least discuss it. Zach walked out with the ice cream.

  “Where’d David go?” he asked Margaret.

  “Well, I told him the news and he didn’t take it well,” she replied.

  “It will be okay, Mom,” Zach reassured her.

  “I hope so,” said Margaret, picking up her spoon for the ice cream. “Thank you for scooping this. I’m sorry David left so quickly.”

  “That’s okay. More for me,” said Zach, smiling. They both laughed and enjoyed their cool dessert.


  T he next morning Margaret got dressed and went downstairs. She could hear Zach moving around in his room so she started a pot of coffee. She was thinking about what she would make for breakfast when she heard a knock at the door. She moved forward cautiously and looked out the window. There were beautiful mums at her eye level. Margaret smiled and opened the door. She was surprised to find David holding the plant.

  “Good morning,” David said a bit sheepishly.

  “Well, good morning to you,” said Margaret. “I didn’t expect to see you today.”

  “I know. I was a jerk,” he said. “I came by to apologize. When I saw Kyle sitting with you I got a little jealous, so I was already in a mood.”

  “Really?” said Margaret. “You were jealous?”

  “Maybe a little,” said David. “I brought you a potted plant. I was going to get you some cut flowers but I thought you would like this better.”

  “I do,” said Margaret. “I can plant these out front. They will really perk up the front of the house.”

  “I was a real jerk yesterday. I hope you can forgive me,” said David. “I went back home last night and thought about what you had said. You were right. I was coddling you. I wouldn’t want anyone to do that to me so I can only imagine how it felt when I did it to you. You are a sweet person and I’m glad we are getting to know one another. Is there any way you can forgive me?”

  Margaret smiled and took the plant.

  “Come on in and sit down in the kitchen. There is coffee and I was about to make pancakes,” Margaret said. “I forgive you. I would rather not fight. It takes a strong man to admit when he is wrong.”

  David smiled and followed Margaret into the kitchen. As she was pouring him some coffee, David offered to make breakfast.

  “After yesterday it’s the least I can do,” he said.

  “Thank you,” said Margaret. “I’m sure your pancakes will be better than mine.”

  “Did someone say pancakes?” Zach asked as he bounded down the stairs. He stopped when he saw David.

  “Good morning, Zach,” said Margaret. “David stopped by to apologize for last night. He was offering to make pancakes.”

  “Cool,” said Zach, helping himself to a cup of coffee.

  “Okay,” said David, rubbing his hands together. “You guys just sit down and I will take care of you.”

  I could get used to this, thought Margaret. She smiled as David walked around the kitchen pulling flour and sugar down from the shelves. He mixed everything together and beat in some eggs.

  “Do you have any blueberries?” he asked Margaret.

  “I sure do,” she said. Zach had bought some the other day from a roadside stand. Margaret had been eating them with cream but the thought of blueberry pancakes made her mouth water. “In the refrigerator in the fruit drawer.”

  David put the blueberries in the pancake mix and started cooking. A few minutes later there was a big stack of pancakes on a serving plate. Zach got out the maple syrup and butter. A little while later they were all enjoying the pancakes. When they were done Zach cleared the table and Margaret got up to wash the dishes.

  “Let me help you with that,” said David.

  “That’s okay. You cooked,” replied Margaret.

  “I want to help,” David insisted. “You wash and I’ll dry. Where are your dishtowels?” Margaret pointed at a drawer. David pulled out a towel and started drying. Margaret enjoyed being close to David. She giggled whenever his shaggy hair would cover his eyes and he would flip it back. Once in a while they would bump hips. Margaret didn’t mind that one bit.

  When they finished with the dishes, David grabbed Margaret’s hands.

  “Again, I’m sorry about yesterday. I will say that I worry about you. I can’t help that. I want you to be safe and happy,” David said.

  Margaret kissed him on the cheek. “I understand. I will be safe and I’m always happy. Especially when someone makes me breakfast,” she teased. “I appreciate your apology and I look forward to working with you on this case.”

  David shook his head and blew out a breath. “Okay,” he said. “It’s apparent you’re going to do this whether I want you to or not. So I might as well keep you close so I can keep an eye on you. Why don’t we meet for lunch and we can go over what I have found?”

  “Wonderful,” Margaret said. She looked at the clock.

  “Oh wow, time has flown. We have to get to the store before Patty wonders what has happened to us.”

  “Yeah, I have to get back to my office. Lunch at Stacy’s?” David asked.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she replied. David left and Margaret and Zach decided to go in to work together.

  “Glad you got that figured out,” Zach said to his mom. “David is a nice guy. I’m glad he came over this morning.”

  Margaret grinned. “I am too.”

  They drove into town and found Patty waiting by the door. Margaret and Zach got out and Margaret opened the front door. They walked in and Patty asked if they would be setting up the pralines that day. Margaret hesitated. Yes, she wanted to expand her business into homemade candies, but she worried if her candies were good enough.

  “Let’s wait until tomorrow,” she said. “The pralines will have an extra day to harden.”

  “Okay, boss,” said Patty. She and Zach opened up the shop and Margaret went into the back room. She decided to make another round of pralines while waiting for lunch with David. Not for the first time, Margaret wondered if their relationship could be more than friendship. David’s jealousy of Kyle suggested he was interested in her that way. And they had kissed a few times. She wasn’t sure if she was ready but she was willing to feel out the prospect. She gathered the ingredients and started mixing up the pralines.

  Margaret finished the pralines around noon. She took off her apron and went to the front of the store. Zach told her that they had sold out of the Sweet Sale candy.

  “Great!” said Margaret.

  Just then the door opened. It was David.

  “I thought I would stop by and see the surprise,” said David.

  “I forgot I told you about that,” said Margaret. “I decided to put it off for a day.”

sp; David stepped closer to her. “Well, can I have a hint?” he asked, smiling and looking into her eyes.

  Margaret felt her breath catch. “I’ll do you one better,” she said. “How about a taste?”

  David’s eyes lit up. “Sure. You know I love your candy.”

  “Okay, wait here,” said Margaret. She went back to the kitchen. She pulled out the pralines from the day before and put one on a plate. She took it out to David.

  “Here,” she said, “try this.”

  David looked at the plate. “Where’s the wrapper?” he asked.

  “It didn’t come with a wrapper,” Margaret said. David picked up the praline. He bit in.

  “Well, what do you think?” asked Margaret.

  “Mmm! It’s incredible,” said David.

  “You mean that?” asked Margaret.

  “Yes. It just melts in my mouth. Who made this?” asked David.

  “I did,” Margaret admitted.

  “I thought you said she couldn’t bake,” David said, turning to Zach.

  Zach laughed. “She can’t,” he replied. “Pralines aren’t baked.”

  Margaret and David laughed too.

  “You really like it?” she asked.

  “This is one of the best pralines I have tasted. Scout’s honor,” David said.

  Margaret smiled. “Good. Now I feel better about selling them,” she replied.

  “I think that is a great idea,” said David. “I’m sure they’ll be a hit.”

  “Are you ready for lunch?” Margaret asked.

  “Sure,” said David. Zach took the plate and Margaret and David walked to the café.

  “Good afternoon,” said Stacy. “Have a seat anywhere.”

  David and Margaret took a corner table, where they sat and talked for a while. When their lunch came Margaret asked about the case.

  “We still don’t have any leads,” said David.

  “I could ask around and see if I come up with anything.”

  “I would appreciate that,” said David. “Since I know you’ll do it anyway.”

  They both reached for the napkin dispenser at the same time. Margaret’s hand touched David’s. She felt a spark. Looking at him, she was sure he felt it too.


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