Trying to Survive (The Kiser #1)

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Trying to Survive (The Kiser #1) Page 16

by Hannah Davenport

Standing on Carlana’s front porch, I noticed how quite everything was. I’ve waited until 7am and I can’t wait any longer. Ringing the bell, I waited patiently, painfully patient, and when no one came I pounded on the door thinking the doorbell might be broken. After a few more knocks, or poundings, a disheveled Austin answered the door. “What the fuck do you want?” He ground out obviously not happy to see me.

  “I want to see Carlana.” I said just as forcefully.

  “Well that’s to fucking bad!” He started to shut the door in my face but I put my hand on it, keeping it open.

  “I’m not leaving until I speak to her!” He gave me a if looks could kill look.

  “Does your fiancée know you’re here?” He said with a vehemence that slightly deflated me. Matt was right, I should have came here sooner, or I could have explained things while I was here last time.

  I took a seat on the porch and motioned for Austin to take the other. He stared at me for a moment before swearing and plopping down in the other one. “I was never engaged.”

  “Bullshit. I saw the pictures and the article.” He said with his hands fisted. I knew I needed to smooth things over with him if I was to ever have a chance with his mother, and I wanted one.

  “I need to explain things to you, but I’m not sure where to start.” He just stared at me. “Okay, I’m an only child to one of the wealthiest families in America. However, my childhood was horrible. My parents only had me so they could have an heir and for appearances. Maggie, my best friend’s mother was also my nanny. She raised me from the time I was nine. My parents decided that I needed to marry and have an heir. They handpicked the woman you saw on the magazine cover. When I told them no, they threatened to ruin my company, the company I built.

  “Wait, why did they want her? She looked kind of mean.” He scrunched his nose as if something smelled bad and I wanted to laugh.

  “Because her family had wealth and power, the right connections. She and mother started telling everyone we were getting married. They even went to the press. I have no idea where her ring came from. Hell, I’ve never even kissed the woman.” I took a deep breath. “It took me a couple of months to secure Ellis’s help. He is also one of the wealthiest people in the country and he hates my parents. When my business was secured, I told both my mother and Maria to fuck off.”

  “That’s fucking unbelievable. How could your own parents do that to you? I’m always wanting to take care of mom, and she’s always telling me to live my life… be happy.”

  “That’s just the way they are. I should have told Carlana before I left, but we were having such a great time and I didn’t want to think about it. Then it was too late, it was time for me to go.”

  “I didn’t like you much, and then I hated you. Mom cried all the time.” He stared me straight in the eyes, and I liked the kid even more. Direct and honest, no games.

  “I know.”

  “I hate seeing you with mom.”

  “Yes.” He let out a long breath

  “But I don’t want her to be alone.” I waited. “She’s been in the hospital for the last two weeks.”

  “What?!” He held his hand up for me to wait.

  “She doesn’t tell anyone, but she was born with a genetic lung disease called PCD. She coughs a lot, gets tired easy, and when she gets sick, she has to be admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics. She’s usually there a couple of weeks. She thinks that because she has this disease that nobody would want her. When she saw the picture and the article, she just gave up, thinking you wouldn’t want her anyway.”

  My mind was racing and my heart pounding at the thought of her alone in the hospital. I thought I was falling in love, but with the sweat beading on my brow and my labored breathing, I knew I was already in love with this woman.

  “Where is she?” I finally choked out.

  “Her doctor is in North Carolina and she’s at UNC. I had to take final exams, but now that I’m finished I was going to head down there today. I don’t like her being alone.”

  “How long of a drive is it?” My mind was already forming a plan.

  “It’s about four and a half hours.”

  “Fuck that. When can you be ready?” He looked at me as though I had lost my ever-loving mind.

  “Ten minutes.”

  “Okay, hurry.” I pulled out my phone and dialed the pilot. I had instructed him to wait at the airport until I gave the okay for him to return home. I was hoping to take Carlana and Austin back for a visit. “Alex, have the plane ready to go in thirty minutes. I need to get to Chapel Hill, NC. Also, have a car waiting for us upon arrival.”

  Austin walked out carrying a bag, “Ready.”

  Pulling in at the airport, I ushered Austin to my jet. “What the hell?” He said as he sat down on a plush white leather chair. “This is yours?”

  I nodded as my flight attendant, Gage, asked if I would like something to drink. Shaking my head no, he moved on to Austin, who also declined. “Do you think Carlana will talk to me?” I asked distractedly while looking out the window.

  “Not on the phone. She truly believes she is doing you a favor. She didn’t know what was wrong with her until after her and dad married, and she’s mentioned a time or two that she felt he deserved better, he deserved a healthy wife.”

  “That’s bullshit!”

  “I know.”

  “I’ve met a lot of women and most of them are always out for themselves. They want fame, money… just always something. Carlana is beautiful inside and out. There is nothing fake about her and she’s always putting everyone else first. Did you know she paid my clinic bill in New York? She didn’t know anything about me and still she helped. That’s rare.”

  “That’s mom.” He said as one side of his mouth quirked up.

  Thirty-five minutes later, we were on the ground and ushered in to a waiting limo. It wouldn’t be long now, and hopefully with Austin on my side I could get Carlana to come around. I fucking loved that woman.


  “Hi Dr. Meeks.” I said as he came into the room. I was hoping to go home.

  “Good morning Carlana, how are you feeling today?” He took out his stethoscope and I leaned forward.

  “Good, really good. How are my labs?”

  “They look much better. Your final culture report should be back but I didn’t see them in your chart. I want to get one last x-ray, and do another set of PFT’s before you go home.” I sighed; I was ready to go now. “When is Austin coming?”

  “He should be here sometime today.”

  “Good, good. I’ll be back around this evening and if there are no surprises then I’ll let you go.” My answer was a beaming smile. “Rest up and I’ll see you later.”

  I got up, used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. My long wavy hair looked messy and when I tried to finger comb it, it was full of tangles so I just twisted it up in to a soft messy bun. I still had wisp of hair falling out, but it looked a little better. I couldn’t wait to get a shower instead of taking sponge baths. Maybe this evening when the IV came out.

  Twenty-five minutes later, I heard a knock, and then Austin came walking in. My face lit up with happiness as he walked over and gave me a hug. “Good morning mom.” He kissed my cheek.

  “Good morning honey. I didn’t expect you here so early.” Looking at my phone, “It’s 9:30, you must have left really early this morning.”

  “I came with a friend.” He noticed my confused look. “Before you say anything, hear me out okay?” I nodded. He certainly had my attention. “Colin came by this morning.” I started to speak but he held up his hand. “He explained everything and I think you should at least talk to him.”

  “I didn’t think you liked him?” I wanted him to like Colin but I knew he only tolerated him for my sake.

  “I don’t like seeing you with anybody but dad.” He gave me a sad smile. “But I don’t want you to be alone. He seems like an alright guy, I’ll just have to get used to seeing the two of you together.”
He gently hugged me.

  “What do I tell him? I haven’t told him what’s wrong with me. What do I do?”

  “I’ve already explained things so don’t worry about it.” Now I was really worried.

  “What did he say?”

  “I said you should have told me, and how could you possibly think I wouldn’t want to be with you because of this.” Colin said as he stepped in the room.

  Tears sprang to my eyes as I watched him walk across the room to my hospital bed. I had missed him, but I didn’t realize how much till this very minute. I loved him but I already knew that. When he sat down on the side of the bed and pulled me in to his arms, a sob broke loose as I threw my arms around him and buried my face between his shoulder and neck.

  “What are you doing here?” I said in a mumbled voice with my face buried.

  “Don’t ever stop talking to me again. I’ve been awful to everyone.” He said while hugging me tight.

  “You were an ass? I can’t even imagine that!” I laughed in between sobs. Finally pulling back, I wiped my eyes. “I’m a mess. I can’t believe you’re seeing me like this.”

  “You’re beautiful Carlana. Messy hair,” he rubbed his fingers over my head, “No makeup,” He ran his fingers down my face. “Beautiful hospital gown.” We both laughed. “Why did you stop talking to me?” He asked with such sadness.

  Rubbing his cheek as I stared into his beautiful eyes, “I was out with Megan and she knew who you were, she follows you in the magazines. She said something about you being engaged. When I asked who she said you know, the one with a different woman on ever cover, or something like that. When she held it up, there you were staring back at me with a beautiful woman by your side. I felt sucker punched with betrayal and when I got sick, I knew you deserved better than someone like me anyway.”

  “Had you have answered my calls, I would’ve told you that I was not engaged to that woman. She was the one mother was trying to force me to marry by threatening to ruin my business. I never asked that woman to marry me, hell I’ve never even kissed her. When I left here, it was to meet Ellis, the one you told me to be honest with. He helped secure my business and made it so my parents couldn’t touch it.”

  “And who was the woman you were with last night?” I asked, scared to know the answer but needing to know the truth. My heart sunk when his face fell.

  “I was hurt, and mad at you, mad that you wouldn’t talk to me and I couldn’t get you off my mind. I met Matt last night and got drunk. I thought if I found someone else, if just for the one night, then I could stop thinking about you. As soon as we got to my place, I knew that I only wanted you and that I would fight, beg, whatever I had to do to get you to talk to me, to get you back.”

  “You didn’t have sex with her?” I couldn’t help the budding hope I felt in my stomach.

  “No, I didn’t have sex with her nor have I had sex with any other woman since I first started calling you months ago.” I leaned forward and took his mouth with all the love, passion, everything I felt for him in it.

  “I love you.” I whispered and he froze.

  Pulling back, he looked deep into my eyes. My heart was pounding, afraid that I might have scared him off. A grin spread across his face, and then he leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss. “I love you too.” He pulled me to him and hugged me tightly.

  Looking around, I noticed Austin was missing. “Where’d he go?”

  “I saw him slip out not long after we started talking. He’s a great kid.” I giggled, I actually giggled.

  “Yes he is.”

  “Okay, now tell me about you. What are the doctors saying?”

  “Dr. Meeks says that I can probably go home this evening. He wants to do a couple of test before he makes his final decision though.” He looked at the IV that was in my arm. “It’s a PICC line. The antibiotics hurt through regular IVs and they don’t last as long.”

  “Does it hurt?” He said while looking at it.

  “No. I don’t even know it’s there.”

  “When they release you, how about we stop by your place, get some of your things, and you and Austin stay with me for a while?”

  “You want us to stay with you?” I asked in stunned disbelief.

  “Yes, I do. Do you think Austin will want to come?” I didn’t know, but I hoped so.

  “Hey mom, hey Colin. Everything okay?” Austin asked, shutting the door behind him.

  “Yeah honey, everything’s good.” He looked at our clasped hands. I noticed his lips twitch.

  “Colin asked if we would like to come and stay with him for a while. What do you think?”

  “In New York?”

  “Yeah.” I kept watching him for some sort of sign that he’s okay.

  “What do you want to do mom?” He looked at me with soft eyes.

  “I want to go, but not without you.” I made sure that he knew how much I wanted him there with us with just the look in my eyes. His opinion meant everything to me.

  “Okay, we’re going to New York.” Looking at Colin he said, “Can I be back in a week for graduation?” At his confused look I said, “Mom had the party early. May is usually not a good month for her.”

  “Yeah, we can be back for graduation.”

  Four hours and two test later, Dr. Meeks was back in my room and earlier than I expected. “Good afternoon Carlana, I see you have visitors.”

  “I do. You know Austin, and this is Colin.”

  “Austin, I think you’ve grown since the last time I saw you.” Austin smiled and nodded to indicate he had indeed grown. “And Colin, I don’t think we’ve met.” He held his hand out, “I’m Dr. Meeks.” The two men clasp hands and exchanged pleasantries. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to speak with Carlana so I will need you to step outside.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Colin said with finality.

  “It’s okay Dr. Meeks, he can stay.” Colin grabbed my hand and Dr. Meeks smiled with understanding.

  “Okay young lady. Your labs are good and your chest x-ray shows that your pneumonia is resolved. Your PFTs show that your FEV1 is up from 49 to 65, which is wonderful. Just continue your normal medicines and I’ll see you in three months like always. The nurse will be in soon to remove your PICC line and then you’ll be ready to go.”

  “Thank you Dr. Meeks.” As he left, Colin looked at me with confusion on his face.

  “You’ll have to educate me on a few things one day. I didn’t understand most of what he just said.” I laughed and nodded.

  Two hours later, we slid into a Limo, which was amazing, and rode to the airport. Sitting in the white comfortable leather chair that practically molded to my butt, I looked at Colin, “You gotta be kidden me! No wonder you didn’t want me to drive you to the airport, you didn’t even have to wait to board.” He just laughed! Laughed at me!

  Chapter 22

  Home Again!

  Arriving in New York, I was glad to be home, and glad to have Carlana and Austin home with me. We stopped in Abingdon and let them both pack and now we were sliding into yet another limo to head home. “Seth, I’d like for you to meet Carlana,” I kissed her cheek, “and her son Austin.”

  “Nice to meet you both.” Seth kept staring at me from the rear view mirror and I wanted to laugh. I knew he had never seen me act this way before.

  “If I’m not around, take them anywhere they want to go.” I looked at Austin and raised my eyebrows when his lips twitched. “As long as it’s within reason. No strip joints.” Carlana laughed while Austin groaned. I didn’t know if it was because I was teasing him as well, or that he couldn’t visit strip joints.

  Walking in to my building, Dean opened the door. I stopped and then took Carlana’s hand. “Dean, this is Carlana and her son Austin.” He smiled and nodded. “They have my permission to come and go as they please, even when I’m not with them. Understand?” He looked surprised and a little confused.

  “Yes sir.” Dean managed to get out.

  “Nice to
meet you Dean.” Carlana gave him a warm smile and then kissed his cheek. He blushed from embarrassment and I chuckled.

  We made our way to the top floor and after showing Austin to his room, he said he was going to explore the city for a little while. Carlana was a little nervous but just told him to be careful. As she stood staring at the city from my solid glass wall, I slowly walked up behind her sliding my arms around her waist.

  “It’s beautiful.” She whispered.

  “You’re beautiful.” She turned around in my arms and my mouth crashed down onto hers in a forceful yet passionate kiss letting her feel everything I feel, and felt the past month. I kept my mouth to myself, and the touching to a minimum while Austin got use to us being together, but now he was gone.

  She threw her arms around me and one leg went around my waist. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.

  “I am good, but I will be much better when we’re both naked.” She said in between kisses. She didn’t have to ask me twice.

  Picking her up, I carried her to my room and laid her in the center of my king size bed. Slowly, I started undressing and she groaned. “I can’t wait much longer Colin! I need you!” I ripped my pants down while she stared at my dick, which of course was standing at attention.

  “Are you sure you’re okay baby? You just got out of the hospital.” She must have seen the hesitation because she sighed and I hated that I was ruining her mood, but I had to make sure.

  “Here is a little known fact about PCD. Today, right now, this is the healthiest I will be until I have to repeat the process again. In a week, I’ll be coughing just a little more, getting tired easier until eventually, usually within a year, I’ll be put back in the hospital. If you want out now, just say so. I realize it’s a lot to put up with and I’ll compl….”


  “Shut up woman!” Colin growled as he stalked over to me like a predator. He tore my clothes off, “Don’t worry, I’ll buy you new ones,” and exposed my breast. Crawling up my body, his dick bounced right in front of my face. He grabbed it, stroked it a few times and watching him, I thought I’d cum. “Open up.” When I opened my mouth, he thrust his dick into it. I groaned as I sucked and licked the tip. He tasted salty and I loved it. Groaning, his head fell back between his shoulders and I felt powerful. I was doing this to him and that made me suck harder.


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