
Home > Contemporary > Badass > Page 14
Badass Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  Damn! She wanted him enough to ask – that was so hot. With shaking hands, he framed her face. “Look at you,” he whispered. “I don’t know where you came from – heaven, I guess.” Reverently, he kissed her eyelids and her soft, smooth cheeks. And when she turned her mouth and sought his, he thought he would shout from sheer happiness. She fit her mouth over his and the tip of her tongue played along the seam. “Kiss me baby,” he begged and when she opened her mouth to let him in, he thought he would cum in his shorts. God – she was like honey – hot, velvet – the sweetest thing he had ever tasted in his life. A little whimper of need came from her throat and he tightened his arms around her - feasting at her lips, making up for the lost years and the lonely nights and the broken dreams of a lifetime of wanting something he never thought he’d be lucky enough to have.

  Isaac bit at her lips, licking them – sucking them – loving the fact that she held nothing back. Sliding his mouth to her cheek, he gasped for breath. “You are a really good kisser,” she whispered and followed him, seeking to meld their mouths back together.

  “I’m glad,” he said between kisses. “Can I touch you?” Asking was new to him, but. Isaac didn’t want to do anything to scare this angel. She was breathing so hard, he felt guilty. “Do you feel okay? Do you want to stop?”

  “No, please no. Don’t stop. Touch me.” She picked up his hands and put them on her breasts. There was no doubt where she wanted to be touched. Happy to oblige, he cupped her breasts. The first touch was so soft; she pushed her tits into his hands, begging for more.

  “Steady, baby. We’ll get there.” He nibbled and sucked at her lips – first the top and then the bottom.

  Everything within her wanted to cry out for what she wanted. While Tricia had prepared breakfast this morning, she had made use of her partner’s laptop. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her. Avery wanted to know everything she could about the Dom/sub relationship Isaac had mentioned to her. Now that she knew what turned him on, she ached to know more. What little she had learned affected her in ways she had never expected. Avery wanted to submit. She needed to submit. “Isaac, I need you to . . .” she started to just ask, but would it sound dumb? “Would you let me sub. . .”

  The blowing of a car horn startled them both. “Damn.” His cock was so hard, he was afraid it would break off if anything bumped it. “What were you about to say?”

  “We need to go, Isaac. That truck wants to drive by us,” She maneuvered herself off of his lap, embarrassed to be caught by the occupants of the other vehicle. Had the proverbial bell saved her?

  “I want to know what you were going to say.” He bit out the words as he backed over to one side to let the annoying driver pass.

  Her courage had faded fast. Could she ask him to teach her submission? Would that be like asking for a commitment from him? It wasn’t marriage, but it was a type of commitment, nevertheless. Just the thought of her Dad trying to force him to marry her sent a fresh wave of humiliation over her. She’d better give this a little bit more thought. “Nothing important.”

  “We’ll talk about it when we get to your house. I won’t forget.” He didn’t sound angry – what he sounded was desperate. And that she didn’t understand. Even though, he held out his hand for her to draw closer, Avery politely turned him down. She had to get a handle on herself before they got to her house. The last thing she needed was to just fall into bed with him without both of them knowing exactly what they were doing. “Sitting over there by yourself isn’t going to solve anything.”

  No, but it did help her think. When he pulled into her driveway, she used her garage door opener to let them in. By the time he shut his driver’s side door, she was out of the truck and going in to the kitchen door of her small cottage. “Come in, please,” said the fly to the spider.

  “You ought to lock your doors, sweet cheeks. If you don’t, there’s no telling who’ll walk in on you.” She didn’t argue with him. Perhaps he was right. She was too trusting. “I guess it’s a good thing you won’t be living by yourself any longer.” He walked around her little house as if he were looking for something – maybe, he was looking for evidence of the real her. If that were the case, he was out of luck. Her house didn’t hold any secrets; they were all in her heart.

  “Stop that, Isaac, I’m not moving in with you,” she had walked into her kitchen and went right to the refrigerator. The cool air felt good to her overheated body. “I don’t have a lot to choose from. Perhaps we should have stopped for take-out.” Inspiration struck, “I know. We’ll have macaroni and cheese. I think I have some canned milk for it. That’s fast and filling.” Hooking her foot under the leg of the kitchen stool, she pulled it over and agilely climbed up and stood on tiptoe, straining to reach the very top shelf.

  “Dammit! Avery, what do you think you’re doing?”

  Avery jumped at the sudden voice, lost her footing and fell right into Isaac’s arms. “What did you yell at me for? You scared me. I was just trying to reach the box so I could fix you some lunch, you behemoth! I keep it up high, because it’s fattening. I won’t eat it so often if it’s hard to reach. Put me down,” she demanded. Her heart was beating so hard, she was afraid it would pop out of her chest.

  He didn’t put her down; instead he backed up and sat down in a dining table chair, with her still in his arms. “Don’t do that. You might fall and hurt yourself, and that won’t ever do. You belong to me. I want to take you home with me. Did you know that?” Isaac spoke so matter-of-factly, that Avery was momentarily at a loss for words. Lord, it felt good to be held close. His chest was so broad and his arms so strong that she felt completely protected and safe from the world. But, she had to keep reminding herself – that was an illusion – Isaac had no real interest in her, he was only feeling guilty for taking her virginity.

  Wiggling until he released her, Avery put the width of the room between them. “Please, don’t talk like that. I’m not moving in with you. You know that.” Oh, this was going to be harder than she thought. It was like turning down a huge lottery win after having spent your life savings on the ticket. Isaac could move fast for a big man. Before she knew it she was caught up against him. He held her hands gently behind her back and she was totally at his mercy. Thrills shot through her. She knew what he was doing, this was classic Dom behavior. He made her feel helpless – and helpless before Isaac was heady, indeed. His eyes searched her face, as if for any sign of panic, then he claimed her lips giving her a long, soft, consuming kiss. When he drew back, Avery was dazed with pleasure – eyes closed – and instinctively leaned forward, wanting more.

  “Feel, Avery. Feel what I do to you,” he bucked his hips, pressing his cock into her softness. “Feel what you do to me.” Nudging her forward, she couldn’t help but rub her breasts against his chest. Dang, she was like a cat and he was a huge hunk of catnip. Intoxicating.

  “Do you know how rare this is? How can we turn our backs on this? I thought you said you loved me.”

  Wiggling anew, she tried in vain to get loose. “I was acting crazy. Besides, you don’t love me, Isaac. You are only willing to marry because you feel sorry for me and you think you’ve contributed to my fall from grace.”

  Her huffy little speech was pushing her breasts against him and Isaac was having a hard time concentrating. So, he let her go and paced to the other side of the room. It was time to come clean, this was just too important. “You want the truth? I’ve been attracted, infatuated – hell, almost obsessed with you for years.” Avery looked at him with disbelief. “Remember what I said to you in front of the drug store?”

  She didn’t believe him. “Yes, but when I came to you at the bar . . .”

  With hands on hip, he studied her – weighing his words. “I never said I was smart, in my own stupid way I was trying to protect you.”

  “And now that I’ve contaminated myself at the brothel – and thrown myself at you, it’s okay . . ?”

  Isaac got right in her face, taking her by the
shoulders. “Don’t you dare say a word against yourself – not a word. The only man who has been lucky enough to touch you has been me, and you are exquisite.”

  His conviction took her breath away. “So, what are you proposing?”

  “I am proposing – that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  Not that she was considering it, but she couldn’t help but be curious. It was like a child being let loose in FAO Schwartz. “How would that work – our being married? Would it be a real marriage or just until the hoopla dies down?”

  Isaac paused, thinking. What was she saying? Didn’t she want a real marriage? Better focus on the image instead of the physical. “You will be a McCoy. We are involved with all kinds of benevolent organizations – hell; we have a few of our own. You won’t just be a barkeeps wife.”

  That just made Avery mad. She pulled out of his arms and put at least three feet between them. It was hard. He was everything she had ever wanted. Being near him like this just made her ache. “But it’s you I wanted – not the McCoy name or the McCoy land or the McCoy money. Wherever you were, whatever you were doing – that’s what I wanted to be a part of – you. And I know all about your benevolent activities – you know that. I was usually right there with you.”

  “Wanted?” Past tense? If he hadn’t been so pissed, he would have appreciated the color in her cheeks, the way her nose turned up and how she slung that sexy hair back over one shoulder. Avery was hot – there was just no two ways about it.

  Her heart dipped down and a sinking feeling hit her in the pit of the stomach. This was so final. Was she nuts? No, she was being brave and generous. And smart. “Shot-gun weddings went out with the demise of the wagon train. People don’t get married to salvage reputations nowadays.” Or at least she didn’t, she wanted Isaac – but not against his will.

  “Are you turning me down, Avery?” He literally growled at her. “I promised your father that I’d take care of you.”

  “I can take care of myself, Isaac. The flower business is blooming and I have a side job that I’m quite good at.” Seeing his skeptical look, she almost spilled the beans, but the news that she wrote racy romances would only add to the confusion. “And as for as love and sex are concerned, you’ve given me a great gift and I’ll cherish the memories forever.”

  That didn’t seem to satisfy him. “You’re going to make bouquets with Tricia Yaeger? That’s what you want to do with your life? You’d rather do that than be with me?” Even though he fought it, Isaac knew that – deep down – he questioned his value as a man. That was one of the reasons he gave so freely. There was always this doubt that he deserved to be loved.

  She walked up to a chair and held on to the back of it, tightly. If she didn’t grab on to something – she was going to grab on to him. “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you. You know better than that. It was me that pursued you, not vice-versa. This whole thing is not fair to you, and I want no part of it.” Now, she needed a quick subject change to get his mind off of their involvement. “And, as far as, the flower shop goes? Tricia is doing a great job. She believes in going the extra mile. Did you see what she made up for Cady from Joseph? I helped her come up with the idea, it turned out real cute.” Certainly, working with Tricia wasn’t all she wanted to do with her life - Isaac just didn’t understand how hungry she was to belong, to do something for herself.

  Isaac grumbled under his breath. “I should have known you were behind that. But, back to the more important things you said.” A wicked little smile escaped his lips.

  “You just said that you want to be with me. That’s all I was waiting to hear.” He began to slowly walk toward her. “I’m not giving up, Avery. And as for this great gift I gave you – if you mean the passion we shared, that’s just the first installment, doll-face. I mean to make love to you over and over again. Bottom line - I’m not taking no for an answer. You will marry me, young lady.”

  Hearing her own words thrown back at her, she now knew the futility of trying to foist one’s will upon another person. “We’ll see.” Her mother always said that – and it was always her way of saying ‘no’ without saying it. Surely, it would work with Isaac. She had no doubt that he would come to his senses. Her father would back off once the gossip dissipated, and they could just resume life as normal. “Lunch wasn’t a good idea. I’m not really hungry. No hard feelings, but I’d like for you to leave now.” How hard it was to request that of him. She looked at his beautiful face, his proud, hard, powerful body and knew that when she went to bed tonight and turned off the lights, she would regret she hadn’t rushed to his arms and accepted his proposition. As far as marriage proposals go, it was unique – but she knew it couldn’t be heartfelt. Isaac was suffering from a case of misplaced chivalry. He was trying to be her knight in shining armor. Little did he know, she didn’t want a knight on a shining white steed – she just wanted her motorcycle riding warrior in black leather. He was all the man she had ever wanted – but she couldn’t have.

  “You know what you need?” Watching her clutch that chair like it was a lifeline made him want to rip it out of her grasp and chunk it against the wall. It was all Isaac could do to keep his hands off of her. “I ought to turn you over my knee and warm your ass till its rosy red.” Right before he slid his cock balls deep in her hot, wet pussy.

  Avery was about to insist, again, that he leave – until she looked at him closely. By all standards, she was still fairly innocent – but she wasn’t stupid. Isaac was aroused. He wanted her – he really desired her. Okay – now, this she could deal with. Could she risk it? She might never have a wedding veil and orange blossoms – but she could have untold nights of bliss. For as long as he wanted her – Avery could be his. There would be pain when it was over, but if this was all of Isaac she could ever have – she wanted it. Calling upon all that the girls had taught her – Avery proceeded to flirt. “Promises, promises,” with that she moved by him, putting a little wiggle in her walk.

  Isaac watched her parading her curvy little rear right by him. What was she trying to do? Drive him insane? “What the hell do you mean by that?” As he devoured her with his eyes, his jaw dropped as she skimmed her shirt over her head – right in front of him.

  “God, it’s hot in here. When I get my stuff from Tricia’s, I’ll launder your clothes and return them to you. I enjoyed wearing those lounge pants; I think I’ll order me some.” She was chattering like a magpie – totally oblivious to what she was doing to him. The sexy little minx just walked right out of the room. Isaac followed with his mouth open. His tongue would have been hanging out – but he managed to hold on to some decorum. He couldn’t believe it. She rummaged around in her closet, seemingly oblivious to what she was doing to him. God, she had a beautiful back. There was this lickable indention down her spine that ended in the sexiest pair of dimples just over her crease – he remembered that much from having his hands all over her last night. Damn, he wanted her again – now.

  Finding what she was looking for, she pulled out a t-shirt that had seen better days, and began to shuck her pink jeans – Holy Jesus! She didn’t have a damn thing on under them. Clearing his throat, he held on to the bedstead to keep from grabbing her. “Answer my question, love. What did you mean by ‘promises, promises’?”

  Tossing the clothes into a hamper, she pulled on a pair of bikini panties. “Honestly, the idea of a spanking turns me on. I didn’t have a whole lot of time this morning, but I checked out what it means to be submissive.” Turning to face him, she lifted her arms over her head to loosen the braid - which lifted those luscious tits up – his cock rose with them as if it were attached by a lead line. “What I read turned me on. If you had decided to – you know – explore that with me, I think I would have liked it. The idea of you dominating me made me wet.”

  Isaac couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. “Do you know what you’re saying, Avery? You think you would enjoy me controlling you in bed?”

e caught her bottom lip in her small white teeth and smiled dreamily. “Oh, yeah – I would have liked that a lot.” She closed her eyes and made the sexiest little whimpering noise he had ever heard. “I would love for you to push me to my knees, command me to suck your cock, holding my hair in your fist as I suck you. But what I would like most is for you to push me on the bed – face down – command me to be still while you mounted me. Oh, God!” she ran her hands down her body as Isaac stood mesmerized – stone-hard, frozen in lust. “What I wouldn’t have given to experience that with you, Isaac.” she sighed.

  His voice hoarse, Isaac answered. “It’s not too damn late – we’re standing right here by a fuckin’ bed.” His cock was hugely erect, throbbing and leaking pre-cum.

  She bit back a grin, her plan was working nicely. There was no denying it - they were both aroused, the very air between them was electric. “No, it’s not too late,” she agreed. “I want you, more than you know.”

  Isaac started toward her. “So, you’ll marry me?”

  Remembering what she had read in the very basic article on BDSM, Avery sank down in a classic slave position – on her knees, hands behind her back and head bowed. “No, sir, I can’t marry you – but I will do my best to make your every dream come true.” Despite her brave words, Avery realized there were still vestiges of hope in her heart. Maybe she still had a chance to make him love her, if she proved to him they were totally compatible.

  Relief washed over Isaac. It wasn’t over – he still had a chance. “God, you’re beautiful in that position. Give me your hand.” She did and he drew her to her feet. Taking her chin in his hand, he rubbed his lips over her mouth – marking her. Kissing the corner of her mouth, he whispered. “I want you, so much.”

  “You can have me,” she stated simply. “I only want to please you.”

  “You’re speaking my language, baby.” Avery was his dream – his greatest fantasy. He pulled her to him and she cuddled into his arms, like she was seeking comfort as well as pleasure. Slipping his hands in the sides of her panties, he pushed down, dropping to his knees in front of her.


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