
Home > Contemporary > Badass > Page 18
Badass Page 18

by Sable Hunter

  Isaac didn’t know what to say. But, he had to say something. “Don’t judge her too harshly. Food is good, but gluttony is bad. Beer is good, but an alcoholic’s life is miserable. The relationship between two people that enjoy a power exchange may be more beautiful than you realize, but even that can have its dark side. Any form of addiction or extreme overuse can be dangerous. Harper may not be able to control her craving for domination, that doesn’t mean she’s beyond help.” Noah was looking at him so closely that he wondered if he had said too much. Keeping his involvement in the BDSM world from his brothers hadn’t been easy. Often he had wondered if it wouldn’t have all been easier if he had just been honest. Hiding the truth from them had taken a heck of a lot of energy and needless subterfuge.

  “Know a lot about this, do you?”

  Alarm bells went off in Isaac’s head – time to back off. “Hey, I read.”

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” Aron’s voice was a welcome intrusion in a conversation that had gotten a tad out of hand.

  “I want to thank all of you for coming and helping to celebrate the love of two people who have found one another in the midst of a miracle. To stand here before you and know that he is happy is worth more to me than I can tell you. Joseph, Cady – if you will come up here, I have a little gift for you. They joined him at the podium and he picked up an object about the size of a computer monitor. Setting it on the table in front of them, he removed the veil. Cady’s gasp could be heard over the whole room. “I call it The Guardian.”

  “Aron, I don’t know what to say.” Joseph’s voice was hoarse with emotion and Cady threw her arms around Aron and hugged him for all she was worth.

  “I love it and I love you,” she whispered, but her voice carried easily through the microphone. Joseph held the statue up so everyone could see it. There were two figures – one was a proud stallion, his mane waving in the wind and he was galloping freely, his head thrown up and his neck arched powerfully. Hovering over the stallion was a winged angel, a beautiful woman with the most perfect look of love on her face.

  “You’re the stallion, Joseph.” Aron didn’t have to explain, but he did for the benefit of all the people who looked on. “That was the name you were given in college when you so proudly played for The University of Texas. You have always had the same proud, wild spirit of a stallion. And Cady is your angel – looking over you, looking out for you – always loving you.” The audience had no idea how true to the mark he was. Cady was Joseph’s angel – in every way that counted.

  “May I say something, brother?” Joseph asked. Aron sat down, giving the podium over to Joseph. Cady looked at him with adoration on her face. “My Cady asked me to speak for both of us, to tell you what it means that you have chosen to spend these happy moments with us. But, I want to speak – not only to you – but also to her. Tonight, I celebrate the best thing that has ever happened to me. Those of you who have known me might think that the blue ribbons, the championship rings – the gold purses are the best things that have happened to me, but you’d be wrong. When I was paralyzed, I thought that if I could just run again, hell – walk again – if I could race again, drive again – play football again – I would be happy. I prayed for a miracle, ladies and gentlemen, and God sent me an angel, my Cady. And she and her family gave me back my health – my ability to function. They gave me back my life. Now, you might think that is what I celebrate tonight. While this has been one of the greatest blessings I could ever hope to experience, it is not the best thing. The best thing – my miracle – is Cady. She is my reason for living, she is,” he took her by the hand and drew her close, “the one that I love above all things.”

  When Joseph finished his speech there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Scores of people got up and approached the head table. Many of them had gifts of their own. People continued eating and some got up to dance. Isaac touched Avery’s arm, “are you ready to run off with me?”


  “No better time than the present. I can’t wait to get you alone.” There was something in his voice – a predatory quality – that made Avery’s nipples throb.

  “Let’s go. I want to be alone with you, too.”


  Noah’s cell phone vibrated in his pants pocket, so he slipped away from the table to stand under a lamppost to better see who was calling. It was Harper. Torn, he hesitated – then finally, “Hello.”

  “Noah, I need you,” she cried. Huge wracking sobs tore through the receiver. “Please, please, I don’t have anyone else to call.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m at a gas station just outside of Luckenbach. I’m hurt.”

  “Why haven’t you called an ambulance?” her voice was scaring the shit out of him. He wasn’t in love with Harper any longer, but he couldn’t stand for anything bad to happen to her either. They shared too much history for him to turn his back on her completely.

  “I’m not dressed,” she sobbed, almost incoherently.

  “Do you have a mile marker,” she gave it to him. “I’m on my way. For God’s sake be careful.”


  The bar was dark when Isaac let him and Avery in the back. Only the security lights were on. He had disabled the burglar alarm. Holding her by the hand, he was well aware that she was trembling – and it wasn’t all from excitement. Stopping, he decided to alleviate any reservations she might have. “Honey, hold up.”

  “No, I’m ready. I want to do this more than anything. Are we going to your apartment?”

  “No, I have a special room built for such a time as this,” he kissed her on her forehead, and then sought to reassure her. “Nothing will happen unless you wish it. All power will be yours.”

  “But, I thought. . . .” she began.

  “Many believe as you do, and that is a misconception. The submissive is the one with the power and the Dom seeks only to give pleasure and in so doing, they receive pleasure themselves. When we go behind these doors, I will take control of your very being – your movements, your joy, and your orgasms – they will belong to me. But when you place them into my hands, I commit myself to you. Your pleasure and well-being is my greatest concern.”

  This was what she wanted. So much. The only thing that was giving her pause was his previous experience. “Have you done this with many women?”

  “Oh, honey.” He pulled her close and enveloped her in a hug. “There are a lot of things in my life I regret. But I can tell you this. From the moment that I realized how I felt about you, I have not had sex with a woman – I couldn’t do it.” Admitting that gave Isaac such freedom. “Before that, I participated in safe, consenting scenes. I served as the Dom and I trained subs and other Doms. Rarely, did I have a relationship, but when I did it was handled with respect.”

  Avery pressed her face to his chest and kissed him through his shirt. “I trust you. Show me what it means to belong to you.” Now, it was Isaac who trembled. The depth of his responsibility was not lost on him. Taking her by the hand he led her to his sanctuary and opened the door.

  Avery’s eyes had a hard time adjusting to the darkness and when he flipped on the light, she stared – eyes wide and jaw dropped. “My stars and garters!”

  “Intimidating, isn’t it?” He sounded a bit contrite. “Don’t be. There’s not a thing in this place that I would allow to cause you one moment of pain – unless you wanted it.” She looked around at him and he smiled. “Avery, my love, nothing awaits you here but multiple orgasms.” And love. But, he didn’t say that part out loud.

  As she entered his domain, there were a dozen different things that drew her attention. “I don’t know what any of this stuff is even for – it looks medieval.” And exciting. There were tables with restraints, a circular object that reminded her of a miniature Ferris wheel and devices on the walls that looked like places to chain people up, but when she got close enough, she saw the cuffs were made for comfort. That eased her mind somewhat. One thing that drew her eye was a hood
and a cape. Seeing her confusion, Isaac explained. “Sometimes we take part in scenes, and I have been known to wear a hood and a cape and gloves – it makes it rather medieval. Except, if you look closely – there is the McCoy brand in the middle of the forehead.” They walked on. She was interested in seeing all of it. On the walls were cabinets – filled with – who knows what and there were mirrors everywhere. Speakers and TV screens blanketed one wall and there was a bar with a mini fridge and a full array of wine and glasses. It was, at the same time, elegant and mysterious – edgy. But the most amazing thing was the way her body was reacting. Avery was wet.

  “Come here, baby.” Isaac guided her to a padded table. “Now, let me tell you what I want to do. The goal of this exercise is not only to give us both a full measure of ecstasy, but also to get you used to giving yourself over to me. I want you to trust me, yield to my voice - yield to my will. I want you to be so focused on me that your body obeys my every command.” Slowly and gently, he began to undress her. With measured movements, he revealed her nakedness inch by inch. She didn’t help – she allowed him to do with her as he willed. “That’s my baby.” His touch was warm, tender – yet she quivered with anxious anticipation.

  Never before had he been so at the mercy of a woman, she had no idea at the power she wielded over him. Isaac had the urge to drop to his knees in front of her and ask what she would have him do. That wasn’t what she needed, however. Avery desired him to be strong and sure, and that is exactly what he would be. There was nothing more important to him, than pleasing her. ‘New territory, McCoy,’ he thought – ‘new territory’. As he drew the material down, he revealed smooth, creamy shoulders. Her neck was graceful and drew his lips like a magnet. “You have no idea how beautiful you are. Look how your breasts respond to me.” The dress fell to her waist and he rubbed a finger across one swollen nipple. It poked out through the shear lace of her bra – hard and aroused. She moaned as he teased the swollen nubbin. “Turn around, sweet.” As she did, he swept her hair over one shoulder and unfastened her bra. The tiny panties were no barrier to his appreciation of the perfect pale globes of her ass. Cupping one, he squeezed and she rose on tiptoe, but she didn’t step away. “You’re going to love it when I take you here, precious. If everyone knew how good it felt, this taboo would be tradition.” Taking the top of the panties in his fingertips, he stripped them down. “Step out, treasure.” While he was down there, he slipped off her sandals and couldn’t resist peppering a few kisses on the silky skin of her derriere’.

  “Isaac, you are making me so nervous,” she admitted.

  “Nervous excited or nervous scared?”

  “Not scared.”

  “Good. The curve of your back is delectable.” To prove it he licked a trail up the indentation of her spine, and rose to his feet without missing a taste. “Now turn around.” He pulled the bra from her hands and let his eyes feast on her tits. Taking them in his hands, he massaged them, rubbing his thumbs over the tips and making her squirm a little. “I’m going to fuck you here, real soon,” he promised. “Now, up you go,” he picked her up and laid her flat on the table. “Arms to each side,” she obeyed and he fastened each wrist in the attached cuffs. “God, you’re perfect, that’s what you are.” Before he could ask, she moved her legs apart so he could fasten her ankles. “That’s my girl.” After he had buckled the soft bindings, he stepped back to look at her. She was exquisite.

  “Now, what?” she asked in a husky little voice.

  “Don’t rush me,” he ran a hand up one leg from ankle to knee, his fingers lightly rubbing the velvet expanse. “I love to look at you. Your tongue reaches out to wet your lips and your excitement is making you breathe harder, and the movement of your tits is making my cock throb.”

  “What are we going to do?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  “I am going to play, and you are going to feel. Your body will learn to crave my touch. It is my wish that you be so in tune with me that you will cum at my command. Do you think you could do that?” As he talked he reached for a glass flask on a nearby table.

  “I want to try.”

  “Tonight, you won’t need a safe word. In fact, I don’t know that we’ll ever worry with one – for you will never, ever have anything to fear from me.” Holding the bottle high, he let a stream of warm oil pool on the quivering muscles of her abdomen. “You’re shaking.”

  “With desire,” she offered without hesitation. “I need your hands on me; I need your mouth, too.” Standing over her, his shoulders looked a yard wide. “Will you take off your clothes? You have the most beautiful body of any man in the world.”

  Isaac wanted to smile, but he forced his face into a stern expression. His heart was turning to mush around this doll. If he wasn’t careful, he would lose his Dom card. “I’m in charge, Miss Avery. It will be my pleasure to give you anything and everything you need – when the time is right.”

  “Oh, I see.” Then, “oh, my!” she groaned as he stood at the edge of the table and began his sensual massage. Both palms covered her abdomen, rubbing in circular motion. He let his hands dance down near to her pussy, but no further. He skated north to her breasts – but not quite. Every pass, he edged closer to the places where she needed him most and each time he made the fire burn brighter and the heat rise.

  “Now, for an experiment. No talking – not unless I give you permission. You may groan, but no conversation. Your job is to just feel. Close your eyes, and feel.”

  Avery did as he asked and, immediately, she understood why. Everything magnified. In the darkness, his hands on her body became her world. It seemed as if her breasts were growing, they were swelling – begging for his touch. She had no desire to get away, yet her body undulated – her hips wanted to rise, seeking a caress in just that necessary spot. “Hmmmm,” she started to speak, but held back. Praise, she yearned to praise him as he worked his magic.

  God, his cock was huge. Isaac couldn’t remember being this hard. His dick was so heavy with need that he would be surprised if it could stand upright. She was pleasing him. Not once did she open her eyes, not once did she speak – but her body’s response to him told him volumes. Her nipples were like diamond chips, the areolas puffy and distended. With broader strokes, he let his fingers skate the underside of her breast and as he expected, she arched her back asking for more.

  A shuddering sob broke from her lips; if he didn’t touch her breasts soon she was going to do unspeakable things to him. Come to think of it, she might do that anyway – but there would be repercussions. Was that a chuckle? Without opening her eyes to see his face, she couldn’t be sure. A tiny whimper of begging escaped, and she wanted to laugh. Tricia had a puppy that made that same noise when he wanted a treat. But, it worked – she heard an answering growl and his palms covered her breasts and began an erotic assault.

  Control was about to slip through his fingers. She was totally turned-on; he couldn’t keep his eyes off her pussy, which was glistening with her cream. And the sounds she was making were the most arousing of all. God, he needed a kiss. Without taking his hands off of her, he moved to the head of the table so, he could bend over her and take her lips while he played with her tits. For just a second, he let her go to get in position and one tiny word gave away her desperation. “No.”

  “Shhhh,” he reminded her as he covered her lips. Sweet, she was so sweet. God, he loved to rub her tits. Taking her nipples between his thumb and first fingers, he milked them. The intensity of her kiss increased, and she sucked on his tongue while moaning one little hungry moan after another. The whole table was shaking a bit, because she was pumping her hips – his baby was hungry. “Easy, baby. I’ll make us both feel good.” Stepping back, he stripped. “Open your eyes.” Immediately she sought his gaze, her teeth biting down on her lower lip. She was holding herself back, following his directions – good. “Damn, I wonder if it will always be like this with you. I’m too fuckin’ excited to prolong this like I should.” The look of trust o
n her face gave him strength to push forward. Going to her feet, he set out to push her limits. He began kissing and licking her skin, memorizing the texture – what parts made her squirm and the places that when he nipped – made her pant. This was the first time he had his mouth on her pussy, and he planned on blowing her mind.

  Lord have mercy, she prayed. Isaac McCoy was worshiping her body. There was no other way to think about it. His lips – his tongue – his teeth – his hands, they were everywhere. No square inch of her flesh was going unattended. Her hips undulated – he was giving her more rapture than she had even known existed. God, he was kissing – licking – sucking between her thighs and it was driving her mad! She tried to raise up enough to watch him – it was a sight to behold. His eyes were shut and his mouth was busy, but his left hand had strayed to her breast and he was kneading it – hiking her blood pressure to dangerous levels. She wanted to scream, she wanted to beg. But her most sincere desire was to please him, so she gave herself over to the euphoria and floated in a daze of bliss.

  “I want you to come for me, love. And I want you to shout out one word – it doesn’t matter what that word is – whatever comes to mind.” She was so close; he could feel it. If he were a betting man, he would say that as soon as he took her clit between his lips - -

  “Isaac!” she screamed as a rampaging climax threw her body into an electric storm of sensation.

  There it was. Oh, yeah. Every muscle in her body contracted and he held her down, determined to give her an orgasm that she would never forget. Running two fingers into her channel, he sought out the spongy sweet spot and worked it – insuring that every pleasure circuit she had went into immediate overload. Isaac wasn’t immune; he was sexually incensed and eager to rut. It had not escaped his notice that the word she chose to declare her climax had been his own name. No, that reality was paramount – it fueled his desperation to cum.


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