
Home > Contemporary > Badass > Page 25
Badass Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “That dog is nearly dead. Ajax made me hurt her. She attacked him when he grabbed . . .”


  “Avery,” he had gone too far to hide, now. Maybe it wasn’t too late to do the right thing. The boy showing up seemed like a sign. “You go get some help and you tell them that old Crowbar helped you and that he was forced to be bad. Okay?”

  “Uh – yeah – sure,” Nathan tore loose and started running. He had to hurry! Avery was in trouble and so was Lady. His legs were pumping like pistons, his adrenalin was running so high, he could have made the track team. “Help! Help!” He began to yell, when he thought he was a safe distance away. Barreling through the woods, he ran head long into someone. For a moment, he struggled; thinking that one of the strange men had him.

  “Nathan – it’s Isaac, what’s wrong?”

  Talking in a rush, Nathan spilled his terror. “There’s a man back there in the woods and he says they have Avery and Lady is hurt. She’s in the old well. And the slow-acting man said that it wasn’t his fault – he was forced to do bad things. I’m scared, Isaac. And I’m glad you’re back.”

  “Me too, buddy.” Isaac hugged him quick. “Are they at the hunting cabin?” At Nathan’s nod, he sought to reassure him. “Everything will be fine, I guarantee it.” If only that were in his power - “I’m going to go help Avery and I won’t forget Lady, either. You go tell the others where I’m headed and what’s going on – and make sure Kane’s informed. Then you take care of the women. Can you handle it?”

  “You can count on me, Isaac. Please help Avery and Lady. They need you.”

  Wasting no time, he made his way to the hunting cabin. Whoever talked to Nathan was nowhere in sight, so he had to assume that Ajax would have help. A popping sound reached his ears and his heart sank – he knew that noise – the bullwhip. “No!” he ran harder. Bounding up on the porch he could see through the front window and what he saw made his heart come up in his throat. She was chained to a tower pole, arms over her head. His beloved had been stripped and he could see evidence of abuse – blood and bruising. Hatred boiled up within Isaac, the man who did this would die. Every instinct told him to plunge through the window and step between Ajax and Avery, but the pistol in Ajax’s hand gave him pause. He couldn’t risk her life. For just a few seconds, he surveyed the room and saw what had to be the man Nathan was referring to – it was Crowbar. What the hell? The look on his face was one of distaste – why was he going along with and even helping with this travesty? It didn’t make sense. Nevertheless, Isaac prepared to go in. Edging around to the side door, he found it open. Good.

  “You won’t get away with this,” Avery said. “Someone will come.”

  Ajax walked in a half moon path in front of her, studying his handiwork. “Dream on, slut. They’re partying over there and your man isn’t even in this part of the country. He left you, didn’t he? Why was that? You weren’t woman enough for him, were you?”

  Isaac could hear – and he hated what he heard.

  Avery met the eyes of the other man who had brought her here. She knew him from the bar; he had been nice to her that day. Clearly, he was uncomfortable with all of this. She silently pleaded for help. How could he stand and watch this pervert hurt her? “I may not be woman enough for him, that’s true. But he’s more of a man than you’ll ever be. Isaac is a good man – you’re a sniveling eunuch. I bet you can’t even get it up, can you? Is that why you do this? Is hurting women the only way you can get off?”

  Isaac listened to her bait him, “Don’t do it, baby.” He moved cautiously, positioning himself to take Ajax down.

  “Why, you cunt!” He lashed out at her with the whip, leaving a stripe that went from her breastbone to the middle of her abdomen. She flinched. He continued his tirade. “Submit to me, bitch! Bow your head and plead for your life. That’s the only thing that will save you!”

  Instead, she fought back. “I will never submit to the likes of you. I will only submit to Isaac – only to Isaac. I love him.”

  Another blow. But what he said stung worse. “You may love him, but does he love you? I know what kind of woman Isaac McCoy craves – a real submissive - and that’s not you. You’re not worthy to be McCoy’s woman.”

  All the tenseness – all the fight left Avery’s body. “You’re right.” She submitted to the bonds that fettered her, and bowed her head.

  “That’s more like it, cunt.” He struck again, just like a maddened serpent. “Hitting you is sweet – I promised McCoy that I would hurt him by hurting the ones he loves.”

  As if his words strengthened her, she lifted her head one more time – almost triumphant. “Well, you’re out of luck, you bastard. Isaac doesn’t love me. You’ve failed - you may hurt me, but you’re not hurting Isaac. And for that I’m grateful.”

  “Then I better make this blow count, cunt!” Ajax drew back the whip to strike a blinding blow, but his arm came up short.

  He had him! Isaac couldn’t wait another second. He wound the leather around his fist and jerked – hard. “It’s my turn to do the hitting, asshole! You do not abuse what belongs to me.” Isaac lunged at Ajax and literally plowed him down.

  “Watch it, Isaac!” Avery screamed. “He’s got a gun!” She directed her next plea to the other man. “Help him. I know you didn’t want to do this. I’ll defend you. Please?” That was all it took. The other man stepped forward.

  Ajax wasn’t going down easy, and he didn’t intend to go down alone. Before Isaac could stop him, he pulled back the gun and shot Crowbar in the stomach. The other man stumbled back, holding his gut, which was blooming with a red stain. Disbelief colored Crowbar’s face and Avery screamed.

  Ajax was big and furious, which made him dangerous. They wrestled and Isaac managed to knock the gun out of his hand, but when that hand was free of the gun, it didn’t remain empty long. Isaac didn’t see the knife, but Avery did. “A knife, Isaac – he has a knife!” She struggled, to no avail. He had no need of her assistance, however. Isaac was like a man possessed. She had never seen his face look like that – he was hard, dominant – totally in control. Wresting the knife from Ajax’s grasp, he threw it across the room and took up his bullwhip and began whipping him across his body. Seemingly, this was the first time Ajax had been on the receiving end and he screamed and squealed like a stuck pig. Holding his arms over his face to protect it, he begged for mercy.

  It seemed like forever – everything was in slow motion, but it was only seconds before the other McCoys burst into the room. Avery was mortified for them to see her naked. But, she shouldn’t have worried. Noah grabbed an afghan off the couch and immediately wrapped her in it. “Damn, Avery girl. Let’s get you covered up and out of here.”

  Jacob and Kane assisted Isaac and Joseph went to Crowbar, getting towels to staunch the flow of blood. “It’s a damn gut wound. A helicopter is on its way, fella.”

  “He tried to help me, Kane.”

  “We’ll get your statement later, Avery,” he promised. Pulling Ajax off the floor, the Sheriff cuffed him and read him his rights.

  “I’ll take her,” Isaac edged Noah out of the way and picked her up. “Let’s get you to the hospital.” He started out with her to one of their trucks. “Call ahead and tell them we’re coming. And somebody see to Nathan’s dog. She’s in the old well, and she’s hurt pretty bad,” he directed in a loud voice.

  Avery placed her hand on his cheek. “I don’t need to go to the hospital. There’s no need. I’m not hurt that badly. All I need is to get cleaned up and put some antiseptic on the spots.”

  “Are you sure?” His voice was hoarse and Avery could feel a quaking in his body. Isaac was scared – for her.

  “Perfectly, I kept him too mad and distracted for him to do too much damage.” Actually, he had landed some hard blows, but nothing was broken and the doctors couldn’t do anything about the bruising. “The helicopter will take the other man to the hospital?” she wanted to hug him, she wanted to kiss him – b
ut she held back. Confidence in her place in his life was a thing of the past.

  Stepping quickly into one of the back bedrooms, he stood her down, whisked off the blanket and began examining the damage done to her body. Despite their history, she crossed her arms over her breasts. “That was pretty bad, wasn’t it? I can’t believe your whole family walked in on me while I was hanging up there exposed,” she was grasping for something to say.

  “Sit right there while I get some warm water and medicine,” he sat her down gently and took a moment to cup her cheek – rubbing his thumb gently against a tear trail. “God, I’m so sorry, precious. I’m sorry for everything. You got swept up in a storm that you didn’t create.”

  As he walked off, she whispered, “Great, he feels sorry for me.” This didn’t bode well. Taking in the room, she noticed how comfortable it was. She had heard of the McCoy’s hunting cabin and now she was here. Pity it wouldn’t hold very happy memories. And she had no clothes! That fiend had ripped her stuff beyond repair.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up,” Isaac knelt at her feet.

  “Hey – is Avery going to be okay?” Noah spoke from the hall, a few feet from the semi-open door.

  “Yes, I’m taking care of her.”

  “I’m fine, Noah – and thank you and all the rest for coming to my rescue. I’m sorry I disrupted the party.”

  “You aren’t to blame,” Isaac whispered. “This is all my fault.”

  Remorseful was the best word she could think to describe his attitude.

  “Are ya’ll coming up to the house?” Noah was nothing if not persistent.

  Isaac smiled; the first she had seen. It made her feel better. “Not now – we want to be alone.”

  “Sure – look, since you came on foot, I’m going to ride with Jacob and leave you my truck. The keys are in it.”

  “Thank you, Noah.” Avery answered before Isaac could fuss at him. “Isaac will be home in a bit.”

  “Oh, Criminey” – Avery winced. “That burns.” She heard him hold his breath, but he didn’t say anything. His face was stoic, and there was a tick by his lips. “You look miserable. I can do this,” she started to take the sponge from him.

  “Damn!” he threw it to the floor and gathered her – oh, so carefully – into his arms. “What are we going to do, my Avery? Where do we go from here?”

  What was he saying? She, tentatively, hugged him back. “If you can get me a t-shirt and some of your lounge pants like before, I can go home. You have lots to sort out with your family. And I’ll be fine.”

  “If you think for one moment that I’m ever letting you out of my sight again, you’ve got another think coming.” He said this close to her neck, his face buried in her hair and he was petting the back of her head. Elation desperately tried to get a foothold in Avery’s heart – but she tamped it down. Disappointment and disillusion was too fresh. She had to be sure. And then she felt it – dampness. Isaac was crying. Her big tough Dom was shedding tears – for her.

  “Isaac, what are you saying? You do realize that I’m not what you need. I’ll never be the perfect submissive – Ajax was right. I’m too mouthy and inexperienced.”

  He drew back and the look on his face took her breath away. “I’ll tell you what you are – you are perfect. You are perfect for me, Avery Rose. I enjoy being in control, but only as long as it brings you pleasure. I’ve changed. You make me happy – whatever we do, together, makes me happy.”

  She stemmed his flow of words by closing the gap between them and kissing the dickens out of him. “Let me explain. I like everything we did – everything. And if you want me – if you think I can make you happy. Well, I want to try more stuff . . .” she whispered in his ear – “anything your heart desires. I am yours to command.” When he chuckled, she sealed the deal. “When you go all alpha and macho, it makes me feel soft.” She kissed his neck. “You make me glad I’m a woman.” Now, she felt like she could be brave, “Your woman.”

  “God, I love you,” he rejoined their lips and kissed her like she always dreamed of being kissed. “I have loved you from afar for so long.” Wasn’t that her line? Avery wanted to laugh – but she didn’t. He was just too sweet, and this was just too wonderful. “I love your sweet spirit, Avery. I love your giving nature – your spunk – I adore your body. I love everything about you.”

  Dreams do come true. Whoever said they didn’t – was wrong. “I love you, too. So much. I’ll love you, forever.”

  “You had damn well, better.” There was that McCoy bravado. “Will you marry me, Avery? Will you bind your life and heart and body to mine, forever?”

  Hugging him tightly, she ignored the little pains and protests that her body was making. This was more important. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Thank the Lord.”


  October 16 – The Sweetest Day

  Avery stood to the left all the way on the end and Isaac stood to the right in the same position. Soon, they would meet in the middle and walk out together – and boy, did she have plans for the night. But right now – they had a wedding to celebrate.

  Aron and Libby stood side by side, facing one another, ready to pledge their love. She was beaming with health and he was beaming with happiness and the rest of the family was so grateful that this day had finally arrived. All was well. Before the ceremony, Aron had presented Libby with a statue of him on his knees at her feet, and she had given him the sonogram showing that they were having twin boys. Both gifts had been perfect expressions of their love. The small church was full. Besides family, there was Bess, their former housekeeper – Nathan had been especially glad to see her. Kane, Lilibet and Zane were there. Joseph’s friend Beau had arrived with a beautiful Hispanic woman and Levi had braved gossip and brought Pawnee, who looked very lovely and very feminine. Trace, Lance and Terence Lee had parked cars and now sat in the back row and the biggest surprise had been Bowie Travis – not the baby – but Jacob’s friend. He had slipped in the back just before the ceremony started and Jacob had sent a message back by Nathan that he had better be planning on staying awhile. Today was a happy day, and there were many things to celebrate.

  Aron began his vows, they were heartfelt – “I stand here, today – the luckiest man in the world. Libby, before you walked into my life, I was blessed. I can’t deny that, I had my brothers, the ranch and my health. Many people would say that I was rich. But they would be wrong. I was blessed, but I wasn’t rich.” He ignored the preacher’s tut-tuting gesture and framed Libby’s face and kissed her – slow and deep. “Now, I’m rich. I’m rich in love; I’m rich in laughter – and hope, Libby. My life is full of happiness and hope – and really, great sex.” He whispered the last three words, but everybody heard them and laughed out loud.

  “That-a-boy, Aron,” someone called from the back.

  He doffed his hat at the comedian – he had insisted on wearing his hat, and Libby wouldn’t have it any other way. Libby didn’t wait to see if he was finished – she couldn’t be quite another second. “Aron, when I came to Tebow – I didn’t know if I was going to live or die. I wanted to experience all that life could offer. I wanted to live. I’m not ashamed to say that I had been infatuated with you for years. You were my dream. So, when I thought I had a chance to spend some time on the ranch – I thought life couldn’t be any sweeter. I was wrong. I didn’t know what living or loving was like until the first time you kissed me. My life began the first time you took me in your arms. Never had I even dreamed that life could be so wonderful. I will love our children to the end. Even now, I would die for them in a heartbeat. But, as much as I will adore them – I will never love anyone or anything as much as I love you. You are my world.”

  Again, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. The preacher took up the ceremony, and just before he was about to pronounce them husband and wife – Aron motioned that he wanted to speak again. “This is highly irregular, Mr. McCoy,” the pastor smiled. “But – since when has that ever
stopped you.” Everyone laughed – at least no one could say they didn’t have a good time at this wedding.

  “Do you remember the night I proposed? I promised you that you would have bridesmaids. I promised you that our love would be contagious and that the boys would find beautiful, sweet girls to stand up for you – now look.” Libby glanced over her shoulder at Jessie, Cady and Avery. Standing behind Aron were Jacob, Joseph and Isaac. Noah and Nathan had served as ushers and taken their seats together on the front row. As the preacher had read the scripture, Skye had slipped into the chair by Noah and gave him a big smile. And when she covered his hand with hers, his eyes had gotten big and wide – but he hadn’t moved his hand.

  “Can I finish now?” the preacher asked.

  “Please do,” at least Aron was gracious.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride, again.” Libby squealed with delight when he picked her up – kissed her soundly – then let her slide back down his body. By the time her feet touched the ground, her eyes were glazed over with passion.

  “I can’t wait for the honeymoon,” she whispered.

  “Ahemmm,” the pastor tried to regain control. “It is my privilege to be the first to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Aron McCoy.” Loud shouts of jubilation filled the church and as the organ swelled with the happy notes – the McCoys filed down the aisle – all paired up with the women that God had created just for them.

  Jacob took Jessie’s hand. “I love you,” he raised her hand and kissed her palm. “I’m sorry you didn’t have a big shindig like this.”

  “What we had was perfect for us – it was private, and as soon as our baby arrives, we can renew our vows. Think how perfect that would be. You, me and Bowie Travis.”


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