Boots and The Rogue: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 10

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Boots and The Rogue: Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 10 Page 12

by Myla Jackson

  His chuckle sent a new wave of anger through her.

  But then he brushed his lips over her forehead. “Jessie, do you ever shut up?”

  “No. I don’t want to hear what you have to say. Just go away and—”

  Brody’s lips covered hers, cutting off the run-on diatribe she’d started.

  Having grown up thinking she was strong and could handle anything, Jessie now realized she was weak and emotional, like any other girl, and it made losing Brody even harder.

  “Damn you,” she said against his lips, her arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer. “Damn you.” And she kissed him with all the pent-up frustration she’d collected over the week she’d avoided him as much as he’d avoided her.

  Their tongues met in a wild tangle of thrusts and caresses, rough but gentle, teasing and passionate.

  Brody slid his hands down her back and up under her dress.

  Jessie yanked the buttons loose on his shirt and ran her hands across his naked chest, reveling in the solid planes and rippling muscles. What she wouldn’t give to be back at the creek, naked and staring up at the stars through the blanket of leaves.

  When Brody’s thumbs skimmed up her sides and brushed beneath her breasts, she drew in a deep breath, arching her back, pressing closer to his hands.

  He dropped them to the hem of her dress and dragged it up her torso and over her head, draping it on a shelf beside her.

  Jessie reached up behind her and released the hooks on her bra.

  Brody slid the straps down her arms. “Aren’t you afraid someone will walk in?”

  “I don’t care.” She was with Brody. He’d come for her, not Fancy. That’s all that mattered. “No one will see us back here.” Leaning forward, she tongued a hard brown nipple, her fingers tugging the button loose on his jeans. “Are you afraid?” She slid the zipper down, and his cock sprang free, into her palms.

  His breath hissed in. “No.”

  She glanced up at him, her hand wrapping around him. “Look. I know the deal. Live in the moment, expect nothing from tomorrow. So what are you waiting for?”

  He dragged in a breath, his body stiff and his cock rock-hard. “That’s not why I came in here. I wanted to tell you—”

  “And I told you I didn’t want to listen.” She released him, backed up and slipped her panties over her hips. “Do you want me?” she said, baring herself to him, praying for one last chance at holding him close.

  “Damn, Jessie.” He stepped forward, wrapped his hands around her waist and lowered them over her buttocks to cup the backs of her thighs. Then he lifted her onto a stack of boxes. “I want you more than I can begin to tell you.”

  “Then shut up and show me.” Jessie grabbed his hand, drawing him closer.

  “We don’t have to do this. We should talk.”

  “If you start talking, I’ll dress and walk out of this storeroom. It’s your choice.”

  Her hand closed around his length, sliding low to cup him. She had one chance to show him how she felt, and she’d make this time the best. It might be the last.

  “Do you want to stop?” she challenged, massaging his balls between her fingers.

  He closed his eyes, and heaved a sigh. “We really need to talk.” His dick surged against her hand and he opened his eyes. “But no. I don’t want to stop.”

  She guided him to her.

  He halted, poised at her opening, and then backed away. “Not yet.”

  Brody reached for the riding crop.

  Her pulse galloping, Jessie’s core tightened. “What are you going to do with that?”

  With the tip of the leather instrument, he tapped the inside of her thighs, urging her to spread her legs wider.

  She did, her chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. Her nerves tingled where the crop rested against the inside of her knee and cream dribbled from her channel as he slid the leather tip toward her center.

  Jessie cupped one of her breasts and squeezed. The closer he moved, her legs widened as if on their own. When he reached the lips of her entrance, he raised the crop and brushed it over her curly mound. “Do you like that?”

  “It’s…” she drew in a ragged breath and let it go on a breathy laugh, “…inspiring.”

  Brody stepped between her legs and dragged the crop over the mounds of her breasts and down between them, over her belly, angling toward the apex of her thighs.

  She gave a strangled chuckle. “And I wondered why someone hung a riding crop and chaps in the storeroom.”

  “Audrey and Jackson have been known to make love in here. I hear this is where their baby was conceived.”

  Brody bent forward and sucked one of Jessie’s nipples into his mouth. He tapped the tip and rolled it on his tongue before moving to the next one, catching it between his teeth.

  Jessie’s core heated, her body humming with desire. She wanted him inside her, but she also didn’t want him to stop what he was doing with his tongue. Her fingers dug into his thick hair and held him close as she arched her back, urging him to take more.

  He did, sucking her breast deep into his mouth, laving the nipple into a hard little point. Then he slipped down her torso, dropping to one knee as he went.

  Her heart thundering against her ribs, Jessie held her breath as he closed in on the mound of curls over her sex. He was going there. Like he had the day at the pool when he’d licked her and tongued that special place that set her world on fire.

  Brody parted her folds with the rough tips of his fingers and the riding crop, sending electric currents zinging through her body, like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

  As he swept his tongue across her clit, Jessie rocked her hips forward, offering him everything She was powerless to hold back, to tell him to stop what he was doing. The saloon could burn down around her, and she wouldn’t care. What he was doing made her forget everything, including why she’d gone into the storeroom to begin with.

  Brody swirled his tongue around the bundle of nerves, relentless in his attack, conquering her with his moves, his fingers sliding into her, one then two and three, pumping in and out of her wet channel.

  The tension increased until she flung back her head, her body stiff, the maelstrom of sensations ricocheting off her insides. She catapulted over the edge, her core pulsating, thrumming fast to the galloping beat of her heart.

  She dragged Brody up by his ears. “I want you inside me. Now.”

  He stood, positioned himself at her entrance and then thrust his cock into her, driving deep until he’d fully sheathed himself. Moving in and out, he increased his speed, with each thrust rocking the stack of boxes with the force of his desire.

  Holding on, Jessie’s breath caught and held, teetering on the brink of another burst of orgasmic fireworks. Friction heated her core, setting her insides ablaze. Tingling began at her center and rippled outward in waves, ricocheting from nerve to nerve. She cried out and dug her nails into Brody’s shoulders.

  He thrust one last time and held her hips tight against him, burying himself inside her for a shuddering release.

  Jessie wrapped her legs around him, pressing her heels into his buttocks, clamping him as close as she could, her arms around his middle, her face pressed to his chest. If it were possible to freeze that moment in time, she would have. Making love to Brody could not have been more perfect.

  The squeak of a door hinge and the rush of music into the room marked the end of what just occurred.

  “Jessie?” Audrey called out. She stepped around the stack of boxes and stopped, pressing a hand to her belly. “I’m so sorry to interrupt. But I found you a ride.” Her lips parted in a huge grin. “Or should I cancel?” She winked, unabashed at catching them in a very naked position. “Did you like using the crop?” The pregnant bar owner glanced around. “What? No chaps? Next time you’ll have to wear those, Jessie.” Audrey rubbed her hand over her stomach. “So, do you need a ride or not?”

  Jessie’s legs tightened around Brody and she pr
essed her chest to his, to hide as much of her bare body from view. “Yes, I’ll need that ride.”

  “No she won’t,” Brody insisted. “I’ll see her home.” He glanced at Audrey. “If you’ll leave us, we’ll dress and get out of your storeroom.”

  “No need to hurry.” She glanced around the packed room. “There’s something about this room that inspires orgasms.”

  Jessie glanced over Brody’s shoulder and caught Audrey’s gaze. “I’ll need that ride.”

  Brody scowled. “We’ll talk about it.”

  “Well, I’ll wait outside, unless you want me to watch? Some couples get off better with an audience.” Audrey’s eyes were wide, hopeful. “I know Jackson and I do.”

  “We prefer privacy,” Brody assured her.

  Audrey laughed. “Should have thought of that before you got it on in my storeroom.” She held up her hand. “No worries. I’ll leave you two to it.” She backed out of the room, her gaze on them until the door closed.

  “That was awkward.” Jessie leaned back, her cheeks burning.

  Brody slipped out of her, his cock still stiff and glistening with their juices. He stepped back and zipped his jeans, and then reached for Jessie, helping her off the stack of boxes and onto her feet. “You’d better get dressed.” He held on to her long enough for her to get her balance on shaking legs.

  She’d been thoroughly fucked and her pussy throbbed in gratitude. But life went on and she needed to do some thinking.


  Jessie tugged the dress over her head and glanced around for her panties. When she couldn’t find them, she gave up. She was headed back to the ranch to pack. Going commando for a short time wouldn’t kill her. Staying with Brody, when he’d be leaving soon, would take a slice right out of her heart. She’d be better off leaving before he did.

  Working at the ranch after he left, where everything reminded her of him, would kill her. If his family knew how much Brody meant to her, it was highly likely they’d pity her. Pity was the last thing she wanted from the McFarlans.

  “I have to go.”

  “I’m taking you home.”

  “No, you need to stay and make sure Colin gets home okay. He’s been drinking too much to drive,” she lied.

  “I’ll get Angus to come pick him up.” His face hardened. “I’m taking you home.”

  Her heart thrilled a little at Brody’s determination. Yet, she had to remind herself he’d made no declarations of love like “let’s try for happily ever after” or even “I’ll see you tomorrow”.

  When she turned to leave, he gripped her arm. “What just happened…” Brody paused and then continued, “…I didn’t come in here intending to make love to you—only to talk.”

  “I can’t,” she said, her eyes blurring. “I can’t do this.”

  “Do what? If you don’t want me to make love to you, I won’t. But please. Come home.”

  “It’s not my home, Brody. And I can’t be there as long as you are.”

  He reached out to take her into his arms, but she sidestepped around him and ran for the door.

  Before she could open it, he pressed his hand to the wooden panel. “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t have to. You’re going back to Seattle and I need to move on.” Jessie swallowed hard to keep the sob from rising up her throat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “I’m taking you home, Jessie. And we’re going to talk about this.”

  She tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge with him leaning on it. “Okay.” She ducked her head and lied, “I need to visit the restroom and collect my purse behind the bar.”

  For a moment, he continued leaning on the door. Finally, he straightened and opened the door for her. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Jessie scurried through the door and down the hallway, hurried over to the ladies’ room and was practically knocked over by Audrey coming out.

  Audrey smiled. “Sorry. That must have been my tenth trip tonight.” Her grin faded when she took in Jessie’s face.

  She hooked Jessie’s arm and turned right around and reentered the bathroom. “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, Audrey!” Jessie burst into tears and ran into a stall, slamming the door behind her.

  “Now, how am I supposed to help you if I don’t know what’s wrong?” Audrey said, her feet appearing below the stall door. “Come out and talk to me.”

  Jessie couldn’t stop sobbing long enough to say anything. Every time she opened her mouth, another sob emerged.

  “Jessie, honey, I can’t stand to see anyone cry. It upsets me.” Audrey knocked softly. “And if I’m upset, the baby’s upset. Please, for the sake of Jackson Jr., open the door and let’s work this out.”

  Guilt trumped sorrow and Jessie opened the stall door.

  Audrey held open her arms and Jessie fell into them, careful not to bump the baby.

  “Ah, sweetie, nothing can be that bad.”

  “It is.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “I…I…” Jessie hiccupped, “…I think I’m in love.” And tears flowed all over again.

  Audrey chuckled softly, rubbing her hand over Jessie’s hair. “Baby, is that all? You should be happy. Not everyone finds someone who makes them crying-buckets-of-tears-in-love.” She tipped Jessie’s chin. “I hope it’s Brody McFarlan.”

  Jessie nodded.

  “Then why are you crying?”

  “He doesn’t love me.”

  Audrey’s eyes widened. “What do you mean? From what I saw, he was loving the stuffin’ out of you in the storeroom.” She winked.

  “He never said so…and…and…he’s leaving for Seattle as soon as he can.” Jessie straightened and scrubbed her hands over her face. “I can’t stay at the Rafter M. Do you know anywhere I can stay until I figure out where to go next? I only have a little money I made from working.”

  “Honey, you can stay with me and Jackson for the time being. Mark’s waiting to take you home now.”

  “Brody thinks he’s taking me.”

  “I’ll sneak you out the back and have Mark pick you up there.”

  “Are you sure I should stay with you? You don’t need my drama in your life. You’re about to have all you can handle. I need to find a place that can take Scout, my horse.”

  Audrey hugged her again. “I could use a little help around the house. I’m finding it harder to keep up, and Jackson has turned all my white things pink when he lends a hand with the laundry. And we have just the place for Scout. I’ll have Mark and Luke go get him tomorrow.”

  “It’s too much.” Jessie shook her head. “I can’t impose.”

  “I insist and Jackson will too.” She turned Jessie toward the door. “Now, come on. I have to get you out of here without you being seen. Hide behind me. I’m as big as a barn. No one will notice you.”

  “Don’t be silly. The only big part of you is your baby bump.”

  “You’re a doll. I’m going to keep you around for an ego boost.” Audrey peeked out the door. “Brody’s talking to his brothers. Make a run for it and I’ll round up Mark.”

  Keeping her head low, Jessie ran for the hallway leading to the back exit. She didn’t stop until she stood on the back porch and stared out at the big Texas sky full of stars, her heart heavy. In the short time she’d been with the McFarlans, she’d felt more at home than anywhere else she’d lived. She should have known better than to fall in love with a cowboy and his family. Mrs. McFarlan had been like the mother she never knew.

  Tears welled in her eyes and slipped down her cheeks. Yeah, her daddy would have been appalled, but she just couldn’t stop them from falling.

  Chapter Eleven

  Brody left the storeroom and returned to the bar, his body still pulsing to the rhythm of their lovemaking. He thought that they’d been good together, that he’d given her as much pleasure as she’d given him.

  Then why the hell had she been so determined to leave? “Damn.”

  He glanc
ed around the saloon, searching for Angus. He hadn’t seen his older brother since they entered the building together. Maybe he could make sense of women. Brody sure as hell couldn’t.

  Colin stood by a table in the far corner talking to Connor Mason and Ed Judson. He smiled and laughed, all the while his gaze kept slipping to the bar where Fancy Wilson sat nursing a longneck.

  Brody still cared for Fancy, but not like a fiancée. More like a good friend. He should have seen back when they were dating that they were more friends than lovers and a marriage between them wouldn’t last. They both deserved to find deep and lasting love with someone who rocked their worlds.

  “You look like someone just ran over your favorite dog.” Angus’s hand descended on Brody’s shoulder. “Let me buy you a beer.”

  “I don’t need one. I’m leaving soon.” He glanced toward the hallway where the bathrooms were located. He’d seen Jessie headed that way. As soon as she came out, he’d take her back to the ranch and get things out in the open. Not that he had a clue what those things were.

  “Jessie leave?” Angus asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “I’m missing Gwen tonight. I’ll be glad when we’re married and living under the same roof.” Angus sat on a barstool and ordered a beer, then turned to Brody. “So, what’s going on between you and Jessie?”

  Brody ran a hand through his hair and stared at the hallway to the bathrooms, wondering how long it took to use the facilities. “I don’t know.”

  “I could swear there was some chemistry going on when you were dancing with her.”

  “I thought so too.” And then they’d made love and the woman had run like a skittish doe.

  “Do you think there’s a chance you might be falling for her?” Angus tipped his bottle, appearing casual, like Brody’s answer didn’t mean a thing.

  Brody knew better. He faced Angus. “Mom’s threat aside, I don’t know what I’m feeling for Jessie. All I know is she’s got me all knotted up inside.”


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