Winds of Change (Delphine Rising Book 0.5)

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Winds of Change (Delphine Rising Book 0.5) Page 7

by Angela Sanders

  I didn’t give her a chance to get up as I advanced toward my prey, I sent out another strike, crashing into her chest. And another, yet she managed to get to her feet, stumbling. I summoned my fire and began lighting her up – one after another, I was setting her ablaze. I reached for the unfamiliar magic to finish her off, when I heard my mother’s voice.

  “Abby, stop!”

  But I couldn’t. I was too blind with rage and I wanted her to die. If she had killed Danny, I was going to make it even.

  Mom yanked me to the side, ending my murderous wrath and pushed me against the wall.

  “That’s enough, Abby! You’re going to kill her – you have to stop. Calm down, my sweet girl. Everything’s going to be okay,” she said in a soothing tone.

  I didn’t want to calm down, I wanted revenge. I still wasn’t sure what she meant when she mentioned Danielle and when I looked toward Danny’s injured body, I couldn’t control my anger…

  “Abby, listen to me. Calm down. Now. Franklin is in custody and thanks to you, Crystal is no longer a threat. But you have to think, baby. You’re not a murderer – we don’t kill witches and you’d have to live with that on your conscience for the rest of your life.

  I knew you wouldn’t stay at Danny’s, so I placed a tracking spell on you once we caught Franklin trying to steal Delphine’s talisman. We’d been tracking him for a while and knew he’d try to activate the dark magic within that stone.

  When Crystal wasn’t with him, the coven and I rushed right over to find you, but you were already gone. When I saw your magic, Abby… I wish you would’ve let us handle this, but I’m glad you’re safe,” she said, hugging me tight.

  I looked around to see several members of the coven surrounding us and picking up Crystal’s limp body. Others were healing Danny with magic and I saw him open his eyes – and that’s all it took. I ran from my mom and rushed over to him.

  “Danny! You’re okay! I thought I was going to lose you – I can’t lose you. I love you…” and I kissed him for all to see. I didn’t care, he was alive and awake and that was all that mattered.

  Danny winced and I realized that I was leaning against his injured shoulder. “I wasn’t much help, was I?” he asked, smiling.

  “Stop that. It’s over now and I took care of her, Franklin’s in custody too. I’m just glad you’re alright. My heart can’t take anymore right now. Do you think you can walk?” I asked.

  “I’ll be fine, Abby and I’m sure I can walk. I’m just a little sore, but nothing a little “Abby cure” can’t fix,” he replied with a mischievous grin.

  “Even when hurt, you think about sex,” I said, laughing. He was unbelievable.

  “Of course. Have you looked in the mirror lately? And it doesn’t hurt that I love you more than the air that I breathe,” he replied with a light chuckle.

  “Now you’re just being corny. Get up, goofball… and I love you too. We’ll think about that cure later. I want to check on Jeanie and the baby,” I said.

  Chapter 9

  After I reassured my mom I wasn’t going to go on a murderous rampage, Danny and I headed back to his apartment. He was already feeling better after the healing spells and potions the coven had given him. I was still thinking about the rage I’d felt and the strange powers that came forth, wondering where they’d come from and how. I knew I was a powerful witch, especially from my father’s side, but I had never really learned the extent of his powers – mom didn’t like to speak of it. I’d have to ask her about it sometime after things calmed down.

  We walked through the door of the apartment to find the protection spell still intact – that was good news. I decided to take a shower and get rid of the nasty grime all over my body, then call Danielle. Danny thought it would be a good idea if we showered together in order to conserve water. That man was incorrigible, but he was mine and I loved him.

  Showered, satisfied and fed, I dialed Danielle’s number but it went straight to voicemail. I sent her a text to give me a call as soon as she received my message. I thought about calling Helen, but I knew she would be with Jeanie and probably had her phone turned off too. It was well after midnight anyway.

  Danny and I were exhausted and went straight to bed, but I left my phone charging on the bedside table just in case Danielle called.

  At three a.m. I received a call from an unknown number. I thought for sure it was Danielle calling from the hospital because her phone had died; she left her charger in the living room.

  “Hello, Dannielle is that you?” I asked.

  “Abby, it’s Helen,” she was hysterical. I just knew Jeanie or the baby didn’t make it and my heart sank in my chest.

  “What’s going on? What happened? Are Jeanie and the baby okay?” I asked, my voice vibrating.

  Danny sat up and turned the bedside lamp on then moved closer so he could listen in. I didn’t think to put it on speaker; my nerves were a jumbled mess.

  “Jeanie and the baby are fine. It’s Danielle – she was in an accident. I can’t… I don’t know… She’s gone, Abby. She’s dead!” Helen cried.

  I couldn’t say a word – my whole life was shattered by those two words, “She’s dead”.

  I dropped the phone and sat in stunned silence. I didn’t even realize Danny was holding and rocking me. Danielle couldn’t be gone. Helen had to be mistaken – I couldn’t live without her – I couldn’t breathe without her. No, she was wrong. I jerked away from Danny and began pacing the floor, screaming at the top of my lungs.

  “Why?! No! This can’t be happening – she’s not dead. She was just here – I just saw her face. I can’t… I don’t know what to do. No… Danielle,” and I fell into a heap on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

  Danny sat down and held me, crying and smoothing my hair. Danielle was my sunshine, my twin soul, my best friend and confidant. My heart cracked into a million pieces and darkness flooded in. I couldn’t bear to live and be happy if she was gone.

  Danielle was buried on my birthday; it rained that day, proving once again my sunshine was gone. She had been killed by a drunk driver who hit her head on and she died instantly – she never made it to the hospital. I knew in my heart Crystal had something to do with Danielle’s death, but I had no proof other than her own evasive words. Whose brakes mysteriously stopped working in a crowded intersection? Yeah, no one could answer that, but I knew.

  Life was a cruel bitch and I was drowning in a sea of darkness and pain. I had no idea how to cope with her death or how to pull myself off the ledge of despair.

  Danny tried his best to console me, so did Mom and Liz, but I was numb to any kind of feelings other than the pain of loss. I dreamed of Danielle the night of her funeral; she was smiling and waving, walking toward me as if to say, “This isn’t goodbye”. I wasn’t sure what it meant, but at the time, it only brought on more sadness because she wasn’t there when I woke up. I couldn’t pick up the phone to call her. She wasn’t around to tease me or make fun of an outfit she thought was ridiculous. She was just… gone.

  I continued seeing ghosts here and there, always searching for Danielle’s face, but it was never her. I ignored the bastards – they weren’t her and I only wanted to see her smiling face. I assumed she had crossed over, leaving no unfinished business behind, but inside I was angry. What was the point of seeing lost souls, ghosts or unsettled spirits if I couldn’t see the one person I wanted more than anything? I only wanted one last chance to say goodbye. Was that too much to ask? As far as the ghosts following me around, unless one of them happened to be Danielle, they didn’t exist to me – screw them.

  I leaned against the side of the building, hidden in a dark alley from human eyes. The bottle of Jack in my hand was a cold reminder of how alone I really was. I knew that I was spiraling out of control, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care that I was ruining my liver drinking every day, I didn’t care that I wasn’t pulling my weight in the shop. I didn’t care that the vampires around the corner had probably already
sensed my presence and were on their way to kill me. Let them try.

  Just as I’d suspected, four vampires stalked their way around the corner and saw me. I didn’t budge as they hissed angrily, fangs bared and began moving my way. They had every right to be pissed at me. I had killed too many of their kind to count lately, and not in a neat or clean way – I’d set them ablaze in a raging inferno.

  When they were close enough for me to see the light from the street lamps glinting in their inhuman eyes, I pushed off the wall and tucked the pint into the waistband of my leathers. I stood in front of them, watching and waiting for the perfect time to advance.

  With inhuman speed, the first two appeared, flanking from behind as the other two looked on, waiting for their turn to devour me. Before the lanky vampire behind me could rake his dead hands across my throat, I grabbed his wrist and threw him overhead into the two vamps standing in front of me with strength I didn’t know I had. I held them to the ground, paralyzing them with my magic; they were my prey and I would have my fill. The second leapt into the air; that was his first and last mistake – fire flew from my other hand, engulfing his body in mid-air, and his ashes fell across my face.

  “Ready to die, bloodsuckers?” I asked as I took another swig of my pint.

  I glanced at the three remaining vampires struggling to break free from my magic and sneered, “Go back to hell, assholes!” and I released my fire, watching as they turned to nothing more than a pile of ash.

  As their bodies erupted in flames, I saw Crystal’s face where theirs should have been. It was always that way. For months I had been consumed with the “what ifs”….

  I kept thinking about the “what if’s” and if I had left Crystal to be dealt with by the coven, and went with Danielle, maybe she would still be alive. I felt rage, then despair and allowed darkness to consume me.

  I left for days on end, killing rogue vampires; anything to avoid my family and Danny. I didn’t want to deal with them, see the emotions on their face or hear their concern for my well-being. I wanted to hunt and feed my rage – rage for what I could’ve done and rage because Crystal was alive and Danielle wasn’t. She didn’t deserve to live, while my best friend lay rotting in a grave. Every vampire I killed, it was Crystal’s face that I saw when I burned them alive – I was unforgiving and showed no mercy, further darkening my soul.

  I couldn’t bear being in Danny’s apartment any longer, because everywhere I looked reminded me of Danielle, so I packed up my things and went back to my mom’s. Danny was upset, but understood that I just needed my space and time to deal with overwhelming emotions. I couldn’t go to work, I couldn’t eat – I just slept, drank and hunted vampires.

  After a few weeks of drowning in my darkness, Danny payed me a visit, wanting to talk.

  “Hey, Abbs,” Danny said as he walked through the front door.

  “Please don’t call me that. Only Danielle called me that,” I said looking down at my feet.

  “Sorry, Abby. I’ve missed you. Do you want to go up to your room and talk?” he asked, with pain in his eyes.

  I could barely look at him; he reminded me of everything good in my life and I didn’t want that. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and wither away. I knew he was hurting too, but I was so consumed with my own grief, there was nothing I could do to help him – I couldn’t even help myself.

  “Sure. If you’re hungry, Mom made some sandwiches. I can get you one if you want,” I replied.

  “No, I’m good. Let’s just go upstairs…” he said, looking past me with tears in his eyes.

  When we reached my bedroom and sat on the bed, Danny took my hands in his. He had a pleading look in his eyes that broke my heart all over again. I was hurting him; the one man who loved me more than anything in the world.

  “Abby, I know you’re hurting and I am too, but you have to keep on living. Danielle wouldn’t want to see you like this. She’d drag your ass out of this room and tell you to get it together. I’m not saying you can’t be sad, but you’ve shut everyone out, including me. I need you,” he said.

  “How do you know what Danielle would do? And newsflash, Danny… She’s not here to drag me anywhere! I’m sorry I’ve hurt you and I’m sorry I shut you out, but I don’t know what else to do. She was like my sister, can’t you understand that?” I shouted.

  I knew I was being inconsiderate and hateful, but at the time I just wanted to be left alone – left to my darkness. It was easier that way, because I didn’t have to feel and I kept wondering who would leave me next.

  “Abby, that’s not fair. I loved Danielle too. You’re not the only one who’s hurting. We can get through this together, if you’d only let me back in. I can’t stand us being apart. It’s killing me inside,” he said with tears streaming down his face.

  I had only seen Danny cry the night Danielle died, at her funeral and right then – because of me. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew I had to let him go, at least for a while until I could get my head on straight. I wasn’t being fair to him and only causing him more pain.

  “I love you, Danny and I always will. I just can’t right now. I’m so sorry. I need more time. My heart’s broken and I can’t stand hurting you… You don’t deserve this. I’m sorry I can’t be who you need right now. I’m not the same and I’m not sure if I ever will be. I can’t continue to see you like this. I think we need to take a break from each other, just until I’m more myself,” I said, beginning to sob.

  “Abby, don’t. Breaking up isn’t the answer. We need each other right now. Please don’t do this. I love you,” he pleaded.

  “I love you too, Danny, but it has to be this way. I’m sorry. I don’t want my darkness overshadowing your light,” I said and headed toward the door, opening it for him to leave.

  “Please don’t end it like this…”

  “It’s not forever, Danny. I love you, but you have to leave. I can’t deal with any more right now. I’m so sorry,” I sobbed.

  Danny walked from the bed and engulfed me in his strong arms, crying into my hair. My heart was crushed as we continued to embrace for what seemed like forever. He leaned down and grasped my face, telling me he would always love me and he’d be waiting when I was ready. One, last, soul-crushing kiss and he was gone…

  I cried myself to sleep that night, wondering if I’d made the right decision. I knew Danny would still be there when I needed him, but I didn’t want to be selfish and give him false hope. Until I was able to pull myself out of my depression and pit of despair, I’d have to just keep on living the best way I knew how – alone and broken.


  Two years went by in no time at all. I was finally living a somewhat normal existence again, working with my sister for the Hybrid Coven. Liz had mastered her powers and become a sword wielding, badass and I couldn’t be more proud.

  After Danielle’s death, I began working with Sheri and Christopher, two of the most amazing Hybrid’s I could’ve ever known. They helped me try to work through my grief and Sheri became one of my closest friends. She held me when I cried, took care of me when I was drunk and covered for me when I acted out – she became my rock – and one that couldn’t die. She never judged me for feeding into my rage and at times, I still lapsed with Sheri by my side every step of the way.

  I finally stopped pushing my family away and allowed myself to grieve for Danielle. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to let go of the darkness I harbored inside of me, but at least I was able to find a way to move forward. I continued to look for her in the faces of every ghost that I saw for quite some time, never truly giving up hope that maybe she’d come back to me someday.

  For a while, Liz took on the role of big sister until I was able to function. Liz and I worked with Sheri and Christopher on a regular basis, but I never allowed her to see my darkness – I had to find a way to overcome it on my own. I was still broken and I hated that I’d put them through so much, but the winds of change didn’t blow in my favor. As fo
r Danny and me, that’s a story for another day. Things change, but do they ever truly end?

  To be continued…. in Raging Inferno (Delphine Rising Book 1) coming soon.

  About the Author

  I’m a wife, mommy, and retired Navy Chief living in Kentucky. I spend most of my days either writing, editing, reading or all three. My character inspirations come from family and friends. Abby’s snarky personality is inspired from a much younger version of myself, except I wasn’t quite so naïve being in the Navy; I had a ton of responsibility. Danielle’s character is inspired from my childhood friend and fellow author, Danielle James.

  I’ve always been fascinated with witches, vampires, ghosts and just about anything paranormal or fantasy related. When you read Raging Inferno, and I hope you will, you’ll see a much darker Abby, along with an addition of a few other supernatural creatures. It’s a book I’ve enjoyed writing and I hope you’ll enjoy reading. Thank you for reading my book. Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads if you have the time – every little bit helps!

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  Until next time,

  Angela Sanders




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