He Who Dares: Book One (The Gray Chronicals 1)

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He Who Dares: Book One (The Gray Chronicals 1) Page 51

by Rob Buckman

  They danced, somewhat stiffly before he led her back to her seat again. After that, many of the young men and officers came and asked her for a dance. Most of them didn’t even bother to acknowledge his existed. This went on for an hour, as Mike fumed at the deliberate snubs. The dance was interrupted for a moment when the King arrived and the band stopped playing the dance music and began playing the National Anthem. Everyone stood, including Ann and bowed or curtsied as he passed. The last was the Prince himself, who did a sort of half bow and shook hands with his father. Standing behind her, Mike bowed as well, and Ann did a deep curtsy. For a split second, she lifted the back of her ball gown and he got a glimpse of her stocking leg and thigh. He was the only one in a position to see it, and he suspected she done it deliberately for his benefit. The King acknowledged her curtsy with a slight bow of his own and gave Mike a warm handshake and a smile before turning to sit.

  “Mike, you may take a break, but when you return, bring me a cold drink.” Her tone was anything but friendly.

  “Yes, your Royal Highness.” He bowed and left, smarting a little under her abruptness.

  “So, how did the young man take the news that you were the Princess Royal and not Lady Ann, a King’s messenger?” The King asked, leaning over slightly.

  “Oh, you knew I hadn’t told him?”

  “I guessed by his reaction when I spoke of you as just Lady Ann.”

  “He’s not taking it well, he’s rather upset with me right now, and I guess I’m in trouble, Father.”

  “What? With you?” He asked, mockingly. “You did take him completely off guard this evening.”

  “Yes, I suppose I did, but I thought he’d be pleased.”

  “I can’t say that I’m surprised. Your disguises worked if the Lieutenant couldn’t see through it, but you should have found a way to tell him earlier.” He smiled at her and patted her hand.

  “Yes, sir, but at the time, well... let’s just say it wasn’t the opportune moment.”

  “I wondered when you were going to get around to telling me about that part of your adventure.” The King saw his daughter blush slightly.

  “I wasn’t sure how to tell you.”

  “That bad?”

  “Not exactly.”

  To the audience at large, it appeared as nothing more than the King and the Princess Royal, father and daughter chatting amiably. They smiled and nodded to different people as they caught their eye, and the Prince in the mean time took one of the Ladies out for a spin around the Ballroom to give them some privacy.

  “So, you think you have found someone at last?” He asked, a twinkle in his eye.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What is so different about this one?”

  “Many things.”

  “Such as?” He could see his daughter was trying to avoid telling him what happened, and he had the impression that it was something more than just infatuation.

  “Did you sleep with him?” He ventured at last, thinking that this might break the ice. Not that he ever inquired into his daughter's sexual life. He had no idea if she was a virgin or not.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I see, and?” He saw a shiver run through her.

  “He is so... forceful.” That brought a frown to the King’s face.

  “That means he didn’t put up with that sharp tongue of yours.”

  “You could say that.” Then she smiled.

  “And had he known who you were really, he might not have done so, is that what you are worried about.”

  “Partly, it does make a little difference.” Ann felt herself redden under her father’s scrutiny.

  “True, but what aren’t you telling me.” The way she had admitted that she had slept with him, it was clear she was hesitant to tell him something else. In the end, she sighed, as if coming to a discussion. Leaning over she whispered it directly into his ear.

  “He spanked me.”

  “Did he now!” His estimation of Mike went up a few points, hearing that. Out of all the eligible young men who had tried to tame and bed his daughter, someone from the colonies had.

  “I take it he did it hard.”

  “Oh my lord yes.”

  “And I take it you deserved it?” This time she flushed bright red.

  “I don’t think I should tell you the details, as you might get mad and send him off to some dreadful post somewhere.” The King chuckled hearing that.

  “Don’t you believe it, I should have spanked you long ago, but you always had a way of twisting me around your little finger, and I never could.”

  “You mean I deserved it?”

  “Yes, on a number of occasions, so you can tell me, and I promise not to be upset and have him sent to the firing squad.” That brought a smile to Ann’s face.

  In whispered tones, she went on to give him the high points of what led up to her punishments and what had prompted it. She saw the look of shocked and wonder on her father’s face from time to time.

  “My bottom was sore for two days and I had to sit down very carefully for a while even after that.”

  “I must say, I think I understand the young man’s frustration, and that he put up with it for so long, but I’m not sure I condone his actions.”

  “Neither did I at the time.” She huffed.

  “And now, you say you are in trouble with him again.”

  “Yes, he’s a little miffed that I didn’t tell him who I really was before this, and by the way some of the pompous young man snubbed him when they came and asked me for a dance.”

  “That was your fault, you could have said that they had to ask him if you could dance, he is your escort for the evening.”

  “I didn’t think of that.”

  “No, you wouldn’t, you are too used to getting your own way.”

  “That’s true, so what do I do now, father?”

  “That is between you and the young man.”

  “Oh.” She was hoping he’d offer something else.

  “I will say, however, even though I don’t agree with it, that spanking you again might be the answer.”

  “Father! How can you suggest such a thing!” The King laughed at her expression of outrage as she wiggled in her seat.

  “It would appear that Mr. Mike Gray is a very forceful person, and in some aspects he is right. It would put you both back on an even keel so to speak.” The Princess felt her bottom get hot, even at the suggestion that he do it. She tried not to blush thinking of being over his lap again, but that was impossible. Thankfully, Mike returned at that point with a cool drink, which she accepted gratefully. As he stood back, the King leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  “But, if it should happen, make sure it is for real and not play, otherwise it will not have the same impact, shall we say.” She glanced round at Mike.

  “You mean get him angry enough to do it and suffer the consequences?”

  “Yes, I would say that would do the trick.” He said it out loud, but without knowing the preceding conversation it was meaningless to Mike.

  “Oh my! That is a lot to ask.”

  “I’m not asking my dear, just suggesting a way around the current dilemma.”

  “It's a bit drastic, don’t you think?”

  “That depends on if you want to continue with the, um, relationship.”

  “So, he meets with your approval them?”

  “He did, even before this conversation.” Mike didn’t take much notice, it was none of his business what the King and Princess Royal had to say to one another. He was thinking more about his short conversation with Seaford.

  * * * * * *

  “You might have told me you and the others were...”

  “Titled? What on earth for, they only get in the way of a friendship.”


  “Yes, the group came to the decision that we all like you, and from now on you are included in future gatherings.” For a moment, Mike didn’t know what to say, and eternally suspicious he look
ed for the butt of the joke. “And don’t let the title fool you.


  “Oh, Why not?”

  “A broken down country house, that we, the family that is, can barely afford to pay the taxes on, let alone heat, and some lands that just provide sufficient income to support the upkeep.”

  “That bad?”

  “Probably worse, but my father won’t let me see the books, so I can’t tell.”

  “So, why are you in the Navy, instead of out there looking for new worlds to claim, or exploring.”

  “Not my cup of tea old boy, I leave all that to the dashing young men like yourself who enjoy running around the empire and saving it from complete collapses.


  “I don’t believe that for a moment.” There was more to Seaford than met the eye, and something going on underneath all this, but for the life of him, Mike couldn’t see what.

  “How come you didn’t tell me I’d lost the toss?” Seaford chuckled at the expression on Mike’s face.

  “It's like learning to swim, tossing someone in at the deep end, so to speak.” He chuckled.

  “Shall we dance again, Mike.” Ann said as she stood up, breaking his train of thought.

  “Yes, your Royal Highness.” He bowed to the King and took her hand. She felt stiff in his arms and her face had that snotty look he knew so well. They danced for a while, but she never said a word, until he stepped on her toe.

  “Do be careful Leftenant. Those are Royal toes you are stepping on.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He gritted his teeth and tried to breathe deeply.

  It seemed as if she’d reverted to her old self and was determined to punish him for being mad at her. That was all right with him. It was obvious that she didn’t particularly want his company any more, but as he told the Admiral, he’d do his duty, no matter what is was, or how distasteful. As the evening progressed, the more she became the Ice Queen, and as Seaford observed during a short break, it looked as if he was the target of her ire.

  “I would appear, old boy that her Ladyship is out to get you, I afraid.”

  “I don’t think I’ll give her that satisfaction.” He growled back.

  “Arr a champion steps forward to cross swords with her. Good, maybe she won’t pick on me so much.” He added as an afterthought.

  “Is she after you as well?”

  “In a manner or speaking, Taffy was correct when he said I was the fleet champion, but he failed to mention that I have yet to beat her in a match.”

  “So, she fences as well.”

  “Indeed, and she is very, very good.”

  “That’s hard to believe, seeing how she lets her temper get away with her all the time.” Seaford gave him a funny look, wondering how he knew that.

  “Not in a match, she lived up to her name there, as cool as ice and needle sharp.”

  “So, what do you need a sparring partner for, if you have her?”

  “Dear boy, I need to find someone I can work with and improve my skill, with her I get no such chance. No replays or time to study just how she managed to beat me.”

  “What about video?”

  “Won’t hear of it, she says she gets enough of that in public and she’d be damned if she’d be recorded in private.” Mike nodded, and went back to his station behind her chair.

  By the time she decided that it was time to go, it felt like sub zero in the Ballroom. The King had departed some time before while Mike was on a break, and taking her hand, he lead her out of the room.

  “You may go now, I have no further need of you.” With that dismissal, she walked regally down the hall and out of sight.

  Mike growled to himself, and stalked back to the bar and ordered a stiff drink. As he did, Seaford and Taffy walked up.

  “For purely medicinal purposed I presume?” Seaford asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes!” He snapped back.

  “I sympathize with you, old boy, she can be a bit of a handful.” He patted Mike on the shoulder, sighing softly. “Well, now that her Highness has retired, you can enjoy yourself, old boy, let dance and see who we can bed tonight.”

  “Don’t think so Seaford, I’m not in the mood. I think I’ll retire as well, I have to leave early in the morning anyway to get back to duty, thank goodness.”

  They tried to get him to stay, but he was adamant, and shortly after took his leave and went upstairs. He took one last look at the glittering ballroom and the colorful array of beautiful young ladies, but they all paled into insignificance compared to the one female he was interested in, and she didn’t want him. He shook his head, doubting he’d be very good company for anyone tonight, even himself. Lady Ann’s treatment had cut deep. Fickle was the word that sprang to mind, as changeable as the wind. One minute she was clinging to him and telling him she loved him, the next freezing his heart with a word or a look. It was too much. He’d had a few affairs, knowing the game's females like to play. This however was completely outside his experience. Opening the door to his room, he undressed in the dark before going to the bathroom. He showered and brushed his teeth before heading to bed, and wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist he walked into the bedroom.

  “I hope you aren’t upset with me, Mike.” A soft voice said out of the darkness. He froze, recognizing Ann’s voice.

  “Angry is more the word I’d use.” He shot back.

  There was a slight ‘click’ as she switched on the night light beside the bed, and he sucked in his breath. She was dressed in black lingerie and a sheer nylon robe. She combed her hair in twin ponytails, one on each side of her head. It gave her a sort of schoolgirl look. The robe enhancing rather than concealing what was underneath, and the twin emotion of desire and anger warred with each other inside him. He didn’t know what he wanted to do most, strangle her or make love to her.

  “Yes, I can see where you’d have a reason to be angry with me, but you must admit that you’re a little slow on the uptake now and then.” Her voice had that snippy tone again. That did it, it was the one thing she shouldn’t have said at that moment. Mike growled and stalked across the room towards her.

  “Now, now, Leftenant, don’t think you can get all colonial and macho on me, the situation is a lot different from that moon. Then I was just the Lady Ann, a lowly King’s messenger.” She gulped as he came up to her.

  “No, it hasn’t, you are still a sharp tongued brat who needs a lesson in manners, even if you are the Princess Royal.”

  “You wouldn’t dare spank me here!” She snapped, drawing herself up. With 4”, high heels on she could look him in the eye. They stared at each other, and the moment hung in the balance as to which way it would go.

  “You touch me and I’ll have your head!” She spat, putting her hands on her hips, glaring at him. As she did, her robe fell open. Mike growled as he looked down. “You wouldn’t dare touch me now. I’d scream my head off.”

  “Yes, that would just the thing you would do, hide behind your title, like so many others of your kind.” He sneered. Her hand shot up and slapped him across the face.

  “You ill mannered colonial degenerate.” She snapped. “Touch me and I’ll have your head!” Between the slap and the insult Mike snapped.

  He grabbed her, but if he thought he could just flip her over and tan her bottom, he was mistaken, she fought. The fight was short and sharp, but having been down this road before, Mike was ready for her, almost. She slacked him beside the jaw with a swinging back kick, but tangled in her robe, it hindered her movement. With a sharp curse she jumped back and ripped it off, immediately going into a crouch as Mike stepped towards her. If he felt any effect from the kick, he didn’t show it. He didn’t attack, but simply let her come to him, switching from his original plan into to an Aikido stance. For one thing, he didn’t want to hurt her, and knew he could with his greater strength. The Princess Royal was about to get her pretty bottom spanked again, no matter what she did, or how hard she fought. She came back in with a flur
ry of punches and kick, which he warded off with relative ease, waiting for an opening. He saw it, and gripping her wrist as she punched, he swung her off balance and around in a circle. This ended with her face down on the bed with her arm twisted behind her. Mike immediately straddled her hip and pulled her other arm behind her back. A ribbon from her hair provided the restraint, and she squealed as he tied her hands together behind her back.


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