Grizzly Survival_A Paranormal Shifter M/M Romance

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Grizzly Survival_A Paranormal Shifter M/M Romance Page 6

by Becca Jameson

  “No.” Gavin’s voice was weak, thready. He was so fucking turned on right now, and Dale wanted to give a lesson in Grizzly Shifters 101?

  Dale nuzzled Gavin’s neck at the base, and then he licked the spot, sending chills down Gavin’s torso. “One of them bites the other, usually right about here.” He set his teeth on Gavin’s shoulder.

  Gavin shuddered this time, realizing how easy that would be. For anyone. He swallowed. “That’s it? And then they’re like permanently connected or something?”

  “Mm-hmm. Well, as long as the biter lets his serum flow down his teeth into the blood of his mate.” He teased that spot again. “So easy. And yet, so not…” His voice trailed off.

  “You could do that? To me?” Would Dale do that? More importantly, would he do it without permission?

  “Nope.” Dale lowered to his knees, releasing Gavin’s hands to reach for the button of his jeans. “It’s illegal.”

  Gavin fought to keep his train of thought as he grabbed Dale’s shoulders and listened to the distinct sound of his zipper lowering. “How can it be illegal? Who would even know in the human world?”

  Dale tipped his head back and set his chin on Gavin’s belly right above his aching cock. “We have our own governing body. It’s acceptable for us to have relationships with humans and even sex—”

  “Including gay sex?” Gavin interrupted.

  Dale snorted. “Yes. Our people aren’t hung up on who loves who, like humans tend to be. But the point is we can’t bind to a human. Ever. It would also require changing you, equally against our laws.”

  “Changing me?” Gavin gripped Dale’s shoulders harder, trying to follow, though half his brain was focused solely on his cock and the need for it to be released from his underwear.

  “Into a shifter.”

  “You can do that?”


  “How?” Do I even want to know?

  “A bite will do it, in human form or grizzly. That would also bind the person to our pack. In grizzly form, a scratch will do it to. It happens, but infrequently. And that shifter finds themselves in the Northwest Territories imprisoned for life.”

  “Shit. You have prisons?”

  “Yes. I doubt they’re pleasant.”

  Gavin swallowed again. He tipped his head back, banging it against the door. Did he really want this man’s mouth on his cock knowing how easily he could be converted into a bear shifter?


  He didn’t move.

  Dale grabbed his waist and gave him a shake. “I would never do that to you. For one thing, I don’t want to end up in jail. But for another thing, grizzly shifters don’t ever bind themselves without permission. Also forbidden.”

  Gavin nodded, lowering his face to meet his lover’s. He licked his lips. “I trust you.”

  He didn’t know why, but he did. He also didn’t have any idea why Dale chose this moment to reveal all that information to him, but perhaps the man felt guilty continuing a relationship with someone who didn’t know all the stakes.

  Dale smiled, grabbed the sides of Gavin’s jeans, and tugged them down to his thighs. He wrapped his mouth around Gavin’s cock seconds later and sucked him in so deep that Gavin groaned. But he released him just as fast, stood, and pointed at the rug. “Hands and knees.”

  It was difficult to take the steps over to the carpet with his jeans constricting his movements, but Dale hadn’t told him to remove them, so Gavin did only what he’d been told.

  “Don’t move.” Dale padded from the room.

  Gavin closed his eyes. Damn this man was hot. Everything he did turned up the heat. Gavin’s dick hung heavily, bobbing toward the floor, wet from Dale’s mouth—a reminder of what was to come.

  When Dale returned, he was naked, and he was holding a towel and a bottle of lube. He arranged the towel on the floor under Gavin’s chest and then popped the top of the lube, squirted it into his palm, and grabbed his cock to spread the slippery substance up and down his length.

  Gavin bit his lip, assuming Dale intended to take him in the ass. Was he ready for that? He braced himself, knowing again he would do anything Dale asked of him.

  Dale dropped to his knees behind Gavin, straddling Gavin’s legs. He stroked a finger reverently across Gavin’s tattoo before he reached around with his lubed hand to grab Gavin’s cock again. After kissing a trail down his spine and stroking up and down Gavin’s dick, he spoke again. “Relax. Not going to take your ass, baby. Not yet. You aren’t ready.”

  Gavin let out a breath.

  Dale chuckled as he grabbed his dick with his free hand and stroked it up and down Gavin’s crack, eventually nestling it between Gavin’s closed legs and then using the tight friction to get himself off. He grabbed Gavin’s hip with one hand to steady him, circled Gavin’s cock with his other hand, and then thrust—both his body and his hand at the same time.

  It was so fucking hot, Gavin almost came instantly. No man had ever taken him on his hands and knees. No man had come so close to fucking him properly. And he realized he wanted exactly that. He wanted Dale to take his tight hole. Not today. Soon though.

  Dale’s hand smoothed from Gavin’s waist to his ass cheek, squeezing, molding, spreading his fingers to grip him. “Brace yourself. Don’t sway,” he ordered.

  It was harder to remain steady without Dale holding his hip, but the man had other plans.

  He continued to thrust between Gavin’s legs while he also fucked Gavin’s cock, but then he added his thumb to put pressure on Gavin’s tight hole.

  His thumb was slick with lube, and Gavin loved the sensation of being touched so intimately. He groaned, pushing back. “Please…”

  “Please, what, baby?”

  Oh god… So good. The combination of his dick being jerked off while his lover’s cock slid between his legs was enough to make his limbs weak, but that thumb… Damn. “Please push your thumb into me.”

  Dale obliged, letting just the tip slide in and out for a moment.

  It felt strange but in a good way. Gavin’s body demanded more. “Deeper.”

  Dale slid his entire thumb inside, fucking Gavin’s hole, though Dale couldn’t imagine how the man had the dexterity to do so many things at once.

  Gavin was on the edge in an instant, and he gritted his teeth to hold back the orgasm. But it was too late. He came hard and fast, his come jutting out in rapid pulses to land on the towel.

  When he was finally done, Dale released him, pulled his thumb out of Gavin’s ass, and used both hands to hold Gavin’s hips steady in order to fuck him harder between his legs. It was heady, and Gavin’s own dick came back to life.

  Finally, Dale gave one last shove forward, held himself steady, and came. His come shot out between Gavin’s legs onto the towel in the same spot Gavin had just emptied himself. It was fucking hot to watch. Sexiest position Gavin had ever been in.

  He was so fucked. No way in hell could he end this relationship anytime soon. Obviously, the two of them couldn’t stay together forever. Dale had made that perfectly clear on so many levels. Besides, Gavin could no more stay in Silvertip and make a life with a gay man than he could head for a vacation on the moon.

  But for now, for as long as he could take advantage of it, Gavin was not going to turn down sex with Dale at any hour of the day or night.

  Dale helped Gavin to his feet and then brushed a lock of his hair back to expose his forehead. He kissed him gently. “I need to get back to work.”

  “Yeah. I need to get to the library,” Gavin responded as he tugged his jeans over his hips.

  Dale chuckled. “I hope you don’t intend to check out any interesting literature because the Silvertip library leaves a lot to be desired.”

  Gavin smiled. “Nope. Just need a quiet place to work on my thesis.”

  “Ah, right.” He kissed him again. “What do you plan to do when you finish?”

  “Not sure yet. There are options. Might work on my doctorate. Teach. Both.”

  Dale cocked his head to one side. “You want to teach?”

  Gavin shrugged. It wasn’t his first option. He wasn’t sure. “Unless I become independently wealthy, I might not have a choice. They don’t pay people to hole up in their homes and write the next great novel.” He forced a grin.

  Dale returned the look. “I guess you still have some time to figure it out.”

  “Yeah. Mind if I use your bathroom before we go?” Gavin asked. Besides cleaning himself up, he could use a moment alone to take a deep breath.

  “Of course. Don’t forget the hallway one is nothing but studs. You’ll have to use the master bathroom.”

  Gavin headed down the hallway, pausing as he passed the room on the right. The door was closed this morning, but he remembered all the equipment he’d seen in there. After using the bathroom and staring at himself in the mirror for a few moments, he returned to find Dale dressed and pulling on his boots. “Hey, the other night I noticed you have quite the impressive office across from your unfinished bathroom. You moonlight as a private detective or something?” he asked jokingly.

  Dale flinched, tying his boot before lifting his gaze. “Hardly. I’d be rich if I did.”

  “So what’s with all the equipment?” Gavin thought there was a story behind the array of computers and monitors, but judging by the body language and lack of eye contact he was getting from Dale, he was not going to hear that story today.

  Dale shrugged. “I like to play around. No biggie.”


  Chapter Six

  Gavin didn’t see Dale again that day, and he spent Friday morning working in the library and then had lunch with Paige at the same restaurant he was entering again that evening. His entire body shook as he walked into the diner in town to meet Dale.

  The “date” had been arranged through text a half hour before, and Gavin was nervous as hell. He never met men in public. Not any he was sleeping with at least. This was way out of his comfort zone, but Dale had been insistent, and Gavin needed to trust that the man wouldn’t do anything to make him uncomfortable.

  Gavin had walked to the diner. It was only a few blocks from the apartment he was staying in, and he’d hoped the slight exercise would calm his nerves. It hadn’t worked.

  When he stepped inside, he scanned the room and found Dale already seated at a booth in the back, lifting a hand to wave.

  The place looked like something out of a movie, vintage 1950. The scent of greasy burgers and fries assaulted his nose for the second time that day.

  Gavin slid into the bench seat across from Dale, who looked good enough to eat. He wore a black button-down shirt, and his hair—almost as dark as his shirt—was loose and tucked behind his ears. Gavin wanted to run his fingers through it and then kneel in front of him and suck him off. Why the hell was it necessary for them to go to dinner? In public no less.

  “Kid, relax.” Those were the first words out of Dale’s mouth. “I swear I will do nothing to out you. We’re here for a reason.”

  Gavin wiped his palms on his jeans, glad he’d put on his favorite silky burnt-orange shirt instead of a T-shirt. It was warm enough that he hadn’t worn a jacket. He lifted a brow at the man across from him, wondering what reason could possibly be dictating their need to play nice in public.

  “So, that woman, Kelly?”

  “Yeah, the one spying on Wyatt’s house. What about her?”

  “Well, turns out she shadowed Paige this morning collecting data at the grocery store.”

  “I know. I met Paige for lunch after Kelly got bored and ditched her. Gotta say, Paige was relieved. That woman rubs her wrong.”

  “Rightfully so. She puts off a strange vibe you can’t even imagine.”

  How often was Gavin going to find himself left out of the loop living in a town where over half the inhabitants had a sixth and a seventh sense about things? “I’m pretty clear.”

  “A few people followed her this afternoon.”

  That got Gavin’s attention. “Yeah? Anything interesting?”

  “Oh hell yes. She spent hours lurking around the edges of several properties spying on everyone.”

  “What the hell?” Gavin tensed. “I was hoping she was only following Paige. And that’s weird enough by itself, but Paige always sees the best in people, so she assumed Kelly was trying to catch her not working. She thinks the woman is a brown-nosing snitch.”

  Dale shook his head. “I think it’s more than that.”

  A waitress showed up, but all she did was drop off two beers and disappear again.

  Dale pushed one across the table. “This one’s from Mountain Peak Brewery. You’re branching out.” He winked and took a long swig.

  Gavin lifted his and took a sip. It tasted the same as yesterday’s. Light. Not bad.

  “Anyway,” Dale continued, “where’s Paige tonight?”

  “With Wyatt.” Gavin smiled. “In fact, she moved her stuff to his place this afternoon.”

  Dale’s expression softened as his eyes widened. “Awesome. I didn’t think she would cave that fast.”

  Gavin chuckled. “Me neither. She dug her heels in. But I’ve spoken to her several times this week. She needs to move on.”

  “What about you? You planning to move on too?” Dale asked. He waved a hand between them. “Don’t answer that. It was rude. Forget I said it. Back to Paige.” He leaned forward. “So she’s with Wyatt? Safe?”

  “Yes. You think Kelly is dangerous?”

  “No idea. I just don’t like what I’m hearing. It occurred to me she could just as easily be watching you as Paige.”

  Gavin stiffened. “Why would she be watching me?”

  “Maybe she thinks she knows something about your preferences or perhaps someone sent her to spy on you. Would your family do that?”

  Gavin furrowed his brow. “No way. They have no clue. What makes you think that?”

  Dale shrugged. “Just an idea. I mean she followed you to Wyatt’s house and then took pictures. Paige wasn’t even outside.”

  He had a point, but it was far-fetched. “Seems unlikely.”

  “Agreed. Just putting it on the table.”

  The waitress showed up again, this time sliding plates onto the table. She disappeared just as quickly.

  “Dude,” Gavin began, “how long have you been here?”

  “Just long enough to order. Hope you don’t mind. I knew you liked burgers. Marcel makes the best ones in a twenty-mile radius. So I ordered for you.”

  Gavin couldn’t hold back his laughter.

  “What’s funny?”

  Gavin picked up his burger and took a giant bite, swallowing it before he spoke. “Yep. You’re right. And it’s even better the second time.”

  “You’ve already been here.” He sighed.

  “Lunch. Today in fact.” Gavin grinned.

  Dale groaned. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  Gavin shrugged, enjoying the fact that he was tipping this alpha male a little off-kilter for once.

  Dale shook his head, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly.

  Why did it make Gavin horny that Dale had taken care of everything? The beer. The burgers. It was kinda high handed for the man to order for him. He should be pissed. All he could manage was a hard-on though. He shifted in his seat, still holding the thick juicy burger.

  “You okay? Did I go too far?”

  Gavin lifted his gaze. “No. It’s perfect.” His face was flushed. The heat rose by the second. His emotions were jumping all over the place.

  A slow smile spread across Dale’s face. “You’re turned on.”

  Gavin rolled his eyes. “I hate your ability to know that.”

  Dale winked. “It comes in handy when I’m on a date.” He lifted his burger and took another bite, moaning around it as his eyes slid closed.

  Gavin nearly swallowed his tongue. How could watching the man eat be so erotic?

  When Dale opened his deep brown eyes, he was grinning. “You’r
e so easy.”

  Gavin narrowed his gaze. He leaned forward, glancing around to make sure no one was listening before he spoke. “You telling me you’re just sitting across from me cool as a cucumber? Because if that’s the case, our relationship is seriously lopsided, and I should go.”

  Dale swallowed his bite and took a drink of his beer before he also leaned in closer at the same time he extended his leg under the table to rub against Gavin’s. “There’s nothing lopsided about this relationship, baby. I was hard before you arrived, and it makes me incrementally harder knowing you’re aroused. Don’t doubt that for a second. If you ever do, all you need to do is reach over and grab my junk. You’ll always find it stiff. Anytime you want. I might be able to scent the come leaking from your dick, and I’m sorry there’s no way for you to do the same, but remember I can’t hide my physical reaction to you. Test that fact anytime you feel like.”

  Gavin smiled slowly. They were leaning so close to each other he could have closed the distance and kissed his lover on the lips. And for the first time in his life, he almost didn’t give a shit what anyone else in the room thought.

  Suddenly, he had another thought that climbed up his spine and made him uncomfortable. “I can’t hide my feelings for you from half the people in this restaurant, either, can I?” He closed his eyes, imagining how many patrons were probably shifters and could easily tell Gavin was not only gay but head over heels for Dale.

  Dale winced. “No. But none of them will say anything. Nor will they judge you.”

  Gavin lifted a brow. “Are shifters more accepting of homosexuality?”

  “Yes.” Dale nodded. “We’re programmed to be more in tune with scent. Take Wyatt and Paige for example, she told you she knew the moment she met Wyatt he was hers.”


  “Well, that’s an inherent thing we know by scent. It’s a feeling. We don’t deny it like humans do. Shifters would never say sexual preference is a ‘choice.’ We fall for whoever Fate lines up for us, and we accept who we are inside. Not every single shifter, but the percentage is far higher than in the human population.”


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