Grizzly Survival_A Paranormal Shifter M/M Romance

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Grizzly Survival_A Paranormal Shifter M/M Romance Page 17

by Becca Jameson

  Dale wrapped the cloth around Gavin’s head, lifting his neck gently to secure it at the back. “Safe word?”

  “Red, Sir.” The world was black. He hadn’t been messing around. And Gavin’s arousal shot through the roof.

  “Don’t hesitate to stop me at any time. It doesn’t reflect on you personally. I won’t ever be disappointed or angry. In fact, if I ever find out you were uncomfortable and didn’t let me know during the scene, I will tan your hide so you can’t sit for a week. Do you understand?”

  His threat seemed incongruent, but Gavin swallowed. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good boy.” More rustling and then Dale slid his palm down one of Gavin’s arms until he reached the wrist. He wrapped something around the sensitive skin. A rope. And then he secured it to the farthest rung of the headboard. When he did the same on the other side of the bed, Gavin’s breathing picked up. He pulled his knees together, feeling too exposed.

  Dale stroked his skin up and down his thigh, drawing goosebumps. “You okay, little sub?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Why did he enjoy the diminutive terms of endearment, as if Gavin were small? They made him feel cared for. Cherished. Gavin was not well-trained yet, but it was growing increasingly obvious that Dale was up to the task—if he could just let go of his past fears and take a chance on life.

  Dale tapped Gavin’s cock so lightly he wasn’t sure he didn’t imagine it. “It’s supposed to storm in the morning. You know what that means?”

  “No, Sir.” Where was Dale going with this line of thinking?

  “It means I can’t work on the deck. We can sleep in. It means I can take all the time I want to ensure you don’t intentionally disobey me in the future. I’m pretty sure I can convince you.”

  Gavin shuddered. He was also close to biting his lip out of frustration before he remembered that was what got him into this mess in the first place. He didn’t imagine he would ordinarily behave like such a brat. It wasn’t his style, and he doubted Dale was in the habit of keeping a naughty submissive.

  Now he just had to hope he hadn’t bitten off more than he could chew.

  When Dale grabbed his ankle and tugged it forcibly toward the bottom corner of the bed, Gavin drew in a sharp breath. Could he endure this?

  His other leg followed. He tested the ropes, tugging and deciding they were loose enough that he could escape in an emergency but secure enough to give the illusion he was at his Dom’s mercy.

  For a few minutes, Dale didn’t touch him. He had no idea exactly where Dale was in the room. His senses were heightened. He could hear only the occasional rustling of fabric, the distinct sound of a zipper lowering, the swish of denim sliding down Dale’s legs. At least the man was getting naked, though Gavin was sorry he couldn’t see anything.

  A long inhale told him a candle had been lit, something with cinnamon. Interesting. The faint sound of the overhead light being shut off.

  The silky feel of Dale’s expensive sheets were cool against the heated skin of Gavin’s back. He knew they were navy because he’d climbed onto the bed himself, but at the moment all they were was soft.

  His cock bobbed when Dale climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between Gavin’s legs. The exposure grew in its intensity. When Dale set a single finger at the base of Gavin’s cock and stroked up the length to flick off the end, Gavin moaned. He would explode if this went on very long. And he had a feeling it was going to last far longer than he was comfortable with.

  Carefully avoiding any more contact with Gavin’s cock, Dale leaned over him and flicked his tongue over first one nipple and then the other. “I love the way these little buds jump to attention when I touch them.”

  Gavin arched his back, silently encouraging his Dom to continue.

  Dale chuckled. “Oh, sweet sub, you will never get me to relieve you that way. You have so much to learn.” He punctuated the last word with a sharp pinch to one nipple.

  Gavin gasped. “I’m sorry, Sir. I shouldn’t have bitten my lip. It won’t happen again.”

  Another chuckle. “Oh, I’m positive you’ll be sorry. I also know you’ll do it again. It’s in your nature.”

  Gavin shook his head, wanting to make himself clear. “No. I was just trying to chase away your melancholy. Honest. I swear I’m not disobedient.”

  “Hmmm. I bet if I gave you a list of infractions, things I didn’t want you to do, you would break nearly every one of them by the end of the week.”

  Gavin’s lips parted. Was he right? “No. I’m good. I promise.”

  “Oh, you’re better than good.” Dale leaned back, his fingers dancing up and down Gavin’s torso, goosebumps rising in their wake. He startled Gavin when he pinched both nipples at once, hard.

  Gavin gasped again, the slight pain welcome. When had he started liking pain? Last night when you let this amazing Dom spank your ass.

  “Judging from your reaction, I’m going to assume your nipples are a source of tremendous arousal.”

  “Mmm. Yes, Sir.” It was hard to catch his breath.

  A moment later, he was shocked to find Dale’s fingers pinching and holding his nipple firmly, pulling it from his chest. And then something cold clamped down on his skin.

  Gavin bucked, his entire body rebelling against whatever was now holding his nipple hostage. Before he managed to wrap his head around the clamp, Dale set his elbow on Gavin’s chest to hold him steady and repeated the same torture to the other nipple.

  Gavin tipped his head back, fighting the weird sensation.

  “Breathe, baby. They’re just rubber clamps. They feel strange the first time, but they won’t hurt you.”

  Gavin took quick shallow breaths, adjusting to the strange pinch.

  “Good boy.” Fingers danced around the offended nipples, circling them over and over. “So sexy. My cock is bursting. Every whimper you make drives me crazier. Every time you fight against the ropes, I have to squeeze my cock to keep from coming.”

  I’m pretty sure I could come right now without any contact.

  “And damn. You have no idea how much I wish I could get into your head and read your thoughts. I bet that last one would have earned you a swat to the balls.”

  Gavin froze. Surely Dale wouldn’t hit his scrotum.

  “Got your attention.” He reached between Gavin’s leg and wrapped his palm around the latest subject of discussion. “Don’t worry. I would never harm you. You know that, right?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Gavin’s voice was raspy. Deeper than usual.

  A popping noise made Gavin finch. Lube. It dribbled cold and wet onto his cock, running down toward the base. Enough of it continued to fall that it worked its way around his balls to his tight rear hole.

  One finger ran down the length of Gavin’s cock, circled the scrotum, and then teased the entrance to his ass. Over and over that finger stroked with not enough pressure and too much pressure at the same time. If a man could lose his mind from being teased mercilessly, it would happen tonight.

  Gavin groaned, praying for release. Praying for more contact. Praying for a spontaneous orgasm. He didn’t even care if he got into more trouble than he already had for coming. It would be worth it.

  But Dale stopped touching Gavin’s cock, leaving it wet with lube and so hard it hurt. He stroked between Gavin’s thighs, up and down, over and over, teasing, tempting, driving Gavin higher and higher. “How do you like this kind of play, little sub?”

  “I’m not fond of it, Sir,” he gritted out.

  “I bet not. Maybe don’t try to manipulate me in the future, huh?”

  “I promise, Sir.” At the moment, he would promise the moon.

  “I’d climb up your chest and let you suck me off, but I bet you would come from the act.”

  He was probably right.

  “Shall I slide my dick into your ass?”

  “If you want, Sir.”

  “Mmm.” As if he had all the time in the world, he continued to drive Gavin mad with that one finger, running it up a
nd down his cock, over his balls. He tapped the tight hole of his ass several times but didn’t penetrate, probably knowing any contact like that would push Gavin over the edge.

  “I’d love to wrap my mouth around your cock, baby. I bet it’s super tasty tonight. Like need and desire. You know your come tastes different when you’re so aroused you can’t think? The adrenaline gives a subtle change to the flavor.”

  Gavin’s head was spinning. Did any of that make sense? He moaned loudly when Dale leaned down and flicked his tongue through the slit. “Yeah. Delicious.”

  Dale tortured him in silence again for long minutes. It felt like hours. Finally, he leaned forward and whispered into Gavin’s ear. “If I slide into your sweet ass, will you be able to keep from coming?”

  “I don’t think so, Sir.” He groaned, wanting Dale inside him so badly he hated admitting that truth.

  “Good boy. Don’t ever lie to me in bed. I’ll know it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You probably deserve a reward for that, huh?”

  “If it pleases you, Sir.” It occurred to him that Dale was enduring the same torture. He needed relief as badly as Gavin.

  “I’m going to press into your ass anyway, take pity on you since I know you disobeyed me tonight for a good cause. I know you’re a good boy. You just wanted to shake me out of my depression.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I want you to hold back until I give you permission to come. Understood?”

  “I’ll try, Sir.”

  “That’s all I can ask. You need me to stretch you first? Or you want me to slam in without preparation?”

  Gavin nearly swallowed his tongue. “Please, Sir. Do it. Now.” There was enough lube running down his crack to ease the passage. Any pain would be a welcome reminder that Dale was his Dom. He would relish it.

  “I need to remove the clamps first. You’ll feel a sharp pain followed by an intense need to come. That’s when I’ll take you.” Dale released both clamps simultaneously, making Gavin call out at the intense sensation.

  Then Dale lined his dick up with Gavin’s rear and pushed into him so slowly it was hard to breathe. He hadn’t thrust hard and fast as he’d insinuated, but this method was almost worse. The slow burn made Gavin grit his teeth to keep from coming.

  When Dale was fully seated, Gavin stopped breathing altogether. No way could he keep from coming. The breath whooshed from his lungs a moment later when Dale flattened his body over Gavin, trapping his erection between their bellies.

  As he pulled partway out of Gavin’s ass and thrust back inside, his stomach rubbed too hard against Gavin’s cock. “Dale, I can’t. Please…Sir. Please. Let me come.” He was shocked to find tears welling up in his eyes. He didn’t want to disappoint his Dom.

  Dale’s fingers touched his cheek. “Oh, sweet sub, don’t worry. I would never push you further than you can handle. Come for me. Now.” He punctuated that last word with another rough thrust.

  Gavin’s balls drew up tight, and his cock stiffened fully. One second later, his orgasm burst free, a pulsing release that made stars swim behind Gavin’s blindfolded eyes.

  On the heels of Gavin’s amazing ejaculation, Dale stiffened, holding himself deep, his own orgasm forcing itself prematurely. Dale moaned around the release, his voice mingling with Gavin’s whimpers of relief.

  For a moment, Dale leaned forward, his forehead on the bed next to Gavin’s cheek. And then he lifted his body a few inches and pushed the blindfold off Gavin’s eyes. He searched his expression. “You okay?”

  “So much better than okay, Sir.”

  A smile grew. “Good. Let me get you cleaned up.” He lifted off Gavin and padded from the room. When he returned, he held a wet cloth which he gingerly used to clean Gavin’s semi-erect cock, his belly, and his ass. He tossed the washcloth aside and grinned down at Gavin. “If I release you from my bed, will you sneak out of the house in the night?”

  “No, Sir.”

  Dale lifted a brow in question.

  “I promise, Sir.”

  Dale leaned over and untied first one wrist and then the other, he eased Gavin’s arms slowly to his sides, rubbing the muscles with both hands. As he scooted down the bed to release Gavin’s legs, Gavin watched his lover move. So fluid. So confident. So damn sexy it brought a knot to Gavin’s throat. Could they make this thing work between them?

  It was a long road to the finish line, but Gavin sure hoped they made it because he was falling in love with the most perfect partner and Dom he’d ever meet in his life.

  If Dale could get over his fears, and if he would have Gavin as a mate, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad spending his days and nights with the first man to bring Gavin out of his shell and breathe light into his dormant soul.

  Dale leaned over the nightstand to blow out the candle, and then he stretched out beside Gavin and pulled the comforter over their bodies. He tossed a leg over both of Gavin’s and rested his arm across Gavin’s belly. “Don’t you dare move without permission, not even to go to the bathroom. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” It was weird still being in the role.

  “If you disobey me on this tonight, I will never trust you again.”

  Gavin reached for his Dom, cupping his face with one hand. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here. For as long as you’ll have me.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dale lay awake for a long time, hearing those last words over and over again in his head.

  For as long as you’ll have me.

  It hurt, knowing he was the one holding back. He was the one with so many fears they paralyzed him. Could he get over the past and live a normal life? He wanted to more than anything in the world. He also knew he would never find a better partner, not a shifter or a human. If he was dumb enough to let Gavin slip through his fingers, he deserved to live the rest of his life sad and lonely.

  Just one problem—how the hell was he going to make this work? Forget the irrational fear for Gavin’s safety. What about the fact that he’d never in his life felt such a strong urge to change a human being into his kind? Not even with Ethan.

  But this kid. Man. Gavin. They were meant to be together. He felt it in his bones. Except for that one little detail.

  A sorrow for what would never be consumed him, making his heart beat too fast when he was supposed to be sleeping. The sun would be up soon. He had no doubt someone from the council would show up to harass him again in the morning. He had a stack of paperwork sitting on the kitchen table that had arrived earlier by courier. A job offer. Not one he wanted to take, but still there in black and white all the same. George was persistent if nothing else.

  Was it possible the Arcadian Council really needed him for the job? They couldn’t get by without his particular help? Seriously? The world was filled with computer geeks. They just needed to find another one.

  With that last thought in mind, he finally relaxed enough to slide into unconsciousness. He knew Gavin would be right beside him when he woke up, and that alone soothed his soul.

  Rest. The one word filtered into his mind from someone else, but there was no one nearby to have communicated the suggestion. He’d imagined it. And he heeded it.

  It seemed like only moments later that he awoke to the feel of a hand wrapped around his cock. He smiled before he opened his eyes.

  “Mmm. I was wondering if you were planning to sleep all day or not.”

  Dale finally blinked the sleep from his eyes and turned his head toward Gavin. He was flat on his back with the sheet pushed down to his thighs. Gavin was leaning on one elbow, staring down at him. His fist was wrapped around Dale’s dick, thrusting slowly up and down without enough pressure.

  “You haven’t moved for hours.”

  “I slept hard. What time is it?” He wrapped his hand around Gavin’s and stroked with him, losing focus on anything else.

  “Almost eleven. It’s been raining for a while.”

  The sound of raindrops hitting th
e roof and windows filtered into Dale’s consciousness. “Mmm,” he repeated, engrossed in his rigid cock more than the weather report.

  He was way off his normal schedule. He never slept this late. Of course, he wouldn’t have gone to work today anyway with the rain, but he still would have gotten up, worked out, gone for a run. Something. Sleeping late wasn’t his gig.

  Gavin tugged his hand out from under Dale’s and nudged his fingers out of the way as he crawled down the bed. Before Dale had a chance to wrap his mind around Gavin’s attentions, the man was nestled between Dale’s legs with his mouth wrapped around the thick erection threatening to erupt. “Oh, God.”

  Gavin’s mouth felt so damn good. The kid gave head better than anyone for as infrequently as he’d done it in his life. He put so much of himself into it as if he were starving and it was the best meal he’d ever had.

  Dale reached around to thread his fingers in his sub’s hair, but Gavin grabbed his wrist and pinned it to the bed. Dale was so shocked by his blatant topping that he could do nothing but lift his head to stare down at the scene. His lover wrapped his free hand around the base of Dale’s erection, but he gripped that wrist tight, holding him down.

  He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or flip Gavin over and take control. But the blowjob felt so fucking amazing that he decided to let his sub play. It wasn’t as though Gavin didn’t like having his head held firmly against Dale’s cock. He’d never balked at the pressure before. And besides, he sucked Dale into his throat so deeply there was no leftover space for improvement. His manhandling had nothing to do with a resistance to take Dale as deep as possible. It was something else. Was he testing his Dom?

  Dale let his head fall back against the pillow and closed his eyes. He bucked his hips upward with each thrust into Gavin’s mouth. When his lover hollowed his cheeks and rose slowly toward the tip, Dale moaned. So damn good. He could get used to waking up like this.

  Dale couldn’t keep himself from reaching for Gavin with his free hand. He cupped his face, encouraging him without words.

  Gavin shocked him further by releasing the hold on the base of his cock and gripping that wrist to flatten it to his side also, imitating the other hand.


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