Hunted_Book 2 Brides of the Kindred

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Hunted_Book 2 Brides of the Kindred Page 17

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Th-thank you.” God, why couldn’t she speak without stuttering? But her heart was beating so hard it was difficult to talk at all—let alone coherently.

  Sylvan gave her a little half smile, then pressed his cheek directly to her mound and inhaled deeply. “Gods, your fragrance is so enticing.” His deep voice had dropped to a lustful growl that seemed to do strange things to Sophia’s insides. “It’s almost a shame to mask it. I could breathe you in all day.”

  “You could?” It seemed hard to believe he liked it so much, but the hungry look in his eyes let her know he was telling the truth. In fact, the aroma of her pussy seemed to act on him like catnip would on a cat.

  “Mm-hmm, I could.” Turning his face, he rubbed his other cheek against the soft, light brown curls that decorated her mound and then used his lips the same way.

  It was all incredibly stimulating but she was beginning to wonder if he would ever get around to marking her actual pussy. The need in her was growing stronger. And even though she tried to tell herself he was only doing this out of necessity and she shouldn’t get too excited, she couldn’t help clutching the bedspread every time he touched her.

  Sylvan seemed to sense her impatience because he looked up at her and murmured, “Your outer lips first.”

  “O-okay.” Sophie nodded.

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “I’ll need to lick you again. A lot.”

  “That…that’s okay.” She nodded again, trying to appear unconcerned even though her heart was thundering in her ears.

  “Slowly,” Sylvan said and she wasn’t sure if he was talking to her or himself. But the next minute the question was driven out of her head by his first long, slow lick.

  He started on the right side of her pussy, only caressing her outer lips with his tongue, obviously taking his time. First he flattened his tongue and lapped upward, and then he sucked her briefly into his mouth before repeating the slow, upward lick. It was like he was eating a dripping ice cream cone, trying to lap it all up before it melted completely—which was exactly what Sophie felt was happening to her. She was melting into a puddle under his slow, patient tongue, losing herself in the pleasure and anticipation he was creating.

  By the time he got around to the left side of her pussy, her breathing was fast and short. She could feel his hot breath on her clit, which was swollen and peeping out from between her outer lips. But Sylvan was careful to avoid touching it, concentrating exclusively on the outside of her pussy, just as he had promised. Which is fine, she told herself sternly, trying to control her breathing. After all, it’s not like I want him to lick me there—inside. It’s probably going to be incredibly embarrassing, anyway. So why would I want it?

  But she did want it—she couldn’t help herself. Watching Sylvan between her legs, making love to her with his mouth so reverently had done something to her—made her want things she’d never even dreamed of before. And the desire had a momentum of its own—once started, it kept growing until it seemed impossible to turn off.

  Sylvan seemed to be enjoying himself as much as she was, making low noises of desire in his throat as he lapped and sucked. Every now and then he looked up and met her eyes as he took another slow, seductive lick. Sophie almost couldn’t look at him—at the lust in those pale blue eyes that was wholly directed at her. And yet she couldn’t look away, either. Both of them were caught up in the act they were playing out together, she realized. They might be doing it out of necessity but there was no use denying the pleasure it gave her to receive his soft, intimate kisses or the pleasure he took in giving them.

  At last, after what seemed like an eternity, he looked up at her again with half-lidded eyes. “It’s time, Talana,” he murmured, his deep voice hoarse. “I need to mark the inside of your pussy. Are you ready to let me spread you open?”

  “I…I guess so.” Sophie wished her voice wouldn’t tremble so much. But it was beyond her control—the anticipation he had built in her like a slow fire felt like it was about to explode and burn her to ashes.

  He arched an eyebrow. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes.” Sophie nodded, feeling her cheeks grow hot. “I mean, yes, please. I…I don’t know what I’d do if you stopped now.” She didn’t know where she got the boldness to say such a thing—it just somehow came out.

  Her timid display of eagerness seemed to please Sylvan because he made a soft, growling sound of approval. “I don’t either. Of course, I need to mark you thoroughly—but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to taste your sweet inner pussy, Sophia.”

  Then slowly, deliberately, he placed his thumbs on her outer lips and spread her wide.

  Sophie moaned softly when she felt the cool air caress her heated inner folds. Once again she had the sensation of melting like an ice cream cone and…Oh no! She looked down to where Sylvan was holding her open so gently and felt her stomach clench. She really was dripping like an ice cream cone. The inside of her pussy was so wet she was literally leaking.

  “Oh my God!” She struggled to get up, to shut her legs, but Sylvan held her in place gently but firmly.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at her anxiously. “Did I open you too soon?”

  “No, I…” Sophie shook her head, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t realize I was getting so…so…”

  “So wet?” The lust in his deep voice surprised her. She stopped trying to close her legs and looked at him uncertainly.

  “Yes. I mean, I’ve never…I told you no one has ever done this to me so I didn’t know I’d…I’d make such a mess. I mean, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He looked up at her with that maddening little half-smile of his. “You’re a numala. That’s all.”

  “A…a what?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t think there’s a word for it in your language. But it my native tongue it translates as ‘liquid pussy.’ A female who gets so wet it’s like dipping your face in a tropical ocean when you taste her.”

  “And that’s a bad thing, right?” Sophie asked anxiously. “I mean to be a nu…a nu-whatever you call it.”

  “A numala and actually it’s considered a very good thing,” he murmured. “Such females are highly prized. Any male that has one as a mate is envied.”

  “But…but why?” Sophie asked in a whisper. “I mean, it’s so…so embarrassing.”

  “It’s beautiful,” he corrected her gently. “Just look at yourself, Sophia.”

  “I am looking.”

  “Look harder—see yourself as I see you. Your soft little pussy is so full and swollen…your folds are such a deep, gorgeous pink.” He looked up at her slowly. “And you’re so wet. So generous with your cunt honey, my beautiful numala,” he murmured.

  “I…I…” Sophie wasn’t sure what to say. She only knew she couldn’t look away from him, that his eyes were holding hers captive as surely as his thumbs were holding her pussy open, spread wide for his pleasure.

  “May I taste you?” he asked, his voice deep with need. “Not just to mark you, Talana. I want to bring you pleasure. To taste your nectar from the source.”

  Sophie felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest. “You…you really want to?” she whispered, almost inaudibly.

  “You have no idea how much I want to,” he said softly. “Let me prove to you how beautiful you are. And how delicious.” Ducking his head, he placed the tip of his tongue at the bottom of her slit. Then, his eyes never leaving hers, he flattened his tongue and lapped upward long and slow, capturing as much of her honey as he could.

  Sophie’s hips bucked upward as his heated tongue finally made contact with her clit and she moaned involuntarily at the hot sight. God, he wasn’t kidding—he really does like it. She could scarcely believe it but the way Sylvan immediately went back for more let her know it was true.

  She didn’t know how long it went on for but it seemed like ages and ages. Even now that he had gotten to the “main event,” Sylvan seem
ed content to take his time, tasting her slowly, teasing her exquisitely until the muscles of her thighs and belly were twitching with tension and her breath was coming in short, excited pants.

  “Sylvan,” she moaned at last. “Sylvan please, you…you’re making me insane. I don’t think I can stand much more.”

  “You’ll have to.” He looked up at her, his eyes filled with need. “I still have to spread my scent inside you, at the source.”

  “The…the source?”

  He nodded. “I need to put my tongue inside your pussy, Sophia. Your scent is strongest there, I have to mask it with my own.”

  “I…all right.” She didn’t know how much more she could bear—it seemed he’d had her teetering right on the edge for hours and she was so close…so close…

  “It’s all right, Talana.” Sylvan’s voice was low and comforting. Leaning forward he placed a tender, open-mouthed kiss on her throbbing clit. “Just let me spread my scent inside you and I swear I’ll end this torture.”

  Sophie moaned at the gentle touch on her sensitive button. “Please just hurry. I’m going crazy. I need…I need…” But she couldn’t say what she needed.

  Sylvan said it for her. “You need to come, Sophia,” he murmured, looking her in the eyes. “And I swear I’m going give you that soon—going to make you come, hard and long. But for right now I need you to be patient.”

  Before Sophie could say anything he slid both hands under her buttocks and lifted her up, like a thirsty man might lift a bowl of cool water. “Put your legs over my shoulders,” he commanded, looking up at her again. “That will help to open you up. I need to get as deep in your pussy as I can.”

  Clenching her hands in the covers, Sophie did as she was told. She felt tilted at an awkward angle and yet, the expression on Sylvan’s face was almost worth it. He looked so intent, so full of desire for her…And then he pressed his mouth to her entrance and plunged his tongue deep in her pussy.

  Though she’d know what he was going to do, it was still an unexpected sensation. The heat of his tongue filling her, and thrusting even deeper while his lips pressed against her clit, make her gasp and writhe under him. Her toes curled and her hands, which had been buried in the covers, somehow crept up to his head. His spiky dark blond hair whispered against her palms. She didn’t quite dare to run her fingers through it, though she needed to grab onto something as he continued to tonguefuck her long and deep and hard.

  “It’s all right.” Sylvan looked up, his mouth shiny with her juices and his eyes blazing with need. “It’s all right, Talana. Hold on to me if you need to.”

  “You don’t mind?” Her fingers slid through the dark blond strands, as soft as silk. “Really?”

  “Really.” His voice was almost a growl. “I want you to. Want to feel your soft little hands on me while I eat your cunt.”

  “God!” Her fingers tightened in his hair and her back arched. “Please, Sylvan, more…”

  “I’ll give you more but I’m afraid I’ll have to use my fingers.”

  “If…if you need to, but why?”

  “You’re deep.” His eyes flashed with lust. “Can’t reach the end of your channel with just my tongue.” Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he sucked two of his fingers into his mouth, making them wet. He pressed them lightly against her entrance and then stopped. “Sophia,” he asked, his voice rough. “May I have permission to enter you?”

  “But…you already have,” she whispered breathlessly. “I mean…with your tongue.”

  “It’s not the same.” He shook his head. “Blood Kindred ask our females permission before we enter them with fingers or cock. I would never penetrate you without your consent.”

  His words brought up a memory—or tried to anyway. But Sophia pushed it down. Don’t want to think about that now. Just want to let go.

  “Yes,” she said softly but clearly, looking into his eyes. “Yes, Sylvan. Please…please enter me. I want you to.”

  A low groan of pure lust broke from his lips. “Gods, Talana, you don’t know what it does to me to hear you say that.”

  He slipped two long, thick fingers into his mouth and sucked them. Then, his eyes never leaving hers, he slid his thick digits deep into her pussy, pressing until he found the end of her channel. Sophie moaned as he thrust into her over and over, his fingers slick with her juices. But just as she thought she was going to explode, he did something else.

  Rotating his hand so it was palm up, he pulled back his fingers until they were only halfway buried inside her. Then he pressed upwards with his fingertips, making a sort of “come on” gestures.

  “Oh!” Sophie gasped and jerked in his one-handed grasp. “Oh my God—what was that?”

  “You like it?” He raised an eyebrow at her, smiling.

  “Y-yes. It’s so…” But she didn’t know what it was—only that it felt amazing.

  “The females of my kind have a special bundle of nerves here—I think your people call it a G spot?” He pressed up again, making her moan. “When stroked just the right way, I’m told the pleasure can be intense.”

  “It…It’s pretty intense all right. Ah!” she gasped when he did it again…and again…and again. It was a deeper pleasure than when he’d licked her clit but somehow akin to it. Sophia felt like she was on fire from the waist down and if someone didn’t put her out soon she was going to die. “Sylvan!” she begged, tugging his hair. “Please, if you don’t let me…let me come soon…I just…I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “I want you to come.” His pale blue eyes blazed like burning ice. “Want you to come all over my face, Talana and let me taste your juices on my tongue.”

  Pressing his mouth to her pussy once more, he sucked her clit between his lips and began to flick the tiny nubbin relentlessly. At the same time he made the motion with his fingers again, deeper and harder this time.

  Sophie had never felt anything like it before—the convergence of delicious sensations overwhelmed her and suddenly it was too much. Simply too, too, too much.

  Her orgasm hit like a bolt of lightning and her back arched so violently it was all Sylvan could do to stay with her. Not that he could have gotten away at that point—she had both legs hooked over his broad shoulders and her fingers clenched tight in his hair, urging him on.

  “Sylvan! Oh God, Sylvan please…please.” Dimly she heard herself and wondered if this could really be happening. Was that really her—timid little Sophie—sobbing his name, begging for more, writhing against him and riding his tongue shamelessly? She felt like she’d fallen into an alternate universe somehow. But it really was her—she was doing all those things and more, acting completely wild and uninhibited.

  Sylvan, for his part, seemed as completely caught up in her orgasm as she was. With a low, hungry growl, he hooked his muscular arms around her thighs, spreading her even wider, holding her open as he lapped and sucked. He pressed his tongue deep into her pussy and teased her clit until she felt like she might die of the intense pleasure. Her heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was trying to break out of her chest and she couldn’t catch her breath. But she didn’t care—she was flying, finally breaking free and losing herself in a way she’d never dreamed was possible.

  She never wanted it to end.

  * * * * *

  Sylvan’s cock felt like a bar of hot lead in his flight pants and his fangs ached incessantly, begging to be let out. But none of that mattered—not now. Not when she was clenching her small hands in his hair and calling his name—his name—as she came over and over. Goddess above but she tasted amazing—sweet and salty and utterly perfect. And the amount of cunt honey she made was so sexy. It coated his lips and mouth and entire lower jaw. His cheeks were wet with it and still he could taste fresh wetness every time he pressed his tongue deep in her overflowing well.

  So deep, so hot and wet…she would be able to take me. To take all of me inside her. My cock would fit perfectly. He knew it was just a fantasy but the image of S
ophia straddling him and lowering herself onto his erect shaft wouldn’t leave his mind. Beast Kindred made hormones that allowed their mates to accommodate their unusually large and thick shafts, but Blood Kindred did not. Sylvan had even heard of some Earth brides having difficulty accepting their Kindred husband’s cocks deep in their pussies. But he could tell from tasting and touching her that Sophie would have no such problem. It would be a tight fit—deliciously tight—but he would be able to sink to the hilt inside her.

  It’s never going to happen so just forget about it. Enjoy what you have been granted for now, a reproving little voice in his head whispered. Yes, that was good advice. Especially since Sophia seemed to be winding down a little bit.

  Her wild bucking and moaning had slowed and her grip in his hair had loosened a little. Sylvan flattened his tongue and lapped gently upward, testing her sensitivity. As he brushed over her clit she trembled and pulled away just a little. Obviously she’d had enough for now. But Gods, how he hated to stop. When would he ever have such an opportunity again? Never, whispered that same little voice. Once you get back to the ship this will all be a distant memory, never to be repeated.

  “Sylvan,” she whispered. The warmth in her tone helped him push the depressing thoughts aside and drew his eyes up to hers.

  “Sophia? Are you all right?”

  “Mmm, more than all right.” She was smiling—a sunny expression of pure contentment he’d never seen on her face before. It turned her from beautiful to utterly radiant.

  Sylvan felt his heart lurch in his chest. How could he ever give her up? And yet he would have to. Even if it wasn’t for his vow, Sophia didn’t want him—not really. After all, what would happen right now if he allowed his fangs to come out, as they were aching to do? She would be frightened of me all over again and I’d lose every bit of her trust I’ve worked so hard to gain. He knew it was true but he couldn’t be upset with her about it. Not when she looked like such a goddess. A well satisfied goddess, which gave Sylvan his own warm feeling of satisfaction.


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