
Home > Romance > TherianPrey > Page 11
TherianPrey Page 11

by Cyndi Friberg

  “How often do Therian soldiers fight in human wars? Have you ever enlisted?”

  “Enlisted?” Quinn chuckled. “None of us have ever enlisted. We’ve negotiated with various governments, securing a wide range of compensations in exchange for our services.”

  “Various governments? Wide range of compensations?” She sank into the water, suddenly feeling vulnerable. Therians were predators. In fact, they were apex predators, top of their food chain. Had she expected them to negotiate peace treaties or compose poetry? “You’re mercenaries.”

  “A pirate with a Letter of Marque becomes a privateer. Mercenaries under contract for an extended period of time become a special forces unit.”

  “Are we still taking about Jake and his men, or are we talking about you?”

  He approached the hot tub, resting his hands against the damp rim. “I work alone.”

  “And who’s your current employer?”

  “Kyle.” He smiled and glanced off into the distance. “Is that helping your muscles?”

  “It would help more if you rubbed my shoulders.”

  His gaze whipped back to hers and held. “I’ll rub anything you like as soon as I get you home. I’m not taking chances with your safety.”

  “I’m pretty sure the only way someone could take a shot at me now is if they flew over in a helicopter. Are you sure you can’t convince your cat to ignore the water?”

  “I can control my cat, but that wouldn’t take care of the audience. I don’t perform on command, and no one else is going to see you naked.”

  As if to validate his concern, a man leapt the rail at the far end of the deck and came striding toward them. Dressed in a black leather vest and jeans, his long black hair ruffling in the wind, the stranger looked even more dangerous than Quinn. With both arms sleeved with tattoos and a two-day beard he’d blend right in at any biker bar or heavy metal concert.

  Quinn didn’t react to Mr. Scruffy’s intrusion, so Carissa tried to relax.

  “Is this what all the fuss is about?”

  Sweeping his hand toward her, Quinn introduced, “Carissa Seymour, one half of the Seymour twins.”

  “The smart half, apparently,” the newcomer grumbled then looked at her for the first time. His eyes weren’t brown as she’d first thought. They were a dark yet vibrant green. “Your sister can’t figure out friend from foe.”

  “She has no reason to trust any of you.” She sat up a little straighter, not at all sure she liked this man.

  “Jake’s just pissed because he’s been bested by a girl.” Quinn slapped him on the back and smiled.

  “Two of my men have been bested. I haven’t joined the hunt. Yet.”

  “I think it’s better if Kyle finds her.”

  Jake threw back his head and laughed.

  Even Quinn found her comment amusing. “Don’t worry, hellion. He’s one of the good guys.”

  Quinn might have earned the distinction, but she wasn’t at all sure about Jake. “Did you need something, or did you just hop up here to see what all the fuss was about?”

  Jake looked at Quinn, amusement shimmering in his eyes. “Is she always this prickly?”

  “I don’t think she likes you.”

  Completely unconcerned with her displeasure, Jake settled his forest-green gaze on her face. He studied her for a long, silent moment, making her feel like a butterfly helplessly pinned and on display. “I’m glad to see you’ve got spirit. You’re going to need it.” Without explaining his comment, he turned to Quinn and went on. “Fitzroy’s team is going to relieve us in about half an hour. Do you want them here or up at your place?”

  “Isn’t there anyone else? I don’t want to put Landon in that position.”

  “It’s gonna happen sooner or later. It’s been brewing for years.”

  “I suppose.” Quinn crossed his arms over his chest, looking none too pleased with the conclusion. “You know his team better than I do. Can I trust them?”

  “I have no reason to doubt them, other than the fact that they’re wolves. I’ve fought with Landon at my back more than once. If he trusts his team, that’s good enough for me.”

  Quinn nodded, but his eyes remained narrowed, his expression tense. “Then tell Landon to head out to my place. We should be along shortly. And Jake, thanks for responding to Kyle’s call. I know your people are spread thin as it is.”

  “I might not acknowledge my clan alpha, but Kyle’s my Prime.” Jake offered Carissa an unexpected smile then he moved closer to Quinn and continued in a low, rumbling tone. “You haven’t even marked her. What the hell’s wrong with you? This isn’t a game. We’re all so damn restless we can hardly think and we’re ready to tear into each other just to taste blood. Someone is going to claim her, probably tonight. If it’s going to be you, get on with it!”

  “It’s none of your business. You’re here to—”

  “She seems partial to you, so I’ll give you tonight. But this is your only warning. Solidify the bond. Get her hormones under control or the next time you see me I won’t be so agreeable.” Then he took off across the deck and hurtled the rail with preternatural agility.

  She was pretty sure Jake hadn’t meant for her to hear what he’d just said. If Quinn’s thunderous expression was any indication, she’d be wise to change the subject. “What does Jake shift into? I’ve never seen a biker move like that.”

  Quinn ambled toward her, dark gaze shuttered. The tension around his lips was the only hint to his inward conflict. Jake had wound him up but good. He slipped off his jacket and placed it over the back of a patio chair. What was he doing?

  “Jake manifests as a tiger, just like Osric.”

  A chill dropped down her spine. Osric was the shadowy figure who haunted her childhood. He was the name her mother had whispered when she was especially afraid. Knowing he was real, and imbued with Therian abilities, knotted Carissa’s stomach and made her feel helpless.

  Without explanation, Quinn pulled off his boots and his t-shirt then unzipped his jeans.

  Understanding jolted Carissa and she scooted to the far corner of the hot tub. “You’re…coming in?”

  “Jake’s right. Patience makes me look weak and that’s not safe for anyone right now.” He dropped his jeans and climbed into the spa without another word.

  He’d moved so fast, her dazed mind barely had time to comprehend the sleek symmetry of his muscular body. She looked around in sudden panic, but she’d literally backed herself into a corner. The latticework privacy panels didn’t appear that sturdy, but there was no way she could break through one before he reached her. And she’d doubtlessly shred her hands and feet in the process.

  As if to prove that escape was futile, his fingers closed around her arms and he pulled her up off the bench. Then one of his arms banded her waist and his other hand tangled in her damp hair. Half afraid of what she’d find, she looked into his eyes. Specks of light glimmered in a field of black, like golden stars twinkling in the darkest night. She opened her mouth, meaning to challenge his sudden strategy change, but he bent and captured her words with his parted lips.

  Always before, his kisses had started out gentle, almost hesitant, as if he were afraid he would hurt her. No such caution tempered his kiss this time. His lips commanded and his arms clasped her half-naked body with obvious intent. She remained stiff and unresponsive for several seconds, but his breath stirred her senses and his rich, spicy taste drew her deeper into the madness of Therian hunger.

  He tugged her t-shirt up and her breasts flattened against his chest. The contact sent darts of sensation deep into her belly and she gasped into his mouth. Of their own volition, her arms circled his neck and she returned his kiss with equal ferocity. Each time they touched, the heat seemed to flare even hotter than it had been the time before. If they kept playing with fire, sooner or later they’d be devoured by the flames.

  His fingers released her hair and he slid his hand down, over the bunched material and along the indentation
of her spine. Both his hands cupped her ass, drawing her up until her feet left the bottom of the spa. She wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to him, matching each stroke and swirl of his tongue with one of hers.

  Sinking to the bench, he steadied her as she moved into a more comfortable position. She folded her legs to either side of his hips, allowing them to slide slowly outward until her sex pressed against the distinct ridge of his erection.

  Automatically, she started to rock, rubbing herself against him. Her panties still separated their bodies, but it didn’t seem to matter. Heat and a sensual current flowed into her body with each long stroke.

  Their mouths separated as they both gasped for air. Quinn tore off her t-shirt and threw it to the deck. Then he bent to her breasts, his hands supporting her back as she moved faster and pressed harder, building the tension and accenting the heat. Water splashed his face, but he seemed oblivious as his mouth latched on to one side and then the other.

  A sudden movement drew Carissa’s attention to the sliding glass door in time to see Ian turn and walk away. Her hips halted and her hands grasped Quinn’s shoulders. What were they doing? It was the middle of the day and they weren’t really alone.

  “What’s wrong?” He looked up, his mouth hovering over one puckered nipple.

  “Ian was watching us.”

  “That’s the point, hellion.” He nipped her just hard enough to make her gasp. “They all need to understand that you’ve been claimed.”

  Suddenly she felt other eyes upon her, hot with lust and aggression. She looked around and saw nothing to support the sensation, but she couldn’t rid her mind of the feeling.

  “I don’t want to do this. Not like this.” She tried to climb off his lap, but he spun around and pressed her back into the corner of the spa. Shoving against his chest was pointless. He was solidly wedged between her legs.

  “I will never hurt you.” He whispered the words against her trembling lips. “Can’t you trust me by now?”

  She searched his eyes, confused by his actions yet soothed by his words. Every time she’d been unsure, he’d pulled back, controlling his own need through sheer force of will. But it couldn’t go on forever. One of these times his control was going to snap, despite his good intentions.

  He kissed her gently as his hand pushed back into her hair. Then he pulled her head to the side and his mouth fastened onto her neck. His lips moved against her skin for a moment then his tongue painted warm, wet patterns within the circle of his lips. Tingles danced down her arms and across her chest as his mouth began to pull. Pressure built beneath his mouth as if he were sucking all the blood in her body toward that one spot.

  “It hurts!” She tried to push him away, but his fingers only tightened in her hair.

  Suddenly he released her flesh and sensations shot down her spine and lodged between her legs. She yelped in surprise and pleasure as the intensity rippled out in tingling waves. It hadn’t been an orgasm, exactly, but so damn close it made her crave the real thing.

  He raised his head and their gazes fused. His blazed with Therian light. She shrank away, knowing he was struggling for control of his cat. “Trust me.” He mouthed the words as his fingers slipped free of her hair.

  If he were in control, why didn’t he let her go?

  He guided her arms to the rim of the tub then draped her legs over his thighs. His legs were bent, knees resting against the bench without actually climbing up onto it. Even in the churning water, she could see his massive erection.

  Torn between excitement and dread, she glanced beyond him and caught the telltale gleam of Therian eyes scattered among the trees. His fingers brushed against her crotch and she gasped, shivering despite the warm water bubbling all around her.

  He eased her panties aside and slowly pushed two fingers into her cream-slick passage. His eyelids drooped and he growled low in his throat.

  She closed her eyes and let the pleasure wash over her ragged nerves. His thumb found her clit, sending heat spiraling through her abdomen. Then he pulled her closer, his fingers pushing deeper into her core.

  “Make it look good,” he urged, his voice barely a whisper. “I’ve got no leverage unless I move my hand.”

  Understanding flowed through her like warm honey. She drew her hips back and his fingers slid nearly out. Then she pushed forward and he rewarded her with his thumb. She opened her eyes and pressed her lips together to keep from crying out. No, she shouldn’t hold back. The others needed to know she had a protector, that she’d been “claimed”. The word sent a thrill through her body and she moved a little faster, savoring the slide of his fingers and the careful brush of his thumb.

  His gaze flared suddenly and his arm wrapped around her hips, driving his fingers deep as he turned around. She folded her legs as she’d done before and settled across his lap, his hand still situated between her thighs.

  “Ride me, hellion. I want to feel you come.”

  She moved her knees closer to his hips, so she could slide up and down. He guided one of her hands between them and pressed her fingers around his thick shaft, his need more than obvious.

  Desire blasted through her as she matched the demanding movements of her hips with her firmly clasped hand. His fingers felt good deep inside her, but his cock would feel so much better! “Should I just—”

  “No.” His free hand wrapped around the back of her neck and brought her mouth toward his. “I will not share our first time with anyone.”

  She wasn’t sure this was much different, but the sentiment was sweet. Their mouths pressed, tongues boldly sliding, as she tuned out the rest of the world. His fingers filled her, thumb skillfully propelling her toward the looming peak. She squeezed his fingers with her inner muscles as she imagined the thickness of his shaft deep inside.

  With a sharp cry, she came, body trembling, mind lost to everything but the pulsing pleasure. He kept the spasms going with his thumb, but gradually she realized he was still hard within the circle of her fingers.

  “You didn’t—”

  “Doesn’t matter. Let’s get the hell out of here.” He eased her back and drew his hand out of the water, his smile full of secrets. “Guess Ian was right. He will need to drain this thing before anyone else uses it.”

  A particularly cold wind gusted across her torso. She shivered then crossed her arms over her breasts. “Damn, that wind is cold.”

  “No, you’re just unbelievably hot.”

  Before she could respond to the compliment, he set her on her feet and climbed out of the tub. His movements were slower now, and her hungry gaze drank in every bulge and ripple of his magnificent body.

  With the help of the chilly wind, he managed to look semi-hard as if he’d just spilled his seed inside her. Guilt panged within her as she realized how badly his body must ache. This was the third time he’d brought her to climax without a similar release. She couldn’t let him do it again. Either they made love or he had to stop touching her.

  He dried off with one of the beach towels and quickly pulled on his jeans. Then he turned back to Carissa. “Come on. It won’t get any easier.”

  She looked at the trees, but Jake’s men—or was that Jake and his men?—were nowhere in sight. Everyone present had already seen her breasts and the wind was turning her blue.

  She climbed out of the tub and Quinn wrapped one of the towels around her, then hurried her toward the sliding glass door. He went back for the rest of the clothes as she slid the door open and retreated into the waiting warmth.

  By the time he joined her inside the house, her teeth were chattering. “Hot tubbing is almost not worth it when you have to go through that to get out.”

  Piling his clothes to one side of the door, he grabbed a blanket off the couch and ambled back to her. “Get those wet panties off and I’ll warm you up.”

  She didn’t hesitate. He held the blanket up behind her, creating a mini changing room. Tossing the beach towel aside, she wiggled out of her panties then kicke
d them onto the towel. She wrapped her arms around him and moaned at the pleasure. His body was warm and solid against her chilled skin. Heat sank into her muscles and a violent shiver shook her shoulders. She snuggled closer and he closed his arms around her, cocooning her between the blanket and his chest.

  “You were out there too,” she murmured. “How do you stay so warm?”

  “Cats are naturally hot-blooded, or Therians can control energy. Take your pick.”

  She heard muffled footsteps behind her and the sudden tension in Quinn’s body told her it was Ian.

  “I gathered her stuff while you were outside. Everything is by the door.”

  Quinn’s chuckle sounded forced. “Damn. You are in a hurry to get rid of us.”

  “As soon as you’re gone, I’m going to close up the house and join the others at the sanctuary. We’re being pulled in too many directions right now. I’m going to make sure Erin is safe while Kyle is hunting Ava.”

  She didn’t like to think of Ava as being hunted, but that’s what they were doing. Kyle’s men and the wolves were stalking the same prey, trying to beat each other to the takedown. She turned within the circle of Quinn’s arms and looked at Ian.

  “Thanks for all your help.”

  “Not a problem.” He didn’t quite meet her gaze, seemed uncomfortable with her now. He’d just seen her having sex with another man. That was bound to be a bit awkward.

  So why did she feel more secure than ever before?

  “Please tell Erin I’m sorry I lost my temper with her.”

  “She knows what you’re going through. There’s no need to apologize.”

  “Will you anyway?”

  He finally met her gaze, a smile curving his lips. “As milady commands.”

  “Then we’ll get out of your hair.” Quinn scooped her up, blanket and all. “We’ve obviously overstayed our welcome.”

  * * * * *

  Gage leaned his elbow against the tabletop and stroked his chin. Team Leader might have sidelined him for the time being, but that didn’t mean he was ready to forfeit the game. It wasn’t in Gage’s nature to give up on anything.


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