[Crush 01.0] Crush

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[Crush 01.0] Crush Page 11

by Lacey Weatherford

  “Well, music has been Cami’s life since she was little. We used to joke that she came out of the womb singing. Has she told you she wants to go away to college? She’s hoping to be accepted into the music theater program at the University of Arizona in Tucson.”

  “She has, and I think that would be an amazing experience for her. Plus, Tucson is wonderful. That’s where I’m from. I’m planning on moving back there after high school.”

  I had to try not to laugh as I watched my dad’s plan fail. He was subtly trying to tell Hunter to back off because I was going to college. He looked less than thrilled to find we’d be living in the same town.

  “Won’t that be fun?” Mom exclaimed, not getting Dad’s ‘stay-away-from-my-daughter’ memo apparently. “If things work out for you two, you can still keep dating.” She smiled—her bubbly, incurable romantic self coming straight to the surface.

  Dad pasted a fake smile of joy on his face with a slight eye roll before he chased it down with a swallow of water. I was betting he wished he had some liquor in that glass right now.

  “Honestly, I’d like nothing better than that,” Hunter replied, sending a glance in my direction. “I like Cami a lot.”

  I wanted to kiss him so badly. I didn’t care that my parents were sitting right there. They needed to get used to the idea. I flipped open my notebook to where I’d put his sticky note from weeks ago. I took my red pen and checked the ‘yes’ box before leaning over to put it on his binder. “You win,” I said instead. “I like you.”

  Hunter grinned widely and grasped my hand, squeezing it, and we all pretended to miss the groan from my dad.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I was mesmerized. To be totally honest, listening to her sing made me excited to watch the movie—something I hadn’t been sure about before. I couldn’t stop staring as she wrapped me up in the sound of her voice and the story she was telling. She was completely in character, and I totally believed she was a young girl pining at the grave of her father.

  She isn’t good—she’s gifted. I was pretty sure it wasn’t just me who thought so, either. A passing glance around the theater showed everyone watching intently, some even had tears in their eyes—it was incredible. I stood up and clapped when the performance was over, not caring if it was the right thing to do. She was awesome and getting a standing ovation from me. Thankfully, a few other people did too, so I didn’t look like a complete idiot.

  Her gorgeous blush stole across her face, and she gave a quick bow before returning to stand with the rest of the choir for their remaining numbers. I settled back into my chair and watched her every move for the rest of the concert. She was a star in the making; someone who came alive on stage and it was as if I was seeing her for the first time. Suddenly I felt inadequate to be around her.

  Who are you to try and lay claim to this girl? I thought. To sweep in and turn her life upside down—what gives you that right? My conscience nagged.

  She had dreams and goals, things that didn’t include me. I’d taken one look and barged right in, without giving a second thought about what was going on with her prior to my arrival. I’d allowed myself to be totally ruled by my attraction for her.

  Was it wrong for me to want her so badly? Really? She was almost eighteen, in exactly three weeks to be precise. I actually had the day marked on my calendar because it meant one guilt trip I could finally be free of. I hated all the secrecy I was involved in. I wanted to be open and honest with her, to tell her who I really was. I wanted her to fall for me—the real me, not some fake imposed person she thought she knew. When things were all said and done, I hoped she felt there was enough truth in our relationship to keep seeing me.

  I sighed, sinking farther down into my chair. I’d certainly made a mess of things. But there was nothing I could do now, except try and make the best of the situation and hopefully ride it out to the finish.

  I glanced around at the people in attendance. There were enough to fill the auditorium about halfway. I’d chosen my customary seat in the back of the crowd, so I could carefully observe everyone, but I’d been too caught up in Cami to notice anything.

  They were starting the last number when I noticed Clay sitting across the room. It was obvious he was staring at Cami. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, not liking him here. Cami still hadn’t spoken to him. He’d quit calling, but he continued texting, begging her to talk to him. She wanted to handle it her way, so I stepped back, not offering any more advice. She knew my opinion on the matter.

  He turned suddenly, looking straight at me. I didn’t look away as he stared me down. I could plainly see he was angry, and I knew he was trying to intimidate me. He had no idea who he was dealing with if he thought he could make me cower. I was totally down for winning a juvenile contest against this hotheaded. We were both legal adults, let him show me how ‘man’ he thought he was.

  Neither of us looked away until the applause after the final number. The choir and instructor bowed, and the students began making their way into the audience to greet friends and family.

  I waited while Cami paused to hug her parents, and I saw Clay making his way in their direction. She didn’t see him though and turned to hurry up the steps to where I was sitting. Clay stopped, glaring at me before walking away.

  I stood and she threw her arms around me, a giant grin plastered on her face. “Well? What did you think?”

  “You were amazing!” I said hugging her back.

  “Really? You liked it?”

  I leaned away so I could look at her. “Like doesn’t begin to encompass what I felt. People told me you were good, but I really had no idea. You were phenomenal. I felt like I should be standing there with a sign that said “that’s my girlfriend,” or something.”

  She laughed and slapped my shoulder. “Now you’re just messing with me.”

  I chuckled and pulled her closer. “I’m not. It was fantastic. I could totally see you doing this for a living someday.”

  She blushed and ran her finger in a lazy circle over my leather jacket. “Really?” Her eyes moistened up.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, concerned.

  “Yeah. It means a lot to hear you say something like that, though. I know this isn’t really your thing.”

  I nuzzled my face into her hair. “Cami . . . you’re my thing. Period.”

  We sat in the farthest corner booth in Francesca’s, where the lighting was softer and we could look out the giant window and watch the traffic go by. I was thoroughly enjoying observing her as she sipped her thick shake from the straw, then licked her lips with tiny repetitive darts of her tongue. It was driving me crazy . . . in a good way.

  “Your dad doesn’t like me,” I stated out of the blue.

  She sighed, shaking her head. “I think you’re right. You haven’t given him a reason to chase you off yet, though.”

  “Oh, I’ve given him plenty of reasons, he just hasn’t witnessed any of them. I’m pretty sure some of the places I’ve put my hands on you were not on his list of acceptable locations.”

  She snorted. “There’s no list of approved locations when it comes to where you can touch me. Hand holding is crossing the line in his opinion.”

  “Then I’m definitely screwed.” I grinned and winked, taking a drink of my shake.

  “I like it when you touch me.”

  I choked a little. “Me too,” I finally managed, looking over her gorgeous body.

  She bit her lip shyly as if she were waiting for me to do something.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Why are you sitting way over there?”

  I chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “Would you like me to sit on your lap? I don’t think we can get much closer than we are.”

  She bumped her shoulder into mine. “No. You’re just . . . all to yourself.” She gave a frustrated sigh. “You know what I mean.”

  “Are you saying you’d like me to put my arm around you?” I did it as I spoke, hugging h

  “Yes, that’s much better.” She snuggle her head against my shoulder. “I like cuddling with you. It feels nice.”

  “Can’t argue with you there.” I placed a quick kiss near her hairline.

  “Hey, bro, wassup?” Russ said, sliding into the booth, catching me by surprise. “Hi, Cami.” He gave her a little wave.

  “Hi, Russ. How are you?”

  I loved her leaning against me—comfortable enough to stay where she was.

  “I’m good. I was driving by and saw your buddy, Clay, on the corner by Hunter’s Camaro, so I figured you all must be meeting here.”

  Cami stiffened in my arms. “Clay’s here?”

  I looked through the window and sure enough, there he was, leaning against my car.

  “Be right back, okay?” Cami said, sliding from my grasp.

  “Cami . . . ,” I warned, feeling insecure about her leaving.

  “It’s okay, Hunter. I need to talk to him. He’s not going to drop this until I do.”

  I didn’t want to let her go. “Stay where I can see you—in case you need me.” I had to try and play things cool. I couldn’t come off as an obsessive boyfriend.

  “I will.” She gave me an apologetic look and headed out the door.

  “Everything all right?” Russ asked, looking concerned.

  I shrugged, attempting to play off my worried attitude. “They’re still having some issues.”

  “Were they dating or something?” Russ seemed confused. “Why’s he freaking out so bad?”

  “No, they weren’t, but apparently he wanted to be. Cami, thinks of him like a brother.”

  “Hmm. Interesting and a little weird if you ask me,” he added.

  “My thoughts exactly,” I replied, my eyes never leaving the two in the parking lot.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Hey, Clay,” I said as I walked up to Hunter’s Camaro. I leaned against it, next to him. “What’s going on?”

  His eyes were downcast, arms folded, and he looked miserable and lonely despite the fresh, new style he was still sporting.

  “I miss you, Cami,” he finally mumbled. “A lot.”

  I sighed heavily. “I miss you too. Honestly, I do, but I’m not dealing well with the weirdness between us right now.”

  “So it’s my fault then.” He kicked a small rock, sending it shooting across the parking lot.

  “Well, kind of, yeah.” I didn’t know how to make him understand. “I mean, I love the transformation you’ve done to yourself, but I loved you before. It was always fine with me because you were Clay—my best friend who’s always been there since I was a little kid. Do I think you look hot and amazing now? Sure! But just because you’ve conformed to a new style, it isn’t going to change the way I feel about you. I feel the same way I always did. I want my best friend back.”

  He lifted his head, glancing at the window where Hunter and Russ were both watching us with avid interest.

  “This is our place. Why did you start bringing him here? Do you know how much it kills me to come by and see you in there laughing with him?”

  “I’ve had other boyfriends in the past. That never stopped you from walking in and sitting down next to me before. Me being on a date with someone else doesn’t make our best friend relationship null and void. You’re always welcome to come join us.”

  “Boyfriend?” he questioned, and I didn’t miss the hint of alarm in his eyes. “Is that an official thing or just random terminology you’re using?”

  I folded my arms and looked at him pointedly. “Yes, he’s my boyfriend.”

  He chewed on his bottom lip and glanced away. “So, I guess that means you’ve been making out with him.”

  “That’s none of your business.” I couldn’t believe he went there.

  “It is my business,” he replied angrily. “We talked about this—about the kind of guy he is and what he’s really after. He only wants you for your perfect rockin’ body—like half the other guys in this school who sit in the locker room and talk about all the things they’d like to do to you.”

  I was shocked. “What’re you talking about?”

  “You think he’s the first?” he spat out. “He’s not. Before he died, I sat and listened to Jordan Henley tell a bunch of other guys how he was going get you. They didn’t know I was in there. He even made a bet with some of them about how fast he could do it too. Thankfully, fate intervened before he could get his hands on you. This guy is no different. He’s only after one thing.”

  “And you feel you need to protect me?” I was trying to follow his thought process while still reeling from the information he was giving me.

  “I’ll always protect you, Cami. No matter what.”

  “Really?” I asked, staring him down.

  He nodded.

  “Then tell me, what is it you want to do with me, Clay?”

  He looked at me funny, blinking a few times in confusion. “Wha . . . what do you mean?”

  “I mean, what is going on in your head? You claim to have made all these changes for me, so I would notice you, correct?”

  He swallowed hard, watching me closely.

  “I think you’re just as guilty as Jordan. You want to do the same things with me that he did, don’t you? You’re jealous, and you thought he’d get to me first. Now you’re thinking the same thing about Hunter. You don’t want me with anybody else because you want me. Admit it.”

  He was silent for several seconds before he lifted his hand to gently stroke my cheek. “You belong to me, Cami. You’ve always been mine, even if you don’t know it yet. I’m waiting for you to wake up and see I’m the one who’s always been there for you. Other guys have come and gone. Hunter will too, you’ll see, and when he’s finished with you, I’ll still be the one standing here wanting you, because I love you.”

  I was dumbfounded, unable to reply.

  He moved closer. “Choose me, Cami. Please.” He slipped his hand behind my neck and pressed his lips to mine.

  I flattened my hands against his chest—shoving him away roughly—but he struggled to keep hold of me. “Stop it, Clay! Quit doing this! Do you hear me?”

  The door to the restaurant banged open, and Hunter ran across the parking lot, followed by Russ. He grabbed Clay by the shirt and slammed him up against the car, hard.

  I couldn’t help it—I screamed.

  “So help me if you ever touch her like that again, I’ll have your sorry ass thrown in jail for harassment—after I’m done beating the crap out of you.”

  “Careful, man,” Russ warned, placing a restraining hand on Hunter. “Someone will call the cops if you fight him here.”

  Clay grinned. “I’ll touch her whenever and however I want. You won’t be able to do a thing about it. She doesn’t belong to you.”

  A dark flush crossed Hunter’s face, and he looked dangerous. “No one will ever touch her without her permission—not you, not me, not anyone—and you best remember that. I don’t know what kind of sick game you think you’re playing here, but trust me when I say you don’t want to mess with me. I’ll make you pay in ways you’ve never thought of.”

  Clay laughed and glanced at me. “Are you hearing this, Cami? Your boyfriend is threatening me. What kind of guy are you dating?”

  “Just go home, okay? Let’s all go and stop this before things get any worse,” I said, my voice hoarse from strain.

  Hunter released Clay and stepped back, but stayed in between us, holding a protective stance. Clay straightened and looked down, smoothing his shirt.

  “Take it easy on the clothes, Hunter. This thing cost a pretty penny.” He looked at me. “Remember what I said, Cami. I’ll be right here waiting as soon as you’re ready.” He smiled appreciatively.

  I sighed and left. “Stay away from me, Clay,” I called over my shoulder, and I suddenly started crying. I stormed into the restaurant and headed straight for the restroom, not stopping until I was leaning over the sink. Sobs racke
d my body as I tried to process everything that had just happened.

  The door squeaked open and strong, muscular arms wrapped around me. I turned into them, burying my head against his chest.

  “Let it out,” Hunter said, running his hand gently over my hair as he placed a soft kiss on the top of my head.

  “You’re in the girl’s bathroom,” I moaned. It was such a stupid thing to say.

  “I needed to make sure you’re okay, which you obviously aren’t.” He swayed gently, and the rocking was soothing somehow.

  “What happened to him? That’s not my friend I’ve known my whole life. Was it something I did? Am I responsible somehow?” I clutched his jacket like it was a lifeline.

  “No. This is nothing you did, Goody. Come on. Let’s go somewhere we can talk about this. I need to know what he said to you.”

  “I don’t want to tell you. It’ll make you angry.” My lips were brushing against his chest as I spoke, and I wondered if he could understand my muffled voice.

  “I’m already angry, so it won’t matter.” He continued his soft stroking.

  “I don’t want to face him again.”

  “You won’t have to. Russ is making sure he’s leaving. Besides, I think he accomplished what he came here to do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I think he’s deliberately trying to stir the pot. You need to tell me what he said, so we can sort things out and make a game plan for dealing with him in the future.”

  I couldn’t help the wry laugh that escaped against his chest. “You mean there will be more?”

  “I think we can count on it, yes. I’m sorry, Cami.”

  Releasing him, I rubbed my hands over my face before turning to the mirror. I groaned at the black mascara, which ran down my cheeks in streaks.

  “I look like a monster from a horror movie,” I complained. I turned the water on and splashed some on me.

  “You look beautiful, like always, just a little upset is all.” Hunter got some paper towels and handed them to me so I could dry off.

  A waitress stepped into the restroom. “Sir, this is the ladies room. I’m going to have to ask you to leave, please.”


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